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Well, first of all, I will talk about the muscular system. Look at the picture and you can
see the body is composed of four primary tissue types. Firstly, epithelial tissue refers
to groups of cells that cover the exterior surfaces of the body, line internal cavities and
passageways, and form certain glands. Secondly, Connective tissue which  binds the
cells and organs of the body together. Thirdly, Muscle tissue contracts forcefully when
excited, providing movement and finally, nerve tissue :is also excitable, allowing for
the generation and propagation of electrochemical signals in the form of nerve
impulses that communicate between different regions of the body. 

And now I will tell you some vocabularies about MUSCULAR TISSUE
Skeletal muscle tissue: striated muscles that are attached to bones and typically cross
at least one joint: mô cơ xương
Cardiac muscle tissue: muscle tissue of the heart: mô cơ tim

Smooth muscle tissue: muscle that shows no cross stripes under microscopic
magnification : mô cơ trơn

Striated muscle tissue: is made up of elongated usually multinucleated fibers : mô cơ

có vân different to Non-striated muscle tissue
Elasticity (n): the ability of stretch: độ co dãn
Excitability(n): the fact of becoming excited easily: tính dễ bị kích thích
Extensibility(n): the ability to be extended or stretched: tính có thể duỗi ra

On top of that, to have a deeper insight into Muscle tissue, we will learn about
the content of muscle tissue. 
Muscle tissue is characterized by properties that allow movement. Muscle cells are
excitable; they respond to a stimulus. They are contractile, meaning they can
shorten and generate a pulling force. When attached between two movable objects,
such as two bones, contraction of the muscles cause the bones to move. Some
muscle movement is voluntary, which means it is under conscious control. Muscle
tissue is classified into three types according to structure and function: skeletal,
cardiac, and smooth. Besides, the muscle tissue, specifically skeletal muscle tissue,
predominates in these organs. When we speak of the muscular system we are usually
speaking about the collection of skeletal muscles in the body and the specialized
connective tissue elements, tendons, which connect muscles to bones. The number of
muscle in human body is around 700 .
There are some significant vocabularies relating to muscle types that we need to
notice, look at the picture about type of muscle cells and the first vocabulary is….


Visceral Muscle/ Smooth muscle which means any of the muscles that work
automatically and are found in the organs of the body such as the stomach and lungs
( cơ trơn)
And the word cardiac muscle is muscle tissue of the heart (cơ tim)
Then, we have skeletal muscle and it means any of the muscles that are attached to the
bones and work to create movement of the bones and joints (cơ xương/ cơ vân)
Next, we have neurotransmitters and it is a chemical that carries messages between
neurons or between neurons and muscles (chất dẫn truyền thần kinh)
Finally, motor end-plate which means the place where the skeletal muscle cell
communicates with motor neurons.
Moreover, we will continue our lesson with the definitions and structures of muscle
• To begin with visceral muscle, which is Smooth muscle (so-named because the
cells do not have striations) is present in the walls of hollow organs like the
urinary bladder, uterus, stomach, intestines, and in the walls of passageways.
Furthermore, it is the weakest of all muscle tissues and visceral muscle is
controlled by the unconscious part of the brain so it is an involuntary muscle
Besides, it is smooth and uniform appearance when viewed under a microscope

Another type of muscle is Cardiac Muscle

Found only in the heart, cardiac muscle is responsible for pumping blood throughout
the body. Cardiac muscle is an involuntary muscle. Its self-stimulation so cardiac
muscle is considered to be autorhythmic or intrinsically controlled. The cells of
cardiac muscle tissue are striated - that is, they appear to have light and dark stripes
when viewed under a light microscope. Striations indicate that a muscle cell is very
strong, unlike visceral muscles.
And the last one is Skeletal Muscle. So what is skeletal muscle?
Well, Skeletal muscle is a muscle tissue that is attached to the bones and is involved in
the functioning of different parts of the body. These muscles are also called voluntary
muscles as they come under the control of the nervous system in the body.
This muscle is attached to the bones by an elastic tissue or collagen fibers called
tendons. These tendons are comprised of connective tissues. The skeletal muscles
consist of a bundle of muscle fibers namely fascicule. These muscle fibers are
surrounded by blood vessels and a number of layers of other tissues enclosing it.

First of all, I will tell you about some popular vocabularies in the muscular system
-To begin with Strength and it means the quality or state of being physically strong
(Sức lực)
- Another word is Balance, which means an even distribution of weight enabling
someone or something to remain upright and steady (Giữ thăng bằng)
-Besides, we have a word pretty common in muscular system “Movement” and it
means an act of changing physical location or position or of having this changed (Sự
chuyển động)
-The next word is Posture: the arrangement of the body and its limbs (Tư thế)
-And the last but not least we have Heat which is a form of energy that is transferred
by a difference in temperature (Làm nóng)
Well, after we learn about vocabularies, we will definitely move to it’s content
and now I am so interested in talking about functions of the muscular system
The main function of the muscular system is movement. Muscles are the only
tissue in the body that has the ability to contract and therefore move the other parts of

the body.
Related to the function of movement is the muscular system’s second function:
the maintenance of posture and body position. Muscles often contract to hold the body
still or in a particular position rather than to cause movement. The muscles responsible
for the body’s posture have the greatest endurance of all muscles in the body - they
hold up the body throughout the day without becoming tired.
Another function related to movement is the movement of substances inside the
body. The cardiac and visceral muscles are primarily responsible for transporting
substances like blood or food from one part of the body to another.
The final function of muscle tissue is the generation of body heat. As a result of
the high metabolic rate of contracting muscle, our muscular system produces a great
deal of waste heat. Many small muscle contractions within the body produce our
natural body heat. When we exert ourselves more than normal, the extra muscle
contractions lead to a rise in body temperature and eventually to sweating.

In the same way, we will study some vocabulary before concerning the content

Firstly, we have a word neuromuscular : thần kinh cơ: which means
pertaining to the nerves and muscles.
The next word is Myopathies: bệnh cơ: And it is a
diseases of skeletal muscle which are not caused by nerve disorders. These diseases ca
use the skeletal or voluntary muscles to become weak or wasted.
Besides, Polio bệnh bại liệt: and it
is characterized by symptoms that range from a mild nonparalytic infection to total par
alysis in a matter of hours.
Another disease is Cerebral palsy : bệnh bại não: which means
Cerebral palsy (CP) is the term used for a group of nonprogressive disorders of movem
ent and posture caused by abnormal development of, or damage to, motor control cent
ers of the brain
And then we have myasthenia gravis : bệnh nhược cơ
Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease that causes muscle weakness.
Finally, Dystrophy: Loạn dưỡng
any disorder due to defective or faulty nutrition
And now, look at the diagram and we can see medical conditions associated with the
muscular system can be categorized as neuromuscular, motor end – plate or
myopathies. To start with neuromuscular, we have three popular diseases – polio,
cerebral palsy and Parkinson’s disease. Furthermore, myasthenia gravis is an example
of a motor end-plate disease. The last one is myopathy and muscular dystrophy is an
example of this condition.



Neuromuscular Cerebral palsy

Parkinson's disease

Motor end-plate Myasthenia gravis

Myopathies Dystrophy


Cerebral palsy is a type of disorder of the muscular system and of course today, I will
show you the information about this disease.

-The cause is that a part of the brain is damaged, so the child with the disease cannot
move the muscles controlled by that brain area normally.

Well, the diagram illustrates cerebral palsy can happen in three periods – fetal,
childbirth and postnatal. During fetal development, damage can occur because
Infections during pregnancy, Lack of oxygen in the fetal brain and other causes and
abnormalities: sick from mom ,genetic, drugs,...Besides, during childbirth, damage
occur due to premature birth, low birth weight, asphyxiation during labor and birth or
obstetric trauma. And during post-natal, damage happens because of Neonatal cerebral

Infections during pregnancy

(Nhiễm trùng)

Lack of oxygen in the fetal

Other causes and
abnormalities: sick from
mom ,genetic, drugs,...

Premature birth, low birth

Cerebral palsy

(Sinh non, cân nặng thấp)

Asphyxiation during labor and birth

( Ngạt trong quá trình chuyển dạ và sinh )

Obstetric trauma
( Sang chấn sản khoa)

Neonatal cerebral
Post-natal hemorrhage,....
- Another type of disorder of the muscular system is huyết
(Xuất não)dystrophy.
Inherited muscle disease that causes muscle weakness. Patients often have
difficulty walking or sitting upright. Most diseases of the muscular dystrophy
group show symptoms in childhood, while others only appear in adulthood.


Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease in which body’s immune system attacks

the acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction. Myasthenia gravis is
characterized by weakness and rapid fatigue of any of the muscles under your
voluntary control. It's caused by a breakdown in the normal communication between
nerves and muscles.

There's no cure for myasthenia gravis, but treatment can help relieve signs and
symptoms, such as weakness of arm or leg muscles, double vision, drooping eyelids,
and difficulties with speech, chewing, swallowing and breathing.

Though this disease can affect people of any age, it's more common in women younger
than 40 and in men older than 60.
And now I will talk about Parkinson’s disease. To begin with vocabulary and the first
word I will show you is Substantia nigra: Chất đen/ Liềm đen
(Tự nói: basal ganglia structure located in the midbrain, plays important role in reward
and movement)

And the next word is muscle tremors: run cơ

(Tự nói: Tremor is an involuntary, rhythmic muscle contraction leading to shaking
movements in one or more parts of the body)
Another word is partial paralysis: tê liệt một phần
(Tự nói: Paralysis occurs when you’re unable to make voluntary muscle movements
due to a nervous system problem)
And the last but not least, we have shuffling gait: đi đứng không vững: which means a
walking pattern, in which a person drags his/her feet while walking.

The substantia nigra is a basal ganglia structure located in the midbrain that plays an
important role in reward and movement.
A progressive neurological disease that affects muscle movement.
Caused by a loss of neurons in the substantia nigra of the brain. These cells produce
the neurotransmitter dopamine.
Symptoms include muscle tremors, slowed movement, difficulty in initiating
purposeful movement, partial paralysis of the facial muscles and a shuffling gait.
The condition usually occurs after age 50.
And the last disease we will concern today is tetanus. So, tetanus, what does it mean?
Well, it caused by the neurotoxin from the anaerobic bacteria Clostridium tetani.
Tetanus: Uốn ván
Moreover, we have a word Anaerobic bacteria: Vi khuẩn kị khí: Anaerobic bacteria
are bacteria that do not live or grow when oxygen is present.

- Neurotoxin:
Chất độc thần
(Tự nói: Toxins that are destructive to nerve tissue)

Lead (Pb)
- An

word is CNS: Central Nervous System – Hệ thần kinh trung ương

And now we will definitely move to some information’s tetanus

This condition (not a disease) is most commonly caused by spores of C.tetani entering
a deep wound
In the wound, the spores germinate producing a colony of growing bacteria. The
bacteria release neurotoxin as they grow. The neurotoxin prevents the release of
inhibitory neurotransmitter substances within the CNS. This result in a state of
contraction in the major muscle groups of the body.
This condition is prevented with the Tetanus vaccine and its first given as part of the
DPT vaccine. Booster vaccinations should be given every 10 years to maintain
Section I -Exercise A

Answer the following questions.

1. How many characteristics of muscle tissue are there? What are they?
Muscle tissue is characterized by contractility, elasticity, excitability and

2. How can muscle tissue be subdivided into three categories?

Muscle tissue is subdivided into three categories skeletal muscle tissue, cardiac
muscle tissue and smooth muscle tissue, based on its cellular structure and

3. Where are visceral muscles? List other names of visceral muscles?

Visceral muscle is found inside of organs like the stomach, intestines, and blood
vessels. The other name of visceral muscles is smooth muscle

4. Why are the cells of cardiac muscle tissue striated?

The cells of cardiac muscle tissue are striated - that is, they appear to have light
and dark stripes when viewed under a light microscope

5. What is the motor end-plate?

The motor end-plate is the place where the skeletal muscle cell communicates
with motor neurons

6. What is the definition of a synapse?

Neurons are not in direct contact with skeletal muscle cells; they meet at
structures called synapses

7. What connects muscles to bones?

The place on the stationary bone that is connected via tendons to the muscle is
called the origin. The place on the moving bone that is connected to the muscle
via tendons is called the insertion

8. How are skeletal muscles named?

Skeletal muscles are named based on many different criteria, including their
location, origin and insertion, number of origins, shape, size, direction, and

9. What is a biceps, triceps and quadriceps muscle?

A muscle with two origins is called a biceps. A muscle with three origins is a
triceps muscle. Finally, a muscle with four origins is a quadriceps muscle

10. What are the functions of the muscular system?

The main function of the muscular system is movement. Besides, muscular
system can maintain posture and body position. Another function is the
movement of substances inside the body and the last one is the generation of
body heat

Section I- Exercise B

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences

1. There are _________ primary tissue types on the human body.

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
 page 87, paragraph 1, line 2-3

The body is composed of four primary tissue types-

epithelial tissue, connective tissue, nerve tissue and muscle

2. There are _________ types of muscle in the body.

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
 page 87, muscle types

Visceral muscle, skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle

3. Both cardiac and skeletal are considered to be _________.

A. striated B. voluntary C. non-striated D. involuntary
 page 88, cardiac muscle, par 2, line 1; skeletal muscle, par 2,
line 2-3
 The cells of cardiac muscle tissue are striated and striated of
skeletal muscle just like cardiac muscle
4. Both cardiac and smooth muscle are considered to be ________.
A. striated B. voluntary C. non-striated D. involuntary
 page 88, cardiac muscle, par 1, line 2-3; smooth muscle line
Cardiac muscle tissue cannot be controlled consciously, so it
is an involuntary muscle and smooth muscle is known as
involuntary muscle – it cannot be directly controlled by the
conscious mind.

5. The main neurotransmitter between motor neurons and skeletal muscle

cells is
A. dopamine B. serotonin C. GABA D. acetylcholine
 page 88, skeletal muscle, par 2, line 8-10

Instead they communicate by releasing chemical messengers

called neurotransmitters ( acetylcholine) that diffuse across
short distances and bind with receptors on the surface of the
muscle cell in specialized regions called the motor end-plate.

Section I- Exercise C

Complete the table with the correct type of muscle tissue.

Categorization of muscle tissue
Striated Non-striated Voluntary Involuntary
Cardiac Smooth muscle Skeletal Smooth muscle
muscle tissue tissue muscle tissue tissue
Skeletal Cardiac
muscle tissue muscle tissue

Section I- Exercise D
Match the following criteria for the skeletal muscle name with its
explanation and examples in the passage about “How to name a skeletal
A. Function 5
B. Location 1
C. Number of origins 3
D. Origin and insertion 2
E. Shape, size and direction 4
EXERCISE G. Complete the following paragraph with the suitable words.
contraction movement contract posture responsible
without cardiac generation rate responsibility
substances visceral sweating relax striated

The main function of the muscular system is (1) __movement_______.

Muscles are the only tissue in the body that has the ability to (2)
____contract_____and therefore move the other parts of the body. Related to
the function of movement is the muscular system’s second function: the
maintenance of (3) __posture_______and body position. Muscles often
contract to hold the body still or in a particular position rather than to cause
movement. The muscles (4) _responsible________for the body’s posture
have the greatest endurance of all muscles in the body—they hold up the
body throughout the day (5) _without________ becoming tired. Another
function related to movement is the movement of (6) _substances________
inside the body. The (7) _cardiac________ and visceral muscles are primarily
responsible for transporting substances like blood or food from one part of
the body to another. The final function of muscle tissue is the (8)
_generation________ of body heat. As a result of the high metabolic (9)
____rate_____ of contracting muscle, our muscular system produces a great
deal of waste heat. Many small muscle contractions within the body produce
our natural body heat. When we exert ourselves more than normal, the extra
muscle contractions lead to a rise in body temperature and eventually to (10)

Figure 5. Skeletal muscle Figure 5.2 Smooth muscle Figure 5.3 Cardiac
Source: Anatomy and Physiology for English Language Learners
Section 2- Exercise A

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence or choose the best
answer to each question.

1. The reduction in the amount of _________ is the underlying cause of

Parkinson’s disease.

A. Dopamine B. Serotonin

C. GABA D. Acetylcholine

(page 94, parkinson’s disease, line 2-3)

The disease is caused by a loss of neurons in the substania nigra of the brain.
These cells produce the neurotransmitter dopamine. So we should pick A

2. Which of the following statements about the number of muscles in the human
body is MOST accurate?

A. There are between 300 and 400.

B. The number depends on which book you read.

C. There are about 700. (page 87, muscle tissue, par 2, line 7-9)

Depending on the book you are using the number is usually stated as either less
than 700 or more than 700. It is probably safe to say the number is around 700

D. There are more than 1000.

3. Myasthenia Gravis _________ .

A. is a degenerative muscle disease

B. is an autoimmune disease. (page 94, myasthenia gravis, line 1)

Myasthenia Grvis is an autoimmune disease

C. is a contagious disease

D. can be prevented with a vaccine

4. Which of the following statements about tetanus are TRUE?

A. It is caused by bacteria.

B. The main symptoms are produced by a toxin.

C. The diseases and its symptoms can be prevented with a vaccine.

D. All the above statements are true. (page 94, tetanus, line 1, 4, 6-7)

Tetanus is caused by the neurotoxin from the anaerobic bacteria

The bacteria release neurotoxin as they grow

This condition is prevented with the Tetanus vaccine

5. Lockjaw is a condition caused by _________.

A. snake venom B. spider venom
C. bacteria D. a disease process

(page 94, tetanus, line 8-9)

Section 2- Exercise B

Decide whether the following statements are True (T), False (F) or Not
Given (NG).
1. ___F_______There are only two => three kinds of medical conditions
associated with the muscular system.
2. ___T_______Polio can be considered a kind of neuromuscular disease.
3. ____NG______A sprain is a stretched or torn ligament while a strain is a
stretched or torn muscle or tendon.
4. __NG________Muscle is hardly affected by chemicals or toxins that act at the
motor end-plate or along the neuromuscular pathway.
5. ____T______Damage to the motor cortex of the brain can lead to a non-
progressive non-contagious impairment of the muscle function known as cerebral
6. ____F______This kind of damage only takes place during fetal
development.=> Damage can occur during fetal development, during childbirth
or during early post – natal development.
7. ____T_____Muscular dystrophy can run in families.

8. ____T______The body’s immune system attacks the acetylcholine receptors
at the neuromuscular junction, causing myasthenia gravis.
9. ____NG______Sometimes Parkinson’s disease is genetic, but most cases do
not seem to run in families.
10. ____T______Lockjaw can be prevented by vaccination.

Section 2- Exercise C
Determine the meaning of the following vocabulary as used in the reading
passage above.
1. myopathy
myopathy is a disease of the muscle in which the muscle fibers do not function
2. polio
Polio is an infectious disease caused by the poliovirus
3. dystrophy
Any disorder due to defective or faulty nutrition, especially muscular dystrophy
4. strains
an overstretching or overexertion of some part of the musculature
5. tendonitis
inflammation of tendons and of tendon-muscle attachments, one of the most
common causes of acute pain in the shoulder
6. muscle cramps
muscle cramp is a sudden and involuntary contraction of one or more of your
7. general anesthetics
General anesthesia is a combination of medications that put you in a sleep-like
state before a surgery or other medical procedure
8. booster vaccinations
Booster vaccinations mean increased dose to inject vaccine
9. fatigability
easy susceptibility to fatigue
10. paralysis
Paralysis is defined as complete loss of strength in an affected limb or muscle

Section 2- Exercise D
Complete the following passage about muscle pain with the words given.
swelling infections multiple severe
chronic injury influenza myalgia

Muscle pain originates in any of the muscles in the body. The medical term for
muscle pain is (1) _myalgia________. Muscle pain may arise due to (2)
___injury______ or overexertion, (3) ___infections______ of the soft tissues, or
inflammatory conditions. A number of conditions can be associated with
generalized aches and pain, such as (4) _influenza________, that are perceived to
be muscle pain. Muscle pain can be localized to one muscle group or diffuse,
involving (5) __multiple_______ muscle groups. Muscle pain due to injury or
overuse is most commonly localized to one area. Depending upon the cause, muscle
pain can be mild or (6) _severe________ and debilitating. Muscle pain is the
hallmark symptom of some (7) __chronic_______ conditions like fibromyalgia.
Related symptoms that can occur with muscle pain are tenderness, (8)
_swelling________ , redness, or fever.

Section 2- Exercise E
Use the correct forms of the words in the brackets to complete the following
passage about “ Parkinson’s Disease”.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a type of (1. MOVE) __movement_______ disorder.
It happens when nerve cells in the brain don't produce enough of a brain chemical
(2. CALL) __called_______ dopamine. Sometimes it is (3. GENE)
__genetic_______, but most cases do not seem to run in families. (4. EXPOSE)
__exposure_______ to chemicals in the environment might play a role. Symptoms
begin gradually, often on one side of the body. Later they affect both sides. They
include (5. TREMBLE) __trembling_______ of hands, arms, legs, jaw and face;
stiffness of the arms, legs and trunk; (6. SLOW) __slowness_______of movement;
poor balance and coordination. As symptoms get worse, people with the disease
may have trouble (7.WALK) _walking________, talking, or doing simple tasks.
They may also have problems such as depression, sleep problems, or trouble
chewing, swallowing, or speaking. There is no lab test for PD, so it can be difficult
to (8. DIAGNOSIS) __diagnose_______. Doctors use a medical history and a
neurological examination to diagnose it.
Section 3- Exercise A
Complete the table below using the information provided in the following
The muscles of the Head
Temporalis: located beneath the temporal bone. English speakers often refer
to the side of the head near the eye as the "temple." The temporalis muscle is used
to close your mouth.
Frontalis: located beneath the frontal bone, at the "front" of the head, on the
forehead. The frontalis muscles contract when you raise your eyebrows.
Orbicularis oculi: around the eye. Orb- means circle and oculi refers to the
The orbicularis oculi muscles are used to blink your eyes.
Masseter: located between the side of the mouth and the ear - in the cheek.
The masseter muscles raise your lower jaw and are important in chewing. In fact,
masseter means chewer.
Orbicularis oris: around the mouth. Orb means circle and oris means mouth.
The orbicularis oris are the muscles used to close the lips. You use these muscles
when you whistle and talk.
Muscle Location Function
__ side of the head, near the eye close the mouth

raise the (2)

frontalis on the forehead ___eyebrows______

orbicularis oculi around the (3) _eye________ (4) __blink_______the eyes

(5) between the side of the

_Masseter________ mouth raise the lower jaw and (6)
and the ear __chewing_______ food

orbicularis oris around the (7) purse the (8) _lips________,

whistle and talk

Section 3- Exercise B
Complete the following sentences with the words given.
The powerful skeleton is only one sixth of the body’s weight. Almost half is what
drives this set of bones - muscles, 640 of them designed to (1) __heat_______ and
exert ressure. Muscles can achieve extraordinary (2) _oppose_______ when trained
to peak form. When a body-builder (3) __flexes_______ his muscles, they don’t
get bigger, they just shorten and swell in the middle, like a long (4)
__balloon_______ squeezed at each end. But not all muscle work is so obvious.
Muscles supply the body’s (5) feats________. They even help the body standstill.
Leg muscles (6) _contract________ each other perfectly to achieve that crucial
human advance - holding the four kilogramme head upright. And just as the teeth
are the body’s (7) ___hardest______ part, so the muscle that works them, breaking
down food for all important digestion, is the body’s most (8) _powerful______.
The jaw exerts a crushing pressure of two tons per square centimetre.

Section 3- Exercise c
Read the passage below about “Neonatal tetanus” and decide whether the
following statements are True (T) or False (F).
1. ____F______ Neonatal tetanus is unpreventable.
2. ____T______ Neonatal tetanus accounts for 50% of all neonatal deaths due to
vaccine-preventable diseases in many countries.
3. _____T_____ Neonatal tetanus is much more popular in developing countries
than in industrialized countries.
4. ___T_______ Tetanus bacteria are not found in soil and street dust, and in animal
and human feces.
5. ____T______ Tetanus transmission usually happens when the cord stump is
handled improperly.
6. ___T_______ Lockjaw is usually the first symptom of neonatal tetanus.
7. _____F_____ Tetanus can be passed from person to person.
Section 3- Exercise D

Identify the error in the underlined words or phrases below.

1. Muscle movement happen when neurological signals produce electrical
changes in muscle cells. (happens)
2. Proper nutrition and exercise is important to keep all muscles healthy,
whether they are cardiac, smooth, or skeletal. (are)
3. Like cardiac muscle, smooth muscle is involuntary and also contracts in
response with stimuli and nerve impules. (to)
4. Problems with the junction between the cells - are called a synapse - can lead
to neruomuscular diseases. (among)
5. The primary job of muscle is to move the bones of the skeleton, but muscles
also enable the heart beat and constitute the walls of other important hollow
organs. (to beat)
6. Attaching to the bones of the skeletal system are about 700 named muscles
that make up roughly half of a person’s body weight. (Attached)
7. Founded only in theheart, cardiac muscle is responsible for pumping blood
throughout the body. (found)
8. Muscles move by shortening their length, pulling on tendons, and moving
bones closing to each other. (closer)

9. Cardiac muscle, also called as heart muscle, is the layer of muscle tissue
which lies between the endocardium and epicardium. (known)
10. Skeletal muscle is one of three major muscle types, the others be cardiac
muscle and smooth muscle. (are)

Figure 5.5 Muscles of the posterior

Figure 5.4 Facial muscle body trunk and arm.
Source: Anatomy and Source: Anatomy and
Physiology for English Physiology for English
Language Learners Language Learners
Figure 5.6 Muscles of the anterior leg Figure 5.7 Muscle of the posterior leg
Source: Anatomy and Physiology for English Language Learners

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