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Make 20 sentences using the different types of 



 Make the homework in Microsoft Word. 

 Don´t use cut and paste by internet. 
 Each sentence has the value: 1 point
 The homework is individual. 

o Zero Conditional.
1. If I do not go to my job, I get fired. (Si no voy a mi trabajo, me
2. If she does not eat breakfast, her blood sugar is lowered. (Si ella no
desayuna, se le baja la glicemia).
3. If you run a lot, you get tired. (Si corres mucho, te cansas).
4. If I do not sleep at night, I do not do my work. (Si no duermo en la
noche, no cumplo con mis labores).
5. If you do not brush, you get cavities. (Si no te cepillas, te salen

o First Conditional.

1. If you come on Saturday, we will go to eat. (Si te vienes el sabado, iremos a

2. If I save this month, I will buy a phone. (Si ahorro este mes, me comprare un
3. If you train hard, in a few months you will be toned. (Si tu entrenas duro, en
unos meses estarás tonificada).
4. If you plan, the weekend you will go to the beach. (Si te planificas, el fin de
semana iras a la playa).
5. If we buy the meat, we will make the hamburgers. (Si compramos la carne,
haremos las hamburguesas).
o Second Conditional.
1. If I were a millionaire, I would help street children. (Si yo fuera millonaria,
ayudaria a los niños de la calle).
2. If I were tall, I would be a model catwalk. (Si yo fuese alta, seria una modelo
de pasarela).
3. If I had money, I would invite him to eat. (Si tuviera dinero, le invitaría a
4. If he were here, I would embrace him very strongly. (si estuviera aquí, le
abrazaria muy fuerte).
5. If I wanted to see you, I would go and find it right now. (Si quisiera verle, iría
a buscarla ahora mismo).

o Third Conditional.
1. If I had known him before, I would not have let him take her. (Si yo lo
hubiera conocido antes, no hubiese dejado que la llevara).
2. If I had known you would be upset, I would not have let you go to the party.
(Si yo hubiera sabido que se molestaría, no hubiese dejado que fueras a la
3. If I had known they would take it, I would have said that I would take care of
it. (Si yo hubiese sabido que se lo llevarian, yo hubiera dicho que me haría
cargo yo).
4. If you had agreed with me, it would not have made things worse. (Si
hubieses estado de acuerdo conmigo, no hubieran empeorado las cosas).
5. If I had noticed, I would not have left it on the table. (Si me hubiera dado
cuenta, no lo habria dejado en la mesa).

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