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Experiment # 01

To calculate “basic time” and “standard time” for a given activity (Pin Hole Assembly) and find rating of
the worker.

Problem statement:
To utilize the workforce effectively and perform the tasks in a best possible manner is very difficult to manage
especially when there is very large work force in an organization. To standardize the time of different activities,
time and motion study of workers at their workplace is performed.

A time and motion study (or time-motion study) is a business efficiency technique combining the Time Study work
of Frederick Winslow Taylor with the Motion Study work of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. Time and Motion study
plays very important role in to manufacturing domain to enhance production quality and utilize maximum resource
capacity in minimum time. Now a days T&M also used in to offices, Hospitals, Departmental stores and service
industry to ensure maximum utilization of resources in the lowest possible timeline with customization of the Best
Management cycle by T&M Analyst.

Time Study:
Time study is a structured process of directly observing and measuring human work using a timing device to
establish the time required for completion of the work by a qualified worker when working at a defined level of

Motion Study:
Science of eliminating wastefulness resulting from ill-directed and inefficient motions”. The main aim of
motion study is to find the scheme of least wastage of labor. Subsequently, the scope of Motion Study was
enlarged, and it was named as Method Study.

Observed time:
The time it takes an operator to perform a task when being observed for time study purposes. Observed times
do not take into account contingencies like machine breakdowns or the operator's ability and are simply the
time taken by the particular operator being observed to complete the task.

Normal time or basic time:

The average time taken by the worker to perform a given task is called Normal time or basic time. It also does
not include any allowances.

Allowances in time study can be defined as the extra time figures which are to be added to the basic time of an
operation to account for personnel desires, delays, fatigue of operators, any special situation and the policies of
the firm or organization. Standard time of a job is obtained by adding various allowances to the basic or normal
time of the job.

Standard time:
Standard time is the time allowed to an operator to carry out the specified task under specified condition and
defined level of performance. Some additional time is added to basic time to arrive standard time of a task. In
practice none can work throughout the day without taking rest. Operators need time for relaxation from fatigue.
Various allowances are relaxation allowance, contingency allowance (like machine breakdown) and bundle

Performance rating is the step in the work measurement in which the analyst observes the worker's
performance and records a value representing that performance relative to the analyst's concept of standard

= ×

 Stop watch

 Pin hole assembly


Data collection:

Method Regd. No. Observed Rating Normal time Standard time (NT + Allowance)
time (sec) (Avg. of (sec)
OT) (sec)
Using both
hands while
Method Regd. No. Observed Rating Normal time Standard time (NT + Allowance)
time (sec) (Avg. of (sec)
OT) (sec)

Using single
hands while

Comments and conclusion:

Experiment # 02
To calculate “basic time” and “standard time” for an assembly activity: Honda CG125 Oil Pump.

Problem statement:
To utilize the workforce effectively and perform the tasks in a best possible manner, it is very difficult to manage
especially when there is very large workforce in an organization. To standardize the time of different activities,
time and motion study of workers at their workplace is performed.

A time and motion study (or time-motion study) is a business efficiency technique combining the Time Study work
of Frederick Winslow Taylor with the Motion Study work of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. Time and Motion study
plays very important role in to manufacturing domain to enhance production quality and utilize maximum resource
capacity in minimum time. Now a days T&M also used in to offices, Hospitals, Departmental stores and service
industry to ensure maximum utilization of resources in the lowest possible timeline with customization of the Best
Management cycle by T&M Analyst.

Time Study:
Time study is a direct and continuous observation of a task, using a timekeeping device. Time study is
important as: ______________________________________________________________________

Motion Study:
“Science of eliminating wastefulness resulting from ill-directed and inefficient motions”. The main aim of
motion study is to find the scheme of least wastage of labor. Subsequently, the scope of Motion Study was
enlarged, and it was named as Method Study. Motion study is performed to:

Observed time:
The time it takes an operator to perform a task when being observed for time study purposes. Observed times
do not take into account contingencies like machine breakdowns or the operator's ability and is simply the time
taken by the particular operator being observed to complete the task.

Performance rating is the step in the work measurement in which the analyst observes the worker's
performance and records a value representing that performance relative to the analyst's concept of standard

Normal time or basic time:

The average time taken by the worker to perform a given task, when rating is considered, is called Normal
time or basic time. It also does not include any allowances.
= ×

Allowances in time study can be defined as the extra time figures which are to be added to the basic time
of an operation to account for personnel desires, delays, fatigue of operators, any special situation and the
policies of the firm or organization. Standard time of a job is obtained by adding various allowances to the
basic or normal time of the job.

Standard time:
Standard time is the time allowed to an operator to carry out the specified task under specified condition
and defined level of performance. Some additional time is added to basic time to arrive standard time of a
task. In practice none can work throughout the day without taking rest. Operators need time for relaxation
from fatigue. Various allowances are relaxation allowance, contingency allowance (like machine
breakdown) and bundle allowance.

 Stop watch
 Oil Pump
 Screw driver
Assembly Parts:
Fig. 1 shows the parts of oil pump to be assemble. The parts are enlisted below:

1. Rotor
2. Nut
3. Washer
4. Gasket
5. Cap
6. Screw
The assembly sequence is same as listed above. Nut will be placed in rotor and washer will be fit above the nut.
Then after placing gasket between cap and rotor, screws will be tightened.

Figure 1: Assembly Parts


Data collection:
Method Regd. No. Observed Rating Normal time Standard time (NT +
time (sec) (sec) Allowance) (sec)

Using both
hands while

Method Regd. No. Observed Rating Normal time Standard time (NT +
time (sec) (sec) Allowance) (sec)

Using both
hands while
Comments and conclusion:
Experiment # 03

Measurement of sound level by using sound-level-meter at various workplaces with recommendations for

Problem statement:
Acoustic conditions are very important for any workplace. High noise level and poor acoustic conditions
lower the productivity of worker. The digital sound level meter is commonly used in noise
pollution studies for the quantification of different kinds of noise, especially for industrial, environmental
and aircraft noise. In this lab, sound pressure level is measured by using the digital sound level meter.

In physics, sound is a vibration that typically propagates as an audible wave of pressure, through a transmission
medium such as a gas, liquid or solid. It is measured in decibels (dB). Some standards for different workplaces are
as follows:

Figure 1: Typical Sound Levels

Sound level meter:

A sound level meter is used for acoustic measurements. It is commonly a hand-held instrument with a microphone.
The diaphragm of the microphone responds to changes in air pressure caused by sound waves.

The sensation of a frequency is commonly referred to as the pitch of a sound. A high pitch sound corresponds to a
high frequency sound wave and a low pitch sound corresponds to a low frequency sound wave.
In acoustics, loudness is the subjective perception of sound pressure. More formally, it is defined as, "That
attribute of auditory sensation in terms of which sounds can be ordered on a scale extending from quiet to loud."

 Sound level meter


Data collection:
Sr. No. Location Standard Measured Difference Recommendations
Value (dB) Value (dB) (dB)
1 Class Room
2 Computer Lab
3 Library
4 Corridor

Comments and conclusion:

Experiment # 04

To determine the illuminance of different places by using Lux Meter and comparing it with standard value

Problem statement:

Poor lightening conditions can harm eyesight. To provide optimum light for efficient working, light
intensity must be measured first. This lab is about the introduction, methodology, and procedures of
Photometer and data collection through the Photometer. The significance of Photometer in human factors
engineering is also explained.

In photometry, illuminance is the total luminous flux incident on a surface, per unit area. It is a measure of how
much the incident light illuminates the surface, wavelength-weighted by the luminosity function to correlate with
human brightness perception. Similarly, luminous emittance is the luminous flux per unit area emitted from a
surface. Luminous emittance is also known as luminous exitance. In SI derived lbs. these are measured in lux (lx)
or lumens per square meter (cd·sr·m−2). In the CGS system, the unit of illuminance is the phot, which is equal to
10000 lux. The foot-candle is a non-metric unit of illuminance that is used in photography.

Light meter:
A light meter is a device used to measure the amount of light. In photography, a light meter is often used to
determine the proper exposure for a photograph. Typically, a light meter will include either digital or analog
electronic circuit, which allows the photographer to determine which shutter speed and f-number should be
selected for an optimum exposure, given a certain lighting situation and film speed.

 Photometer/Lux meter


Data collection:
Sr. No. Location Standard Measured Difference Recommendations
Value (Lux) Value (Lux) (Lux)
1 Class Room
2 Computer Lab
3 Library
4 Corridor
5 Adm Office
6 Lathe Machine

Comments and conclusion:

Experiment # 05

To determine the vibration levels in different working condition using vibration analyzer.

Problem statement:

Vibration hazards are common hazards in the workplace and can cause multiple effects on body such as
increasing heart rate, oxygen intake level, and respiratory rate if the whole body is subjected to vibration.
In order to ensure that workplace is efficient and safe vibration levels are first measured in different
working conditions. This lab explains the introduction, methodology and procedures for vibration data
collection using semi-automatic vibration analyzer. Moreover, the significance of vibration’s effect in
human factor engineering has also been explained in this lab.

Vibration is defined as the oscillation of a body about a reference position and can be described,
like noise, in terms of amplitude, frequency and phase. Of most interest in ergonomics are the effects of
vibration on health, task performance and communication. The measurement mode of vibration can be in
acceleration or velocity or displacement in time domain. Moreover, one can also get the frequency
response of the vibration. The unit of vibration is the root mean square (rms), peak to peak or peak
acceleration/ velocity/displacement of the oscillation. Vibration dose values are time-weighted averages of
vibration magnitude. Vibration is mostly measured using accelerometers placed in the workplace or on
seats where exposure measurement is required. Accelerometers are placed such that vibration can be
measured in three translational axes (backwards and forwards, up and down, and side to side) and three
rotational axes (pitch, yaw and roll). Vibration in the vertical plane is usually weighted most highly when
the outputs of the different accelerometers are combined

Vibration Analyzer:
Vibration meter or analyzer is an electronic device which can process vibration signals. If we will
take it again in very simple way, imagine that your vibration meter / analyzer is a voltmeter. The sensor is
generating Voltage signal while it is shaking on the machine. This voltage signal is transferred through the
cable to your vibration device. But your vibration device will not show you volts. It is smarter that
voltmeter. Vibration device can process the voltage signal and display vibration values such as acceleration
and velocity.

 Vibration Analyzer
 Accelerometer with magnetic head


Data collection:
Following data is to be collected while the machines/ equipment is in running position, e.g. level of vibrations is
measured on lathe, drilling and milling machines while cutting operations are being performed.

Sr. No. Workplace Measuring Position (specific Measured Value (m/s or

points where measurements HZ or m/s2)
have been done e.g. handle of Vertical Horizontal
carriage of Lathe machine etc.).
1 Lathe Machine
2 Drilling Machine

3 Milling Machine

4 Motor Bike

Comparison and Recommendations:

Comparison of different level of vibrations should be based on literature or books. You must provide the
reference of these articles or books or standards etc at the end of this lab. Recommendations should be made how
these effects of these vibrations can been reduce on worker’s health.

Comments and Conclusion:

Experiment # 06

To draw flow process chart and man machine chart for a given activity (Facing & Turning of a shaft on Lathe
Machine, turn & face up to 1mm)

Problem Statement:
It is important to draw charts of different operations because it helps us to understand the impact, realign the
processes, effect of people involved in the processes, to standardize the process, to improve the quality of the
process and to increase the productivity by mapping it at initiative. We can easily judge the overall sequence, time
and reliability of the worker at the defined level. In this experiment we draw the flow process chart and Man –
Machine chart of the worker which is doing the work on the Lathe Machine.

• Lathe Machine
• Stop Watch
• Flow process Charts Man – Machine Chart

Work Study:
It is the systematic investigation of human activities necessary to perform a task economically (with the less human
effort and highest efficiency).

Work study can be categories into two different ways:

1. Method Study
2. Work Measurement

Method Study:
It is the systematic recording of critical examination of existing, proposed way of doing work as a mean of
developing and applies more easiest and efficient method while reducing the cost.

Work Measurement:
It is the time study technique design to establish a time for a qualified work to carry out their specified jobs at the
defined level of its performance.

Procedure of Method Study:

The procedures of Method Study are:

1. Selecting a Job
2. Record relevant facts and Data by direct observation
3. Analyze the method
4. Develop the improved method
5. Define a new method
6. Install it
7. Maintain

Method study symbols for recording the facts:

The five basic method study symbols include:

1. O – Operation
2. □ – Inspection
3. – Transportation
4. D – Delay
5. – Storage

Record Relevant Facts and Data:

There are three ways to calculate the data and facts:

• Process Charts
• Activity Charts
• Movement Charts

Charts Description Uses Limitations

Process chart indicate the sequence of
These Charts are different events but does not indicate
It is used where the detail about the movements.
related with process
Process Chart inspection and
and operation
operations occur only.
performed directly.

It is used to improve
i. Operation It is giving an overall Shop/Plant Layout and
picture by recording in It does not give an idea about storage,
Process Chart help in specifying the
sequence the main Delay and Transportation
(Outline Chart) operation & inspection basic manufacturing
It examines the Flow process chart is
ii. Flow Process process in detail by useful for designing,
The Set of graphic elements is very
Charts (process recording all events analyzing and
Map) with appropriate documentations
It does not give detail about how
It can be used to
It indicates the activity objects behave or how object
Activity Charts illustrate delays and
of the process collaborate

i. Man – Machine It is used to study, It did not explain the work station
analyze and improve They are extremely
Chart activity and sequence of the
(Multiple one work station at a useful for mass
time production.
activity Chart)
In these Charts micro They are useful for Due to recording of motion at micro
ii. Left Hand –
motions are recorded assembly line to level, we need digital cameras for
Right Hand
of the physical minimize unnecessary recording.
observations. Motion
It indicates the In these charts, only frequency is
To analysis Material
movement of man and visible, arrangement is not
Movement Charts Handling and Plan
materials from one visible
Department locations
place to other
It consists of a square
It is used
i. From – to with in it there are
when movement Sequence of the process is not
Charts (Travel small scales. Each
pattern is more explained in these types of Charts.
Charts) square is used to
record a specific trip.
It is a model on which It proves to be useful
a string is used to trace in testing relative
and measure the path values of different Within the work stations, which
ii. String Diagram of worker, Materials layouts. Also useful process is carried out and time
during a specific for complex required to completion of process
sequence of event. movement and plant
It indicates the layout
of the facility, flow of Within the work station activities
It is used to managing
iii. Flow Diagram the work through area, which are carried out are not
the process
Worker path and total representing.

• Calculate the Time of worker for doing specified operations on the Lathe Machine by using stop watch.
• First Draw the Flow Process Chart and take symbols to each operation.
• Draw Man – Machine Chart and determine the man and machine idle and working time.
• Calculate the total time of the worker and machine in idle and working both the cases.

• During time measurement, you should be very careful.
• Worker should be wear in Lab coat.
• Give appropriate symbols to the specified operations.
• You should have understanding about the flow process and man – machine chart.

Observations & Calculations:

Flow Process Chart

Sr. No. Activity Symbols Time Recorded

1. Machine (ON)
Work piece
2. O
3. Tool Setting O
4. Delay time D
5. Facing O
6. Turning (Setting) O
7. Turning O
8. Unclamping O
9. Machine OFF

Man – Machine Chart

Man Machine

Sr. No. Activity Time Status Sr. No. Activity Time Status
Machine Machine
1. Working 1. Idle
(ON) (ON)
Work piece Work piece
2. Working 2. Idle
Clamping Clamping
Tool Tool
3. Working 3. Idle
Setting Setting
4. Delay time Working 4. Delay time Idle
5. Facing Working 5. Facing Working
Turning Turning
6. Working 6. Idle
(Setting) (Setting)
7. Turning Working 7. Turning Working
8. Unclamping Working 8. Unclamping Idle
Machine Machine
9. Working 9. Idle
Man Idle Time = Machine idle Time =
Man Working Time = Machine working time =

In the flow process Chart, the worker is doing operation, inspection and delay. The time for transport and storage is
zero. In the Man – Machine Chart, the machine is completely manual operated. So, the worker is continuously busy
to perform the operations. It is not idle which create fatigue for the worker.

We should use those Machines in which there is an idle time for the worker for their better comfort. In industry, the
productivity is somehow depending upon the Man power. Continuously working cause fatigue and mental disorder.
So, to increase productivity we should design such systems in which man is idle for some time and used automatic
machines and equipment. This all information is obtained from the process, activity and movement charts.

Also, Machine should place in proper orientation and place of work should be environment friendly for the worker.
Noise should also be minimum. Work place should be clean and free from any oil, water and dust.
Method study is designed for the analysis and improvement of repetitive manual work, but it can be used for all
types of activity at all levels of an organization.
The record Stage of method study involves gathering sufficient data in terms of both quality and quantity to act
as the basis of evaluation and examination. A wide Range of Techniques is available for recording. Many of
Techniques are simple Charts and diagrams but these may be boasting up by photographic and video recording
and by computer-based techniques.
Sometimes, when there is a hard problem, method study also helps us to analyze the construction and analysis
of models.

Experiment# 07

To understand the use of ‘String Diagram’ and ‘Travel Charts’ for layout optimization.

Problem Statement:
Extra resources and additional operational time result in huge cost to the industries. These factors lessen the profit
and make company less productive which ultimately cause the company to be out of market competition. To
optimize the operations and level the resources, string diagram and travel charts are widely used in industries.

Travel Chart:
A travel chart is a tabular record for representing the quantitative data regarding the movement of workers,
materials or equipment between different stations during a given period of time. Though string diagram is a very
effective technique of recording for critical examination of the movement of man and material but string diagrams
take very long time to construct.

Moreover, when the complexity of movements increases. It becomes difficult to interpret any information. So,
when the pattern of movements is complex, the travel chart is better technique for recording the movements.

Travel chart consist of a square, which itself consists of a number of squares. Now, each small sequence represents
a work station. A diagonal line is drawn from top left to bottom right. Say, a workplace or a workshop consists of
10 workstations and the movement of the worker is to be noted down, then the travel chart will be like this (as
shown in Fig. 1).

Figure1: Sample Travel Chart

A big square in drawn and it is divided into 10×10 small squares. Each square represents a work station. Now, the
movement of the worker from any station to other stations in shown in the travel chart. Movement of worker form
station 1 to station 3 is shown in chart.
Similarly, movement of worker from station 1 to station 7 is also shown. Two tick marks are done so as to indicate
that two times, the worker has moved from station 1 to station 7. All the movements and journeys are recorded in
the same way.

Critical examination of the above drawn travel chart shows that worker travels 5 times from stations 2 to station 6
Another busy route is from station 2 to station 4 as worker travels 3 times from station 2 to station 4. Thus 4-2- 6 is
most busy route. So, it will be better to locate these stations next to each other. In this way, a new work layout can
be produced, which will be economic in amount of distance travelled.

String Diagram:
String diagram is one of the useful and simplest techniques of method study. It can be defined as a scale
model on which a thread is used to trace the path or movements of man and materials during a specified
sequence of events.

It can also be stated that string diagram in a special form of flow diagram. As a thread is used to measure
distance, it is necessary that the string diagram should be drawn up to scale. The same is not necessary in
case of flow diagram. A typical string diagram is drawn in Fig. 2

Figure 2: Sample Travel Chart

1. Study and record the complete information about the movement of various resources.
2. Draw a scale layout of the shop area and mark various features such as machinery, work benches, stores
3. Mark and insert panel pins at all workstations between which the journeys are made. More pegs/pins may
be stretched in between the facilities to trace the actual path followed by men and materials.
4. A continuous colored un-stretchable string, taken from the first to last warned to trace the path followed by
operators or materials. Use strings/ threads of different colors if the movement of more subjects is being
shown so that their movements are easily recognized and distinguished.
5. Remove the string to measure their lengths which approximately gives distances traveled by a worker or a
machine or the material.
Like the flow diagram. It is also used to supplement a flow-process chart. Generally, the work study man proceeds
to follow the worker in whom he is interested or whose movements he wants to record. If area of the working is
small, work study man can simply sit on a place and can notice the various movements of worker from there.

This recording of movements continues till the work study man thinks is that he has recorded all the movements.
Totally misleading rewets are produced with insufficient data.

Examination of the diagram and development of new layout is done in same manner as we have earlier explained
in case of flow diagrams. This can be done by moving the thread around the pins in the various positions. Length
of thread left is subtracted from the original length of thread. Procedure is repeated till the maximum length of left
thread in obtained.


Experiment # 08

To obtain anthropometric measurement of a sample population and perform statistical analysis of the data.

Problem statement:
People come in all shapes and sizes, so you need to take these physical characteristics into account whenever you
design anything that someone will use, from something as simple as a pencil to something as complex as a car.

Anthropometry is the branch of ergonomics that deals with body shape and size. While taking anthropometric
measurements, the following steps should be considered:

1. Decide who you are designing for:

Anthropometry tables give measurements of different body parts for men and women, and split into different
nationalities, and age groups, from babies to the elderly. So first, you need to know exactly who you are
designing for. The group of people you are designing for is called the user population.

If you were designing an office chair, you would need to consider dimensions for adults of working age and
not those for children or the elderly. If you were designing a product for the home, such as a kettle, your user
group would include everyone except young children (hopefully!).

2. Decide which body measurements are relevant:

You need to know which parts of the body are relevant to your design. For example, if you were designing a
mobile phone, you would need to consider the width and length of the hand, the size of the fingers, as well as
grip diameter. You wouldn't be too interested in the height or weight of the user (although the weight of the
phone might be important!)

3. Decide whether you are designing for the 'average' or extremes:

Nobody is 'average' in all body dimensions. Someone might be say, of average height but have a longer than
average hand length. This is also called design for maximum or minimum. The variation in the size and shape
of people also tells us that if you design to suit yourself, it will only be suitable for people who are the same
size and shape as you, and you might 'design out' everyone else!

To design for relevant users, percentiles are used in ergonomics instead to percentages.

a. Percentile:
Percentiles are shown in anthropometry tables and they tell you whether the measurement given in the
tables relates to the 'average' person, or someone who is above or below average in a certain
dimension. It is the value below which a given %age of observations, in a group of observations, falls.

If you look at the heights of a group of adults, you'll probably notice that most of them look about the
same height. A few may be noticeably taller, and a few may be noticeably shorter. This 'same height'
will be near the average (called the 'mean' in statistics) and is shown in anthropometry tables as
the fiftieth percentile, often written as '50th %ile'. This means that it is the most likely height in a group
of people. If we plotted a graph of the heights (or most other dimensions) of our group of people, it
would look like this:
First, notice that the graph is symmetrical – so that 50% of people are of average height or taller, and
50% are of average height or smaller. The graph tails off to either end, because fewer people are
extremely tall or very short. To the left of the average, there is a point known as the 5th percentile,
because 5% of the people (or 1 person in 20) is shorter than this height. The same distance to the right
is a point known as the 95th percentile, where only 1 person in 20 is taller than this height.

So, we also need to know whether we are designing for all potential users or just the ones of above or
below average dimensions. Now, this depends on exactly what it is that we are designing.

For example, if we were designing a doorway using the height, shoulder width, hip width etc., of an
average person, then half the people using the doorway would be taller than the average, and half
would be wider. Since the tallest people are not necessarily the widest, more than half the users would
have to bend down or turn sideways to get through the doorway. Therefore, in this case we would need
to design using dimensions of the widest and tallest people to ensure that everyone could walk through

Deciding whether to use the 5th, 50th or 95th percentile value depends on what you are designing
and who you are designing it for.

Usually, you will find that if you pick the right percentile, 95% of people will be able to use your
design. For instance, if you were choosing a door height, you would choose the dimension of people's
height (often called 'stature' in anthropometry tables) and pick the 95th percentile value – in other
words, you would design for the taller people. You wouldn't need to worry about the average height
people, or the 5th percentile ones – they would be able to fit through the door anyway.

At the other end of the scale, if you were designing an airplane cockpit, and needed to make sure
everyone could reach a control, you would choose 5th percentile arm length – because the people with
the short arms are the ones who are most challenging to design for. If they could reach the control,
everyone else (with longer arms) would be able to.

Here are some examples of other situations - your design project will normally fit into one of these

What is it that you are Design examples. Examples of Users that your design
aiming for with your measurements to should accommodate.
design? consider.
Easy reach Vehicle dashboards, Arm length, Smallest user: 5th
Shelving Shoulder height percentile
Adequate clearance to Manholes, Shoulder or hip width, Largest user: 95th
avoid unwanted contact Cinema seats Thigh length percentile
or trapping
A good match between Seats, Knee-floor height, Maximum range: 5th to
the user and the Cycle helmets,
Head circumference, 95th percentile
product Pushchairs Weight
A comfortable and safe Lawnmowers, Elbow height, Maximum range: 5th to
posture Monitor positions,
Sitting eye height, 95th percentile
Worksurface heights Elbow height (sitting or
Easy operation Screw bottle tops, Grip strength, Smallest or weakest
Door handles, Hand width, user: 5th percentile
Light switches Height
To ensure that an item Machine guarding Finger width Smallest user: 5th
can't be reached or mesh, Arm length percentile
operated Distance of railings Largest user: 95th
from hazard percentile

Sometimes you can't accommodate all your users because there are conflicting solutions to your design.
In this case, you will have to make a judgment about what is the most important feature. You must
never compromise safety though, and if there is a real risk of injury, you may have to use more extreme
percentiles (1%ile or 99%ile or more) to make sure that everyone is protected (not just 95% of people).

4. Think about other human factors

You may need to add corrections for clothing. Have you allowed for shoe heights? You generally add 20mm
for flat shoes, and more if you think users will be wearing high heels. If your product is to be used somewhere
cold, can it still be used if someone is wearing gloves or other bulky clothing? It is important to take the
strength of your users into account, as well as the environmental conditions and the space they must perform
tasks. If you were designing tools for changing car wheels, for example, it's more than likely that they would
have to be used in cold and wet weather. People need to grip harder if their hands are wet and cold, and they
need to exert more force to carry out tasks than they would if they were warm and dry. You may also need to
consider people's eyesight and hearing abilities. Can they read the small labels on the remote control that
you've designed? Is there enough light to read them by? Can they hear an alarm bell above the general noise in
the room? So, do consider these factors.

 Steel tape
 Scale
 Product to be measured

Students will write the procedure followed in lab during while performing the experiment:


Data collection:

Dimensions A B C D E F G H I J 5th 50th 95th Remarks
percentile percentile percentile

Comments and conclusion:

Experiment # 09

To design ergonomic bench for the male student based on available anthropometric data

Problem statement:
Natural variation within humans of same group, class, age, gender etc. is fundamental and must be taken into
account while assessment, evaluation and design of ergonomically efficient products/workstations etc.

Anthropometry measurements/data is important while designing any product/workstation etc. The following steps
should be considered to effective design of products/workstations.

1. Decide who you are designing for:

Anthropometry tables give measurements of different body parts for men and women, and split into different
nationalities, and age groups, from babies to the elderly. So first, you need to know exactly who you are
designing for. The group of people you are designing for is called the user population.

If you were designing an office chair, you would need to consider dimensions for adults of working age and
not those for children or the elderly. If you were designing a product for the home, such as a kettle, your user
group would include everyone except young children (hopefully!).

2. Decide which body measurements are relevant:

You need to know which parts of the body are relevant to your design. For example, if you were designing a
mobile phone, you would need to consider the width and length of the hand, the size of the fingers, as well as
grip diameter. You wouldn't be too interested in the height or weight of the user (although the weight of the
phone might be important!)

3. Decide whether you are designing for the 'average' or extremes:

Nobody is 'average' in all body dimensions. Someone might be say, of average height but have a longer than
average hand length. This is also called design for maximum or minimum. The variation in the size and shape
of people also tells us that if you design to suit yourself, it will only be suitable for people who are the same
size and shape as you, and you might 'design out' everyone else!

To design for relevant users, percentiles are used in ergonomics instead to percentages.

Data collection:
Data has been provided as below.

4. Anthropometric Data
Below data has been taken and you have to design a Bench based on this.
a. Schematic for data collection

b. statistics for measured anthropometric dimensions for male students

ts will
ure followed in lab during while performing the experiment:


Design :
Student shall sketch the bench along with the dimension the have designed for. Moreover, there should be
a clear description the targeted percentile of population they have designed the bench for.

Comments and conclusion:

Experiment # 10

To determine the suitability of an adopted manual material handling strategy by using
NIOSH lifting equation.

Problem Statement
Improper lifting tasks increase risk for lifting related to low back pain and injury for some
fraction of the workforce, due to this productivity of the system and worker get effected and
they will not be able to perform the task at their normal recommended pace.

NIOSH stands for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. The NIOSH
Lifting Equation is a tool used to identify, evaluate, or classify some risks associated with a
lifting and lowering task in workplace. The primary product of the NIOSH lifting equation is
the Recommended Weight Limit (RWL), which defines the maximum acceptable weight
(load) that nearly all healthy employees could lift over the course of an 8-hour shift without
increasing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) to the lower back.
The NIOSH Lifting Equation is an appropriate tool to use when, for instance:
 Estimating the risk of a two-handed, manual lifting task.
 Evaluating a job characterized by multiple lifting tasks.
 Evaluating a lifting task that may include trunk rotation, different types of hand
coupling, repetitiveness, and duration.
 Determining a relatively safe load weight for a given task.
 Determining a relatively unsafe load weight for a given task.
 Deciding the appropriate style of abatement for a job that has been identified as having
a lifting hazard.
 Comparing the relative risk of two lifting tasks.
 Prioritizing jobs for further ergonomic evaluation.

NIOSH Lifting Equation Outputs

Recommended Weight Limit (RWL):
Answers the question… “Is this weight too heavy for the task?”
Lifting Index (LI):

Answers the question… “How significant is the risk?”

A Lifting Index value of less than 1.0 indicates a nominal risk to healthy employees. A Lifting
Index of 1.0 or more denotes that the task is high risk for some fraction of the population. As the
LI increases, the level of low back injury risk increases correspondingly. Therefore, the goal is to
design all lifting jobs to accomplish a LI of less than 1.0. The NIOSH lifting equation always
uses a load constant (LC) of 51 pounds, which represents the maximum recommended load
weight to be lifted under ideal conditions.

NIOSH Lifting Equation:

LC (51) x HM x VM x DM x AM x FM x CM = RWL
Task variables needed to calculate the RWL:

 H = Horizontal location of the object relative to the body

 V = Vertical location of the object relative to the floor

 D = Distance the object is moved vertically

 A = Asymmetry angle or twisting requirement

 F = Frequency and duration of lifting activity

 C = Coupling or quality of the workers grip on the object

Multipliers for the above variables can be found from the following tables:
Lifting Index (LI): Weight ÷ RWL = LI
1) Horizontal Location of the Hands (H)
Measure and record the horizontal location of the hands at both the start (origin) and
end (destination) of the lifting task. The horizontal location is measured as the
distance (inches) between the employee’s ankles to a point projected on the floor
directly below the mid-point of the hands grasping the object as pictured below:

2) Vertical Location of the Hands (V)

Measure and record the vertical location of the hands above the floor at the start
(origin) and end (destination) of the lifting task. The vertical location is measured
from the floor to the vertical midpoint between the two hands as shown below. The
middle knuckle can be used to define the mid-point.

3) Vertical Travel Distance (D)

The vertical travel distance of a lift is determined by subtracting the vertical location (V) at the
start of the lift from the vertical location V) at the end of the lift. For a lowering task, subtract the
V location at the end from the V location at the start.
4) Asymmetric Angle (A)
Measure the degree to which the body is required to twist or turn during the lifting task. The
asymmetric angle is the amount (in degrees) of trunk and shoulder rotation required by the
lifting task.

5) Coupling (C)
Determine the classification of the quality of the coupling between the worker’s hands
and the object as good, fair, or poor (1, 2, or 3).

 1 = Good – Optimal design containers with handles of optimal design, or

irregular objects where the hand can be easily wrapped around the object.

 2 = Fair – Optimal design containers with handles of less than optimal design,
optimal design containers with no handles or cut-outs, or irregular objects
where the hand can be flexed about 90°.

 3 = Poor – Less than optimal design container with no handles or cut-outs, or

irregular objects that are hard to handle and/or bulky (e.g. bags that sag in the

6) Frequency (F)
Determine the appropriate lifting frequency of lifting tasks by using the average number of lifts
per minute during an average 15-minute sampling period. For example, count the total number of
lifts in a typical 15-minute period and divide that total number by 15.

Minimum = 0.2 lifts/minute

Maximum is 15 lifts/minute.

7) Load (L)
Determine the weight of the object lifted. If necessary, use a scale to determine the exact weight.

8) Duration (Dur)
Determine the lifting duration as classified into one of three categories: Enter 1 for
short-duration, 2 for moderate-duration and 8 for long-duration as follows:

 1 = Short – lifting ≤ 1 hour with recovery time ≥ 1.2 X work time

 2 = Moderate – lifting between 1 and 2 hours with recovery time ≥ 0.3 X

lifting time

 8 = Long – lifting between 2 and 8 hours with standard industrial rest allowances

 First of all, we have to clean the work place a weight of 10 kg that we use in our
 Note the vertical height, horizontal height, travel distance, frequency of this activity.
 Now measure the angle of symmetry as shown.
 Put all the values in the table that is given in the observations.
 Now apply the NOISH LIFTING Equation.

Data Collection
 Horizontal distance
 Vertical Distance
 Vertical travel distance
 Angles
 Position
 Duration
 FM
 CM
 LC
Data Analysis & Results


Experiment # 11

Evaluating the physical work capacity using the maximal oxygen consumption.

Problem Statement
Aerobic power depends heavily on the ability of respiratory, cardiovascular, and skeletal muscles
working together to take and transport oxygen to the muscles. An increase in amount of aerobic
activity generally demands a more oxygen consumption. Moreover, oxygen consumption also
varies largely within the workforce and ultimate effect their physical work capacity.

Physical work capacity is also subjective to workers health and the amount and exposure of
physical work. Generally speaking, the more loaded work with for lesser interval of time results
in more consumption of oxygen and can also result in drop in saturation level SpO2.Therefore it
important to evaluate both of these during any physical activity task.
Regardless of whether a person’s respiratory rate is normal, the amount of oxygen being
delivered throughout the body could be insufficient. For years, health care professionals would
subject patients to endless poking and prodding to obtain blood samples from them - a method
that was not only uncomfortable, but also ineffective. Health care workers had to wait for the
results of the blood test before they were able to assess a patient’s condition, and often by the
time they received the results, the patient’s condition had changed.

Many people in the health care industry recognized the need for an easier way to assess a
patient’s peripheral blood oxygen saturation levels (SpO2) and in the 1970’s a new and improved
form of pulse oximetry was developed. This provided an expedited, more convenient, and less
invasive way to measure a patient’s SpO2. The device known as a ‘pulse oximeter’ incorporates
a finger probe equipped with a light emitting diode (LED) and photoreceptor to measure the
difference in light absorption of oxygenated and deoxygenated (or reduced) hemoglobin. Pulse
oximetry uses a method called photoplethysmography (PPG) in which light and analysis of the
properties of absorption provide a reliable determination of SPO2 levels in a person’s blood.
PPG’s are a non-invasive, economical way to provide an accurate appraisal of SPO2, as well as a
way to measure changes in the volume of blood to provide heart rate information (another
common way of obtaining the heart rate is by using an electrocardiogram (EKG) sensor that
measures the electrical activity of the heart).

1. Treadmill
2. Oximeter
3. Stopwatch
4. Weighing machine

 Measure the mass of the subject.
 Attached the oximeter to the right forefinger on the subject and measure the oxygen
level (saturation level SpO2) at rest.
 Start running at the treadmill at 1 Km/hr. speed and keep monitoring oxygen
consumption level for 1 min.
 Increase the speed to 3, 5 and 7 Km/hr. speed and keep monitoring oxygen
consumption level for 1 min.
 Tabulate the values in the table 1 that is given in the observations.
 Repeat the same process by varying the time to 2 min.
 Tabulate the values in the table 2 that is given in the observations
Data Analysis & Results

Table 1
Subject Mass
Oxygen Level as saturation level SpO2

Standing 1 km/hr. 3 km/hr. 5 km/hr. 7 km/hr.


Table 2
Subject Mass
Oxygen Level as saturation level SpO2

Standing 1 km/hr. 3 km/hr. 5 km/hr. 7 km/hr.







Experiment # 12

Studying the relation between the heart rate and the time (duration) of physical effort.

Problem Statement
Physical work capacity (PWC) plays a central role in the process of carrying out the ergonomic
stress analysis in industry. The objectives of applying ergonomic principle in the workplace to
maintain a balance between job stress requirement and PWC. If PWC is exceeded the worker is
at risk of overexertion if the job stress is less than PWC, the worker in underutilized and there a
productivity loss. Physical work capacity is the functional capacity of an individual to perform a
certain task that requires muscular activity over a period of time. The length of time may vary
from a few seconds (e.g. strength) to several hours (e.g. endurance).

Personal, task, and environmental parameters are important factors that affect the physical work
capacity of an individual. some of the most important personal factors are, age, gender, body
weight, and fitness level. It is well established that Physical work capacity declines with
individual's age. the maximum Physical work capacity is usually achieved in the age of range of
25 – 35 years. The Physical work capacity of an individual who is over 60 years of age is about
50 % of the values attained around 25-35 years. On average, the female Physical work capacity
is about two thirds of the male capacity. fitness level can significantly improve Physical work
capacity of an individual. the capacity of a very fit person may reach as high as two to three
times that of the least fit person
5. Treadmill
6. Stopwatch
7. Weighing machine
 Measure the mass of the subject.
 Place your fingers on the heart rate monitoring senser of the treadmill.
 Start running at the treadmill at 1 Km/hr. Speed and keep monitoring heart rate 1 min.
 Increase the speed to 3, 5 and 7 Km/hr. Speed and keep monitoring hear rate level for
1 min.
 Tabulate the values in the table 1 that is given in the observations.
 Repeat the same process by varying the time to 2 min.
 Tabulate the values in the table 2 that is given in the observations

Data Analysis & Results

Table 1
Subject Mass
Heart Rate (beats/min)

Standing 1 km/hr. 3 km/hr. 5 km/hr. 7 km/hr.


Table 2
Subject Mass
Heart Rate (beats/min)

Standing 1 km/hr. 3 km/hr. 5 km/hr. 7 km/hr.






Experiment# 13

To perform Handgrip Strength Test by using Hand Dynamometer and find the optimum posture to exert
maximum effort.

Problem Statement:
Most of the jobs are designed to be performed by hands. In this perspective, improper grip, while
handling, catching, throwing, pulling or pushing certain objects, may cause some serious hazards. It is a
general rule that people with strong hands tend to be strong elsewhere, that is why, this test is required to
judge overall physical stamina of workers.

Hand grip strength can be quantified by measuring the amount of static force that the hand can squeeze
around a dynamometer. The force has most commonly been measured in kilograms and pounds, but also
in Newtons. Some established standards are enlisted below [2,3]:

Table 1: Average score from several trials

A dynamometer is a device that can measure force, power, or speed to figure out how much power
you need or how much you must hand. Medical dynamometers help to measure the strength of the
human body. Doctors, for example, use dynamometers to measure the force that a person’s muscles
can exert, which is helpful in diagnosing illness or figuring out how successfully treatments are
progressing. One very common example is the hand-grip dynamometer; it has a trigger or bulb you
squeeze with one hand and shows the force you exert on a dial or digital display.

Application of Hand Dynamometer:

 Widely used by physical therapists and doctors to diagnose diseases, evaluate treatments, and
indicate changes in strength after surgery or a rehabilitation program [1].
 Used in industries’ medical facility to check the condition of workers if he/she can perform a
specific task properly or not.
 Alternatively, grip strength measurements can be used in sports to evaluate characteristics of
the athlete’s strength, such as in boxing.

 Hand Dynamometer (Range: 0-200 lbs.)


Data Collection:
Table 2: Observations and calculations

Right Hand Right Hand Left Hand Left Hand

Sr. Regd. Average Standard
(Supported) (Unsupported) (Supported) (Unsupported) Remarks
No. No. (Lbs.) (Lbs.)
(Lbs.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.)
Comments & Conclusions:

Experiment# 14

To evaluate risk by using ‘Ergonomics Risk Assessment’ method for an adopted working strategy (body
posture) for a given activity.

Problem Statement:
Workers’ health is vital for high productivity in the industries. Due to inappropriate body postures,
workers may get down and the productivity will reduce significantly. To minimize the risk at working
environment, risk assessment is necessary. Multiple ‘Ergonomics Risk Assessment’ methods are used for
this purpose.

REBA Method:
This tool uses a systematic process to evaluate whole body postural MSD (musculoskeletal
disorder) and ergonomic design risks associated with job tasks. A single page form is used to
evaluate required body posture, forceful exertions, type of movement or action, repetition, and
coupling. A score is assigned for each of the following body regions: wrists, forearms, elbows,
shoulders, neck, trunk, back, legs and knees. After the data for each region is collected and
scored, tables on the form are then used to compile the risk factor variables, generating a single
score that represents the level of MSD risk.

Level of risk with score is shown in figure below:

Figure 1: Risk Score

REBA employee assessment worksheet is shown below:


Comments and Conclusions:



Hignett S, McAtamney L.Rapid entire body assessment (REBA). Appl Ergon. 2000

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