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Excerpts from the Sample Lesson Plan by Coach’s Feedback/Comments by

Emily Antrilli Helena Miller

Sample Lesson Plan I would recommend renaming this lesson so it’s

more clear what the topic/goal/larger context is,
such as “Personal Emblem Lesson” or
something like that.

○ Students will be able to understand the ■ I would see that their understanding of
purpose of symbolism within a text in order to symbolism does not cause them to
demonstrate their own interpretive skills and demonstrate their own skills around
create their own allegories. symbolism, but more to then use this
understanding to create develop their own
interpretive skills and then create their own
allegories. Small, semantic issue but it feels
important to me.
■ You noted in this goal that this is to
understand symbolism within a text, but I
don’t see any ties to texts within this lesson.
Will you be tying to any familiar texts within
this lesson? Will this happen later? Or is it
more that they understand symbolism in a
personal context in order to develop
interpretive skills?
■ Will you be reminding them of the allegory
assignment? Do they know it’s coming yet (in
terms of helping them understand the
purpose and value of the lesson), or will that
be revealed later?
■ Even though I included many questions
above, I do think that this assignment is a
wonderful, accessible way for students to
explore what symbolism is and have an
immediate, real connection with their own
selves and lives. The scaffold of starting with
the dream in the Do Now only helps with this!

■ Students will be provided a 4” index card Small detail, but I would clarify that 4” is the
circle and art supplies. diameter and exactly what kind/# of art supplies
you intend them to use so that you can most
easily prepare. The beauty of this assignment is
that this can be as simple (plain pencil/pen
drawings, colored pencil) or as complex (collage
materials, multi-media, etc.) as you would
like/would fit best with your class/students/timing.
■ First, students will brainstorm a list of symbols ● Starting the lesson with a brainstorm seems
they feel make-up or represent their personal like a great way for them to get over any
identities. hesitation/fears of such a creative and
personal assignment. What strategies have
you used for brainstorming in the past?
● If you have been explicit about these
strategies, I would remind them of them (via
an anchor chart, or just a list of types) here
so that they can build upon those
● If you haven’t been explicit about
brainstorming strategies in the past, do you
think they would benefit from some explicit
instruction/modeling around this? It could
be as simply as showing a model web,
stream of consciousness, etc. or creating a
specific graphic organizer for this particular
assignment (maybe a t-chart?) to help build
a list of symbols and their meaning.
● I know you mentioned modeling a finished
product later in the lesson - do you think it
would be helpful or not necessary to also
model brainstorming this part?

● They will be shown a model emblem prior to ● Will they only be shown one? Which one?
creating their own. ● Will you be modeling your own
symbols/emblem for them? I know we’ve
been discussing opportunities both for
modeling and for making connections with
students. Do you feel that modeling your
own emblems would be beneficial for the
lesson goals here, or would it be
distracting/possibly bias them toward your
work for your approval? I’m genuinely not
sure about this, just curious to hear what
you think.
● If you were planning to only show one,
could I push you to consider showing
them a variety? It may help expand their
understanding and options if they see a

General Comments: ● I don’t see any timing for this lesson -

please add the length of time you want
each portion to take.
● What preparations have you made to
accommodate students with IEPs, if any,
and in general if students are
wary/concerned about their artistic
● I didn’t see any notes about if/when you’ll
be collecting and assessing this work.
What is your plan for this? Must students
complete them and turn them in by the
end of one class period, or when will they
be turned in?
● Will these be shared out in any way
(partner share, whole class share, gallery
walk, etc.)?

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