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Let me begin by sharing my own much larger at birth and grew into a
journey toward optimal health. The healthy, intelligent, good-looking, and
Super Antioxidant program has allowed very popular young man. In contrast, I
me to heal from numerous conditions: became a dark-haired, scrawny, sickly,
bipolar disorder, dyslexia, irritable bowel average, and unpopular child. In other
syndrome (IBS), migraine headaches, words, I easily slipped into the role of the
hormone imbalances, skin disorders, pre- consummate victim.
scription drug use, and major physical I felt alone and lonely, but found I
injuries caused by a horseback-riding was connected to horses. My father was a
accident. I believe my professional and rancher, so we always had horses. I began
personal experiences, coupled with Dr. riding at age four.
Couey’s guidance and oversight, qualify I also found solace in my mother’s
me to present you with this Super brilliant cooking. Our home life revolved
Antioxidant plan for healthy living. around the kitchen and her gourmet din-
A diet rich in antioxidants has only ners. At times, she would even prepare
been part of my healing. My reconnection international-themed dinners that spawned
with my Creator has put me on the path my interest in world cuisines.
to emotional and spiritual wholeness. Mother’s expert skills and apprecia-
Getting to this point has not been tion for good food came from my grand-
easy. It has been a long road that goes all mother who grew up in Europe and
the way back to my conception. I always studied at the famous Fanny Farmer
thought that my robust twin brother Cooking School in New York City.
must have claimed most of the nutrients Coincidentally, one of Farmer’s quotes
inside my mother’s womb because he was from The Boston Cooking-School Cook

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Book seemed prophetic for my life and He became slender and his nagging skin
the age in which we now live: problems disappeared. He also became
more energetic and began running,
I certainly feel that the time is something unheard of at that time in
not far distant when knowledge of Vienna. During that period, I also met a
the principles of diet will be an racehorse owner and began training as a
essential part of one’s education. steeplechase jockey.
Then mankind will eat to live, will In the late 1970s, most successful
be able to do better mental and models were extremely thin. I knew my
physical work, and disease will be modeling career required me to stay thin,
less frequent. but I was determined to remain healthy
and strong as well. Riding horses, I
At eighteen, my life came to a terri- learned, was one way to build endurance
ble halt. My twin brother was murdered, and gain strength. Eating green vegeta-
senselessly—shot in the head at gun- bles, fresh fruits, and nuts, I also learned,
point. No one in the family knew what was the best way to keep strong and thin.
to do or how to cope. I immediately real- I tried to hide my insecurity and pain
ized I had to search for personal mean- behind a glamorous model/actress/princess
ing. At twenty, and with only $35 in my facade. Quite frankly, I was denying the
pocket, I jumped on a plane and flew to emotional pain of my childhood and the
Europe. loss of my brother. The pain was over-
I soon moved to Vienna, Austria, whelming. My lifestyle had become too
where my thinness was valued and I fast-paced, undisciplined, and often
became a successful model. I found unhealthy.
myself surrounded by an aristocratic My tolerant husband and his family
crowd, and before I knew it, I was mar- were subjected to my confused and
ried to an Austrian prince. rebellious behavior. My husband and I
My life in Austria afforded me the moved to New York City so that he
opportunity to learn the techniques and could study film at NYU. He also
recipes from the private chefs who thought it would help me to get away
worked for my husband’s family and from the pressures of his family in
others in our circle. As I developed and Vienna.
began eating the super antioxidant way, My troubles were magnified by the
my slightly overweight husband did, too. intense emotional climate of New York.

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In the early 1980s, I convinced my hus- lifestyle—body, mind, and spirit. Because
band to move with me to Texas, but that I was quite knowledgeable about nutri-
still wasn’t the answer. My emotional tion and healthy eating, I landed a job at
pain continued to drive me deeper into Whole Foods Market in the late 1980s.
self-destruction. There I learned more about the healing
Emotional problems finally destroyed effects of nutrients, herbs, and organic
my marriage. Physical problems ended supplements. As a private chef, I began
my steeplechase career. It was during this designing recipes and meal plans based
time I was diagnosed with manic-depression on healthy eating.
(bipolar disorder). The feeling of failure In 1998, I began experiencing horri-
and loss, as well as the stigma of mental ble abdominal pains. My doctor told me
illness, fed into my mindset of victim. I had uterine fibroid tumors and needed
But I still wouldn’t acknowledge that my a hysterectomy. I joyfully jumped at this
choices were negative and self-fulfilling. relief. The doctor discovered a benign
Fortunately, I was blessed with a higher fibroid tumor the size of a honeydew
power that allowed me to function and melon during the surgery. I was relieved
work. to know I wasn’t crazy, that there was an
By my late twenties, the headaches explanation for the intense pain I had
that had tortured me throughout my life endured. After the surgery, however, I
developed into excruciating migraines. was given additional drugs to add to my
My energy level dropped drastically, and already long list of pharmaceuticals.
I was incapacitated with migraines, so During those difficult years, I flip-
fierce at times that I had to receive flopped between a dairy-rich vegetarian
Imitrex (sumatriptan succinate) injec- diet, a vegan diet, and a rich meat diet. I
tions. had grown to love the richest cheeses,
Horrible PMS all but crippled me in best cappuccino, and finest wines, but I
my thirties. My overall ability to reason seldom consumed fruit because I had
was diminished by drug use: lithium, always thought it too high in calories.
antidepressants, prescription painkillers, Instead, I ate primarily a meager-portioned,
over-the-counter painkillers, and mood high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet to
stabilizers. keep from gaining weight.
When I was thirty-one, I had a spiri- In my forties, a position as a private
tual awakening and began the slow chef led me from Texas to Los Angeles.
process of finding my way to a healthy In LA, I was diagnosed with irritable

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bowel syndrome (IBS) and was pre- off medication. I was very scared, but she
scribed the mild tranquilizer Librax assured me I would be just fine. I con-
(chlordiazepoxide and clidinium). At sulted my physician and slowly began
that point, I was already taking lithium, tapering off the lithium and Neurontin. I
Neurontin (gabapentin; mood stabi- felt great, unbelievably great. I also
lizer), Imitrex, painkillers, and synthetic found that following a healthy diet
hormones. I didn’t want to add more changed my health and my entire out-
medications, although almost everyone I look on life.
knew in LA was taking several medica- Although my mood swings have
tions. I just accepted it as part of life. never returned, I never would have done
Like almost everyone in Hollywood, anything so drastic without a doctor’s
I began working on a film project—a guidance. I cannot emphasize this
young adult fantasy book that was to be enough: No one should ever stop taking
animated. A major production company medication without the supervision of a
had shown interest in the film, but my supportive medical doctor.
mental abilities had become so dimin- Fast forward.
ished that I was unable to follow It was not until 2002 that I realized
through. It was at that moment I realized sharing this knowledge was my calling in
my life had to change. I had to change! life. I suffered a near-death experience
One day, I met a fascinating woman when a horse I was riding fell on top of
with the clearest eyes I had ever seen. She me. While in the trauma unit the doctors
was sharp and focused and her spiritual had little hope for me. I was severely
faith was something I had never wit- hemorrhaging and had fractured four-
nessed before. As we became friends, she teen pelvic bones, my sacrum, and both
shared how a nutrient-dense vegan diet, hips. Later, the doctors attributed my
and even “fasting,” had cleansed her life. amazing and rapid recovery to a healthy
Her own personal struggles, she said, had lifestyle and nutrient-rich diet.
led her to a deep spiritual faith and a About a year after my accident, I
vegan way of eating. She was the picture began working as a private chef for a cou-
of health—and she actually practiced ple who owned three residences in the
what she preached. I trusted her and United States and one on a Caribbean
began following her diet. island. I felt like my whole world revolved
After two months of feeling rejuve- around packing, unpacking, and cooking.
nated, I was persuaded to wean myself My digestive problems returned.

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One day, my boss gave me a book on With the help of my sister, I set up
diet and nutrition, Eat to Live, by Joel the website I
Fuhrman, MD. As I began reading the also began working as a dietary assistant
book, everything I’d learned about diet- for Joel Fuhrman, MD, teaching cooking
ing and nutrition—from my own stee- classes and providing support to his
plechase/modeling diet to the diet the patients. Each life experience has added
woman in California had shared with to my own personal journey toward
me—made sense. Foods rich in nutrients wholeness. Now I am on a profound new
are the foundation of vibrant health. journey to share this lifestyle with you.
Although I had always had the knowl- It is simply one more way I hope to ful-
edge, I had not always eaten that way. fill God’s direction for me to Feed His
Had I been consistent, I would have Sheep.
avoided some of the health problems I
had endured for so long: mood swings, The amount of antioxidants that you
migraines, insomnia, hormonal prob- maintain in your body is directly
proportional to how long you will live.
lems, joint pain, digestive problems . . .
—Richard Cutler, PhD, director of anti-aging
During my recovery period, I real- research at National Institutes of Health1
ized I had a gift to offer—one of hope
and healing. This gift includes creating
delicious and simply prepared dishes ANTIOXIDANTS AND FREE RADICALS
from antioxidant-rich foods. I teamed up
with Dr. Couey, and we developed a Fruits and vegetables get their
healthy and delicious dietary program vibrant, rich colors from molecules
based on scientific principals. This pro- called antioxidants. Antioxidants coun-
gram offers a holistic approach to nutri- teract the effect of free radicals, unstable
tional education, personal growth, electrons that alter the chemical struc-
culinary instruction, physical fitness, and ture of molecules.2 Exposure to oxygen
healthy social interaction. and sunlight, among other chemical
At that point, I realized why God stresses, produces the molecular reac-
had put me around food all my life. I had tions that form free radicals.
always been successful in the food busi- When we cut open an apple and expose
ness—as a caterer, a Whole Foods mar- it to the air, for instance, it turns brown.
keting director, and a private chef. This browning process is caused by the
Things just never flowed smoothly in my production of free radicals that result from
attempts at other careers.

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the fruit being exposed to the oxygen in the ural foods. In Genesis 1:29, He spoke
air. This process is known as oxidative stress. these words: “Behold, I have given you
As living, “breathing” creatures that every plant yielding seed that is on the
need oxygen and sunlight to survive, we surface of all the earth, and every tree
cannot avoid free radicals. On the other which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be
hand, uncontrolled free radical produc- food for you . . .” How could we possi-
tion can lead to a host of ailments, includ- bly improve upon His perfect plan?
ing cancer, arthritis, premature aging, and
a general deterioration of health. • Optimal health can only be attained
When we eat an abundance of fruits and maintained by eating an abundance
and vegetables, we benefit from the and variety of plant foods. The word
antioxidants in them. Their antioxidants “plant” in the original Hebrew is Esab,
actually protect us from the damaging “juicy stemmed plants.” Today these
effects of free radicals. This is the only plants would include a long list of fresh
way to be protected and to effectively food: lettuce, chard, kale, spinach, and
minimize the chances of developing herbs, to name a few. These foods are all
degenerative diseases.3,4 high in antioxidants.

• The benefits of antioxidants are docu- • Science is now validating the ancient
mented and proven. Antioxidant foods instruction of consuming high-nutrient,
have become popular both in the news low-calorie foods. The writers of the
and on the shelves. Antioxidants have Bible somehow knew that a variety of
even won their own rating. The Oxygen fresh foods was important for our health.
Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) And every day, new scientific studies are
rating is an analysis that measures the confirming that following this ancient
total antioxidant power of foods and instruction is the only way humans are
other substances. These ratings have able to nourish their cells sufficiently to
recently been included on the food labels avoid degenerative diseases. In the
of various food products. Western world, the history of these disci-
plines goes back to the early nineteenth
• Antioxidants are best when consumed in century in Europe. In the late 1980s, sci-
their most natural form—vegetables, ence began to hone in on nutrition and
fruits, beans, nuts, and seeds. After all, the cell. The results of this scientific
God first created us to live on fresh, nat- research are validating what the people

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who practiced these healing disciplines lifestyle to simply turn away from the
intuitively knew.5,6,7 Naturopathic doc- facts? Have we become so complacent
tors have been advocating this type of that we’ve ignored our health? Just look
diet for some time. Medical doctors are around! We can no longer ignore the
now beginning to recognize the impor- physical, emotional, psychological, and
tance of this type of dietary plan. financial effects of being unhealthy. The
Super Antioxidant Diet is all about
• Because antioxidant-rich foods tend to health, vitality, abundance, and experi-
be lower in calories, they are a natural encing the inner joy for which we were
way to lose and/or maintain a healthy designed. With this program:
weight. Even though the Super
Antioxidant Diet offers an abundance of • You will not focus on calories, portion
food, maintaining a healthy weight is just control, or deprivation. Change that
one of its benefits. Studies on lower calo- mindset! Diets based on limited portions
rie diets that contain an abundance of go against human nature. It’s no wonder
antioxidant-rich foods have shown that people fail. The primary goal of this eating
such diets are effective in increasing program is to keep your body full of
health and longevity. antioxidant foods, just as nature intended.
You will be required to eat a lot of food!
• A low-calorie diet can actually benefit
our health. Studies show that restrictive • You don’t have to become a nutritional
diets have a powerful effect on our abil- expert to be successful at this program.
ity to protect against atherosclerosis, a You won’t have to take a class, but you
condition caused by fatty material clog- will learn about foods that contain the
ging up arterial walls. Arteries are blood most antioxidants. You will also learn
vessels that carry oxygen from the heart how to combine these foods into deli-
to other parts of the body. With these cious recipes. In addition, you’ll learn
types of diets, glucose, inflammation, how to prepare your kitchen, how to
and triglyceride levels typically decrease. shop, and how to stay committed to
With all of this proof, why aren’t more your plan while traveling and eating out.
people eating a well-balanced, high-
nutrient, low-calorie diet? Have we been • You will increase your ability to achieve
conditioned by advertising, peer pres- your health goal. Whether your goal is to
sure, personal habit, and a fast-food lose weight, gain more energy, or modify

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the effects of illness or disease, don’t forget

to see your physician first. Then get regu- SELF-ASSESSMENT
lar checkups to document your progress.
Self-knowledge is the beginning
of self-improvement.
• You won’t have to follow any off-the-
—Baltasar Gracián (1601–1658)
wall, unscientific procedure to cleanse
your body of free radicals. In fact, if you
Optimal health is not all about diet
follow this program, you will be eating
and weight. It is the combination of a
mounds of fresh tasty foods while devel-
healthy heart, soul, body, and mind—and
oping an optimistic mindset.
it results from the peaceful positive sense
of being that results from hard work and
• You aren’t expected to be perfect. This
positive action. This Bible verse sums it
eating plan does require changing habits,
all up: “For where your treasure is, there
but it is equally important to be flexible
also is your heart” (Matthew 6:21).
and spontaneous. Don’t set yourself up
The following questionnaire may
to fail. Look at this eating plan as a pair
help you identify areas in your life that
of training wheels preparing you for the
potentially impede you from achieving
journey toward lifelong wellness.
optimal health.
Recognize that change takes practice and
You have some work to do if you
time. And every accomplishment, big or
answered yes to any of these questions,
small, counts. There is a reason you are
but don’t be quick to throw them away.
reading this book. Perhaps you have
They will serve as a reference point on
decided to take that courageous first step
your journey to optimal health.
to change your future—a change that
After you begin this journey, glance
will lead you to a better quality of life.
at your answers and note any positive
Perhaps you are now ready to become
changes you are experiencing because of
empowered with the tools of healthy,
your altered behavior. Don’t be too hard
abundant living.
on yourself. Remember, you will not
have to be perfect and your physical or
emotional problems won’t suddenly dis-
appear. Change is a process, and revers-
ing the longtime effects of negative
behavior can take a while. By following
the Super Antioxidant Diet, however,

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1. Do you take medications? (If yes, list your medications and dosage,
how long you have taken these medications, and why you take them.)
2. Do you experience restless sleep or insomnia? If yes, how often per week?
3. Do you suffer from bowel problems such as constipation, diarrhea, or
irregular bowel movements? If so, how often per week?
4. Do you suffer from indigestion or acid reflux? If so, how often per
week? What time of day?
5. Is your blood pressure outside of normal range?
6. Are your blood cholesterol and LDL outside of the normal range?
7. Do you suffer from allergies? If yes, list your allergies.
8. Do you have food cravings? If so, for what? How often?
9. Do you binge eat? If so, how often?
10. Do you have headaches or migraines? If so, when? How often?
11. Do you suffer from body aches? What kind?
12. Do you often catch a cold or the flu?
13. Do you struggle to accomplish daily tasks?
14. Do you lack the time and/or energy to participate in regular recre-
ation? (If no, list the type of activities you do. How often do you par-
ticipate in them?)
15. Do you lack a solid network of family and friends that provide you
with honest, emotional support?
16. Do you easily become restless, bored, or frustrated?
17. Are you often irritated, frustrated, or tired?
18. Are you often sad or depressed?
19. Do you sometimes wonder if you will ever be able to relax, enjoy life,
and/or have fun?

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To find your BMI, locate your height in the left-hand column and your weight in the correct
right-hand column. Based on where the two meet, you will find your BMI number in the top row.


BMI 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

4’10” (58”) 91 96 100 105 110 115 119 124 129 134 138 143 148 153 158 162 167

4’11” (59”) 94 99 104 109 114 119 124 128 133 138 143 148 153 158 163 168 173

5’ (60”) 97 102 107 112 118 123 128 133 138 143 148 153 158 163 168 174 179

5’1” (61”) 100 106 111 116 122 127 132 137 143 148 153 158 164 169 174 180 185

5’2” (62”) 104 109 115 120 126 131 136 142 147 153 158 164 169 175 180 186 191

5’3” (63”) 107 113 118 124 130 135 141 146 152 158 163 169 175 180 186 191 197

5’4” (64”) 110 116 122 128 134 140 145 151 157 163 169 174 180 186 192 197 204

5’5” (65”) 114 120 126 132 138 144 150 156 162 168 174 180 186 192 198 204 210

5’6” (66”) 118 124 130 136 142 148 155 161 167 173 179 186 192 198 204 210 216

5’7” (67”) 121 127 134 140 146 153 159 166 172 178 185 191 198 204 211 217 223

5’8” (68”) 125 131 138 144 151 158 164 171 177 184 190 197 203 210 216 223 230

5’9” (69”) 128 135 142 149 155 162 169 176 182 189 196 203 209 216 223 230 236

5’10” (70”) 132 139 146 153 160 167 174 181 188 195 202 209 216 222 229 236 243

5’11” (71”) 136 143 150 157 165 172 179 186 193 200 208 215 222 229 236 243 250

6’ (72”) 140 147 154 162 169 177 184 191 199 206 213 221 228 235 242 250 258

6’1” (73”) 144 151 159 166 174 182 189 197 204 212 219 227 235 242 250 257 265

6’2’ (74”) 148 155 163 171 179 186 194 202 210 218 225 233 241 249 256 264 272

6’3’ (75”) 152 160 168 176 184 192 200 208 216 224 232 240 248 256 264 272 279

Source: Evidence Report of Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of
Overweight and Obesity in Adults, 1998. NIH/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI),
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, United States Department of Health and Human Services


BMI less than 18.5 may indicate underweight • BMI 19–25 healthy range
BMI 25–30 indicates overweight • BMI above 30 indicates obesity

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you will be better equipped with the • At the same BMI, older people, on
tools to reduce and possibly eliminate average, tend to have more body fat
those bothersome “yes” answers from than younger adults.
your life.
• Highly trained athletes may have a
high BMI because of increased muscu-
larity rather than increased body fat-
Now comes the difficult part for
many people. The journey to optimal It is also important to remember that
health begins with maintaining a healthy BMI is only one factor related to risk for
weight. disease. For assessing someone’s likelihood
The body mass index (BMI) is com- of developing overweight or obesity-
monly used to help determine if a person related diseases, the National Heart,
is overweight and at risk for health prob- Lung, and Blood Institute guidelines rec-
lems. According to the Centers for ommend looking at two other predictors:
Disease Control and Prevention, the cor-
relation between the BMI number and • waist circumference (because abdomi-
body fatness is fairly strong; however, nal fat is a predictor of risk for obesity-
the correlation varies by sex, race, and related diseases)
age. These variations include the follow-
ing examples:8,9 • diseases and conditions associated with
obesity (for example, high blood pres-
• At the same BMI, women tend to have sure or physical inactivity)
more body fat than men.

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Whenever our dietary pattern unhealthy eating pattern, and a negative

changes, our bodies must recalibrate hor- way of coping.
mone production, brain-chemical pro- Think of your body as a house with a
duction, digestive juices, blood flow, and good foundation. It’s just that the struc-
so on. The body is designed to maintain ture has begun to fall apart. In order to
a stable, constant chemical condition rebuild your house in a healthy way, you
called “homeostasis.” This state moti- need to deconstruct, or get rid of, all
vates us to maintain the norm: the same those weak materials. This process can be
amount of calories, fat, protein, sugar, somewhat unpleasant.
caffeine, alcohol, and other drugs. To begin your body’s deconstruction
When we change our eating habits, process, your must first eliminate your
we upset the balance and our bodies consumption of and exposure to toxic
must recalibrate. It’s during this time materials. This is necessary to allow your
that we are most vulnerable. We will body to purge itself of unhealthy cells
encounter unpleasant symptoms and and toxins. Following the Super
mind games. Antioxidant Diet will ensure that your
Don’t be fooled. There are many body does this gently and naturally at
quick-fix remedies on the market today just the right pace for you.
just waiting to grab your money. You As mentioned previously in the
may have already tried them. book, you may experience hunger pangs,
The key is time. Time is what you headaches, body aches, and tiredness.
need to detoxify your cells. Time is what You may also experience gas pains
your body needs to replace unhealthy because of diet change. Be kind to your-
cells with healthier ones. Time will help self during this time. If you choose to return
you successfully recalibrate a mindset, an to old eating patterns or use stimulants,

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you will prolong the deconstruction And because raw foods contain live
process. Have patience. The building has enzymes that aid in digestion, adding
only begun. more of them will help you feel refreshed
and rejuvenated.
You should consult your doctor, of
RECONSTRUCTION course, if you have any medical concern
that may prevent you from adding more
The process of reconstruction begins raw vegetables to your diet.
with change. With the Super Antioxidant During the Enhanced Construction
Diet, you will begin noticing small phase, you may experience:
changes: weight loss, glowing skin,
increased bowel movements, and a more • Healthy weight
positive attitude.
You are now rebuilding your home • Smoother, more elastic skin
with the highest quality materials. If you
follow the Super Antioxidant Diet and • Abundant energy
continue increasing your antioxidant
intake, you will start experiencing a • Mental clarity
greater sense of well-being and energy.
Your body has begun reconstructing, and • Increased stamina
the detoxification process will become
intermittent. You will become more • Glowing skin
familiar and comfortable with your
body’s detoxification signals. • A growing desire for healthy foods
The basic construction of your
healthy new home is now complete.


By increasing your antioxidant rich

vegetable and fruit intake, especially raw
foods, you leave less room for animal
products and unhealthy, processed foods.

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Toss greens, walnuts, and pears in ½ cup chopped green onions

dressing, and serve. 1 zucchini, grated
1 carrot, grated


Servings: 4 3 tablespoons tahini
2 teaspoons Bragg Liquid Amino
10 cups mixed baby greens of your Acids
choice 1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 cups arugula 1 clove garlic, minced
1 cup broccoli sprouts ¼ cup water
1 carrot, grated ½ teaspoon cumin
½ sweet onion, thinly sliced
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Toss in dressing of your choice. Lightly oil two baking sheets. Place
portobello caps on baking sheet.
Mix garlic and Bragg. Spray caps
with olive oil and spread with garlic
Servings: 4
and Bragg mixture. Bake 10 min-
utes until tender and slightly
4 large portobello mushrooms,
stems removed browned.
Olive oil spray Whisk dressing. If too thick,
1 teaspoon Bragg Liquid Amino add more water. Assemble all salad
Acids ingredients and toss with dressing.
6 cloves garlic, minced (or 2 Top with warm roasted mush-
teaspoons powdered garlic) rooms.
5 handfuls baby mixed greens
5 handfuls baby spinach
2 cups watercress sprigs VIBRANT FRUIT SALAD WITH
2 cups chopped tomatoes CHERRY-BERRY DRESSING
1 cup sliced cucumber This is a full meal! Be creative and use
1 red bell pepper, seeded and any combination of fruits.
chopped Servings: 8
2 (15-ounce) cans garbanzo beans,
drained 8 cups shredded romaine lettuce
½ cup chopped celery

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2 kiwis, peeled, quartered, and EAGLE-EYE SALAD

sliced Servings: 4
1 pint fresh strawberries, quartered
1 apple cut into 1-inch cubes 5 whole carrots, shredded
1 banana, sliced 1 cup halved grapes
½ cup currants or goji berries 2 kiwis, peeled and sliced
2 oranges, peeled, sliced, and 4 cups shredded romaine
seeded ½ sweet onion, coarsely chopped
2 ounces chopped pecans ½ cup sliced strawberries
½ cup orange juice
Dressing ½ cup carrot juice
1 cup frozen mixed blueberries and 2 tablespoons cashew butter
strawberries, thawed 1 tablespoon minced fresh dill or 1
1 cup frozen pitted cherries, teaspoon dried
thawed 1 tablespoon raspberry vinegar
½ cup raw cashews ½ teaspoon Bragg Liquid Amino Acids
2 tablespoons rice vinegar Any salt-free herb seasoning, to taste
2 teaspoons organic orange zest ¼ cup coarsely chopped raw
(made before peeling the orange, cashews
or you can peel one strip from
the orange and toss it in the In large mixing bowl, combine
blender to make zest) carrots, grapes, kiwis, and romaine.
1 medium organic orange, peeled In blender, blend onion, strawber-
and seeded, leaving white part ries, juices, cashew butter, dill, vine-
½ cup orange juice gar, Bragg, and seasoning and blend
½ cup pomegranate juice until smooth. Pour dressing over
carrots, fruit, and romaine mixture
Puree all dressing ingredients in and toss. Sprinkle with cashews.
blender until smooth. Taste and
correct seasoning if necessary. It
should be tart and sweet. Toss ROMAINE-FRUIT-CASHEW WRAP
ingredients except for orange slices Servings: 1
and pecans in dressing. Place
orange slices on salad and sprinkle 1 to 2 tablespoons cashew butter
with chopped pecans. 8 or more large romaine leaves,
washed and dried

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and creamy. Place a dollop over ered pan and bake 30 minutes or
warm cake and serve. until soft.
Note: Great served warm with
cold strawberry sauce or topped
STRAWBERRY SAUCE with Robin’s Very Berry Creamy
Servings: 8–10
Ice Cream.

½ cup vanilla soy milk

¼ cup cashew nuts
½ bag frozen strawberries, thawed CREAMY ICE CREAM
1 tablespoon date sugar, or 2 dates Servings: 6–8

Blend all ingredients together 2 cups soy milk

and serve over fruit salad, poached 2/3 cup raw cashews

pears, or Baked Fruit Delight. 12 pitted dates

1½ cups frozen blueberries
1½ cups frozen strawberries
Servings: 10 Blend thoroughly in a blender
and freeze in an ice cream maker.
6 Granny Smith apples, peeled and
8 dates, pitted and chopped CHOCOLATE DIVINE
1 cup goji berries or currants MOUSSE ICE CREAM
1 cup frozen cherries Servings: 6–8
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup crushed pineapple with juice 2 cups soy milk
¼ cup water 2/3 cup soft tofu
¾ cup chopped walnuts or pecans 2/3 cup raw cashews

½ teaspoon cinnamon 16 pitted dates

¼ teaspoon nutmeg 2 handfuls fresh baby spinach
juice of 1 orange (exact quantity not critical)
2 teaspoons organic lemon zest 1 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup frozen unsweetened cherries
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 3 heaping tablespoons of natural
Mix all ingredients. Put in a cov- (not Dutch processed) cocoa


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