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Academic Year: 2020/2021

Department of English Language and Literature

Sector: English studies

Semester: 6

Course: End of Studies Project

A Critical Analysis of Jamal

Belmejdoub’s Classroom 8

Submitted by :

Apogee N° :

Supervised by :

Page 1
Table of contents





II . Chapter one . : LITERATURE REVIEW ………………………………………………………..8

2 . 1 Moroccan Cinema………………………………………………………………………………...11

2 . 2 Education in Morocco……………………………………………………………………………13

2 . 3 Moroccan taboos…………………………………………………………………………………..15

a ) poverty

b ) alcohol / drugs

c ) suicide

III . Chapter Two : FILM ANALYSIS ………………………………………………………………….18

3 . 1 The plot ………………………………………………………………………………………………….19

3.2 Thematic Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………..20

3 . 3 Character Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………..21

3 . 4 The Impact of Social Issues in Education …………………………………………….….22



Page 2

I would like to thank my parents who helped me by their encouragement in finishing

this project ,I will always appreciate what they have done for me .

I also would like to thank my supervisor Professor Tarik BOUGUERBA , and my

University Ibn Tofail especially the faculty of letter and human sciences and the English
department .

Page 3

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my supervisor , Pr . Tarik

Bouguerba , for his guidance and help with this research .

I would also like to thank my family , for their encouragement and

support , without forgetting to thank my university for permitting me to
conduct my research and providing any Assistance requested . I hope this work
would be beneficial for all those who would read it .


Page 4

this paper will be an attempt to determine how the concepts of Education ,

poverty and alcohol / drugs are affected on students and make them naughty
at classe . Jamal Belmejdoub has chosen to shed the lights on the unspeakable
Moroccan taboos ( alcohol /drugs , suicide,poverty ) and break them .Therefore
, my research has focused on the analysis of classroom 8 by dealing with the
analysis of the characters , and Education .

key words : Education , poverty , taboo.

Page 5

The Moroccan public education system spans the primary, secondary

and tertiary levels. After Morocco gained independence in 1956, this system
was instrumental in producing an urban elite that was fluent in both Arabic and
French and helped build the country’s institutions. Indeed, it is often stated
that the golden age of Morocco’s public schools was between 1956 and the
1970s. However, a serious structural crisis had set in by the end of the 1970s.
This was first manifested in the high number of dropouts, with seven out of ten
children leaving school before the baccalaureate, little or no training geared
towards employment and an increasing number of private schools benefitting
the rich.

Many factors influence how children learn and develop, both in the
classroom and at home. One of the major challenges is poverty. Children from
poorer backgrounds face many obstacles to accessing an education. These
include not having an educational organisation to attend and not having access
to educational material or teachers. But even when these resources are in
place, children living in poverty usually do not have their basic needs met.
These include:

 Physical needs for normal human function, such as food, water, clothing,
and sleep.
 Safety needs, such as protection from danger, health and wellbeing and
financial security.
 Feeling loved by having a stable family set up and a group of friends.
 Feeling respected.

The objectives of this paper are to define some important concepts

using in theFilmmaking . The first chapter of literature review will deal with
three sections , the first one about the Moroccan cinema , and the second one
deal with Education in Morocco , and the third one will include some
unspeakable Moroccan taboos such as poverty , alcohol / drugs , and how it
affects on students’Education . The second chapter consists the analysis of the
film’s elements , begins with the biography of the filmmaker , then the

Page 6
discussion of the main characters . Ending with poverty and addiction to drugs
as social taboo and how it affect in student’s life and Education .

Page 7
Chapter One : Literature Review

Page 8
A . Introduction
This section of the literature review consists of two parts , the first one
about the biography of the filmmaker of jamal belmejdoub ,and the definition
of Moroccan Cinema , Second part deal with the Moroccan taboos which
includes poverty , alchohol / drugs ‘s addiction , Also this part consists the
Education in Morocco .

B . Biography of the filmmaker

Director, MOROCCO Born in SidiKacem in 1956 , Jamal Belmejdoub studied film at

the Art Institute and the Diffusion of Brussels ( Belgium ) and worked as a film critic ;

writer , he participated in writing the script of Moroccan films including “Women …

and women” by saad chraibi (1998) ans “ stolen Childhood “ by Hakim noury ; His

directing career began withhis shorts , “ a less (1994) , “ Man of straw” (1996) and

“Holy Night”(1998) . The latter won the prize of the press in National Film Festival in

1998; Author of three feature films : “yacout” (2000) who won three major awards

Page 9
At the festival of African Cinema of Khouribga in 2000 , including Best Actor and

Feminine, “Morrocan Dream “ (2007); For television , Jamal

Belmejdoub has made TV films of the various issues .1

“Meghiss a film by jamal belmejdoub “(2010).
2 . 1 Moroccan Cinema
A . Definition of Cinema

Cinema is an art that exhibits a film to the public: a work

composed of moving images accompanied by a soundtrack . Since its
invention, cinema has become both a popular art, an entertainment
industry and a medium. it can also be used for propaganda, scientific
research or educational purposes.2

B . History of Moroccan Cinema

Moroccan cinema has gone through highs, but especially stockings.
Because it remade the general state of creation in Morocco since the
mid-1950s of Moroccan time.

The first filming in Morocco dates from 1897, with “Le Chevrier
marocain” by Louis Lumière, which inaugurates a tradition of foreign
filming in Morocco.4

Some key dates:

1907: Félix Mesguich shoots a report in Casablanca on the beginnings

of the french aggression against Morocco.

1919: A first colonial film in French “Mektoub” is produced by Jean

Pinchon and Daniel Quintin with Mary Harald Bogaerts.

1935: construction of the Vox Cinema in Casablanca by Marius Boyer.

With a capacity of 2,000 places, it was at the time the largest cinema
in Africa. It was destroyed in the 1970s.5

1944: Creation of the Moroccan Cinematography Center (CCM). The

studios and Souissi laboratory are open in Rabat.

1958: first Moroccan feature film: “Le fils maudit” by Mohamed


1968: First Mediterranean film festival in Tangier. The festival is held

today at Tetouan.

1970: Founding film of Moroccan cinema.

1982: First national festival in Rabat.

1982: First national festival in Rabat.

1992: Release of "Un amour à Casablanca" by Abdelkader Lagtaâ

which has had unprecedented success and which has been

“Le Chevrier marocain” by Louis Lumière(1897)
Cinema vox  was a 20th-century movie theatre in casablanca. It was designed by marius Boyer
and completed in 1935, under the french protectorate . It was considered one of the largest movie
theaters in Africa.
considered as the flm which has reconciled the Moroccan public with
its cinema.

2001: First edition of the Marrakech International Film Festival.

2007: Inauguration of the Cinémathèque.

2.2 Education in Morocco

The education system in Morocco comprises pre-school, primary,

secondary and tertiary levels. School education is supervised by the Ministry of
National Education, with considerable devolution to the regional level. Higher
education falls under the Ministry of Higher Education and Executive Training. 6

Few would argue that the state of our education system has plenty
of room for improvement. However, developing a plan to take schools in the
right direction is easier said than done. The first challenge lies in identifying
underlying problems keeping students from learning today. This challenge, in
part, is due to the fact that the problems may change considerably depending
on who is labeling them, whether it is students, parents, educators or

lawmakers. 7

 Nelson Mandela, A Former President of the Republic of South

Africa says “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can
use to change the world” which means Education is the first step for
people to gain the knowledge, critical thinking, empowerment and
skills they need to make this world a better place.8

Also there is a Chinese Proverb says that “Teachers open the

door, but you must enter by yourself” which means you can have
access to professors from the best universities in the world, but you
still need to be willing to do the work, even when it’s hard. If you

Neslon Mandela « Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world »
can’t do it alone, remember that asking for help is part of doing the

The chinese proverb says that Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself
2.3 Moroccan Taboos
A. Poverty
The results of the poverty analysis undertaken highlights four points.
First, economic growth has been reflected in increased household
expenditures, especially for those in the bottom forty percent of the
distribution. Second, there has been a process of convergence in poverty rates
across regions, yet spatial disparities are still large. Third, monetary transfers
have increased and had a larger impact on poverty reduction, but are still
regressive. Last, while poverty decline was accompanied by broader
improvement in welfare, perceptions of well-being do not reflect these.

Understanding this system is the first step toward breaking the cycle of
poverty and its symptoms – homelessness, hunger, health disparities and
unemployment. Breaking this barrier can provide mobility, opportunity and
independence for thousands of people in our community.
B . Alcohol / Drugs
Cultural and societal factors determine what are acceptable or allowable
forms of drug or alcohol use. Public laws determine what kind of drug use is
legal or illegal. The question of what type of substance use can be considered
normal or acceptable remains controversial. Substance abuse and dependence
are caused by multiple factors, including genetic vulnerability, environmental
stressors, social pressures, individual personality characteristics, and psychiatric
problems. But which of these factors has the biggest influence in any one
person cannot be determined in all cases.10

Substance use disorders are associated with a wide range of short- and
long-term health effects. They can vary depending on the type of drug, how
much and how often it’s taken and the person’s general health. Overall, the
effects of drug abuse and dependence can be far-reaching. They can impact
almost every organ in the human body.

Abusing a drug, or misusing a prescription medication, can produce some

short-term effects, such as:

changes in appetite
sleeplessness or insomnia
increased heart rate
slurred speech
changes in cognitive ability
a temporary sense of euphoria
loss of coordination

Drug abuse can affect aspects of a person’s life beyond their physical
health. People with substance use disorder, for example, may experience:

an inability to cease using a drug

relationship problems
poor work or academic performance
difficulty maintaining personal hygiene
noticeable changes in appearance, such as extreme weight loss
increased impulsivity and risk-taking behaviors
loss of interest in formerly enjoyable activities
Chronic drug use can alter a person’s brain structure and function,
resulting in long-term psychological effects, such as:
Panic disorders
Increased aggression

C . Suicide

Suicide, taking your own life, is a tragic reaction to stressful life

situations , and all the more tragic because suicide can be prevented. Whether
you're considering suicide or know someone who feels suicidal, learn suicide
warning signs and how to reach out for immediate help and professional
treatment. You may save a life , your own or someone else's.
For some teens, normal developmental changes can be very unsettling
when combined with other events, such as:

 Changes in their families, such as divorce, siblings moving out, or

moving to a new town

 Changes in friendships

 Problems in school

 Other losses

These problems may seem too hard or embarrassing to overcome. For

some, suicide may seem like a solution.11

Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's death.
Chapter two : Film Analysis

A . Introduction

This section of the research analysis describes the structural elements

of the film which includes the plot , themes , characters , and The Impact of
Social Issues in Education .

3.1 The plot

Leïla is a young woman of 28 years old. French teacher, she has just
received a transfer to a Casablanca high school which is located a stone's throw
from the house where she lives with her mother. This news is a source of
happiness and satisfaction for her. No more transport headaches. No more
dangers to her commuting around Casa.12

In his eyes, luck finally smiled on him. She will be able to realize her
dream of getting married with her lover Rachid, a young executive in an
insurance company.13

In short, a new life, a rebirth for this Leïla who aspires to a bright
professional and family future. Motivated, she begins her new mission with
great enthusiasm and self-sacrifice.14

The only downside is that two students in a final year begin to make
his working hours unbearable. Their names are M'jid and Miloud and they
come from poor families living in a slum. Shameless and disrespectful, the two
young men harass their teacher and ruin his life.15

After having weakened for a moment in the face of this harassment,
Leïla pulled herself together to be able to control the situation. To get by, she
can count on the love of Rachid.

3.2 Thematic Analysis

Belmejdoub illustrates his film with some important themes at

the description of a certain phenomena . First , the theme of Education ,and
the impact of students problems to their studies . As the movie starts , the  two
naughty and aggressive students  keeps bothering and interrupting the teacher
laila and making fun of her and the class. The student Mjid from the first sight
seems to fall all over Laila and he spies on her personal life with her fiancé. To
some extant Mjid mixes Laila's personal life with his fun in the class and that
drive Laila mad and she pass out. In addition the director gives the highlight to
the Moroccan taboos which includes poverty , drugs/alcohol and how that
impact to students. The film gives a picture of aggressive students and
emphasizes the condition in which Mjid lives in. the idea behind this is that a
boy/girl is made aggressive due to certain conditions and through
communication and understanding one can change his/her behaviors.16

Also the film shows the struglles of teachers while doing their job ,
Once Laila starts the classes Mjid and Milod keeps bothering her so she decided
to change  her way of dealing with her students as a punishment for them, and
also she gives them an example of the other type of teachers who unwilling to
bother themselves with students. At the end, Laila succeeds to change the
behaviors of her naughty students and helped them to set new goals for their

3.3 Character analysis

The film revolves around two naughty and aggressive students

Mjid (Rafik Boubker) and Miloud (Aziz Hattab) and their newly appointed young
teacher Laila (Fatima khair), Mjid and Miloud are example of all students who
go to the class not for study but just to have fun at the expense of their
teachers and class-mates. At the start All things seem positive, compared to all
the problems she was experiencing before this move, such as the
transportation problem and the difficult shuttle trips linking her place of
residence and her workplace in the outskirts of the city, but  once Leila starts
the classes Mjid and Miloud keeps bothering and interrupting her and making
fun of her and the class. Mjid from the first sight seems to fall all over Laila and
he spies on her personal life with her fiancé Rachid (Saad tsouli), he tries to
interfere in order to help Laila, but she refuses that and manages to deal the
matter alone. Classroom 8’ is a perfect sample of the difficulties that teachers
encounter in their mission which hinder the transmission and the construction
of knowledge with students.17

3. 4 The impact of Social Issues in Education

In such competitive world, Education is a very significant tool for every

person to succeed in life. Education is must for both women and men equally
as both together make an educated and healthy society. It gives many purposes
to the lifelike as the development of the personal advancement, increases
social status and health.
Much of what goes on in society disclosures into the school method,
impacting students and their learning and knowledge experience. School
systems should identify what kinds of social problems are of main anxiety, and
educate students regarding ways to fight them. Parents and teachers can
cooperate on plans for reducing social issues in schools.

The world has had to tackle several social issues, and it would be
interesting to list some social issues that have hit humanity. In this way, we can
analyze where we are heading towards. With this brief introduction we shall
now proceed to look into some social issues that have made an impact on this
entire world.18

First , Youth alcohol usage , a lot of students are addicted to drugs ,

the worst part of this is that the many parents are unaware of it. In fact, most
of the parents don’t seem to have clear and personal talks with their children.
This is considered to be one of the big reasons why these youngsters have been
. A social problem is a problem within society that makes it difficult for people to achieve their full
potential. Poverty, unemployment, inequality of opportunity, racism and malnutrition are examples of
social problems.
pulled into alcohol and drugs. Second , suicide which The reasons for
depression are many, but the result has unanimously ended in depression and
attempted suicides. Third , poverty which is a serious challenge that students
may be facing today . students living in poverty often come to school without
having had enough sleep and without having had breakfast. They often
experience family violence, abuse, secondhand smoke, neglect, and inadequate
clothing. 19

Addiction is the inability to stop using a substance or engage in a behavior even if it causes psychological and
physical harm.

To summarize, after having analysed the film of Classroom 8 by Jamal

Belmejdoub with the uses of critical approach to understand how the social
problems ( poverty , addiction to drugs and alcohol ) effects on Education and
society .

First part contains the literature review which includes a definition of

the Moroccan Cinema , and how the system of Education in Morocco goes ,
and how the Moroccan taboos such as the addiction of alcohol and drugs ,
poverty , social problems effects students . Second part based on structural
analysis of the film and the social issues that evident in this film and how the
director give it a highlight to convey a message that is in social life .

After analysing this film I find it very deep and realistic , because it
shows a very important issues that should change to develop the way of
Education in order to have a peaceful society .




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