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Wilkes University Lesson plan TEMPLATE

(Revised 2020)

PART 1: Lesson Content

Teacher Candidate: Chelsea Heckman Grade: Pre-Kindergarten
Date of lesson: 10/3/2021 Subject: Physical Education
Goal or purpose of lesson (NAEYC 5a)
A statement or overarching idea that is broad and applicable to similar topics.
• Students will demonstrate control in their bodies through exercise and movement activities
Essential question (200 level) (NAEYC 5a)
An open-ended question based on the goal aimed to be thought provoking and generate student inquiry. Essential questions should be broad
enough to be considered over time and in multiple contexts.
• How can we use our body to get from one place to another?
Standard(s): (NAEYC 5c) Objective(s): (NAEYC 5c)
What are the standard(s) addressed in this lesson? Include number and What the students will be able to do - Specific knowledge and
text of each standard being addressed in the order they occur in the performances, developmental outcomes, expected student actions.
instructional delivery. Refer to INCLUDE (and use color coding): CONTENT (what are the students
learning – look to the standard), ACTION (how will the students
demonstrate their learning), MEASURE (how well they need to do it)
NOTE: Degree of mastery does NOT need to be in a percentage.
Standard(s): Objective(s):
• 10.4 PK.B Exhibit balance while moving on the ground or using • Students will be able to balance while moving from one place to
equipment. another in 2 out of 3 experiences.
Assessment Plan: (NAEYC 3b)
How will the teacher candidate know students have achieved the objectives? Describe the entire assessment plan including prior to beginning the
lesson, during the lesson, then following up after the lesson. For the prompt “Rationale”- provide a brief description of why the particular
assessment was chosen. For the prompt “How will this inform instruction,” provide a brief description of what information this assessment will
provide the teacher.
Pre-Assessment Checking for Understanding Post-Assessment
How will the teacher candidate gather results (Formative assessment) (Can be a formative or summative
of students’ prior understanding, skills, and How will the teacher candidate assess assessment)
beliefs either formally or informally? children's emerging knowledge and skills How will the teacher candidate assess
during instruction-- Are they building children’s knowledge and skills after
knowledge? instruction? How will the teacher candidate
know they learned and performed what was
Wilkes University Lesson plan TEMPLATE
(Revised 2020)

The teacher will…. Play a game of Simon Says The teacher will…. Provide students with The teacher will…. Have the students
with students using a variety of gross motor different gross motor movements to complete participate in a game of gross motor movement
movements. while balancing on a masking tape line or a charades.
balance beam, depending on ability level.
Rationale: Games are a fun way to include all Rationale: This will assess the student’s
students as well as for a quick way for a Rationale: This will show the teacher the vocabulary knowledge of the new language.
teacher to see who can follow directions and student abilities in a more structured However, this will be another experience that
complete the movements successfully. This environment. Providing students with different the students can demonstrate their movements
will inform the teacher who is able to complete gross motor movements will allow the teacher for the teacher to assess in an informal way.
different travel and balance skills prior to the to see balance, travel, and manipulative skills
activity. combined. How will this inform instruction? This will
inform instruction by allowing the teacher to
How will this inform instruction? This will How will this inform instruction? This will see growth over a short amount of time due to
help the teacher create groups based on ability, allow the teacher to reassess skills if needed, repetition. The teacher will be able to identify
but it will also allow the teacher to see who but also help in planning for future gross motor who needs more support and be able to plan
may need extra support during the next part of activities. The teacher can also provide upcoming activities with the movements that
the activity. students with extra support if she sees fit. students struggled on the most.

PART 2: Lesson Implementation

Resources/Materials: (NAEYC 1c)
What materials will the teacher candidate use? List all books, materials, technology/media and materials used in lesson and/or as a resource.
USE APA formatting. Provide a brief description of how the resources/materials meet the four critical features (health/safety, respect for diversity,
supportive, and challenging)
• Masking Tape- This focuses on the means for safety. If students are not using the balance beam, they will be on the floor to ensure safety.
• Exercise Sticks- Respect for diversity can be seen with this material as there will be a variety of exercises students can do as well as blank
sticks to allow for student input
• Balance Beam- This material can be used to challenge students who may be beyond the developmental range of the planned activity
according to the standards.
• Mat (if using balance beam)
• Bean Bags
• Wall Bar- This material will be available for students who need extra support with balance and traveling from one side of the line to
Wilkes University Lesson plan TEMPLATE
(Revised 2020)

Management of Classroom Environment and Teaching Strategies Utilized (Integrated throughout the teacher’s step-by-step plan):
(NAEYC 4b)
The teacher candidate will provide a brief explanation of the student behaviors expected, how the teacher will communicate these expectations and
what consequences are involved throughout the lesson. Provide a brief explanation of all strategies, tools, resources and/or methods the teacher
candidate will use to manage the students throughout the lesson. Consider the groupings that have been chosen (small group, large group,
individual), transitions, and/or how to maintain focus and engagement with the content and materials throughout.
Physical arrangement: How will the teacher candidate arrange themselves and the students (location in the classroom, seating, groupings)?
Explain how the groupings will be determined (i.e. small groups – heterogeneously mixed)
This activity will take place in the gym if it is available. It will begin as a whole group activity, but then break out into smaller groups of about six
students based on their ability levels from the Simon Says activity as well as prior knowledge of the students. While the teacher is working with
one group of students, the other students will engage in free play in the gym.
Expectations: What expectations will the teacher candidate have for the students? How and when will they be communicated those to students?
Students will be expected to follow directions during the gross motor activity. It is expected that they will follow the safety rules, which are gone
over before gym time each day. Students are also expected to wait their turn before using the masking tape line or the raised balance beam. These
expectations will be modeled to students prior to the activity by a teacher and a student as well as given orally before and throughout the activity.
Safety rules are also visually posted throughout the gym.
Processes and procedures: What processes & procedures will the teacher candidate use (i.e. how will transitions be managed? how will students
be chosen? how will attention be gathered and/or refocused? how will materials be distributed/prepared?) How and when will they be
communicated to students?
When it is time to transition from one activity to the next, the teacher will use a call back to gain student attention and quiet them to hear directions
and next steps. This is something that is used all school year in gym and in the classroom environment. Students will be called to their group orally
by the teacher. However, since groups are mostly pre-selected by the teacher, student pictures along with their names will be in groups throughout
the gym at different activities and stations. If attention needs to be gathered, the teacher will use a call back that is also used in the classroom.
Strategies, tools, resources, methods: What strategies, tools, resources and methods will the teacher candidate use (i.e. behavior charts,
warnings, timers, technology, positive behavior supports)?
While students are working independently while the teacher works with a small group of students, a visual timer will be set to prepare students for
an upcoming transition. When it is time to transition from one activity to the next, the teacher will use a call back to gain student attention and
quiet them to hear directions and next steps. This is something that is used all school year in gym and in the classroom environment.
Consequences and alternate plans: What will occur if students do not meet the expectations and/or require a more extensive management plan?
What will students do it they complete the task quickly?
If students are unable to meet the expectations, the teacher will have a one-on-one discussion to find out why the student is unable to be successful.
If the student is too challenged, the activity will be adapted to fit their needs. If safety is not being followed, the teacher will remind the student of
the rules. If a student completes the activity quickly and/or becomes bored, the teacher may provide them with an alternate movement or will have
them assist in picking the movements for themselves and the other children.
Wilkes University Lesson plan TEMPLATE
(Revised 2020)

Learning Experience – Step-by-step plan: (NAEYC 5b)

Provide a sequence of the lesson illustrating how all objectives are met within the allotted (yet flexible) time frame. Show the logical flow
including an engaging opening, designed learning experiences, ongoing checking for understanding, and closure. This step-by-step plan should be
illustrating exactly what you plan to do in teaching this lesson. Be thorough. A substitute should be able to carry out the lesson from this plan.

Process Steps Teacher Students

guided by the What questions (include Higher Order Thinking) will the What will students do? What tools will students use? Where in
5 E’s teacher candidate ask? What will the teacher candidate do, the classroom are the students? How will students be grouped?
say, and/or write? What tools will the teacher candidate use?
Engage The teacher will gather the students in a large area, or in the Students will begin the activity gathered in a large area in the
“the opening” gym if available. The teacher will begin by playing Simon gym. They will be expected to follow teacher directions and
Says with the students highlighting various gross motor participate in the game, Simon Says. After the game, students
movements. After the activity, the teacher will ask the students will provide feedback of the way their bodies felt during the
to describe how their body felt with the different movements. activity. They will be encouraged to wait their turn and be
She will also prompt students to discuss how they can use active listeners to their peers.
those movements to get from one side of the room to the other.
The teacher will engage in discussion with the whole group.
Explore The teacher will break the class into groups of about six Students will listen for their names in a group. If they did not
“active learning” children based on their varying abilities. The group working hear their name, they can look for their pictures posted
with the teacher will go to a separate space in the gym where throughout the gym at different areas to determine their group.
there will be either a piece of masking tape on the floor or a While in a group with the teacher, students will take turns
mat with a balance beam on it, based on the group’s needs. walking one at a time on the line, following the directions of
The teacher will verbally explain and model the activity to the the teacher.
children. The teacher will explain that students must walk on
the line without stepping off. Once each student has a turn, the
teacher will provide students with a bean bag to try the same
activity while balancing a bean bag on their head.
Explain Instructions will be explained to the students orally as well as Students will be asked to model the activity instructions for
“how will the modeled and shown visually. If students need extra support, their peers. If they are not modeling the activity, students will
teacher instruct?” instructions will be repeated or remodeled. sit in their place and use listening skills to follow along.
Elaborate Once the students have completed the walking activity and Students will follow the directions of the activity and be active
“ongoing checks with same activity with the addition of the bean bag, students participants. Each time it is a child’s turn, they will pick a stick
for understanding” will try the same activity with different exercise movements. from the cup. They may try to read the movement on their own
Wilkes University Lesson plan TEMPLATE
(Revised 2020)

The teacher will have a cup of sticks with exercises on it. The or ask a peer or teacher for help. If the student draws a blank
students will choose a stick and must complete that exercise. popsicle stick, they will select a movement of their choice and
There will be blank sticks inside the cup in which students can try it on the balance beam or piece of masking tape, depending
create their own movement. on their abilities and confidence.
Evaluate At the end of the activity, students will play a quick game of Students will participate in a game of charades. Students will
“closure” charades. This is a time for students to show their vocabulary select a gross motor movement from the previous activity and
awareness of the new gross motor words as well as show their act it out for their peers. Their peers must raise their hands and
understanding of how to move their body in the corresponding guess the movement based on prior knowledge and learning
way. from the activity today.
Differentiation of instruction: (NAEYC 4c)
How will teacher candidates differentiate the lesson (content, process, product, affect) for a variety of learners (including gifted & talented,
special needs, ELL?) What strategies, supports, methods will the teacher candidate use and explain why? Must include a minimum of TWO ways
to differentiate.
How do you plan to differentiate? Why is this necessary?
• For students with physical disabilities, group sizes may be Providing a thicker line for students with disabilities will still allow them to
smaller. However, the masking tape line will be thicker as complete the activity in a way that is adapted for them. Some students may
well. struggle to walk on a thin line or even putting one foot in front of the other.
• For ELL students, movements and directions will be given This adaptation can benefit all students. ELL students often need directions
verbally accompanied by pictures. verbally so that they can learn the language as well as an image so that they
can process the new language.
Home/extension link: (NAEYC 2c)
PreK-4 students: How will the teacher candidate connect this plan to children’s home lives and/or community resources around you?
Middle/secondary students: What homework or extensions to the lesson?
The teacher will encourage students to go on a walk with a family member. This will be communicated to the family through the virtual classroom
platform as well as a written letter home. On this walk, students are encouraged to get from one place to another with different creative
movements. Families should document on a camera and share with the teacher if possible.

Wilkes University Lesson plan TEMPLATE
(Revised 2020)

PART 3: Lesson Reflection

Reflection (Complete after the lesson is done): (NAEYC 4d)
Answer the questions that pertain to the level of the course for which this lesson is being completed.
100-Level Education Courses: These reflection questions are to be answered for lesson plan
● What went well? assignments that do not have a field component so teacher candidates
● What did I learn about planning and teaching? are not teaching their planned experience.
● What did my students learn?
● How do I know they learned? • What did you feel was the strongest part of the lesson? Why?
● What changes and/or improvements will I make in an I feel that the strongest part of my lesson is all of the active
effort to be more effective with this particular group of learning. Children love to move, and this is a nice break in the
students? day to get students moving. I like that I have a whole group game
● If I were to teach this lesson again, what would I keep first to lighten the mood and have a group experience.
the same and what would I change and why? • How does the lesson specifically promote positive student
(NOTE: Your answers should provide a brief explanation of WHAT outcomes?
HAPPENED to prompt this reflection – for example, do not just state This activity promotes positive student outcomes because it
“I learned how important it is to be prepared” – you should also state provides students with an opportunity to be a part of their own
what occurred in the lesson that inspired this reflection.) learning. This can be seen when students select their own
movements. Students are also interacting with peers and
200-Level Education Courses: In addition to the questions listed following social rules, which will promote learning in other
above for 100-level Education courses, respond to the following areas as well.
questions: • If you were to conduct this lesson with students, what do you feel
● How did I differentiate instruction to meet the needs of the students would enjoy most? Where do you feel they would be
my students? most challenged?
● If I were to teach this lesson again, how could I further I feel like students would enjoy the challenge of balancing the
differentiate to better meet the needs of the students? most. From my experience, students always love a good, fun
300-Level Education Courses: In addition to questions listed above challenge and this would fit that for them. It would become a
for 100- and 200-level Education courses, respond to the following small, friendly competition. I feel like students would be most
question: challenged with coming up with their own movements, which is
● What classroom management strategies and techniques why I am providing examples of some movements.
did I implement? Were they effective? • What are some questions you feel students may have after the
lesson and what do you think you could do to provide further
exploration, explanation, or examples?
After this lesson, I think that students would want to know how
Wilkes University Lesson plan TEMPLATE
(Revised 2020)

else they could use the balance beam. I think that this could turn
into a great STEM activity by having students brainstorm what
else we can use a beam for, when we might need to balance, and
how we can create one of our own to complete other tasks.

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