Creating Assignment

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TPACK Creating Assignment Template

Subject Math

Grade Level Kindergarten

Content Knowledge

Learning K.13
Objective - The student will be able to identify and describe the core found
(the part of the sequence that repeats) in repeating patterns of common objects,
sounds, movements, and pictures.
A. Extend a repeating pattern by adding at least two complete repetitions to pattern
B. Compare similarities and differences between patterns.
Complete this sentence by naming the technology tool and the creation activity:

In this activity, my students are going to use Sketchpad 5 to create a repeating pattern .
Pedagogy Planning

Activity The students will be introduced to patterns, and repeating patterns to meet this standard.
They will be expected to identify the shape or object, identify the pattern being identified,
then determine what shape would come next in the pattern.
1. The teacher will read the book Pattern Fish by Trudy Harris.
2. The students will identify patterns that can be seen around the classroom or create their own.
3. The students will watch a demonstration of how to use Sketchpad 5, and how to get
4. different shapes and colors on the application.
5. The students will then use Sketchpad 5, and create a pattern, and then a repea
6. ting pattern.
Web 2.0 The web 2.0 tool being used is Sketchpad 5. Sketchpad 5 is available through the website link

Link to the file:///C:/Users/chels/Downloads/720a7a2f-003d-410e-afa8-02337a193e32.sketchpad.pdf

product you
to be a

(There is not an exact app for Sketchpad 5, but here is another alternative resource)
Mobile App - The app Draw Editor
Option - Price is free
- Draw editor on all app stores

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