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Safety Science 152 (2022) 105790

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Safety Science
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Construction safety and health hazard awareness in Web of Science and

Weibo between 1991 and 2021
Liyun Zeng a, *, Rita Yi Man Li b
Civil and Architectural Engineering Institute, Panzhihua University, Panzhihua 617000, China
Sustainable Real Estate Research Center, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong 999077, China


Keywords: The construction industry is one of the most hazardous industries, and construction hazard awareness is a major
Construction hazard awareness concern and vital at work. This paper compared 11,829 construction safety and health hazard awareness Weibo
Scientometric analysis microposts and 769 articles indexed in Web of Science (WoS) from 1900 to 2021. It compared different foci
Literature review
between academia and laypeople by studying safety hazards like fire, electrical, chemical, collapsing trenches,
Bibliometrics analysis
Science mapping approach
and health-related risks such as asbestos and heat stress. The first construction safety and health hazard paper
was published in 1991 in WoS, while the first construction hazard awareness related Weibo microposts appeared
in 2011. Safety Science is the journal that publishes most articles in this area, and the US is the most productive
country. On the other hand, the top 5 Weibo microbloggers were government departments. Popular construction
safety and health hazard Weibo topics included collapse, earthquake, safety management, risk management,
high-level and construction situation etc. In contrast, 20% of researchers’ most popular topics in construction
hazard awareness were hazard identification, recognition, computer vision, virtual reality, tracking, simulation.
The results showed that academia focused on high-tech stuff, such as artificial intelligence. However, in sharp
contrast, it was seldom mentioned with construction safety and health hazard awareness in Weibo despite
artificial intelligence having already become part of our daily lives.

1. Introduction company factors including the number of workers, budget, and location;
3) immediate factors directly related to the accident, such as the day and
The construction industry is one of the most hazardous industries due hour of the accident (Cabello et al., 2021).
to dynamic and temporary on-site activities (Li et al., 2015). The rate of The factors that directly impacted the number of accidents in the
non-fatal injuries in the construction industry was 71% higher than in all construction industry included a lack of training and knowledge, and
industries (Li and Zeng, 2019; Waehrer et al., 2007). High injury rates awareness of the assigned tasks (Liaudanskiene and Bogdanovicius,
also imply high accident compensation, pain, loss, and suffering. Thus, it 2009). Factors that affected safety performance included poor hazard
is vital to reduce site hazards (Yao et al., 2021). awareness of top management, lack of training, poor hazard awareness
Construction practitioners might not be interested in devoting time of project managers, and reckless operations (Tam et al., 2004). Scholars
and effort to hazard and accident prevention as they did for money­ demonstrated automatically processed and visualised operations that
making activities (Navon & Kolton, 2006). High accident rates happen created a safer environment for workers could be achieved at a
worldwide. According to Occupational Safety and Health Administra­ reasonable cost (Tang et al., 2019). Thus, there are continuous efforts to
tion (OSHA) (, 27th December 2021), the improve worker hazard awareness on construction sites (Cabello et al.,
construction industry accounted for a high proportion of fatalities 2021) and digitalisation is used to raise situational awareness (Lappa­
among all sectors in the United States. The fatal four (i.e., falls, struck- lainen et al., 2021).
by, caught-in/between, and electrocutions) accounted for 60% of total According to Clarivate Analytics (2022), “Web of Science (WoS) is
fatalities because of a lack of hazard awareness. Previous research the world’s most powerful research engine, delivering your library with
investigated factors contributing to the high accident rates: 1) personnel best-in-class publication and citation data for confident discovery, ac­
factors such as workers’ length of service, age, and occupation; 2) the cess, and assessment”. Given that WoS is one of the most influential

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (L. Zeng), (R. Yi Man Li).
Received 30 December 2021; Received in revised form 22 March 2022; Accepted 12 April 2022
0925-7535/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Zeng and R. Yi Man Li Safety Science 152 (2022) 105790

Fig. 1. Research framework.

Fig. 2. Yearly publications from 1900 to 2021 in construction hazard awareness from WoS.

databases in the academic community, Weibo is a popular and influ­ (ii) What are the hot issues mentioned in Weibo regarding con­
ential social media among laypeople of Chinese citizens in marketing, struction hazards awareness?
advertising and entertainment uses (Jia & Han, 2020). In comparison, (iii) What are the similarity and differences between academia and
Weibo is a social media and network platform to post real-time sharing laypeople’s main concern as per WoS and Weibo in the con­
and dissemination of information in multimedia forms, such as text, struction hazard awareness regarding contents and results listed
pictures, and videos (Li et al., 2020)(Zheng et al., 2021). Research in research question (i)?
questions in this study are:
This paper adopted VOSviewer to study construction hazard
(i) What are the most productive authors/organisations, publica­ awareness in the WoS journal database. We studied (i) the total number
tions, keywords, and countries in construction hazards awareness of articles published, (ii) total normalised citations and (iii) average
in academia? normalised citations, which were obtained from scientometrics.
Although some studies obtained the bibliometrics results via

L. Zeng and R. Yi Man Li Safety Science 152 (2022) 105790

Fig. 3. Mapping of mainstream journals in construction hazard awareness.

Table 1
Quantitative measurements of publications of construction hazard awareness research.
Journals/publications Documents Citations Weight (Normalised Average Score (Average Score (Average normalised
citations) publication year citations) citations)

Safety Science 39 937 83.1 2017.6 24.0 2.1

Journal of Construction Engineering and 24 686 40.7 2017.7 28.6 1.7
Automation In Construction 23 832 67.3 2017.9 36.2 2.9
Sustainability 14 36 8.2 2019.6 2.6 0.6
International Journal of Disaster Risk 13 79 9.5 2018.8 6.1 0.7
Natural Hazards 11 238 12.1 2013.8 21.6 1.1
International Journal of Environmental 10 55 5.9 2019.4 5.5 0.6
Research And Public Health
Advanced Engineering Informatics 9 315 29.8 2018.9 35.0 3.3
American Journal of Industrial Medicine 9 233 10.5 2006.4 25.9 1.2
Engineering, Construction and Architectural 8 38 13.1 2018.1 4.8 1.6
Construction Management and Economics 7 101 6.6 2015.1 14.4 0.9
Sensors 6 46 4.7 2018.7 7.7 0.8

VOSviewer, such as economic development and construction safety 2. Literature review

(Luo, Li, Crabbe, & Pu, 2022), no research compared the bibliometric
results of construction hazard awareness in WoS and Weibo. We used 2.1. Construction safety/ health hazard awareness
VOSviewer to conduct bibliometrics analysis in WoS and analysed
Weibo microposts via Python, MYSQL and Tableau. It reviewed the total A hazard can cause harm (Bohm & Harris, 2012). Construction
number of Weibo microposts published on the same topic and the hazard awareness refers to knowledge or understanding of dangers on a
number of forwards, likes, and comments for these microposts, similar to construction site (Bohm & Harris, 2012). Endsley’s situation awareness
citations of articles in academia analysed them via VOSviewer. The theory suggested that when a person encounters a dangerous condition,
research results provide information for safety management practice he needs a precise and appropriate decision-making process that en­
and future research direction. compasses pattern recognition and matching, forming sophisticated
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 pre­ schemata, and archetypal knowledge which eases the decision making
sents the literature review, Section 3 is the scientometric research (Liet al., 2019; Zeuwts et al., 2017). Low safety awareness and inade­
method and results, Section 4 presents the comparative analysis be­ quate knowledge about safety and health increase difficulties in imple­
tween visualised results in WoS and Weibo, Section 5 shows the menting risk controlling practices (Gao et al., 2018) and could lead to
conclusion. accidents (Li, 2015; Li et al., 2019). Unmanaged hazards may result in
catastrophic accidents and injuries. However, related construction
hazard awareness research is less than food and natural earth discipline
(Albert, Hallowell, Skaggs, & Kleiner, 2017).

L. Zeng and R. Yi Man Li Safety Science 152 (2022) 105790

Fig. 4. Co-occurrence of keywords in construction hazard awareness research.

Table 2 While many researchers considered safety and health as two
Summary of popular keywords in construction hazard awareness research. distinctive concepts, they were often linked together. Resilient safety
Keywords Weight Score Score Score culture exhibited a strong and significant positive relationship with
(Occurrences) (Average (average (average health hazard awareness (Abubakar et al., 2021). For example, drinking
publication citations) normalised alcohol was associated with occupational injury. Thus, health and safety
year) citations)
training must be held together simultaneously (Berhanu et al., 2019).
Hazard 33 2017.5 30.5 2.4 The effects of some health hazards are chronic, while some are acute.
Liaudanskiene et al. (2009) stated that the most-reported acute safety
Recognition 24 2017.8 18.6 2.2
Computer Vision 11 2019.2 34 3.9 hazards were “workers fall from a height” and “electric shocks”. This
Virtual Reality 11 2019.1 30.7 3.1 high level of injuries could be brought by noncompliance with fire and
Climate-Change 11 2017.9 47.1 2.3 electrical safety requirements, a lack of discipline, and other causes. On
Tracking 10 2018.2 22.9 3.5 the other hand, the most common chronic health hazard was “exposure
Simulation 9 2017.3 25.7 2.1
to hazardous substances” (Calvert et al., 2013; Rai et al., 2020).
Labor And 9 2016 42.6 1.9
Personnel Enhancing professionals’ interests via active safety management and
Issues awareness programs (Vitharana, De Silva, & De Silva, 2015), regular
Augmented 8 2018.4 41.5 4.2 workplace supervision and appropriate personal protective equipment
are essential to prevent occupational injury (Berhanu et al., 2019).
Memory 7 2015.4 49.4 2.1
Deep Learning 7 2020.4 8.3 2
Impacts 6 2018.8 70 3.4
Musculoskeletal 6 2017.2 34.7 2.5 2.2. Training of safety and health hazard awareness
Conservation 5 2018.8 92 4.6
Construction project safety training is essential to enhance hazard
Visualization 5 2019.2 15.6 3.4
awareness (Abas et al., 2021). While employees are expected to learn
Occupational 5 2019.4 22.4 3.1 from their own experiences and mistakes (Arif, Nasir, Thaheem, & Khan,
Safety 2021), there is a lack of formal construction safety training programs for
Workplace 5 2014 58.4 2.4 new workers in work accidents (Arif et al., 2021). Occupational health
Safety Culture 5 2018.8 10.4 2.4
and safety training should be provided to raise workers’ awareness of
Movements 5 2018 39.6 2.3
Fire 5 2011.6 36.2 2 occupational hazards that reduce injuries (Gul & Ak, 2020; Serrao &
D’mello, 2020). For example, an OSHA ten-hour hazard-awareness
Albert et al. (2017) suggested that electrical, temperature, chemical course was developed for construction trade stakeholders (Sokas et al.,
hazards are common on sites. Memon, Soomro, Memon, and Abassi 2007).
(2017) found that the most significant factors that cause hazards on sites To strengthen hazard awareness, it is important to improve compli­
are poor safety awareness, a lack of technical technological innovation/ ance with risk regulations and examine the factors associated with the
use to improve safety, ill-defined operational procedures in Pakistan. psychological climate (Fung et al., 2016). Some researchers suggested
Liaudanskiene et al. (2009) revealed that a lack of awareness about site that construction safety information and activity in field operations
safety hazards and reluctance to wear Personal Protective Equipment could be automatically processed and visualised in real-time to reduce
(PPE) were the leading causes of poor safety practices in construction hazards, improve hazard awareness of workers, and create a safer
environment for workers at a reasonable cost (Tang et al., 2019). Others

L. Zeng and R. Yi Man Li Safety Science 152 (2022) 105790

Fig. 5. Co-authorship analysis for construction health and safety hazard awareness publications.

investigated worker perception and comprehension of construction 2020). National influence, the article that provides up-to-date infor­
hazards and safety information in laboratory settings. They analysed mation, criticism or correction, operational information (references
workers’ situation awareness regarding physical and mental workloads where a concept or theory is referred), persuasiveness (references cited
acquired while on-site work (Kim, et al., 2021). Yilmaz (2021) con­ for convincing peers), reader alert such as references cited for an un­
ducted a survey of perception-based questions to study the preventive specified and vague perception of agreement affect the number of cita­
measures on sites and determine employees’ awareness of occupational tions (Brooks, 1986). Serving as a minor player in a large team to amass
health and safety (OHS) practices. publication might also raise citation counts (Haslam et al., 2017).
The more citations a publisher receives, the more likely a journal can
attract quality submissions and drive away authors without a track re­
2.3. Factors that affect research output and citations
cord (Ma, 2020). These normalised citations could be influenced by
professional recognition, advancement, funding and selection panels,
The number of articles published is affected by academic seniority
granting agencies, and other gatekeepers who compared researchers’
(Haslam et al., 2017), team publication (Persson et al., 2004), and the
track records (Haslam et al., 2017).
growing trend for short articles (Haslam, 2010). It is also affected by
funding agencies, publishers, indexing, and data analytic services (Ma,

Table 3
Quantitative measurements of scholars in construction safety and health hazard awareness research.
Scholars Documents Citations Norm. citations Score (Avg. citations) Score (Avg. norm. citations)

Li, Heng 10 268 21.1 26.8 2.1

Lee, Sanghyun 6 298 20.2 49.7 3.4
Seo, Joonoh 6 246 17.1 41.0 2.9
Zhang, Hong 4 107 9.1 26.8 2.3
Kim, Inhan 3 18 3.8 6.0 1.3
Skitmore, Martin 3 75 3.6 25.0 1.2
Wu, Zezhou 3 48 5.4 16.0 1.8
Yan, Xuzhong 3 102 8.7 34.0 2.9
Antwi-Afari, Maxwell Fordjour 2 8 3.6 4.0 1.8
Anwer, Shahnawaz 2 8 3.6 4.0 1.8
Chan, Greg 2 74 3.2 37.0 1.6
Choi, Byungjoo 2 55 6.3 27.5 3.1
Choi, Jungsik 2 12 2.5 6.0 1.3
Han, Sanguk 2 220 9.3 110.0 4.6
Jebelli, Houtan 2 55 6.3 27.5 3.1
Lee, Yongha 2 12 2.5 6.0 1.3
Wang, Chen 2 44 3.0 22.0 1.5
Wang, Fenglai 2 38 2.0 19.0 1.0
Yang, Xincong 2 38 2.0 19.0 1.0
Yevu, Sitsofe Kwame 2 8 3.6 4.0 1.8

L. Zeng and R. Yi Man Li Safety Science 152 (2022) 105790

Fig. 6. Science mapping of the most influential publications in construction hazard awareness research.

3. Scientometric research method

Table 4
List of publications with the highest impact on construction hazard awareness Research about the previous publications on construction health and
research. hazard awareness is scarce. This review-based study adopts a holistic
Scholars Description Publication Weight approach to evaluate the latest research outputs (i.e., 1900–2021) in
Sources (Citations) construction hazard awareness in the WoS. It included the science
Li (2018b) A critical review of virtual Automation In 198 mapping of bibliometric search, scientometric analysis, and qualitative
and augmented reality Construction discussion. The research steps and framework are shown in Fig. 1.
(VR/AR) applications in First, a preliminary search of construction hazard awareness research
construction safety
Seo (2015) Computer vision Advanced 190
is conducted in the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC), 1317 ar­
techniques for construction Engineering ticles were found. We analysed the literature on construction hazard
safety and health Informatics awareness removed irrelevant documents, conference articles, book
monitoring chapters, early access, and editorial material. 769 articles remained. We
Zhang Ontology-based semantic Automation In 141
studied the number of publications via VOSviewer by analysing orga­
(2015) modeling of construction Construction
safety knowledge: towards nisations, keywords, citations, sources, authors, and countries. After
automated safety planning qualitative discussion of research content, knowledge mapping analysis
for job hazard analysis highlighted the research focus cluster, most productive authors in the
Perlman Hazard recognition and risk Safety Science 134 field and future research directions.
(2014) perception in construction
Benjaoran An integrated safety Safety Science 95
(2010) management with
3.1. Bibliometric search
construction management
using 4d cad model
Albert Enhancing construction Journal Of 87 The bibliometric search is based on traditional theories such as
(2014a) hazard recognition with Construction Bradford’s law, Zipf’s law and Lotka’s Law. Based on Bradford’s law,
high-fidelity augmented Engineering And researchers can identify the journals with the most frequent publications
virtuality Management
in construction safety awareness (Bulick, 1978; Kumar, 2014; Pontigo &
Maille The development of the Respiratory 82
(1997) ‘quality-of-life for Medicine Lancaster, 1986; Shelton, 2020). According to Zipf’s law, keywords’
respiratory illness number and connections could indicate possible research focuses in an
questionnaire: a disease- academic field via bibliometrics analysis (Deng and Zhuo, 2019). This
specific quality-of-life
study selected documents by using keywords in WoS and Weibo. For
questionnaire for patients
with mild to moderate
Lotka’s Law, when we analysed scholars, the node’s size represents the
chronic non-specific lung number of articles, and the line’s number and thickness show the
disease collaboration and intensity (He & Huang, 2020).
Although there has been an increase in interest in bibliometrics
research in recent years (Ma, 2020), research on construction safety
hazard awareness is a research gap. Our present study performed the

L. Zeng and R. Yi Man Li Safety Science 152 (2022) 105790

Fig. 7. Mapping of organisations active in construction hazard awareness.

Table 5
Organisations active in construction hazard awareness research.
Label Weight Weight (Citations) Weight Score (Avg. citations) Score (Avg. norm. citations)
(Documents) (Norm. citations)

Hong Kong Polytechnic University 21 612 51.2 29.1 2.4

North Carolina State University 21 379 35.5 18.0 1.7
Tsinghua University 12 142 22.6 11.8 1.9
University of Colorado 12 341 19.1 28.4 1.6
Georgia Institute of Technology 10 256 17.4 25.6 1.7
University of Florida 10 103 16.3 10.3 1.6
University of Illinois 9 319 16.0 35.4 1.8
Curtin University 8 266 27.3 33.3 3.4
Tongji University 8 153 11.6 19.1 1.4
University of Michigan 8 317 21.9 39.6 2.7
Huazhong University of Science & Technology 7 157 23.4 22.4 3.3
Queensland University of Technology 7 158 7.9 22.6 1.1
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 7 302 16.2 43.1 2.3
Chinese Academy of Sciences 6 184 7.6 30.7 1.3
Deakin University 6 19 2.3 3.2 0.4
Pennsylvania State University 6 104 8.1 17.3 1.3
City University of Hong Kong 5 123 7.0 24.6 1.4
Kyung Hee University 5 222 18.4 44.4 3.7
The University of Alabama 5 31 3.4 6.2 0.7
The University of Melbourne 5 52 3.6 10.4 0.7

bibliometric search of construction safety and health hazard awareness construction fall hazard awareness OR asbestos awareness on sites OR
publications in WoS, one of the leading search engines for academic construction heat stress awareness.
outputs. WoS is an electronic database that covers most high-quality
journals. We included the following keywords in WoSCC for this 3.2. Science mapping
study: construction hazard awareness OR construction fire hazard
awareness OR electrical hazard awareness on site OR construction VOSviewer, a text-mining tool developed by Van Eck and Waltman
chemical hazard awareness or construction situation awareness OR (2014), was adopted for analysing and visualising bibliometric net­
collapsing trenches hazard awareness OR construction hazardous ma­ works. According to Van Eck and Waltman (2014), VOSviewer provides
terials awareness OR confined spaces hazard awareness OR struck-by distance-based visualisations of bibliometric networks, and the distance
hazards awareness on site OR Caught-in and caught between hazards between two nodes indicates their relatedness. We used VOSviewer
awareness on site OR fall hazard awareness on site OR construction 1.6.15 for visualising extensive networks via text mining features. It
hazard recognition OR airborne fibres awareness on sites OR helped us analyse the influence of journals, scholars, publications, and

L. Zeng and R. Yi Man Li Safety Science 152 (2022) 105790

Fig. 8. Mapping of countries/regions that were active in construction hazard awareness.

countries studying the popular keywords and their inter-relationships. occurrence of a keyword was set at 5. Initially, 157 out of 4119 key­
We summarised the main research topics in construction hazard words met the threshold. We removed general terminologies such as
awareness, identified the research limitations or gaps, and proposed “construction”, “hazard”, “construction hazard”, “management”, “safety
future research directions. management”, “perceptions”, “system”, “systems”, “awareness” and
“risk” and combined keywords with similar semantic meanings, such as
“situational awareness” versus “situation awareness” in the second-
3.3. Results of scientometric analysis
round analysis. 40 keywords were selected, as shown in Fig. 4.
The most popular research topics in construction hazard awareness
The bibliometric search in WoS produced a list of 769 related journal
were hazard identification, recognition, computer vision, virtual reality,
articles. Fig. 2 displays the number of published papers between 1900
climate change, tracking, simulation and labour and personnel issues.
and October 2021. It shows the trend of research outputs in construction
Computer vision, augmented reality, virtual reality, simulation, and eye-
hazard awareness. The first construction safety and health hazard article
tracking were related to information technology tools and software.
was published in 1991, and there were many fewer articles published
Top 20 construction safety and health hazard papers’ keywords
between 1996 and 2006. The annual number of publications has
included computer vision, virtual reality, augmented reality, and visu­
increased since 2007, from below 20 articles published annually in 2007
alisation technology (Table 2). Many were related to information tech­
to over 100 in 2020. This indicates that the research community has
nology, accounting for 20% of these hot topics. Therefore, information
recently recorded an increase in interests and outputs regarding con­
technology was essential for the construction health and hazard
struction hazard awareness.
awareness research, especially the number of documents, total citations,
average citations, normalised citations, and average normalised
3.3.1. Science mapping of published sources
We set the minimum number of documents and citations at 5 and 2 in
VOSviewer, respectively. Fig. 3 displays the clusters of research sources
3.3.3. Co-authorship analysis
and their inter-relationships through connection lines. The larger font
Concerning co-authorship analysis in construction hazard awareness
size and node represent more publications published. Different colours
research, we set the minimum number of articles published and the
represent different clusters, and the lines connect the circles delineate
minimum citations of an author in VOSviewer as 2 and 1, respectively.
the closeness among journals regarding mutual citations (Jin et al.,
125 out of 2384 authors from the literature sample met the selection
2019). The font and node size of Safety Science is the largest, meaning
criteria (Fig. 5). The top 3 most influential authors in construction
that Safety Science has the most publications, and the Journal of Con­
hazard awareness were Li Heng, Lee Sanghyun and Seo Joonoh. Table 3
struction Engineering and Management ranks second. As per connection
presents the most influential authors in the field.
lines between the two journals, their relationship is relatively close
regarding mutual citations. Top 10 journals with remarkable publica­
3.3.4. Citation of articles
tions about construction hazard awareness are shown Table 1.
This study set the minimum citations at 20 over the past ten years. 79
out of 769 articles remained. The most influential articles measured by
3.3.2. Co-occurrence of keywords
citations are visualised in Fig. 6 and Table 4. Li (2018b)’s research of a
A keyword network displays their relationships and intellectual
critical review of virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) applications in
organisation of research themes (Van Eck and Waltman, 2014).
construction safety published in Automation in Construction, and Seo
Following the co-occurrence and author keywords, the minimum

L. Zeng and R. Yi Man Li Safety Science 152 (2022) 105790

Table 6
Countries/regions which were active in construction hazard awareness research.
Country/Regions Documents Citations Norm. citations Average publication year Average citations Average norm. citations

USA 197 4736 280.3 2015.1 24.0 1.4

Peoples Republic of China 131 2325 211.5 2018.2 17.7 1.6
Australia 62 1750 124.3 2016.7 28.2 2.0
UK 46 1553 80.3 2013.0 33.8 1.7
Italy 35 815 50.2 2015.8 23.3 1.4
Brazil 29 542 30.3 2015.0 18.7 1.0
Germany 27 938 53.7 2016.0 34.7 2.0
Spain 26 172 19.2 2016.1 6.6 0.7
India 24 288 20.7 2017.9 12.0 0.9
South Korea 24 625 45.4 2017.8 26.0 1.9
Netherlands 23 929 54.5 2014.7 40.4 2.4
France 22 300 14.8 2012.2 13.6 0.7
Canada 21 988 47.9 2013.8 47.0 2.3
Russia 14 66 8.4 2015.1 4.7 0.6
Mexico 13 599 29.8 2015.8 46.1 2.3
Turkey 12 88 6.7 2016.2 7.3 0.6
Iran 11 244 16.3 2015.1 22.2 1.5
Sweden 11 206 10.6 2015.5 18.7 1.0
Switzerland 11 762 33.0 2012.1 69.3 3.0
Finland 10 387 15.4 2011.1 38.7 1.5
Japan 10 71 4.8 2015.1 7.1 0.5
Malaysia 10 103 8.3 2016.0 10.3 0.8
South Africa 10 38 3.8 2014.5 3.8 0.4
Colombia 9 34 3.9 2016.3 3.8 0.4
Nigeria 9 60 8.0 2018.2 6.7 0.9
Pakistan 9 119 6.8 2016.6 13.2 0.8
Poland 9 87 5.1 2014.1 9.7 0.6
New Zealand 8 250 24.9 2017.3 31.3 3.1
Portugal 8 118 10.4 2014.5 14.8 1.3
Israel 7 216 9.7 2012.0 30.9 1.4
Norway 7 46 4.4 2017.1 6.6 0.6
Saudi Arabia 7 144 9.2 2017.9 20.6 1.3
Belgium 6 97 5.9 2017.3 16.2 1.0
Singapore 6 97 14.8 2016.7 16.2 2.5
Thailand 6 307 14.2 2013.2 51.2 2.4
Chile 5 72 3.3 2017.2 14.4 0.7
Egypt 5 241 17.0 2015.8 48.2 3.4
Greece 5 15 1.2 2015.8 3.0 0.2
Sri Lanka 5 59 2.7 2016.6 11.8 0.5
Austria 4 12 1.9 2014.8 3.0 0.5
Indonesia 4 11 2.0 2020.0 2.8 0.5
Nepal 4 47 2.4 2016.0 11.8 0.6

The Average Normalised Citation represents the normalised number of citations of a journal source, article, scholar, country, or organisation. It is calculated by
dividing the total number of citations by the average number of citations published per year. The normalisation corrects the misinterpretation that older documents
gain more time to receive citations than recent publications (van Eck and Waltman, 2014). The Average Normalised Citation is also applied in the following tables that
measure the influence of keywords, scholars, articles, or countries active in construction health and hazard awareness research.

Fig. 9. Yearly publications from Weibo in the context of construction hazard awareness.

L. Zeng and R. Yi Man Li Safety Science 152 (2022) 105790

Fig. 10. Annual number of Weibo microposts in construction hazard awareness during 2011–2021.

Fig. 11. Annual usernames of Weibo construction hazard awareness microposts from 2011 to 2021.

(2015)’s research of computer vision techniques for construction safety and 3.3.6. Countries/regions that are active in construction hazard awareness
health monitoring was published in Advanced Engineering Informatics are By setting the minimum number of documents and citations of a
top two most influential articles in hazard awareness (Table 4). country at 4 and 1, respectively, VOSviewer shortlisted 42 out of 92
countries/regions. The line connects countries in Fig. 8 shows the
3.3.5. Organisations that are most productive in construction hazard research results which were produced by different countries/regions,
awareness research measured by the total link strength in Table 6. Fig. 8 shows the countries
To study the contributions of construction health and safety hazard or regions that contributed most per node size and connections with
awareness according to organisations, we set the minimum numbers of other countries/regions: the US, China, Australia, the UK, Italy, and
documents and citations of a country at 4 and 1, respectively. 47 out of Brazil.
1085 organisations were shortlisted (Fig. 7 and Table 5). Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, North Carolina State University, Tsinghua Uni­ 4. Comparative analysis from Weibo database
versity, University of Colorado, Georgia Institute of Technology, and the
University of Florida are the top 5 organisations with more published To compare laypeople and academia focus on construction safety
documents. Among these top 5 organisations, Hong Kong Polytechnic and health hazard awareness, we extend our research arm to Weibo.
University is the most influential citation organisation. Weibo is a social media and network platform that shares short real-time
information, allowing us to share dissemination and acquisition

L. Zeng and R. Yi Man Li Safety Science 152 (2022) 105790

Fig. 12. Keywords related to construction hazard awareness in Weibo (authors’ figure).

information. First, we obtained Weibo microposts’ data, including keywords. From the Weibo database, AI, BIM and VR are the hotpot
contents, user name, comment number, forward number, like number, keywords in 2021. The result is similar to the research focuses in the Wos
etc., by using Python 3.6.6. Second, we used the following keywords in database.
Python 3.6.6 for selecting relevant construction safety and health Weibo Apart from the keyword Artificial intelligence, others are unrelated
microposts: construction hazard awareness OR construction fire hazard to information technology. The public concerned more about collapse,
awareness OR electrical hazard awareness on site OR construction fire hazards, earthquakes, electricity, etc. On the other hand, informa­
chemical hazard awareness or construction situation awareness OR tion technology is a central research focus in academia, keywords like
collapsing trenches hazard awareness OR construction hazardous ma­ computer vision, virtual reality, augmented reality, and visualisation
terials awareness OR confined spaces hazard awareness OR struck-by technology account for 20% of these hot topics.
hazards awareness on site OR caught-in and caught between hazards
awareness on site OR fall hazard awareness on site OR construction 5. Conclusion
hazard recognition OR airborne fibres awareness on sites OR construc­
tion fall hazard awareness OR asbestos awareness on sites OR con­ There was scarce research that studied the construction hazard
struction heat stress awareness. Third, Weibo microposts which are awareness between academia and laypeople. The study used quantita­
related to construction hazards awareness are saved in MYSQL database. tively bibliometric and comparative analyses between WoS and Weibo
We obtained 12,013 construction hazard and health awareness micro­ in construction hazard awareness from 1990 to 2021. Through the smart
posts from 1900 to 2021. We then removed irrelevant microposts, such or visualised tools, such as VOSviewer, Python, MYSQL and Tableau, the
as traffic safety. Finally, 11,829 documents were selected to compare results included: 1) theoretical implications about influential organisa­
them with academia’s articles. tions, sources, countries, research hotspots, etc in construction hazard
Fig. 9 shows the annual Weibo microposts of construction hazard awareness; 2) some practical implications for governments and man­
awareness from 1900 to 2021. The information related to construction agers of the construction industry.
hazard awareness first appeared in 2011. From 2011 to 2014, Weibo
microposts decreased and increased to 1269 in 2015. In 2018, the
number of Weibo microposts of construction hazard awareness 5.1. Theoretical implications
decreased to 47, 46 in 2019 93 in 2020. In 2021, the number of Weibo
microposts was the highest at 2464. This trend differed from annual The article used the VOSviewer for analysing 769 construction
publication in WoS, which recorded the most diminutive and earliest hazard awareness articles selected from the Web of Science. The quan­
publication in 1991 and the most publication in 2020. titative mapping analysis revealed that the research community recor­
We analysed the yearly sources and usernames of microposts ded increased outputs in construction hazard awareness in recent years.
2011–2021 in Tableau 2021.3. Fig. 10 shows that most materials being 1993 was the first year that people did most construction hazard
shared from elsewhere came from, 360 secured browsers, awareness research. The annual number of publications has been
professional Weibo Version, Weibo video, Pipi time machine, the iPhone increasing since 2007, from below ten articles published annually in
client etc. In Fig. 11, all the key opinion leaders in construction hazard 2006 to over 40 in 2019. Safety Science was the most influential journal,
awareness microposts were government organisations: Chongqing fire, the most productive one in construction hazards. Others included the
Kunming five degrees, Seismological Bureau of Beijing, Shuangliu Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Automation in Con­
emergency, Xi’an high-tech brigade traffic police. struction, Sustainability and International Journal of Occupational Safety
The most frequent keywords are identified via Tableau data visual­ and Ergonomics.
isation. From Fig. 12, keywords such as firefighting, fire, high-level, 2021 recorded the largest number of research construction hazard
earthquake, hazard awareness, safe production, construction situation, awareness academic articles and microposts. In Weibo, the first con­
prevention, material, worker, and training ranked top 11 among Weibo struction hazard awareness micropost appeared in 2011. Compared the
users. The results were the same as the top 10 forward number infor­ results of 11,829 Weibo microposts to 769 research documents in WoS,
mation, comment number information and like number information Weibo microposts focused more on the types of construction safety and
(Tables 7, 8 and 9). These keywords differed from the researchers’ most health hazards, and digital-related technologies were not the focus. On
popular research topics in construction hazard awareness: hazard the other hand, academia focused more on intelligent tools to solve
identification, recognition, computer vision, virtual reality, climate hazards. Ubiquitous devices like VR, MR, software including BIM, 4D
change, tracking, simulation, and labour and personnel issues. From CAD, and robotics were essential in construction hazard awareness
Fig. 13, collapse, earthquake, safety management, risk management, research.
high-level and construction situation were the top 5 most popular Thus, there are some identical results between WoS and Weibo in the
construction hazards awareness: 1) Safety Science is the journal that

L. Zeng and R. Yi Man Li Safety Science 152 (2022) 105790

Table 7
The top 5 forward-number information in Weibo.
Publish_time Main content Forward Comment Like
number number number

2015/7/25 15:00 People need to wear hard hats because the construction waste that falls from buildings could be fatal 15,807 946 2843
2021/11/22 Carry out inspections on the electricity use for house construction site, discourage the construction of illegal 2038 808 1629
18:48 buildings in the safe area of power equipment, “electricity” brightens the country’s revitalisation, and protects
people’s livelihood and happiness
2021/11/21 Carry out firefighting month emergency evacuation drills, improving the fire safety awareness of most 1402 1000 1001
12:31 employees and construction fire hazards and emergency evacuation and self-rescue capabilities
2011/11/17 [Nanjing Affordable Housing Exposed to Use Slimming Steel Bars, Merchants Earn Thousand Yuan per ton] Last 310 156 0
13:17:00 night, the Nanjing Daishan Affordable Housing Construction Site exposed to the use of “slimming” steel bars.
Nanjing Construction Development Group is one of the four major construction companies for the Daishan
Affordable Housing Project. It is said in the industry that the cold drawing rate of “slimming” steel bars is too
large, and the mechanical properties change directly affect the earthquake resistance of the building and leave
potential safety hazards.

Table 8
The top 5 comment number information from Weibo (authors’ table).
Publish_time Content Forward Comment Like
number number number

2021/11/21 Drill a fire hazard in a simulated dispatch building construction 1402 1000 1001
2015/7/25 15:00 People need to wear hard hats because the construction waste that falls from buildings could be fatal 15,807 946 2843
2021/11/24 9:46 Talk about how to prevent fires from high-rise constructions, electric bicycle safety, and home fires 13 934 50
2021/11/22 Carry out inspections on the site of electricity used for construction, discourage the construction of illegal buildings in the 2038 808 1629
18:48 safe area of power equipment, “electricity” brightens the country’s revitalisation, and protects people’s livelihood and
2016/4/17 The school’s original building had a chemical safety hazard, so another campus was built. The education department said 138 483 684
18:10:00 that it had done an environmental assessment. However, the assessment report only considered conventional pollutant
indicators. The report also pointed out that “soil and groundwater have been contaminated on the north side of the site, and
there are human health risks and ecological risks”, and that “the development and use of groundwater are strictly
prohibited”, and the heavily polluted groundwater pumped up is used for the construction of the school.

Table 9
The top 5 likes statements from Weibo.
Publish_time Content Forward Comment Like
Number number number

2015/7/25 15:00 People need to wear hard hats because the construction waste that falls from buildings could be fatal 15,807 946 2843
2021/11/22 18:8 Carry out inspections on the site of electricity use for house construction, discourage the construction of illegal buildings in 2038 808 1629
the safe area of power equipment, “electricity” brightens the country’s revitalisation, and protects people’s livelihood and
2017/9/13 [The advent of China’s anti-seismic artefact allows buildings to offset 80% of the earthquake energy] The traditional anti- 32 107 261
20:30:00 seismic technology is to firmly connect the upper structure of the building and the foundation, but this anti-seismic effect is
not ideal. The seismic isolation support adds a layer between the upper structure and the foundation and installs rubber
isolation bearings to achieve a soft connection with the ground. This technology can offset about 80% of the earthquake
energy. Moreover, this kind of anti-seismic technology comes from a rocket engine. The designers developed the solid
rocket motor that developed this technology.
2017/9/14 To do an excellent job in disaster and hazard, the most vital thing is to improve the earthquake resistance of buildings. First, 23 44 197
15:08:00 construct a stronger building and then use seismic isolation technology to reduce the enormous energy brought by the
earthquake. The seismic isolation bearing is such a product, which can reduce the seismic energy by increasing the rubber
damping performance, thereby decreasing the construction hazards.
2017/8/31 [Japan has developed a snake-shaped robot that can inspect the inside of complex pipelines]. In addition to daily 163 43 189
7:18:00 inspections of factories, this robot is also expected to be used for inspections inside inaccessible constructions due to the
danger of construction hazards and disasters and reactor scrapping operations in the Fukushima nuclear accident. The
robot is about 2 m long and weighs about 9 kg. Equipped with high-performance sensors, it can pass through complicated
pipelines. Since the echo is used to determine the current position, you will not lose your way during the operation.

publishes most articles in this area, and the US is the most productive injuries and fatalities despite establishing and implementing safety
country, but the top 5 Weibo microbloggers were government de­ programs (Awwad, El Souki, & Jabbour, 2016). The study indicates that
partments; 2) academia focused on high-tech stuff, such as artificial smart tools are more popular concerns in academia than public media
intelligence; but it was seldom mentioned with construction safety, and regarding construction safety and hazards. Thus, government and
health hazard awareness in Weibo despite artificial intelligence has managers should pay more attention to these ubiquitous tools’ appli­
already become part of our daily lives. cations to prevent construction hazards and improve hazard awareness.
Bibliometric analysis and science mapping approach can help managers
5.2. Practical implications and the government learn more about the research hotspots.

The construction industry remains one of the most dangerous in­

dustries globally, accounting for a high percentage of work-related

L. Zeng and R. Yi Man Li Safety Science 152 (2022) 105790

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