We All Live in A Fast

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We all live in a fast-changing world.

If we take a newspaper, we’ll find technological

discoveries every single day. As the world is changing, it’s demanding new skills to be adapted to it.
In this resume, I will try to show how, in my own experience, the old skills that project management
used to demand, are totally different nowadays, and why I had to switch from a traditional project
management mindset, to a new framework called “agile”, that requires a different kind of mindset.

In past times, companies used to train a manager with a result-driven mindset. That means
that the most important value you needed to achieve was to meet time, scope and budget ‘s target,
regardless anything else. In that kind of mindset, you look at your changing costumer’s needs as a
big problem, because a change in needs often means not to meet your targets. At present, as
everything is constantly evolving, the odds for a change on costumer’s need during a project are
really high. Then, you need to look at them as an opportunity to improve the product. In an agile
mindset, your target is the product value and your costumer’s happiness, more than time, scope and
budget. It’s more like a client-center driven than a result-driven mindset.

Moreover, in the past, projects used to have reactive teams, meaning they needed a boss
who tells him how to do everything with a deadline, and this way of management often caused team
demotivation, frustration and a very low-paced environment. Current project teams in an agile
culture are self-managing, meaning they don’t have a traditional manager. Instead of it, the role of
product owner takes place: He has the vision on what to do, not how. Even more, deadline doesn’t
exist anymore, is the team who set times and only for the next 3 or four weeks. It’s proven that this
motivate teams, and that happiness create a fast-paced environment, speeding up projects and
visible results.

I used to be a traditional project manager. But future is demanding new skills. Now I’m a
product owner. Now I know that Nothing is constant but change. 

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