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Hepatitis A Virus

By : Fatma Alshemy
What's Hepatitis A virus (HAV) :

Hepatitis A virus:

● It's a virus that can be found in gut

(‫ )أﻣﻌﺎء‬of people and some animals.
● HAV can get into water and food from:
1. Faeces , stool ( poo) .‫اﻟﺑراز‬
2. Blood of an infected person or
▪ for example;
Through poor hand washing or contact
with sewerage .
Food with higher risk of

● Shellfish (oysters) (most common)

● Fresh products (salads, friut and
vegetables )
● Water (most common)
● Dairy products
What's the risk ?

HAV infects :
THIS INFECTION called Hepatitis A and
It's contagious (‫)ﻣﻌدﯾﺔ‬.
Who can get it ?
● Anyone hasn't been vaccinated .
● Anyone hasn't had the virus before.
● People traveling to countries where
sanitation is poor.
● ‫ﻧظﺎﻓﺔ اﻟﻣراﻓق اﻟﺻﺣﯾﺔ‬
Who has higher risk ?
with sever symptoms ‫أﻋﺮاض ﺷﺪﯾﺪة‬

● The elderly.
● Anyone has a
weakened immune
Reduce your risk

● There is vaccine for HAV

● Wash Hands throughly with soap and water ,

Dry them before preparing and eating food,

Especially after going to toilet and changing

nappies ‫ ﺣﻔﺎﺿﺎت‬.

● Avoid sharing ( food, outlery ‫ ادوات ﺧﺎرﺟﯾﺔ‬,and

drinks ) with other people.
● Avoid eating raw or undercooked shellfish.
● When traveling to places with poor sanitation:

Drink bottled water and avoid foods that

might have been prepared using
contaminated water.
Symptoms of Hepatitis A :

● Symptoms of hepatitis A usually appear

around 28 days after infection,
● can start as early as two weeks after
catching the virus.
● Only 30 percent of children with the virus
actually develop symptoms.
● Early symptoms of this hepatitis virus
● HeadacheLoss of appetite Abdominal
discomfort Fever Weakness and fatigue .
● After a few days of experiencing these
symptoms, 70 percent of patients develop
jaundice, a yellowing of the skin, eyes, and
mucous membranes. Jaundice also causes
dark urine and light, clay-colored feces.
● Symptoms usually start 2-4 weeks
after eating contaminated food
● Common symptoms range from fever,
loss a appetite, nausea and diarrhoea,
to abdomina pain, dark-coloured
urine and jaundice yellowing of the
skin and whites of the eyes) Children
under 6 years usually don't
noticeable symptoms

Generally symptoms last for 1-2 weeks but

continue for several months
Diagnosis of Hepatitis A:

Hepatitis symptoms can be extremely

similar among all human forms of
hepatitis. Therefore a blood test is
needed to determine the specific
hepatitis virus one has. The virus shows
up in a person's blood 10 to 12 days after
a person is infected, at which point a
doctor can draw a blood sample to
determine which form of hepatitis a
person has.
Prevention of Hepatitis A :

Hepatitis A is completely avoidable, since a

hepatitis A vaccine exists to prevent it.
However, since the vaccine only became
recommended for all children in 2006, many
people are not vaccinated. Hepatitis
transmission is still possible, and prevention
techniques are still important. Food handlers
should always wash hands after using the
bathroom or changing a diaper and before
preparing food.
Thank you 🖐😄

Best wishes

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