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When it comes to decide whether or not to support keeping animals in Zoos, it’s important to be as

objective as possible and to keep away from emotional and irrational driven arguments. Why? In
this short essay, I’ll try to demonstrate that it’s not about being in favor or against zoos, it’s about
thinking the best way of taking care of animals.

On the one hand, there are certain species of animals that are disappearing because of hunters. In
that cases, Zoos are proven to be a way of protecting them from man’s hand. In that cases zoos are
an opportunity for them to be safe. But not only in that cases a Zoo can be a perfect space for
animals: Although animals in Zoos are not as free as in nature, its proven that many endangered
species have increased their living chances when they are in Zoos, as in there are protected and well

On the other hand, it’s an everyday picture to see animals been exploited, being taken from their
natural environment, not for protecting them, but for using them as a way of entertainment for kids
and parents.

On balance, I know that there are some controversies attaining this subject, but they disappear
when we dig in a bit more. The best way to face with a question regarding zoos, is to read about that
particular case: what is his purpose? What kind of animals does it keep? Answering these and other
questions will approach us to a more rational answer.

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