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Major depressive disorder

Christian Otte1, Stefan M. Gold1,2, Brenda W. Penninx3, Carmine M. Pariante4,
Amit Etkin5, Maurizio Fava6, David C. Mohr7 and Alan F. Schatzberg5
Abstract | Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a debilitating disease that is characterized by depressed
mood, diminished interests, impaired cognitive function and vegetative symptoms, such as disturbed
sleep or appetite. MDD occurs about twice as often in women than it does in men and affects one in
six adults in their lifetime. The aetiology of MDD is multifactorial and its heritability is estimated to be
approximately 35%. In addition, environmental factors, such as sexual, physical or emotional abuse
during childhood, are strongly associated with the risk of developing MDD. No established mechanism
can explain all aspects of the disease. However, MDD is associated with alterations in regional brain
volumes, particularly the hippocampus, and with functional changes in brain circuits, such as the
cognitive control network and the affective–salience network. Furthermore, disturbances in the main
neurobiological stress-responsive systems, including the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis
and the immune system, occur in MDD. Management primarily comprises psychotherapy and
pharmacological treatment. For treatment-resistant patients who have not responded to several
augmentation or combination treatment attempts, electroconvulsive therapy is the treatment with
the best empirical evidence. In this Primer, we provide an overview of the current evidence of MDD,
including its epidemiology, aetiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment.

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a debilitating The genetic contribution to MDD is estimated to be
disease that is characterized by at least one discrete approximately 35%, with higher heritability shown in
depressive episode lasting at least 2 weeks and involv- family and twin-based studies than single-nucleotide
ing clear-cut changes in mood, interests and pleasure, polymorphism-based estimates from genome-wide
changes in cognition and vegetative symptoms. BOX 1 association studies (GWAS). This finding suggests that
describes the current diagnostic criteria and specifiers other genetic variables, such as rare mutations, contrib-
(which enable clinical subtyping) of MDD according ute to MDD risk8. In addition, environmental factors,
to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental such as sexual, physical or emotional abuse during child-
Disorders 5th edition (DSM-5), which was released in hood, are strongly associated with the risk of developing
2013 (REF. 1). The cluster of symptoms that characterize a MDD9, although our understanding of how environ-
major depressive episode and MDD overlap with depres- mental factors interact with genetic and epigenetic
sive symptoms in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder; factors is far from complete.
the application of exclusion criteria enables a diagnosis Despite advances in our understanding of the neuro-
of MDD. biology of MDD, no established mechanism can explain
MDD occurs about twice as often in women than all aspects of the disease. However, MDD is associated
in men2 and affects about 6% of the adult population with smaller hippocampal volumes as well as changes
worldwide each year 3. Among all medical conditions, in either activation or connectivity of neural networks,
MDD is the second leading contributor to chronic dis- such as the cognitive control network and the affective–
Correspondence to C.O.
Department of Psychiatry
ease burden as measured by ‘years lived with disability’ salience network10. Moreover, alterations in the main
and Psychotherapy, Charité (REF. 4). In addition, MDD is associated with an increased neurobiological systems that mediate the stress response
University Medical Center, risk of developing conditions such as diabetes mellitus, are evident in MDD, including the hypothalamic–
Campus Benjamin Franklin, heart disease and stroke5, thereby further increasing its pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, the autonomic nervous
Hindenburgdamm 30,
burden of disease. Furthermore, MDD can lead to death system and the immune system11.
12203 Berlin, Germany. by suicide. It is estimated that up to 50% of the 800,000 Both psychotherapy and psychopharmacology are
suicides per year worldwide occur within a depressive effective in treating MDD. However, approximately
Article number: 16065
doi:10.1038/nrdp.2016.65 episode6 and patients with MDD are almost 20-fold more 30% of patients do not remit from MDD, even after
Published online 15 Sep 2016 likely to die by suicide than the general population7. several treatment attempts12,13. New developments in


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Author addresses
countries, approximately 50–60% of all people with
severe MDD receive proper treatment 18,19, whereas in
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charité low-income countries <10% of patients do18.
University Medical Center, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Women have a twofold increased risk of developing
Hindenburgdamm 30, 12203 Berlin, Germany. MDD than men after puberty 2. This disparity reflects
Institute of Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis
the more-frequent occurrence of episodes in women,
(INIMS), University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf,
Hamburg, Germany.
rather than longer episode duration, differential treat-
Department of Psychiatry, VU University Medical Center, ment response or higher recurrence rates in women
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. compared with men20,21. In both sexes, the median
Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, reported age of onset of MDD is approximately 25 years
King’s College London, London, UK. and the peak risk period for MDD onset ranges from
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, mid-to-late adolescence to early 40s3. These findings are
Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, in line with observations that, especially in high-income
California, USA. countries, the MDD prevalence generally modestly
Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General decreases with age after early adulthood16.
Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Other consistently reported environmental deter-
Department of Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of
Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
minants of MDD in both men and women are the
absence of a partner (for example, owing to divorce
or widowhood) and the experience of recent negative
psychotherapy include the use of behavioural inter- life events, such as illness or loss of close relatives or
vention technologies. With regard to pharmacological friends, financial or social problems and unemploy-
approaches, glutamatergic antidepressants, such as ment 3,22. In addition, a range of social determinants
ketamine, are currently under scientific scrutiny after (including childhood adversities, socioeconomic status
promising initial findings of efficacy. and low social support) as well as low educational
In this Primer, we provide an overview of the current attainment 23 significantly increases the risk of MDD
evidence of MDD, including its epidemiology, aetiology, in men and women (BOX 2). However, the cause–effect
pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment. We also out- relationship between lower educational attainment
line the key outstanding research questions in the field and MDD is unclear and a large study with 25,000
that should be addressed in the coming years. individuals recently suggested that it might partly be
due to shared genetics24. Individuals with a history of
Epidemiology childhood trauma have a more than twofold increased
Prevalence and main correlates risk of developing MDD25. Furthermore, patients with
A best estimate of the worldwide MDD prevalence MDD and a history of childhood trauma show higher
comes from the World Mental Health (WMH) Survey, symptom severity, a poorer course and more treat-
which assessed the DSM-IV criteria for MDD among ment non-response than patients with MDD without
almost 90,000 individuals in 18 countries from every childhood trauma26.
continent 3. The average 12-month prevalence of MDD
is approximately 6%, which is in line with estimates Disease course
from earlier large-scale international studies3. Lifetime The course of MDD is pleomorphic, with consider-
MDD prevalence is typically threefold higher than the able variation in remission and chronicity; higher
12-month prevalence, indicating that MDD affects one symptom severity, psychiatric comorbidity and a
in every six adults3. Although lifetime prevalence is an history of childhood trauma all predict a less favour-
unreliable metric as it probably suffers from recall bias able course21,26. In population-based samples, the mean
and underestimation14,15, it indicates that about 20% of episode duration varies between 13 and 30 weeks and
all people fulfil the criteria for MDD at some point in approximately 70–90% of patients with MDD recover
their lifetime. within 1 year 27–29. However, in outpatient care settings,
The 12-month MDD prevalence in the WMH Survey the course is less favourable: only 25% remit within
ranged from 2.2% in Japan to 10.4% in Brazil (FIG. 1). 6 months and >50% of patients still have MDD after
Although estimates varied substantially across countries 2 years21,30,31. After MDD remission, residual symptoms
for reasons that probably involve both substantive and and functional impairment often remain32. In addition,
methodological processes, the 12-month MDD preva- the chance of MDD recurrence is high, as about 80% of
lence was found to be similar in ten high-income (5.5%) patients in remittance experience at least one recurrence
and eight low-income and middle-income (5.9%) in their lifetime33. The course trajectory in adults seems
countries, showing that MDD is not just a ‘modern- to be slightly less favourable with increasing age than in
world’ health condition. In addition, the median age younger patients21.
of onset, severity, symptom profile and basic socio-
demographic and environmental correlates (such as Disease burden
sex, education and life events) of MDD are mostly The Global Burden of Disease Consortium found that,
comparable between countries and cultures16,17. The in 2013, MDD was the second leading contributor to
discrepancy between countries is evident in terms of global disease burden, as expressed in disability-adjusted
the resources and treatments available. In high-income life years, in both developed and developing countries4.

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Moreover, the consequences of MDD extend to physi- Environmental factors

cal health. Large-scale longitudinal studies converge in Early epidemiological studies focused on stressful events
their findings suggesting that MDD increases the risk that are temporally related to MDD, usually in the year
of diabetes mellitus, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, preceding onset; the main documented events (such
obesity, cancer, cognitive impairment and Alzheimer as loss of employment, financial insecurity, chronic or
disease34 (FIG. 2). Both in the general population and life-threatening health problems, exposure to violence,
in populations with specific medical illnesses, MDD separation and bereavement)48 occur most often in adult-
increases the mortality risk by 60–80%35,36. Indeed, the hood. However, more-recent evidence has focused on
contribution of MDD to all-cause mortality is 10%. exposure to events in childhood as antecedent of MDD
later in life. These events include physical and sexual
Mechanisms/pathophysiology abuse, psychological neglect, exposure to domestic vio-
Despite advances in our understanding of the neuro- lence or early separation from parents as a result of death
biology of MDD, currently no established mechanism or separation, with clear evidence of a dose–response
can explain all facets of the disease. Animal models relationship between the number and severity of adverse
of MDD are available and have enabled the discovery of life events and the risk, severity and chronicity of MDD9.
many potentially implicated pathways (BOX 3), although
the applicability of these findings in humans is still Box 1 | Definition of MDD according to DSM-5
nascent. Accordingly, we restrict our description to
pathophysiological models of MDD that are supported • An individual will show five (or more) of the following
by findings from clinical studies, giving preference to symptoms, which should be present during the same
2-week period nearly every day and should represent
aspects that have been confirmed in meta-analyses
a change from previous functioning:
and pathways that have been targeted in clinical trials - Depressed mood*
(ideally also with a meta-analysis level of evidence). - Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all,
or almost all, activities*
Genetics - Considerable weight loss when not dieting,
We have known for more than a century that MDD weight gain, or decrease or increase in appetite
clusters within families. First-degree relatives of patients - Insomnia or hypersomnia
with MDD show a threefold increased risk of MDD - Psychomotor agitation or retardation
and heritability for this disorder has been quantified - Fatigue or loss of energy
as approximately 35%37. Furthermore, genetic overlap - Feelings of worthlessness, or excessive or
inappropriate guilt, which might be delusional; that
between MDD and other psychiatric disorders, such
is, not merely self-reproach or guilt about being sick
as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, has been identi- - Diminished ability to think or concentrate,
fied38,39. However, the search for main genetic effects in or indecisiveness
MDD so far has not revealed consistent or replicated - Recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying),
significant findings 40, as indicated by a large-scale recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan;
analysis of various GWAS that included 9,240 cases the individual has made a suicide attempt or a
and 9,519 controls41. Similarly sized studies of other specific plan for committing suicide
psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia, which has • The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or
higher heritability than MDD, have convincingly impli- impairment in social, occupational or other important
cated at least some genetic loci; for schizophrenia, 108 areas of functioning
independent genome-wide significant loci have been • The episode is not attributable to the physiological
shown42. Risk of MDD is highly polygenic and involves effects of a substance or to another medical condition
many genes with small effects43, which coupled with the • The occurrence of the episode is not better explained
heterogeneity of MDD phenotypes requires very high by schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia,
numbers of patients to find significant associations. schizophreniform disorder, delusional disorder
A recent genome-wide association study in Chinese or other psychotic disorders
patients in which a more homogeneous phenotypic • The individual has never had a manic episode or
approach (recurrent MDD requiring outpatient care) a hypomanic episode
was applied was able to confirm two genome-wide Specifiers of major depressive disorder (MDD) according
significant genetic loci44. Moreover, 15 genetic loci to DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
with genome-wide significance have been associated Disorders 5th edition1) are:
with risk of self-reported MDD in 75,607 patients and • Severity
231,747 controls of European descent 45. Furthermore, • With anxious distress
some recent studies in >100,000 subjects have also • With mixed features
indicated several genome-wide significant loci for • With melancholic features
neuroticism, a phenotype that is strongly correlated to • With psychotic features
MDD46,47. This finding holds promise for the ongoing • With peripartum onset
search for consistent genetic variants that contribute
• With seasonal pattern
to MDD risk in a collaborative genome-wide associ-
ation study carried out by the Psychiatric Genomics *Depressed mood and/or diminished interest or pleasure must
be evident for a diagnosis.
Consortium (


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The HPA axis is at the centre of the comprehen- peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (FKBP5) have been
sive neurobiological model that seeks to explain the identified, differences in the timings and the type of
long-lasting consequences of early trauma. Many animal adverse environmental circumstances have hampered
studies have shown that early-life stress produces persis- replication studies of single candidate genes.
tent increases in the activity of corticotropin-releasing
hormone (CRH)-containing neural circuits49. This find- Epigenetics. Interestingly, studies investigating the
ing is supported by clinical studies showing that indi- molecular mechanisms underlying G×E interactions
viduals who have been sexually or physically abused in have shown that they might involve epigenetic regu-
childhood show, as adults, a markedly enhanced activity lation53. For example, allele-specific, stress-dependent
of the HPA axis when exposed to standardized psycho- DNA demethylation in glucocorticoid-response
social stressors or following endocrine tests that attempt elements of a polymorphism in FKBP5 has been
to suppress HPA activity 50. Indeed, glucocorticoid recep- observed54. This interaction leads to increased FKBP5
tor function is reduced in these individuals (so-called expression in response to stress, which in turn leads to
glucocorticoid resistance), a finding that is supported glucocorticoid receptor resistance55.
by the fact that these individuals also show increased Furthermore, several studies have shown consist-
activation of the inflammatory system, which is under ent epigenetic changes in the brains of animal models
physiological inhibitory control by cortisol. Indeed, of MDD as well as in post-mortem brain samples of
glucocorticoid resistance, HPA axis hyperactivity and patients with MDD, especially suicide victims who were
increased inflammation are all evident in MDD (FIG. 3). exposed to early-life adversities56. Initial hypothesis-
Furthermore, in utero stress has also been shown to driven studies examined genes involved in the stress
increase the risk of MDD later in life51. This novel but response, but more-recent unbiased GWAS have impli-
burgeoning area of research is providing further evi- cated epigenetic changes in genes that are often unre-
dence of the neurodevelopmental origin of MDD and lated to established candidates, therefore, implicating
the long-lasting effects of environmental insults at the alternative pathophysiological mechanisms, such as cell
earliest stages of life52. adhesion and cell plasticity 54. However, enthusiasm for
epigenetic research in MDD is still limited by the small
Gene–environment interactions magnitude of the described epigenetic changes (often
The lack of consistent and replicated findings in GWAS <10%), especially in comparison with other medical
for MDD can at least partly be explained by the fact disorders, such as cancer 53.
that relevant genetic variants confer an increased risk
only in the presence of exposure to stressors and other Neuroendocrinology
adverse environmental circumstances — the so-called As mentioned, the HPA axis is among the most
gene–environment (G×E) interaction (FIG. 4). However, researched biological systems in MDD57,58. For example,
although several potential candidate genes, such as two meta-analyses50,59 concluded that cortisol levels in
sodium-dependent serotonin transporter (SLC6A4), patients with MDD were increased, with a moderate
CRH receptor 1 (CRHR1) and the gene encoding effect size. Importantly, HPA alterations correlate with
impaired cognitive function60 in these patients, and
Brazil (São Paulo)
are more common and more pronounced in severely
Ukraine depressed patients with melancholic and/or psychotic
United States features61 and in elderly patients who have MDD62.
New Zealand Furthermore, several studies have prospectively shown
Colombia that increased levels of cortisol is a risk factor for sub-
Israel sequent MDD in at-risk populations63,64. Finally, a study
France using data from a primary care database including
>370,000 individuals indicated that treatment with syn-
South Africa
thetic glucocorticoids is associated with an increased risk
Netherlands for suicide (approximately sevenfold), MDD (approx-
India (Pondicherry) imately twofold) and other severe neuropsychiatric
Spain disorders, even when controlling for the underlying
Mexico medical disorder 65.
China (Shenzhen) Despite these findings, data from interventional
Italy studies are less clear. For example, antidepressants
High-income countries
Germany Low-income and reduce the levels of cortisol in patients with MDD over
Japan middle-income countries the course of the treatment 66. However, a meta-analysis
LMICs Grouped prevalence
has shown that, independent of improved psycho-
pathology, approximately 50% of patients had similar
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
12-month prevalence (%) cortisol levels before and after treatment. Increased lev-
Figure 1 | Average 12-month prevalence of MDD. Although considerable variation els of CRH in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) have been
Nature Reviews | Disease Primers shown in patients with MDD67 and, accordingly, sev-
in inter-country prevalence of major depressive disorder (MDD) is noted, the overall
estimates in high-income countries (5.5%) and low-income and middle-income countries eral randomized controlled trials have examined CRH
(LMICs; 5.9%) are not different. Data from REF. 3. antagonists in the treatment of MDD. However, the

4 | 2016 | VOLUME 2

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Box 2 | Social and environmental determinants of MDD mechanisms of inflammation might also be relevant
for the development of MDD in patients. For example,
Several social and environmental factors are associated with the risk and the outcome a population-based study has shown that both prior
of major depressive disorder (MDD)208. They can be categorized as demographic factors severe infections and autoimmune diseases increase the
(for example, age, sex and ethnicity), socioeconomic status (for example, poverty, risk of subsequently developing MDD74. In addition,
unemployment, income inequality and low education), neighbourhood factors
patients who receive cytokine treatments, such as IL-2 or
(for example, inadequate housing, overcrowding, neighbourhood violence and safety),
socioenvironmental events (for example, natural disasters, war, conflict, migration, interferon-γ (IFNγ), as part of their treatment for hep-
discrimination, difficulties in work, low social support, trauma and negative life events) atitis virus infection or cancer often develop depressive
and lifestyle factors (for example, alcohol use, smoking behaviour, a high-fat or symptoms75. Finally, patients with MDD show increased
high-sugar diet and physical inactivity). A bidirectional association between these serum levels of cytokines, such as tumour necrosis factor
determinants and MDD is evident; certain social variables, such as low socioeconomic (TNF) and IL-6, as confirmed by meta-analyses76,77.
status or lack of social support, can contribute to the risk for MDD (a so-called social Increased expression of genes involved in IL-6 signal-
cause). By contrast, patients with MDD, especially those with a chronic course of the ling in peripheral blood cells has also been observed in
disease, often deteriorate in their social functioning, leading to work and family a large-scale cohort study of patients with MDD com-
problems (experiencing ‘social drift’), which may eventually lead to poverty208,222. pared with healthy controls78. There have also been a few
large, prospective studies indicating that increased levels
of IL-6 during childhood significantly increases the
overall results have not indicated a major role for risk of developing MDD in adulthood79. Recent studies
CRH antagonists in the treatment of MDD68. Clinical using PET imaging 80 as well as analyses of post-mortem
trials using glucocorticoid-lowering compounds, such brain tissue81 have indicated neuroinflammation and
as metyrapone, have also yielded mixed results69,70. microglial activation in the CNS of patients with MDD.
Fludrocortisone, a mineralocorticoid receptor agonist, Finally, a potential role for inflammation in MDD is
has been shown to accelerate the onset of action of also supported by clinical trials of NSAIDs, reviewed in
standard antidepressants in one randomized controlled a meta-analysis82.
trial71 and to improve cognitive function in patients
with MDD in an experimental study 72. In MDD with Neuroplasticity
psychotic features, the glucocorticoid receptor antago- The peripheral changes in cortisol levels and inflamma-
nist mifepristone (also known as RU-486) was shown tory mechanisms might ultimately induce depressive
to ameliorate psychotic symptoms, although secondary symptoms by affecting brain function at a cellular level,
analyses of failed trials indicated that very high doses primarily by disrupting neuroplasticity and, accord-
might be required to reach therapeutic blood levels58. ingly, neurogenesis — the process by which new neu-
In summary, although there is unequivocal evidence rons are generated in the adult brain from pluripotent
of HPA alterations in MDD, this has not yet led to new stem cells. Along these lines, lower levels of the neuro-
therapeutic avenues. Deeper clinical and biological trophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
phenotyping of MDD will lead to the identification have been measured in the sera of patients with MDD.
of MDD subtypes of patients who are more likely to BDNF and other regulators of neuroplasticity might
respond to a given treatment within the HPA axis. affect behaviour through their control of neurogenesis.
BDNF mRNA levels are also reduced in the leukocytes
Inflammation of patients with MDD, and pharmacological and non-
The immune system is an important component of the pharmacological antidepressant therapies have been
physiological stress-sensing pathways and closely inter- shown to normalize BDNF levels83.
acts with the body’s main integrative systems (the HPA Although BDNF and other correlates of neuroplasti-
axis, the autonomic nervous system and the central city have been implicated, the precise role of neurogenesis
nervous system (CNS)) in mutually regulatory feed- in MDD has been debated84. For example, reducing adult
forward and feedback loops (FIG. 5). A role for peripheral neurogenesis in rodents in the absence of stress does not
immune dysfunction and neuroimmunological mech- induce depressive-like behaviour. However, reduced
anisms in MDD has been supported by a large body neurogenesis can precipitate depression-like symptoms
of evidence from animal studies (BOX 3). These models in the context of stress. At a biological level, adult neuro-
have also provided intriguing insights into how periph- genesis promotes resilience to stress by enhancing gluco-
eral cytokines can, directly and indirectly, affect brain corticoid-mediated negative feedback on the HPA axis84.
circuits, behaviour and mood. Peripheral cytokines can Importantly, in rodents, effective adult neurogenesis
be transported through the blood–brain barrier to act occurs following antidepressant treatment that reduces
directly on CNS-resident cells, including astrocytes, stress responsiveness84. Thus, it is biologically plausible
microglia and neurons. In addition, inflammatory sig- that neurogenesis contributes to the clinical effects of
nals can be conveyed to the CNS through cellular mech- antidepressants in humans.
anisms (CNS infiltration by peripheral immune cells)
or signalling via the vagus nerve (the ‘inflammatory Monoamines
reflex’). Animal models have shown that these routes The monoamine neurotransmitters serotonin (also
converge in the CNS to alter molecular programmes known as 5-hydroxytryptamine), noradrenaline and
(for example, receptor expression), neurogenesis and dopamine were first implicated in MDD after it was
plasticity 73. Clinical observations suggest that similar discovered that substances such as the antihypertensive


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Heart disease been reported in individual case–control studies, the

best and most consistent evidence from structural MRI
Mortality studies support that hippocampal volume is reduced in
RR= 1.8 RR= 1.8 Diabetes mellitus
individuals with MDD. For example, a meta-analysis
of 143 studies88 confirmed smaller volumes in patients
RR= 1.6 with MDD than in healthy controls in the basal gan-
Cancer MDD glia, thalamus, hippocampus and several frontal regions
RR= 1.3
(FIG. 5). A meta-analysis by the ENIGMA (enhancing
RR= 1.7 RR= 1.8 RR= 1.6 neuroimaging genetics through meta-analysis) working
Obesity group of MRI data from more than a dozen independent
research samples detected significantly lower volumes in
Cognitive impairment the hippocampus (but no other subcortical structures)89
as well as cortical thinning in the orbitofrontal cortex,
Figure 2 | The somatic consequences of MDD. Evidence from meta-analyses34 of
Nature Reviews | Disease Primers
longitudinal studies has revealed that the relative risk (RR) of various diseases is
anterior and posterior cingulate, insula and temporal
increased in those with major depressive disorder (MDD) compared with those who do lobes in patients with MDD90.
not have MDD. The mechanisms that contribute to the diverse somatic consequences Furthermore, a large-scale trans-diagnostic voxel-
of MDD are complex and together might explain the unfavourable health outcomes in based morphometry meta-analysis of 193 studies
patients with MDD. They include unhealthy lifestyle, poorer care (or selfcare) adherence, comprising 15,892 individuals also suggested that the
adverse effects of medications and shared pathophysiology (for example, upregulation hippocampus might be selectively affected in MDD
of immune–endocrine stress systems, which is present in MDD but also in obesity). compared with other psychiatric disorders, such as
These contributions are explained in more detail elsewhere5,34. schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, addiction, obsessive–
compulsive disorder and anxiety 91. Although an earlier
meta-analysis suggested that smaller hippocampal vol-
drug reserpine reduce their levels and that some patients umes might already be present in patients with first-
taking these drugs developed MDD85. The role of mono- episode MDD92, this could not be confirmed in the
amines in MDD was further supported by the discovery most recent meta-analysis of MRI data by the ENIGMA
in the 1950s and, later, the mechanistic interrogation working group89. Thus, whether smaller volumes of the
of the first antidepressant drugs — tricyclic antidepres- hippocampus seen in MDD are an early manifestation or
sants (TCAs) and monoamine oxid ase inhibitors whether they develop later in the course of the disorder
(MAOIs). Both TCAs and MAOIs have robust effects remains unclear.
on monoamine neurotransmission; TCAs block the
reuptake of monoamines in the presynaptic neuron Functional brain circuits
and MAOIs prevent their breakdown once reabsorbed, Several studies have suggested that stress-associated
enhancing the effects of the neurotransmitters. These alterations in inflammatory and glucocorticoid sig-
findings stimulated the development of a long series nalling are associated with corresponding functional
of monoamine-based compounds, which continue to changes in multiple brain networks93,94. Indeed, neuro-
dominate the field of modern psychopharmacology imaging studies in MDD have identified abnormalities
of MDD. in either activation or connectivity within the affective–
However, many studies that have measured nor- salience circuit, the medial prefrontal–medial parietal
adrenaline and serotonin metabolites in the plasma, default mode network and the frontoparietal cognitive
urine and CSF, as well as post-mortem studies of the control circuit.
brains of patients with MDD have yielded inconsistent
results (reviewed in REF. 86). Furthermore, drugs that Affective–salience circuit. The affective–salience cir-
target monoamines affect these neurotransmitter sys- cuit plays a central part in guiding motivated behav-
tems within hours after administration. However, the iour, whether related to emotional or cognitive stimuli,
antidepressant effects are often only evident after several and includes projections between the dorsal cingulate,
weeks of treatment. Changes in brain gene expression anterior insula, ventral striatum and amygdala, as well
that occur after continuous treatment with drugs that as downstream targets, such as hypothalamic and brain
target monoamines might underlie their therapeutic stem nuclei.
effects87, rendering the monoamine hypothesis of MDD One of the most frequently reported neuroimaging
overly simplistic. findings in MDD is abnormally increased connectivity
and heightened activation of the amygdala95. In addition,
Structural brain alterations much like the amygdala, the dorsal anterior cingulate
It stands to reason that a combination of the molecular and anterior insula are hyperactive in MDD, which
and cellular mechanisms of the pathobiology reviewed may reflect the increased salience of negative infor-
above might ultimately contribute to morphologi- mation and self-directed thoughts in MDD95. By con-
cal changes in brain structure in MDD as detected by trast, decreased activity and connectivity of the ventral
neuroimaging. Indeed, many cross-sectional stud- striatum and other reward-related regions have been
ies using structural brain imaging have investigated observed in MDD, leading to decreased recruitment of
regional brain volumes in patients with MDD. Although saliency-processing areas, such as the dorsal cingulate
smaller volumes in many different brain areas have and anterior insula96,97.

6 | 2016 | VOLUME 2

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Default mode network. The default mode network is or irritability, and with at least three of the following
characterized by greater activity during ‘resting’ states symptoms: inflated self-esteem; reduced need for sleep;
in which most mental activity is internal or self-directed. increased speech; flight of ideas; distractibility; increased
Difficulties in dynamic modulation of the default mode activity in goal-directed tasks; and/or involvement in
network in MDD has been proposed to underlie exces- risky behaviour.
sive self-focus and rumination95,98. Indeed, the default Persistent depressive disorder is a chronic disorder
mode is hyperconnected in MDD99, which correlates and describes patients who have had depressive symp-
positively with measures of rumination100. By contrast, toms for >2 years. Apart from depressed mood, only
the dynamic coupling between frontoparietal activation two of six symptoms (appetite disturbance, sleep dis-
(which increases with task-directed attention) and turbance, loss of energy, decreased self-esteem, poor
default mode deactivation is perturbed in MDD101,102, concentration or hopelessness) are required for the
which might contribute to cognitive deficits in patients diagnosis. Thus, it is possible to meet criteria for per-
with MDD. sistent depressive disorder without having MDD.
If a patient meets criteria for MDD, then the patient
The frontoparietal cognitive control circuit. The fronto- would receive two diagnoses — MDD and persistent
parietal cognitive control network is engaged across depressive disorder. Finally, for an MDD diagnosis,
many cognitive tasks103. A recent meta-analysis found the depressive episode must not be better explained
evidence for frontoparietal hypoconnectivity in MDD, by schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder or other
especially of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, impli- psychotic disorders (BOX 1).
cating it in goal-directed attention deficits in MDD104.
Moreover, decreased frontoparietal connectivity has Specifiers of MDD
been shown both at rest and in response to negative Once a diagnosis of MDD is made, the condition can be
stimuli, but not in response to positive stimuli, suggest- further characterized using various modifiers or speci-
ing that this network may contribute to inappropriate fiers1 (BOX 1). The first specifier, severity of episode, is
cognitive appraisals of negative events105,106. rated from mild to moderate to severe. Severe symptoms
have a substantial effect on function.
Diagnosis, screening and prevention
Differential diagnosis With anxious distress. The specifier ‘with anxious
According to DSM-5 (BOX 1), MDD is distinguished from distress’ was introduced because patients with MDD
normal sadness or bereavement; however, in patients with considerable co-occurring anxiety are more likely
who, for example, are mourning and who develop symp- to report suicidal thoughts and be less responsive to
toms that are severe enough and that persist beyond the traditional antidepressants than others. The specifier
acute grieving period, an MDD diagnosis can be given. requires experience of at least two of the following:
Although it is possible to diagnose MDD on the basis a sense of being ‘keyed up’ or tense; unusual restless-
of a single depressive episode of ≥2 weeks, MDD is ness; trouble concentrating secondary to worry; fear
recurrent in the majority of cases1. that awful things will happen; and worry about losing
The key differential diagnoses of MDD are with self-control. These symptoms need to be present
bipolar disorder, with persistent depressive disorder most of the days that the patient experiences an episode
and with schizophrenia. The differential diagnosis of of MDD.
bipolar disorder rather than MDD rests entirely with
the presence of a history of hypomania or mania, which With mixed features. The specifier ‘with mixed features’
is characterized by a clear period of elevated mood reflects an idea that MDD lies on a continuum with
bipolar disorder and that patients with either diagnosis
can show features of the other during an index episode1.
Box 3 | The role of animal models in the understanding of MDD
This hypothesis is based on the observation that some
Finding the appropriate model systems for a given human disease is always challenging, patients with MDD show rapid thinking and reduced
particularly for psychiatric disorders223. Developing animal models is further need for sleep, which are characteristic of bipolar dis-
complicated by the lack of consistently identified genetic risk factors of depression in order. The criteria include experiencing at least three of
humans. Moreover, many of the symptoms typically experienced by patients with major the following symptoms during the depressive episode:
depressive disorder (MDD) are highly subjective (such as depressed mood) and only few elevated and expansive mood; heightened self-esteem
can be objectively observed and assessed in animals. Despite these challenges, animal
or grandiosity; increased speech or pressure of speech;
models have enabled the discovery of several target pathways that might contribute
to the pathogenesis of MDD and have facilitated the study of the implicated molecular
racing thoughts; increased energy or directed activity;
processes. These pathways include but are not limited to neuroendocrine57 and excessive activity in behaviour with possibly negative
immune214 mechanisms, epigenetics224, molecular networks and the transcriptome225, consequences; and/or reduced need for sleep. A press-
the microbiota and the gut–brain axis226, synaptic dysfunction and plasticity227 ing clinical question is whether MDD with mixed
and neurogenesis228. features requires a different therapy than MDD without
Indeed, this fascinating and highly active area of investigation has the potential to mixed features.
uncover novel targets for therapy and ultimately to bring about better treatments for
patients. However, the clinical relevance of many of these mechanisms for MDD With melancholic features. ‘With melancholic features’
remains uncertain; no newly developed, hypothesis-driven therapeutic approaches refers to the presence of what has often been referred to
for depression have yet made it to the clinic.
as endogenous features. The criteria include anhedonia,


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lack of pleasure and loss of reactivity to positive stimuli, With atypical features. The specifier ‘with atypical
distinct quality of depressed mood (such as despair), features’ refers to a set of symptoms that are common
depression worse in the morning, waking early in the in MDD. The criterion of mood reactivity in atypical
morning, psychomotor disturbance, weight loss and depression requires that mood brightens in response to
excessive guilty thoughts. actual or potential positive events, which is in contrast

Signs and symptoms

Alterations in emotion, cognition and behaviour

Central nervous system

Altered neurotransmission, reduced plasticity and impaired neurogenesis
Altered connectivity, smaller regional brain volumes and neuroin ammation


Hypothalamus CRH

Immune system HPA axis Autonomic nervous system

Monocyte activation Impaired

ACTH feedback Increased levels of catecholamines
regulation and autonomic imbalance
Increased cytokine levels Pituitary
(TNF, IL-1β and IL-6)

Reduced NK cell cytotoxicity Adrenal medulla

Reduced T cell proliferation

Adrenal cortex

Cardiovascular and
metabolic systems
Increased metabolic
and cardiovascular risk

Figure 3 | Biological systems involved in the pathophysiology of MDD. Clinical studies in major depressive disorder
(MDD) and relevant animal models have identified pathophysiological features in the central nervous system, as well
as the major stress response systems, such as the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, the autonomic nervous
system and the immune system. In the central nervous system, altered neurotransmission and reduced plasticity
are evident. These could underlie functional changes in relevant brain circuits (for example, cognitive control and
affective–salience networks), smaller regional brain volumes (for example, in the hippocampus) and neuroinflammation,
as confirmed in neuroimaging studies. Beyond the central nervous system, chronic hyperactivity impairs feedback
regulation of the HPA axis, which is one of the most consistently reported biological features of MDD. Within the immune
system, substantial evidence supports increased levels of circulating cytokines and low-grade chronic activation of innate
immune cells, including monocytes. However, other aspects of immunity seem to be impaired as exemplified by reduced
natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxicity and T cell proliferative capacity. Once it becomes chronic, both HPA axis hyperactivity
and inflammation might converge with alterations in the autonomic nervous system to contribute to central nervous
system pathobiology as well as cardiovascular and metabolic disease, which often co-occur with MDD. The sequence of
events leading to changes in these interconnected systems and their exact relationship is not known. However,
mechanistic studies in animals have shown that alterations in stress response systems can directly and indirectly affect the
central nervous system (BOX 3). Conversely, chronic stress and associated changes in behaviour can reproduce many of
the stress system alterations, including HPA feedback impairment and inflammation, which suggests a bidirectional link
between central and peripheral biological features of MDD. ACTH, adrenocorticotropin; CRH, corticotropin-releasing
hormone; TNF, tumour necrosis factor.

8 | 2016 | VOLUME 2

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pigenetic mechanisms
cognitive systems; systems for social processes; and
Behavioural level
Genome MDD • A ective symptoms arousal and regulatory systems (responsible for gener-
• Cognitive symptoms ating activation of neural systems as appropriate for
• Somatic-vegetative symptoms various actions and homeostatic control, for example,
Brain network level
energy balance and sleep). The ultimate goal of RDoC is
Aversive to develop a deeper understanding of the biological and
• Prenatal factors • Regional brain volumes
• Childhood trauma • A ective–salience circuit psychosocial basis of psychiatric disorders, which might
• Default mode network
• Stress
• Cognitive control circuit
help to improve current classification systems109.
• Medical illness
• Drug abuse
Molecular level Screening
Protective • Neurotransmission Screening is controversial in the MDD field. Many
• Social support • Neuroplasticity
• Coping • Stress hormones experts argue that screening for depression is of obvious
• xercise • In ammation benefit because MDD is often overlooked in medical set-
tings110. By contrast, others state that it is impractical to
Figure 4 | Model of gene–environment interactions that lead to MDD. The schematic implement universal screening and argue that there is a
Nature Reviews | Disease Primers
depicts a model that is based on predisposing genetic vulnerabilities that interact with lack of evidence to support screening 111. A recent system-
aversive and protective environmental factors in the development of major depressive atic review included 71 studies and assessed the benefits
disorder (MDD). At least some of the environmental effects are mediated through and harms of screening for depression in primary care112.
epigenetic mechanisms to produce the phenotype of MDD, which is characterized The authors concluded that the overall evidence of health
by alterations on a molecular level, on a brain network level and on a behavioural level. benefit of depression screening in primary care is weak.
However, the existing data112 indicate that screening pro-
to the ‘with melancholic features’ specifier. Other criteria grammes generally increase the likelihood of remission
for ‘with atypical features’ include at least two out of and treatment response in general adult populations, but
the following: significant increase in weight or appe- only in the presence of subsequent treatment offers.
tite; increased sleep; a sense of leaden paralysis; and
interpersonal sensitivity. Prevention
Given the high prevalence of MDD, effective prevention
With psychotic features. Previously, the ‘with psychotic strategies such as strengthening protective factors (for
features’ specifier in DSM-IV was included as part of the example, increasing social support or problem-solving
severity continuum from mild to severe with psychotic skills) or diminishing prodromal disease stages (such as
features. In DSM-5, psychotic features were separated reducing depressive symptoms before they fulfil criteria
from the severity specifier because the two were not for MDD) might have an enormous public health impact
always highly correlated (that is, mild MDD can also in reducing disease burden.
present with psychotic features)107. Psychotic features in The effects of preventive psychological interventions
MDD are mostly mood-congruent, that is, the content of on the incidence of MDD were systematically examined
delusions or hallucinations is consistent with the typical in a meta-analysis of 32 randomized controlled trials113.
depressive themes of personal inadequacy, guilt, dis- The meta-analysis included studies examining universal
ease, death, nihilism or deserved punishment. However, prevention (in a whole population group regardless of
mood-incongruent psychotic features that do not include risk status), selective prevention (in individuals or sub-
these typical themes can also occur. groups at increased risk of developing depression) and
indicated prevention (in individuals identified as having
With catatonic features. The specifier ‘with catatonic prodromal symptoms of depression). The results indi-
features’ refers to marked psychomotor disturbance cated a 21% decrease in the incidence of MDD in the pre-
that may involve decreased motor activity, decreased vention groups compared with control groups who did
engagement during interview or physical examination, not receive preventive interventions113. The authors con-
or excessive and peculiar motor activity. These patients cluded that prevention of MDD seems feasible and may
are often psychotic. be an effective way to reduce the numbers of incident
MDD cases.
Research Domain Criteria
In addition to DSM-5, the US National Institute of Management
Mental Health (NIMH) developed the Research Domain In the management of MDD, there are two main initial
Criteria (RDoC) that are not meant to be a diagnostic treatment options: psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy.
system but a framework for organizing research. The Different guidelines concur that moderate-to-severe
RDoC approach consists of a matrix in which the rows depressive episodes should be treated with medication
represent specified functional constructs characterized or with a combination of medication and psychother-
by genes, molecules, cells, circuits, physiology, self-report apy 114–117. By contrast, a mild depressive episode can be
and paradigms used to measure it 108. Constructs are in initially treated with psychotherapy alone. However,
turn grouped into five higher-level domains of func- patient preferences and prior treatment history should
tioning: negative valence systems (encompassing fear, always be taken into account. Furthermore, in a mild
anxiety and loss); positive valence systems (encompass- depressive episode it is also possible to pursue an
ing reward seeking and consummatory behaviour); initial strategy of ‘watchful waiting’ without treatment.


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Brain region

Globus pallidus
Frontal lobe
Orbitofrontal cortex
Gyrus rectus
–20 –15 –10 –5 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1

Average volume di erence ( ) ect si e

MDD versus healthy controls

MDD versus healthy controls or bipolar disorder
MDD versus healthy controls, bipolar disorder, schi ophrenia, anxiety disorders, obsessive–compulsive disorder or
substance use disorder

Figure 5 | Structural brain alterations in MDD. Regional brain volumes as determined by structural
Nature MRI|have
Reviews been
Disease Primers
investigated in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) compared with healthy controls in numerous
cross-sectional studies. Brain areas with smaller volumes in MDD include the basal ganglia, thalamus, hippocampus and
frontal regions, typically with volume differences between 3.5% and 15.5% (left graph) and moderate effect sizes (right
graph; error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals). Smaller volumes in the basal ganglia and the hippocampus have also
been confirmed when comparing patients with MDD to those with bipolar disorder, suggesting some specificity of these
areas for the depressive symptoms that are characteristic of unipolar MDD. Finally, in an independent meta-analysis of
structural MRI data using voxel-based morphometry, only smaller volumes in the hippocampus were specific to patients
with MDD when compared with other psychiatric disorders. Volume group differences, effect sizes and confidence
intervals of MDD compared with healthy controls are based on data from Kempton et al.88, as are the comparisons of MDD
and patients with bipolar disorder. Comparisons of MDD with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders,
obsessive–compulsive disorder or substance use disorder are based on data from Goodkind et al.91.

However, this period should not exceed 2 weeks, after comparisons of different psychotherapeutic treatment
which time treatment should be started in case the mild models, which are grossly underpowered to detect treat-
depressive episode has not resolved116. FIGURE 6 depicts a ment differences125, hide patient variables such as the
stepped-care model, which aims to guide patients, carers severity of depression, social dysfunction and cognitive
and practitioners in their treatment decisions115. dysfunction, which have been shown to differentially
predict outcomes for different treatments126,127. To the
Psychotherapy degree that the specific factors hypothesis is true, treat-
Psychotherapy for MDD comes in many different forms, ment outcomes might be optimized by tailoring specific
the most common of which are described in BOX 4. These interventions to patient characteristics.
different paradigms rely on different conceptual models Psychotherapy produces effects that are mostly equiv-
and prescribe techniques that vary to some degree in alent to pharmacotherapy, although effect sizes from
their focus and methods. A large number of randomized pharmacological and psychotherapeutic trials cannot
controlled trials and meta-analyses consistently show be readily compared because of methodological issues
that psychotherapy is effective in treating MDD; no (for example, blinding)128. A recent individual patient
consistent or clinically meaningful differences are evi- data meta-analysis, combining data across 16 trials that
dent between different types of psychotherapy 118–120. This compared individual psychotherapy to antidepressant
conclusion121 has led to two broad hypotheses to explain medication, showed no meaningful differences in out-
the efficacy of psychotherapies. comes on self-reported depression or rates of response
The first hypothesis — the nonspecific or common or remission 129. The beneficial effects of cognitive
factors explanation — argues that the primary agents therapy have been shown to persist for at least 1 year
for change in psychotherapy are mainly those that are post-treatment, which is similar to keeping people on
common to all psychotherapies, such as the therapeutic antidepressant medications, and with lower relapse rates
alliance (a positive, warm, caring and genuine stance)122 than in patients who withdraw from medications130.
and therapist factors123. The common factors approach Although psychotherapy is clearly effective, many
would suggest that focusing on training and qual- people have barriers to access, including time con-
ity assurance for these common factors will optimize straints, lack of available services and cost131,132. Providing
treatment outcomes. psychotherapy over the telephone has been repeat-
By contrast, proponents of the specific-factors edly shown to be an effective medium for delivering
explanation argue that treatment-specific strategies psychotherapy 133, producing outcomes that are equiv-
produce change via different pathways, such as cogni- alent to face-to-face therapy and reducing dropout 134.
tive restructuring, behavioural activation or improved Furthermore, group therapy is often recommended as a
interpersonal functioning 124. Accordingly, head-to-head less costly way of providing treatment, particularly for

10 | 2016 | VOLUME 2

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patients with mild-to-moderate symptoms135. Trials com- An emerging area of technology is digital pheno-
paring individual to group psychotherapy have shown typing, which harnesses the growing availability of
individual treatment to be moderately superior to group data generated continuously in the course of daily lives
post-treatment, although these differences disappear at to create behavioural markers related to depression.
3-month follow-up136. For example, mobile phones, with a growing comple-
ment of sensors, have become personal sensing sys-
Technology-supported care. Behavioural interven- tems. As people tend to keep their phones with them,
tion technologies, which use computers, tablets and phone sensors can continuously estimate the severity
phones to teach self-management skills137, are effective of depression in real time143. This technology opens the
at reducing symptoms of MDD, when applied correctly. possibility of intervention tools that can detect and react
Although standalone technology-based interventions to sensed states and behaviours, enabling just-in-time
have not shown consistent benefits, primarily because prompting and reinforcement of treatment-congruent
people with MDD do not adhere to them, internet-based behaviours144, as well as tools that can passively monitor
tools, combined with low-intensity coaching via phone the risk of depression. Harnessing personal sensing plat-
or messaging, are highly effective at reducing symptoms forms has the potential to shift our treatment tools from
of depression138,139. Evidence for the efficacy and cost- episodic to continuous, from reactive to proactive and
effectiveness of these coached intervention technologies from provider-centred to patient-centred145.
has led to their being integrated into national mental
health services in several countries, including England140 Pharmacotherapy
and Australia141. Three decades after monoamine neurotransmitters were
However, well-designed head-to-head comparisons implicated in MDD, it became clear that the narrow
of technology-supported care and more-traditional focus on increasing monoamine levels in the synaptic
forms of psychotherapy or pharmacotherapy have yet cleft (by blocking reuptake or degradation of mono-
to be carried out. Accordingly, whether patients can amines) was overly simplistic. Now, antidepressants are
be identified who might respond better to technology- known to induce neural plasticity and the modulation of
based treatments than to traditional treatments is monoamines is only the first of their therapeutic effects146.
unclear. Indeed, as attitudes and expectations about the
role of technology in daily life change, the patients who Mechanisms of action. Monoamine-based antidepres-
are likely to respond to such treatments will probably sant drugs are thought to initiate an adaptive neuronal
change. The rapid rate at which technology advances response to the biochemical perturbations in the syn-
means that technology-based interventions will continue apse. Downstream changes in intracellular signalling
to grow and evolve rapidly 142. pathways as well as changes in gene expression and
neural and synaptic plasticity (including hippocam-
pal neurogenesis) might have crucial roles in these
Severe and complex depression*; risk to life; severe self-neglect
adaptive changes147,148, although the exact mechanism
Medication, high-intensity psychological interventions, by which antidepressants exert their effects remains
Step 4 electroconvulsive therapy, crisis service, combined treatments, incompletely understood.
multi-professional and in-patient care
Given the now understood complexity of the activity
Persistent subthreshold depressive symptoms or mild to moderate of these drugs, the usefulness of the standard classifi-
depression with inadequate response to initial interventions; cation of antidepressant drugs, typically based on
moderate and severe depression the specific effects on individual monoamine neuro-
Step 3 Medication, high-intensity psychological interventions, combined
treatments, collaborative care‡ and referral for further assessment transmitters, has been challenged149. However, such
and interventions classification, often reflecting the affinity of drugs for
presynaptic and postsynaptic monoamine receptors
Persistent subthreshold depressive symptoms; and/or monoamine transporters, has been useful in
mild to moderate depression
Step 2 understanding some of their adverse effects. An inter-
Low-intensity psychosocial interventions, psychological interventions,
medication and referral for further assessment and interventions national initiative from five scientific organizations with
a focus and expertise in neuropsychopharmacology
All known and suspected presentations of depression recently developed the Neuroscience-based Nomen-
Step 1 Assessment, support, psychoeducation, active monitoring and referral for further
assessment and interventions clature149 of psychotropic drugs that, instead of grouping
drugs according to indications (such as antidepres-
Figure 6 | Stepped-care model in the management of MDD.Reviews
Nature The stepped-care
| Disease Primers sants or antipsychotics), organizes medications on the
model proposes that the least intrusive, most effective intervention is provided first. basis of their known pharmacological actions (such
If the initial intervention shows no benefit or if the individual declines an intervention, as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and
an appropriate intervention from the next step should be offered. *Complex depression serotonin–noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)).
includes depression that shows an inadequate response to multiple treatments, is
In summary, monoaminergic neurotransmission
complicated by psychotic symptoms and/or is associated with considerable psychiatric
comorbidity or psychosocial factors. ‡Only for depression in which the person also has is extremely complex and includes several neuro-
a chronic physical health problem and associated functional impairment. From REF. 115, transmitters, presynaptic and postsynaptic receptors,
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2009; updated 2016) CG90 transporters and enzymes that determine the avail-
Depression in adults: recognition and management. Manchester: NICE. Available from ability and the effects of the specific monoaminergic Reproduced with permission. transmitter (FIG. 7).


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Box 4 | Psychotherapy for MDD in a much more rapid manner. Compounds that are
under development include neurokinin 1 antagonists152,
Cognitive–behavioural therapy glutamatergic system modulators153, anti-inflammatory
Cognitive–behavioural therapy teaches the patient with agents154, opioid tone modulators and opioid-κ antago-
major depressive disorder (MDD) to identify negative, nists155, hippocampal neurogenesis-stimulating treat-
distorted thinking patterns that contribute to depression
ments156 and antiglucocorticoid therapies157. The degree
and provides skills to test and challenge these negative
thoughts, replacing them with more accurate of advancement in the development process varies across
positive ones. these different mechanisms, although all of these types
of compounds have shown some degree of promise in
Behavioural activation therapy
the treatment of MDD.
Behavioural activation therapy focuses on increasing the
patient’s positive activities that provide a sense of pleasure
or mastery. This treatment also frequently focuses on Combined pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy
identifying and confronting avoidance processes. Several studies have shown that initiating treatment
with both psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy prod-
Psychodynamic therapy
Psychodynamic therapy helps the patient to explore and
uces significantly better outcomes than either treat-
gain insight into how emotions, thoughts and earlier life ment alone158,159. Similarly, augmenting psychotherapy
experiences have created patterns that contribute to or antidepressant medications with the treatment not
current problems. Recognizing these patterns can help received when the monotherapy has not achieved
a person to cope and to change those patterns. satisfactory results is also effective at increasing the
Problem-solving therapy response rate160.
Problem-solving therapy teaches patients a structured
set of skills to generate creative methods to address Treatment-resistant depression
problems, to identify and to overcome potential barriers The term treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is
to goals and to make effective decisions. typically used to describe a form of MDD that has not
Interpersonal therapy responded adequately to at least one antidepressant 161,
Interpersonal therapy focuses on helping people to although varying definitions of treatment resistance
identify and to resolve problems in relationships and exist 162. TRD is frequently observed in clinical practice,
social roles, including interpersonal conflicts, role with up to 50–60% of patients not obtaining adequate
transitions and diminished or impoverished relationships. response following a first antidepressant drug treat-
Mindfulness-based therapy ment161. A careful diagnostic re-assessment is considered
Mindfulness has its origins in contemplative practices, crucial to the proper management of patients with TRD.
primarily Buddhism, and involves regular meditative More specifically, it is important to evaluate the poten-
practice in which one pays attention to thoughts, tial role of several contributing factors, such as medical
feelings and experiences in a non-judgemental manner, and psychiatric comorbidity. The degree of resistance to
learning to accept things as they are without trying to treatment can vary greatly among patients with TRD and
change them. some staging methods to classify TRD on the basis of
different levels of treatment resistance have been shown
to be of use clinically 163. A meta-analysis showed sev-
Tolerability and efficacy. The success of the SSRIs and eral variables are associated with treatment resistance,
SNRIs in displacing TCA drugs as first-choice agents including old age, marital status, long duration of cur-
was not based on established differences in efficacy, but rent depressive episode, moderate-to-high suicidal risk,
rather on a generally more favourable adverse-effect pro- anxious comorbidity, high number of hospitalizations
file, such as lack of anticholinergic and cardiac effects and comorbid personality disorders164.
and a high therapeutic index (the ratio of lethal dose to The most established strategies for treating TRD
therapeutic dose), combined with ease of administration. include psychopharmacological approaches, psycho-
However, all of the monoamine-based antidepressant therapy and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).
drugs, regardless of their pharmacological class, have
fundamentally comparable modest efficacy, with Psychopharmacological strategies. Psychopharmaco-
response rates around 50%, and show a characteristic logical approaches for TRD involve high-dose drug
delayed (typically more than several weeks) response to therapy or combination therapy. For example, the
treatment 12,150. However, the SSRIs and SNRIs are also term high-dose treatment refers to a psychopharmaco-
not devoid of considerable tolerability issues: common logical strategy involving the considerable increase
acute treatment adverse effects are nausea, insomnia, (doubling or tripling) of the dose of the antidepressant
headaches, dizziness, gastrointestinal symptoms and in the face of non-response, a strategy that has been
sexual dysfunction, whereas common long-term adverse shown to lead to significant improvements particu-
effects include weight gain, sexual dysfunction and larly in the event of partial response. This strategy has
sleep disturbances151. recently been confirmed in two meta-analyses looking
In the past two decades, there have been efforts to at SSRI use165,166.
develop antidepressant drugs that are not monoamine- In addition, the strategy of switching involves chang-
based, that are devoid of some of the untoward effects of ing the primary antidepressant drug to another of the
these drugs and that are able to induce clinical changes same class or of a different class. In the STAR*D study,

12 | 2016 | VOLUME 2

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this strategy led to remission in one in four patients Another approach in TRD is augmentation, in which
who were citalopram (an SSRI) non-responders (both ongoing antidepressant drug treatment is combined with
within the same class or within a different class), but its non-antidepressant drugs. Initially well-studied augmen-
success in patients who have not responded to two anti- tation strategies, such as lithium or l-triiodothyronine
depressant trials is extremely modest, with only one in (T3)167, have become somewhat less common in prac-
ten patients achieving remission12. tice, whereas augmentation with atypical antipsychotic

5-HTT G1
G1 and vila odone* 5-HT1A

5-HT1B Fluoxetine*, sertraline*, paroxetine*, citalopram*,
5-HT1D escitalopram*, uvoxamine*, vila odone*, vortioxetine*,
venlafaxine||, duloxetine||, milnacipran||, amitriptyline§,
Vortioxetine* clomipramine§, tra odone**, desvenlafaxine|| and levomilnacipran||
Presynaptic Trazodone**, agomelatine, 5-HT2 Postsynaptic
neuron mirtazapine#, amitriptyline§, neuron
doxepin§ and mianserin#


Phenelzine, Amitriptyline§, doxepin§,
trimipramine§, trazodone** α1-adrenergic and
MAO tranylcypromine α2-adrenergic receptors
and moclobemide and mianserin#

Noradrenaline Mirtazapine#,
transporter amitriptyline§,
doxepin§, G1
trimipramine§, H1 receptor
and mianserin#
Reboxetine‡, bupropion¶, venlafaxine||,
Mirtazapine and
# duloxetine||, milnacipran||, clomipramine§,
mianserin# doxepin§, amitriptyline§, nortriptyline§,
desvenlafaxine|| and levomilnacipran|| Serotonin
α2-adrenergic receptor Dopamine Amitriptyline§, Muscarinergic G1
transporter clomipramine§, acetylcholine Dopamine
trimipramine§ receptors
G1 and doxepin§

Bupropion¶ Neurotransmission

Figure 7 | The mechanisms of action of antidepressant drugs. (NDRIs; denoted with ¶) primarily block the reuptake
Nature of noradrenaline
Reviews and
| Disease Primers
The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs; denoted with *) have dopamine. The α2-adrenergic receptor antagonists (denoted with #) seem
been shown to have significant binding (antagonistic) to the serotonin to enhance the release of both serotonin and noradrenaline by blocking
transporter (5-HTT), thereby blocking serotonin reuptake. The relatively α2-autoreceptors. More-selective dual-action serotonin receptor
selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (NRIs; denoted with ‡) have also antagonists/agonists primarily bind to serotonin 5-HT 2 receptors.
shown at therapeutically relevant doses to have significant binding to the Agomelatine is a melatonin receptor (MT1 and MT2) agonist (not shown)
noradrenaline transporter. The tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs; denoted and a 5-HT2C antagonist without anticholinergic or antihistaminergic
with §) and other cyclic antidepressants, as well as the serotonin– properties. Most currently used monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors are
noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs; denoted with ||), block the irreversible inhibitors of both MAOA and MAOB, with dopamine, tyramine
reuptake of serotonin and noradrenaline by binding to their transporter in and tryptamine being substrates for both isoforms of MAO. Moclobemide
varying ratios. TCAs, to varying degrees, are potent blockers of histamine is a selective and reversible MAOA inhibitor. In addition, other
H1 receptors, serotonin 5-HT2 receptors, muscarinic acetylcholine neurobiological systems (such as γ-aminobutyric acid, glutamate and
receptors, and α1-adrenergic receptors. These effects account for the opioids) are probably involved in the neurobiology of MDD and are to some
higher adverse-effect burden of the TCAs than the other classes of extent targeted by more experimental antidepressive substances (such as
antidepressants. The noradrenaline–dopamine reuptake inhibitors ketamine). **Serotonin antagonist and reuptake inhibitor.


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drugs, such as quetiapine or aripiprazole, is increasingly a meta-analysis has shown that rTMS is inferior to ECT
being used168. with regard to efficacy in TRD176.
Finally, combination treatment generally refers In contrast to standard rTMS, dTMS modulates
to the prescribing of more than one antidepressant neuronal activity in deeper regions of the brain. One
simultaneously. The array and number of combina- review concluded that dTMS in patients with TRD
tory possibilities have dramatically increased with the is effective both as a monotherapy and as an add-on
introduction of newer antidepressant agents. The two treatment to pharmacotherapy 177.
best-studied combination strategies, studied in STAR*D, MST combines elements of rTMS and ECT. In MST,
are SSRIs or SNRIs combined with either bupropion an rTMS device is used to induce a seizure, but the pro-
(a noradrenaline–dopamine reuptake inhibitor) or cedure is otherwise carried out as ECT using a general
mirtazapine (an α2-adrenergic receptor antagonist)12. anaesthetic and a muscle relaxant. A review of eight
MST studies reported remission rates of 30–40% and
Psychotherapy. In TRD, the most commonly used form no significant cognitive adverse effects178.
of psychotherapy studied is cognitive–behavioural tDCS typically applies a weak direct current via scalp
therapy (BOX 4). A systematic review of the pertinent electrodes overlying targeted cortical areas179. A recent
literature concluded that the current evidence examin- review concluded that the data do not support the use
ing the effect of psychotherapy as augmentation or of tDCS in TRD180.
substitute therapy in TRD is sparse and shows mixed LFMS refers to a form of brain stimulation deliv-
results169. However, the use of cognitive–behavioural ered in a magnetic field waveform inducing a low,
therapy in citalopram non-responders in the STAR*D pulsed electric field in the brain. Two sham-controlled
study was associated with comparable efficacy to pilot studies of LFMS have shown a rapid antidepres-
pharmacotherapy 13. Furthermore, a recent large-scale sant effect in patients with a mood disorder, including
randomized controlled study showed both efficacy and patients with TRD181.
long-term effectiveness of cognitive–behavioural ther- VNS involves the surgical implantation of a pace-
apy as adjunct to pharmacotherapy in TRD170,171. Finally, maker-like pulse generator in the chest, connected to
compared with treatment as usual, a meta-analysis a stimulating electrode attached to the vagus nerve in
showed efficacy for the cognitive–behavioural analy- the neck. VNS results in the activation of various sub-
sis system of psychotherapy, which is a specific cortical brain structures and the stimulation of hippo-
psychotherapy for chronic depression including TRD172. campal neurogenesis182. Despite the fact that the only
controlled trial in TRD of VNS using a sham control did
ECT. In ECT, a seizure is elicited during short anaesthe- not achieve the pre-specified significance, and reported
sia after the patient has provided informed consent. ECT modest response rates in the acute phase, long-term,
is considered to be the most widely used and effective extension phases of VNS treatment have been associ-
non-pharmacological biological treatment for TRD173. ated with an increased therapeutic effect over time, with
It  is commonly used when a rapid anti depressant a sustained response rate of 40% and with a remission
response is required, such as in very severely depressed rate of 29% after a 9-month follow-up182.
and/or highly suicidal patients. The main tolerabil- DBS involves the implantation of a pulse generator
ity issues of ECT are its adverse effects on cognition, connected to two stimulating electrode wires, surgi-
especially anterograde and retrograde amnesia. Right cally placed in specific brain regions. DBS is typically
unilateral ECT seems to be as effective as bilateral treat- reserved for patients with the most severe forms of
ment, albeit bilateral treatment might lead to faster clin- TRD and requires further evaluation of administration
ical response173. Another approach is to use ultra-brief methods and its role in MDD therapy 183.
pulse-width (UBP) stimulation to minimize cognitive A novel pharmacological approach to the treatment
adverse effects. However, a systematic review showed of TRD involves parenteral or intranasal administra-
that UBP ECT might have lower efficacy and a slower tion of the glutamatergic drugs ketamine or esketa-
speed of remission174. mine, which are antagonists of N-methyl-d-aspartate
(NMDA). A review of 21 studies showed that single
Emerging treatments. Newer treatments for TRD include ketamine intravenous infusions elicit a significant
numerous approaches, such as repetitive transcranial antidepressant effect from 4 hours to 7 days in patients
magnetic stimulation (rTMS), deep TMS (dTMS), mag- with TRD184. Similar results were reported in a trial of
netic seizure therapy (MST), transcranial direct current a single intravenous infusion of esketamine185. Other
stimulation (tDCS), low-field magnetic stimulation drugs with NMDA receptor antagonistic properties
(LFMS), vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), deep brain have been associated with more-modest antidepressant
stimulation (DBS), parenteral or intranasal ketamine and effects than with ketamine; however, they have shown
esketamine, as well as other pharmacological approaches. other potentially favourable characteristics, such as
Standard rTMS uses an eight-shaped coil to modu- decreased dissociative or psychotomimetic effects.
late neuronal activity to a maximum depth of 1.5–2.5 cm Other emerging pharmacological augmentation strat-
from the scalp. A recent review of 18 TRD studies of egies use compounds such as S-adenosyl-methionine186,
rTMS concluded that, for patients with MDD with l-methylfolate187, omega-3 fatty acids188, intravenous
at least two antidepressant treatment failures, rTMS scopolamine189 and the opioid modulator ALKS 5461
is a reasonable, effective consideration175. However, (REF. 190), but their efficacy is not well established yet.

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Quality of life Notably, meta-analyses of randomized controlled

Much of the burden of disease associated with MDD is trials have not detected a beneficial effect of antidepres-
related to its dramatic effect of on one’s ability to work sants to reduce suicide risk in MDD203,204. Importantly,
and the strain on family life. In a large survey carried the association between antidepressants use and suicidal-
out in the United States, MDD was associated with ity seems to be strongly age dependent 205,206. Meta-
27.2 workdays lost per affected worker per year 191. analyses revealed that suicidal ideation or behaviour
Another aspect affected in MDD is cognition. Finally, associated with antidepressants was nonsignificantly
MDD is a major risk factor for suicidal ideation and increased in patients <25 years of age, nonsignificantly
of suicide attempts, which can significantly reduce the decreased in patients 25–64 years of age and highly
quality of life of patients and their families. significantly decreased in patients >64 years of age.
In any event, clinicians should pay special attention to
Cognitive impairment suicidal ideation and suicidality in patients with MDD in
Considerable literature has described objectively general and during antidepressant  pharmacotherapy 207.
measured cognitive deficits in patients with MDD.
These deficits affect a wide range of cognitive domains Outlook
including both ‘hot’ (emotion-laden) and ‘cold’ (non- Given that MDD is prevalent worldwide, one of the
emotional) cognition. One meta-analysis identified highest priorities in the field should be to implement
executive function, memory and attention as the pre- effective treatment in low-income countries in which
dominantly affected domains192. An attentional bias <10% of patients with MDD receive adequate treat-
towards negative information has also been confirmed ment 208,209. The currently ongoing Mental Health Gap
by meta-analysis193. Impairments in psychomotor speed, Action Programme (mhGAP)210 of the WHO is aiming
attention, visual learning and memory, as well as exec- to scale-up services for mental disorders in countries
utive function can be detected with small-to-medium with low and lower middle incomes.
effect sizes during a first episode of MDD194. In terms of the aetiology and pathophysiology
Although the cognitive deficits are modest after of MDD, many questions remain unresolved. For
remission (that is, in euthymic patients with MDD), example, how exactly is the immune system dysregu-
slight impairments in executive control192,195 and mem- lated in MDD? Are immunological alterations present
ory 192 can remain, suggesting that cognitive deficits are in MDD in general or only in specific subtypes of the
not simply an epiphenomenon of decreased motivation disease? Furthermore, there is a lack of replicated find-
during episodes of low mood. Cognitive impairment ings in both GWAS and G×E studies37. Thus, a crucial
in MDD partly depends on the patient subgroup studied. question remains how exactly environmental influences
MDD severity, for example, has been shown to be a interact with the genome leading to MDD. In addition,
strong predictor of cognitive dysfunction196. In addition, how stable are epigenetic alterations of genomic read-out
patients with psychotic depression have been shown to and are they reversible with successful therapy? An epi-
do significantly worse than patients with non-psychotic demiological phenomenon consists in the repeatedly
MDD on tests of verbal learning, visual learning and described sex differences in prevalence rates of MDD2
processing speed197. Neurocognitive impairment is a and it will be important to examine the mechanisms
relevant factor in the quality of life of patients, as it is that are responsible for the increased MDD prevalence
negatively associated with psychosocial functioning in women. Finally, given the fact that MDD is a strong
in MDD198. Overall, antidepressant pharmacotherapy risk factor for developing metabolic and cardiovascu-
seems to improve cognitive function199. lar diseases, and for a worse course and outcome in
these diseases5, it will be important to learn more about
Suicide risk the mechanisms of association between MDD and other
The most immediate clinical concern with MDD is medical diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or coronary
its strong relation to suicidal intent and completed heart disease. Future research should also examine
suicide200. Patients with MDD have a 1.8-fold incre- whether treatment of comorbid MDD reduces morbidity
ased overall mortality and patients with MDD lose and mortality in medical patients.
an estimated 10.6 life years in men and 7.2 years in A pivotal task in the future of MDD research will
women7. This is due, in part, to the increased risk be to break down the heterogeneous clinical picture of
of suicide in this population. In one analysis, the risk of MDD as a broad DSM-5 category into more narrowly
suicide in MDD was almost 20-fold higher than in the defined disease entities with specific biologies. The
general population7. initial goal of DSM-5 was to define psychiatric diagnoses
The effectiveness of behavioural and psychosocial by genetics, neuroimaging and other biological meas-
interventions to prevent suicide and suicide attempts ures. However, our knowledge has not yet sufficiently
has been supported by a recent meta-analysis, particu- progressed to reliably base psychiatric diagnoses on
larly for interventions that directly address suicidal biological measures. Nevertheless, the DSM still prov-
thoughts201. Strategies to reduce suicides at ‘suicide ides clinicians and researchers with the opportunity to
hotspots’ (that is, public areas often used for suicides) define subtypes of MDD by grouping patients according
by aiming to restrict access and to encourage help seek- to distinct clinical characteristics (for example, melan-
ing might be effective, at least according to a recent cholic versus atypical depression). Importantly, these
meta-analysis202. subtypes have already been associated with different


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neurobiological signatures34. Furthermore, the concepts Better treatment for patients is the ultimate goal of
of ‘vascular depression’ (REF. 211), ‘metabolic depression’ all biomedical research and obviously this is true for
(REFS 212,213) or ‘inflammatory depression’ (REF. 214) MDD research as well. In terms of new psychotherapeu-
that all imply a specific aetiology and potentially specific tic approaches, the technological revolution with its fast
treatments warrant further validation. evolving developments will enable technology-supported
Once valid MDD subtypes have been identified, diagnostic and treatment options. This might include
specific treatments associated with better outcomes intervention tools that can detect and react to sensed
will hopefully follow. Several studies have predicted states and behaviours, allowing just-in-time prompting
response to specific psychological or pharmacological and reinforcement of treatment congruent behaviours144,
treatment by clinical criteria such as history of child- as well as tools that can passively monitor risk of MDD.
hood trauma215, neuroimaging markers such as insula Within pharmacological research, antidepressants
hypometabolism216 or inflammatory markers such as that affect the glutamatergic system, such as ketamine,
C-reactive protein217,218. However, clinical subtypes are currently under intense scientific scrutiny. A novel
(melancholic, atypical and anxious) could not predict approach might be to use substances that stimulate
treatment response in the iSPOT-D trial219. Ideally, neurogenesis in humans. The first (to our knowledge)
so-called precision psychiatry will enable categoriza- phase Ib clinical study of the neurogenesis stimulator
tion of MDD subtypes as in the field of oncology, which NSI-189 phosphate has been reported, showing efficacy
has started to define different forms of cancer in the compared with placebo in two out of four MDD outcome
same organ into separate disease entities that require measures156. However, future studies are necessary to
different treatment 220. It remains to be seen whether determine short-term and long-term safety and efficacy
the dimensional approach of the RDoC using concepts of substances that stimulate neurogenesis in patients.
from genetics as well as from cognitive, affective and MDD has considerable effects on the human condi-
social neuroscience will achieve this goal. It has been tion and its aetiology and pathophysiology remain a com-
argued that the RDoC approach disregards the distinc- plex puzzle. Consistent with Winston Churchill’s famous
tion between ‘sick’ and ‘well’ and that the RDoC might quote “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the
introduce a gap between clinicians using DSM-5 and courage to continue that counts”, it will be worth every
researchers using RDoC221. effort to relieve the enormous burden of MDD.

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Author contributions Council (UK), research funding from the Medical Research Medicine (NiiCM); National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA);
Introduction (C.O.); Epidemiology (B.W.P.); Mechanisms/ Council (UK) and the Wellcome Trust for research on National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH); Neuralstem, Inc.;
pathophysiology (C.O., S.M.G., B.W.P., C.M.P. and A.E.); depression and inflammation as part of two large consortia Novartis AG; Organon Pharmaceuticals; PamLab, LLC.; Pfizer
Diagnosis, screening and prevention (A.F.S.); Management that also include Johnson & Johnson, GSK, Lundbeck and Inc.; Pharmacia-Upjohn; Pharmaceutical Research
(M.F. and D.C.M.); Quality of life (S.M.G.); Outlook (C.O. and Pfizer, and research funding from Johnson & Johnson as part Associates., Inc.; Pharmavite® LLC; PharmoRx Therapeutics;
A.F.S.); Overview of the Primer (C.O.). of a programme of research on depression and inflammation. Photothera; Reckitt Benckiser; Roche Pharmaceuticals; RCT
In addition, C.M.P. has received a speaker’s fee from Logic, LLC (formerly Clinical Trials Solutions, LLC); Sanofi-
Competing interests Lundbeck. A.E. has received research funding from Brain Aventis US LLC; Shire; Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Stanley
C.O. has received honoraria for lectures from Lundbeck and Resource, Inc. and honoraria for consulting from Otsuka, Medical Research Institute (SMRI); Synthelabo; Takeda
Servier and for membership in a scientific advisory board from Acadia and Takeda. M.F. reports the following research Pharmaceuticals; Tal Medical; Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories;
Lundbeck and Neuraxpharm. S.M.G. has received honoraria support: Abbot Laboratories; Alkermes, Inc.; American Advisory Board/ Consultant: Abbott Laboratories; Acadia;
from Novartis and travel reimbursements from Novartis, Cyanamid; Aspect Medical Systems; AstraZeneca; Avanir Affectis Pharmaceuticals AG; Alkermes, Inc.; Amarin Pharma
Merck Serono and Biogen Idec and has received in-kind Pharmaceuticals; BioResearch; BrainCells Inc.; Bristol-Myers Inc.; Aspect Medical Systems; Auspex Pharmaceuticals;
research support for conducting clinical trials from GAIA AG, Squibb; CeNeRx BioPharma; Cephalon; Cerecor; Clintara, Avanir Pharmaceuticals; AXSOME Therapeutics; Bayer AG;
a commercial developer and vendor of health  care LLC; Covance; Covidien; Eli Lilly and Company; EnVivo Best Practice Project Management, Inc.; Biogen and BioMarin
management and eHealth interventions. B.W.P. has received Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Euthymics Bioscience, Inc.; Forest Phar. D.C.M. has received honoraria for lectures and for
research funding from Jansen Research and is supported by a Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; FORUM Pharmaceuticals; Ganeden membership in a scientific advisory board from Otsuka. A.F.S.
VICI grant from the Dutch Scientific Organization. C.M.P. was Biotech, Inc.; GlaxoSmithKline; Harvard Clinical Research has, since 2015, served as a consultant for Alkermes, Cervel,
supported by the National Institute for Health Research Institute; Hoffman-LaRoche; Icon Clinical Research; Clintara, Forum Pharmaceuticals, McKinsey and Company,
Mental Health Biomedical Research Centre in Mental Health i3 Innovus/Ingenix; Janssen R&D, LLC; Jed Foundation; Myriad Genetics, Neurontics, Naurex, One Carbon, Pfizer,
at South London, Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and King’s Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development; Takeda, Sunovion and X-Hale and as a speaker for Pfizer;
College London, the grants ‘Persistent fatigue induced by Lichtwer Pharma GmbH; Lorex Pharmaceuticals; Lundbeck he holds equity in Amnestix, Cervel, Corcept (co-founder),
interferon-α: A New Immunological Model for Chronic Fatigue Inc.; MedAvante; Methylation Sciences Inc.; National Alliance Delpor, Gilead Incyte, Merck, Neurocrine, Seattle Genetics,
Syndrome’ (MR/J002739/1), and ‘Immuno-psychiatry: for Research on Schizophrenia & Depression (NARSAD); Titan and X-Hale; and he is listed as an inventor on
a consortium to test the opportunity for immunotherapeutics National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine pharmacogenetic and antiglucocorticoid use patents
in psychiatry’ (MR/L014815/1) from the Medical Research (NCCAM); National Coordinating Center for Integrated on prediction of antidepressant response.

20 | 2016 | VOLUME 2

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