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Name : Arsi Syahid Yusuf Miraj

NIM/Class : 2223190080/6B

Subject : Assessment on English Language Teaching

Lecturer : Ika Handayani,M.Pd.

Language Proficiency : Reading

Instruction: Read and answer the questions, carefully!

1. Define the terms below by supporting them with the quotation minimum from 2 and
max 4 sources/ experts or sources/ experts!
a. Assessment is…the function/ the role is…the aim is…..
b. Test is….the function/ the role is…. The aim is….
c. Evaluation is…the function is… the aim is…..
2. There are 4 Language Skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing) and 4 Language
components (Spelling, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Grammar) as the teachers’
homework in creating Teacher Made Test. You will create Teacher Made Test. Please
do this procedure below:
a. Choose one of Language Proficiencies that you will focus on. It could be one of skills or
one of components!
b. Decide the Basic Competence and Indicators of Competence Achievements (IPK) of
each test item. One IPK could be for 1 to max: 4 test items or one IPK for only 1test item!
c. Create 20 Multiple Choice test items with effective distractors!
d. Decide the answer key of each test item!
3. You must submit this work on Tuesday, April 19 th 2022 till 11 pm to this Google Classroom
Code= 3ab35nk ! The Writing Technique:
a. Type your answers on A4 HVS, with Times New romance, font 12, Space 1,5. Margin: Left, Top,
Right, Bottom= 2 cm!
b. Write your name, NIM,Class and the Language Proficiency you have chosen!

1. Define the terms below by supporting them with the quotation minimum from 2 and
max 4 sources/ experts or sources/ experts!
a. The process of collecting diverse data that provides an overview of a student's learning
development is known as assessment.. According to S. Eko Putro Widoyoko (2012: 3)
Assessment is an activity to interpret measurement data based on special criteria and
rules. According to Richard I. Arends (2008: 217) Assessment is the process of
gathering information about students and classes for educational decisions.. Whenever a
student responds to a question and other activities, the teacher subconsciously makes an
assessment of the student’s performance. The role of assessment is as a set of methods to
assess students and the aim is to measure and collect the data.

b. Test is a tool or a method to measure student’s ability in certain domain. As stated by

(Brown, 2000:384), test is a method of measuring a person’s ability, knowledge, or
performance in a given domain. (Arikunto, 2012:66) explained the role of test, he stated
that test as a tool or procedure for measuring a student’s performance through the use of
a set of methods and norms. The aim of a test is to measure student’s performance.

c. According to the understanding of language, Echols and Shadly (in Thoha, 2003:1)
argues that "the word evaluation comes from the English evaluation which means
means appraisal or appraisal.”

According to the understanding of the term, Thoha (2003:1) says that "evaluation"
is a planned activity to find out the state of an object
using the instrument and the results are compared with benchmarks
to come to a conclusion."

In general, Cross (in Sukardi, 2005:1) argues that "evaluation" is a process that
determines the conditions under which a goal has been achieved.

This is explained again by Sukardi (2015: 1), that the definition explains directly that
evaluation is a process of obtaining information and
understand and communicate the results of the information to stakeholders decision.
2. Teacher Made Test
Language Proficiency: Reading

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.5 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur 3.5.1 Mengidentifikasi tindakan memberi

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi dan meminta informasi terkait sifat orang,
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan hewan, dan benda dengan konteks kata sifat
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
3.5.2 Mengidentifikasi interaksi
terkait dengan sifat orang, binatang, benda
transaksional lisan dan tertulis.
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
3.5.3 Mengidentifikasi kata sifat dalam teks
(perhatikan unsur kebahasaan adjective)
interaksi transaksional
3.5.4 Menentukan kata sifat dalam teks
percakapan interaksi transaksional


1. The pirates saw the legendary, magical creature in the sky.

In the sentence above, which one is the adjective?
b. The pirates
c. Saw
d. Legendary, magic
e. Creature

2. "Her fur is long and thick." The underlined word's antonym is...

a. Length

b. Shortes
c. Short

d. Heavy

3. "My classroom is quite large." The underlined word's synonym is...

a. Large

b. Fat

c. Great

d. Fancy

4. This is my residence. It's a small space. It appeals to me. Because it's attractive.

What is the adjective in the preceding sentence?

a. Cute and small

b. The words "like" and "lovely" are used interchangeably.

c. Nice and smol

d. Cute and compact

5. There is a lot of space in the living room. The television is enormous. The room is
always spotless and inviting.

What is the adjective in the preceding sentence?

a. It's big, cozy, and comfortable.

b. Rooms that are large, clean, and comfortable

c. Spacious, clean, and inviting

d. It is large, clean, and comfortable.

To answer in numbers 6-7, read the chat below!

Lisa: Do you have any pets, Dayu?

Dayu: Of course, I do. I own two kitties.

Lisa: I'm a cat person! What do they appear to be, and a pink nose on each of them.

Wow, Lisa! I can see how adorable they are.

6. In the communique above, that is the adjective?

a. Liitle, Cute, Big and crimson
b. Little, Cute, Big and Pink
c. Litle, Cute, Big and Grey
d. Litele, Cute, Big and Fur
7. The antonym of the underlined phrase is..
a. Huge
b. Big
c. Large
d. Small
Read the communique under to reply in numbers 8-9!
Edo: Udin, you appearance upset. What happened?
Udin: I`m very upset with the aid of using the excellent of the mobileular
telecellsmartphone I bought. It`s now no longer as properly as withinside the
Edo: I`m sorry to pay attention that.
8. In the communique above, that is the adjective?
a. Upset and upset
b. Upset and dissappointed
c. Upset and disapointed
d. Upset and disappointeed
9. The synonym of the underlined phrase, except….
a. Disenchanted
b. Disillusioned
c. Pleased
d. Frustrated
Read the communique under to reply in variety 10-11!
Beni: do you already know Rani Maharani
Dayu: Yes, I do
Beni: ………….
Dayu: she`s very type and polite. She`s clever, too. She`s very stunning
10. Complete the sentence above effectively
a. What are she like?
b. What`s she`s like?
c. What is she like?
d. What is she likes?
11. The synonym of the underlined phrase is…
a. Respectful, Smart, Magnificent.
b. Respectful, Smart, Magnifitiont
c. Respecful, Smart, Magnifision
d. Respectfull, Smart, Magnificient.
Read the communique under to reply in variety 12-14!
Edi: have you ever visible actual monkeys, Diana? I mean, now no longer on TV or
in a mag
Diana: Yes,….(12)
Diana: They`re very pleasant and playful
Edi: wow! That`s thrilling due to the fact as some distance as I know, now no longer
all monkeys are pleasant. I need to peer one, too.
12. Complete the sentence above effectively…
a. Yes, I has
b. Yes, I do
c. Yes, I actually have
d. Yes, I did
13. Complete the sentence above effectively….
a. What is that they like?
b. What is that they likes?
c. What are they like?
d. What are they likes?
14. The synonym of the underlined phrase, except…
a. Affable
b. Amicable
c. Cordial
d. Inhospitable
15. Cricket is an ….. sport
a. Exciting
b. Excitengest
c. Excitinger
d. Excitinged
16. Kamila is looking…on this get dressed
a. Gorgeous
b. Gorgeouser
c. Gorgeoust
d. Gorgeousest
17. The whole group of workers of the inn we stayed at became very…
a. Friendliest
b. Friendlier
c. Friendly
d. Frendlist
18. It is always…. To searching for the recommendation of your elders in hard
a. Beneficial
b. Necessity
c. Useless
d. Bashful
19. He doesn`t seem …. In your offer.
a. Excited
b. Interesting
c. Interested
d. Exciting
20. The information of her death …us.
a. Stunning
b. Stuned
c. Stunded
d. Stunned
d. Decide the solution key of every check item!

d. Decide the answer key of each test item!

1. C
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. C
11. A
12. C
13. C
14. D
15. A
16. A
17. C
18. A
19. C
20. D

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