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Hero's Journal™

~reated by Nick Vitellaro, Kyle ~ole,

and Ryan Mc~onnell

--... r

~ --
C',opyright © 2.021 The hero's Journal™

RU rights reserved.

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system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written
permission of the publisher.

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pu»l.:Isbe'R 'S b:ISCl.drtne'R

\Nhilc the publisher and author have used their best efforts in
preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties
with respect to the accuracy of completeness of the contents of this
book. The advice and strategics contained herein may not be suit-
able for your situation. You should consult with a professional
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The company, product, and services names used in this book arc for
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ISBN: 978-1-63972-134-4

tbl'Rb eb:rt:i:on
- - - - W clcomc, hero!

Cpngratulations, you've taken the first step toward

becoming the hero of your story!

,Stories are as old as humanity itself, and no stories are

more important than the ones we tell about ourselves. You
hold in your hands proof that you are ready to tell a new
story about yourself, that you're willing to take risks and
achieve your goals, whatever it takes. You may not realiz.e
it yet, but you are capable of great acts of courage,
kindness, and strength ahead. -
As you embark on your quest, this journal will be your
companion, keeping you focused on your goals, guiding you
through obstacles, and helping you become the hero of your
story. Don't fed like a hero yetQ Fear not-neither did any
other great hero at the beginning of their story. You're not

-- alone.

-- The next few pages will help you prepare for your journey.
Once you receive the call, you will consider the cost of
inaction, find your North ,Star, define your quest, and
finally accept your adventure.

Welcome to the Land of ]storia!

- Nick and Kyle

Your ~ll to &!venture

every great adventure begins with a simple knock at the door Many people leave their call to adventure unanswered, but this is your
from an unexpected visitor, an encouraging word from a opportunity to answer-a moment when a secret Yew is revealed to
friend, or a belief in something greater than the ordinary have a greater purpose, an uncommon opportunity, or even a destiny
world. This is your invitation to do something long hidden.
outside of your comfort and make the most out
of life. C'pnsider for a moment what called Yew to adventure:

) however you came into possession of this journal,

you have chosen to open up to this page, to read
this sentence, and to be called to your adventure.
Just as the hero must leave their ordinary world, you
must part ways with what you may know or what
makes you comfortable.

, .,

co <---~----,,-~--4~---
Rcfusal of the ~U Before you set out on your quest, consider these questions:

'The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek." What will your life look like in 3 months if you refuse the call?
- Joseph Campbell

If you accepted this quest,

what progress could be made
in 3-months time?

What is the worst possible

thing that could happen if
you accepted your call?

Once the heart-thumping excitement of receiving your call to adventure

wears off, the shadows of self-doubt, fear, and skepticism often follow.
Rfter all, how many journals end up being abandoned to collect dust on
the shelf? What makes this one any different?

every hero has felt this shadow encroach anytime they arc called out of
their comfort z:onc. The shadows whisper things like ·you arc not talented
enough, " "they will all laugh at you, " or ·you will fail."

But there is something much, much worse than failing: to never attempt
your quest at all.

Ask yourself, What is the cost of not accepting your quest?

To begin seeking your North Star you have but to examine the stories of
finding your North 5tar your life. Some may rccogni:z:c stories that point to the star immediately.
while others may only find stories that point to the smallest glimmer in
the distance. That's ok, what's always true is that the North Star has been
there to light your way and it always will be. If ever you're unsure of
where your North Star shines, you can use this phrase to realign yourself:

I want a better story about: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Whether you could identify your

North Star immediately or not,
don't fear; there arc no mistakes
to be made here. Your North
Star is yours and yours alone.
]t may point to a wide range
of quests. including health,
career, finances. creativity,
relationships, or anything else
that stands out for you. here
arc some questions that can
help you bring your North Star
a bit more into focus:

• \t\'hat's something I've

wanted to do for a long time?
• \t\'hat's a part of mysdf l'm ashamed of?

• \t\'hat's something l'm afraid of trying?

hi_gh above. in the lstoria night sky. countless stars glisten and
ghmm~. B~t these stars arc more than beautiful-they arc also used • \t\'hat bothers me most about my current lift:?
for navigation.
• \t\'hats a habit I've always wanted to build9
Your N~rth ,5~ar is a wholly special star. ]t is a representation of
something unique to Yew-the thing that fills your mind with Take some time to reflect on these or any question that speaks to you.
wanderlust. pulls at your heartstrings. and guides you toward the Trust your inner voice to point you in the direction of your North Star.
most honest and freeing expression of yourself.
Oh. and one last critical note-remember that your North Star may shift
This is your guiding light. pointing you in the right direction when or even disappear and reappear at times on your journey. This is ok, and
you lose your way. fed burnt out. or need inspiration on your journey. you will be completely fine. The North Star is there to lead you when you
go most astray. to guide you to what you want most, and that may
While y~ur Quest at any given time is what you arc trying to chan~c along the way. The most important part you will play is to keep
accomplish. your North ,5tar is why you want to accomplish it. moving forward. no matter what.
;Defining Your Quest Hccepting the Quest

With your call to adventure at your doorstep, an awareness of any fears

1. ________ , am the only hero who can complete this quest.
that may cause inaction, and your North Star in sight, the quest is
ready to begin.
On this l)ay, L L , my quest has called me out of my
A Quest is a goal you arc able to make meaningful progress on in the comfort to pursue feats of legend worthy of the mightiest of
near future. This can be specific or vague, as long as it is important to heroes.
I acknowledge my time, focus, and self are worthy of this quest. I
Today your quest may fed large and unwieldy, too small or too simple,
now follow my North Star and take ownership of all outcomes. I
or anywhere in between. ]t is no matter what it looks like now, be-
cause this is something you will write daily, and it will likely change. commit to being a true hero. I will not make excuses or blame
The most important thing is to begin. others no matter what may befall me. My destiny is my own.

I will embrace progress over perfectionism, make failure a friend, and

fall in love with the journey, not the destination.
• My Quest: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
No matter how difficult my quest looks or feds, I will not succumb
to the shadow's pull. even if I am exhausted or if I have a hard day,
even if I wander off the path or fall off the horse , even if it takes
me longer than expected - I will see this quest fulfilled.

I am the hero of this story. I chose this quest, just as much as this
quest chose me. I will see it through.

.Signature ;Date
le'\ ffiign with Your Ouest
:Oaily :Pages \V Wntc your quest every cl'ay
Knowing what you arc trying to accomplish is the most important aspect of a successful
t:iach daily page: has eight components sdmtifically designed to hdp you seize: the: quest. ]n this dedicated space:, write: down your original quest, break your quest down into
day. Additionally, the: art on the: daily pages tells a story that progresses, helping smaller steps toward your goal, or even change: your quest as you go. Writing your target
to inspire: your story as you go. goal each day keeps you connected with the reason you accepted your call in the: first place:.

6 5cize Your Pay

0 Today's Pate
&lventure at your own pace
Identify your most important tasks
While: you might have more than three
heroes are forged on the road, not at things to do, write the three most
thdr destinations. Whether your quest important tasks that will help you be
takes three: months, a year, or beyond, proactive toward your quest. The frog
undated pages allow you to be patient in the: comer of the first line: is
with yoursaf and inspire you to keep inspired by Mark Twain's saying, ']f
moving on your quest. Remember: you have to eat two frogs, don't eat
I>rogre:ss, not perfection. the smaller one: first. " C',omplete: your
most important task first, then eat
0 Your Paily Gratitudes
Remember what you're thankful for
your smaller tasks for second breakfast.

Ask yourself these questions: What do

C',omple:ting your quest won't be easy, ] need to do today to get closer to my
so cultivating positive: psychology is quest<? What tasks will give: me: the
essential. Write: down three: things biggest feeling of relief') What am ]
each day that inspire: you, remind you most tempted to procrastinate: first<?
that you are: a hero, or just make you
happy. Developing this habit
unshackles you from toxic emotions and l"=:\ ;Daily Inspiration
silences the internal voices threatening \U JI n:m1ndcr to stay motivated
your quest.
You11 find a hand-picked quote: on
every daily page: to give: you insight
h\ Your fu!cnda from heroes whO have: come before: you
~ Make a s'f!hedule or write a list and inspired you. Many of the
obstacles you will come: across on your
This component was inspired by a time
quest have been lived through by
tracker but is designed as a free: space:
many others. Reading a quote: each
for you to make any type of list. Make
day offers a starting point, a gentle:
note: of books you want to read, jot
nudge: forward, or a reaffirmation of
down ideas you don't want to forget,
why you started.
record the events of the day, or create
a schedule for your day. Tip: This is
the perfect place to manage any
£,ide Quests!
@ C',apture
Rdditional Notes
a quick thought, sketch ideas, and more
t.:i'\ Your ffilies & Threats
\V Recogniz;e what helps or hinders you Juggling too many thoughts at the same: time can
hinder us from making progress. Notes offer a blank
The people, places, and things you surround yourself with can determine the outcome of space for you to release: your thoughts, track your
your quest. Allies are: positive: forces that bring you closer to your goals, like coffee: or tasks, or catalog the new critters and creatures you
friends. Threats arc obstacles that distract you from what you want to accomplish, like encounter on your journey. Ultimately, this space is
junk food or social media. Allies one: day can be: threats another time:. Write: down your designed as a free: area to use: as needed.
allies and threats every day to play a more active role in becoming the hero of your story.
On your quest, chapters come after every seven Daily :Qagcs and By accepting rour call to adventure, you chose to become the hero
ask you to reflect on the most recent events of your quest. E:ivery of your story. l.,ikc many great talcs, yours will be divided into
week is a new chapter - an opportunity to kick-start a goal, three acts: the beginning, middle, and end. You will give a name
reevaluate your priorities, or even take a break. to all three acts at the end of the journal, as well as name the
overall adventure. There is a new act after every few chapters <as
On these Ora_pter :Qagcs, answer the two reflection questions and outlined below). \Vhcn you reach these milestones, focus on the
complete the l.,evd Up exercise. The reflection questions help you overall progress and theme of your journey. Your story will unfold
stay aligned with your North £,tar. over the course of these three acts and serve as a reminder of the
heroism within you and the story you arc living.

Rc,T J 4
Orapter 1
,Scenes, 28 J]ailies)
<humble hills) 1/
Orapter 2 <\Nildwood Ruins)
Orapter 3 <I\1.urkmirc ,eiwamp)
Orapter 4 {e,word & c;irclc Tavern)

Rc,T Il ~
,Scenes, 35 Dailies) )
Orapter 5 (Dauntless Dunes)
chapteR complete Orapter 6 CT'ortoi Temple)
experience: Circle any you experienced during the last chapter. Orapter 7 <Qcrilous :Qenglins)
Orapter 8 (Goll (;amp)
Orapter 9 ((;ave of C,Ontemplation)
-t-1 -t-1 -t-1 -t-1 -t-1
.Progressed Quest,
Fdt Lighter or
Fdr- "bralthicror
Fdr Mon: C:n:acivc
I m proved
A.CI m 4 ,Scenes, 2B Dailies)
,Sci;;:cd The ,Days, More encrgi:::cd Improved flirn css orlpmcd New Relationships o,·
or R t e The frogs Th ings l ncn::ascd Cpn(idcncc Orapter 10 (\/olgrimm's Vault)
Orapter 11 {e,teppcburg)
On the Level Up exercise, circle the E:ixpcriencc :Qoints that you Orapter 12 (C',astlc Anima)
achieved this week. This exercise helps you keep track of your Orapter 13 (e,hadow ,eihowdown)
character development and take inventory of the helpful tools and
allies that have come to your aid. ]t's not about rating how you
performed that week; it's about the benefits you fed as you reflect
on the progress you made.
- _ -. tWJH!!fll~ _
--------- - _------_


~~ :.i • e,oos >IEJI~~
i..e~~~:.i • ilUr- .JI'\

e\2-o- iJO/Jfeo.
· A _Blb c.RQWL.e fZ
-rookOJR .f'R.iet\10.S
~ =

__ ,
Write tooeiy'5 oeite eino cirde tne oeiy of
tne wee\. Aoventwe eit your own peice! I I isMTWTFS
My Quest:
-- Cnronide, vi5uei1ile, eino priorihle your
journey witn ei 5cneou1e or ei 1i5t.

Li5t tne top tnree tei5~ tneit oefine ei

To scii:e the day:
Li5t tnree tnin95 tneit in5pire you, mei\e you
neippy, or remino you tneit you're .. nero. ,. 5Ucce55fu1 oeiy, witn tne mo5t importeint one fir5t.

Today ] am grateful for:


f(_eeio tne5e q_uote5 to
5teiy mohveiteo eino geiin 'J['m going on an adventure!"
in5i9nt from neroe5 to
- Bilbo BaAAins
neive come before you.
rc_e1eei5e your tnou9nt5,
rreic\ your tei5~, or ceitei109 •
rne new critter5 eino

,, creeitvre5 you encounter.

~ i \\'\
;;-.,;-~ ...
~ ,...,,__ {"►;Qi," )
~ ~,,,'') ,-A;

Write einy ob5teide5 rneir oi5/'reicr you

from wneit you weinr to eiccomp1i5n,
1;\e 5ociei1 meoiei eino jun\fooo.
Write rne po5itive force5 tneit bring you c105er to your 9oei15, 1;\e coffee or frieno5.

~ Today's Allies: Today's Threats:

~ .- - - - - -
_ / / _ isMTWTFS

To seize the day:
Today ] am grateful for:

2. □
"Our deepest fears arc like dragons
.,__ _ _ ___ our greatest t reasures." -Rainer
,,, __________ __,,_Maria
__ Rilke:
_ _~cz,::"(Sj,'

•• .
--✓ ,
~ i \\''
~~ ....

~ ,...,__ {"►;frilu )

~ \\,,,'') ,J;:


Today's Threats:
_ / / _ isMTWTFS

To seize the day:
Today ] am grateful for:

2. □
''To live will be an ~wfully big adventure." -l?cter l?an


~ i
~~ ....

~ ,..., __ {"►;frilu )

~ \\,,,'') ,J;:


Today's Threats:
- - - - - - ~
_ ,,..,-1
_ / / _ isMTWTFS

To seize the day:
Today ] am grateful for:

2. □
"Gvery adventure r ~quires a first step." - C'.;hcshirc C'.;at


;;-.,,;-,. ....
~ '

~ ,
,..,__ { It,, II ~
.-:= ~,,,'')


Today's Threats:
- - - - - - ~
_ / / _ isMTWTFS

To seize the day:
Today ] am grateful for:

2. □
'We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the
__ WC cnoosc to act on. That's who WC really arc." - ,!3irius Black
_ _ _,,, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...:...-,_ _ _ _ _....::==titz;~'j,I


~,. ...
i \\\\

~ '

~ ,
,..,__ { It,, II ~
~ ~,,,'') ,J;


Today's Threats:
/ / _ isMTWTFS
My Quest: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

T O seize the day:

Today ] am grateful for:

2. □
·c ,we ch ave olanned
'We must let go of ~ he 1i,.e
the one that is waiting 'or us.
i. - J . h
so as to accept

. -. - 7 ,, . .

z. \\\\

- ~)
'" ,..___G,b, { It,, II ,\

A~~ ~,,, \
-- ?::

~ Today's Allies: Today's Threats:

~ .- - - - - - -
/ / _ isMTWTFS
My Quest:

To seize the day:



2. □
. thin all the universe conspires
"And, wh~n you wahn~ somi'te ,, - ifa'.ulo C';odho, The Rlchcrnist
in helping you aa~c~le~v::_e..:.::..
'---~--:--7•'- . . .~- ~
Nora.ex.. ••••••••••••••••
-...µ • • • • • •••••••

z. \\\\
'" ,..___G,b, {~//,.
It,, II

A~~ ~,,, \
-- ?::

~ Today's Allies: Today's Threats:

~ .- - - - - - -
Rn5wer tne two ref1ectiott q_ve5tion5 to ne1p 'JOV 5teiy ei1i9neo Witn 'JOVr rzortn Jteir.
You've done it! You've stepped out your door and onto the road, where
heroes arc made! You should be proud! Flip back through the previous
pages and take inventory-what did you realize or find out about your
quest that you didn't expect?

As you leave the comfort and familiarity of the humble hills, the
Wildwood lies ahead. how would you describe yourself at the start of
this journey? how do you envision yourself if you accomplish everything
you want?

Cirde tne experience Point5 'JOV QC/lieveo to lteep treiclt of yovr cneireicter oeve1oprnent
_ _.".l .L-11 - .1.."'\._"\._, _,: __,
!'u o l - ••-'- - -•• _,: ,I __. ".) _,1.,. _I .&..1..-.1.."\._. , _ - - •I•-
.1.. _ _ J.. _ -! ".l
•• - • • -

chapteR complete
experience: Circle any you experienced during the last chapter.

+1 +1 +1 +1 +1
stRenqth beitteR1ty const1tut1on WlSbom ChdRlSma
:Orogrcsscd Q ues t, Fd t Lighter or Fdt healthier or Fdt Mo re Crea tive I mproved
;3cizcd The ,Days, More Ein ergized I mproved f itness or Learned New R ela t ionships or
or Rte The Frogs Things I ncreased C, n{idence
_ / / _ isMTWTFS
My Quest:

To seize the day:

;oday] am grateful for, ✓- ~

2. /

"fairy talcs arc more than true _ b h

. . .. · . ... ..,
but because they tdl us_dragon~o~ancb:b:a~c~Y.. ~~~ ~hagons exist,

NOTet:, ...... ...... ..

. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ......
. . . . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . ..

,,.. .
Today's Allies:
_ / / _ isMTWTFS
My Quest:

To seize the day:

~ am grateful
;oday] ~ for, ✓- ~


2. /

-~eter dii not (eel very brave: indeed, he felt he was going to be sick

. . - ut t at made no difference to what ht; hacf to do."
c:;.e,.-Lewis, c;hroniclcs of Narnia
.. . .

. .
NOTet:, ...... ...... . .
. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... . .
. . . . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .

,,.. .
Today's Allies:
_ / / _ isMTWTFS
My Quest: - - -~ l ~
- - - - - -~-~- -~

To seize the day:

~ am grateful
;oday] ~ for, ✓- ~


2. /

-.i<..' --
Today's Allies:
_ / / _ isMTWTFS

To seize the day:



"All we have to decide is w hat to do with the time

,.__ _ _ _ _ _,,,_that__ is.;;;;..
given us."
__ _- _Gandalf
_,_ _ _ _ _...,::==ti6:~~

-.i<..' --
Today's Allies:
_ / / _ isMTWTFS
My Quest: - - -~ l~
- - - - - -~-~- -~

To seize the day:

~ am grateful
;oday] ~ for, ✓- ~


2. /

_______'he was going to live forever, or die in the attempt."

,, - Joseph heller
.. . . .....
NOTet:, . . . . .. .. ... . .. ..
. . . .. . . .. .. ... . .. ..
. . .. .. . . .. . . . .. ..

_ / / _ isMTWTFS

To seize the day:



"Great heroes need great sorrows and burdens, or half

,.__ _ _their
__ greatness goes
_,,,_.....:;;__ unnoticed."
____ - l?eter e.
_,_ _:Beagle


,,.. .
Today's Allies:
_ / / _ isMTWTFS
My Quest: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l~

To seize the day:



"'What d~y_is itQ" ~skcd n ,?Oh: '1t 's to~ay," squeaked Uiglet.
,.__ _ _ _My__ favorite
,,,_ _day,
_,;__ said
_ Uooh.
___ - .H.JL
_ _ _ _,::&ilo,:::~




- '
. .. ,

'·. . ..
,,.. .
-- -


Today's Allies:

-- C'
The Wildwood welcomes you, as do the Oimbers! The forest can be a
dangerous place. ]t is good to have allies with you in these parts. What
have been the most helpful allies thus far'! <Remember, allies and threats
can be people, places, or things.>

To protect them from the Crawlers, the Oimbers have bestowed upon
Yew the lstoria lswordia. What threats have you had to protect your
quest fromQ bow did you handle the most challenging adversary you

chapteR complete
experience: Circle any you experienced during the last chapter.

+1 +1 +1 +1 +1
stRenqth beitteR1ty const1tut1on WlSbom ChdRlSma
:Orogrcsscd Quest, Fdt Lighter or Fdt healthier or Fdt More Creative I mproved
;3cizcd The ,Days, More Einergized I mproved fitness or Learned New Relationships or
or Rte Tl,e Frogs Things I ncreased C,n{idence
My Quest: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

¼ ,.
T O scii:c the day:

Today ] am grateful for:



'We: arc what we rcpc:atchdlby' do.,·_Gxcdlcncc:,

Will Durantthen,
........'' is not an act, but a a it. . . .
'----- .''
.... ..
NOTet:, .. .. .... .. ..
.. .... ... . ..

~ )
:::=- G

. .
{/J ® .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .
. . . . . .
.......' ' ~- -

T O sci~c the day:


d b the aths they choose, not the powers
'heroes arc ma c Yd ,Ph ,, _ Brodi .H.shton. Svcrncath
........'' they arc grace wit . . . .
'------:---.'' .
NOTet:, .... .. .. .. .... .. .. .
.. .... .. . . . . . . . ..
. . .. .. .. .... .. .... . ..
. . . . .
My Quest: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

T O scii:e the day:

¼ ,.
Today ] am grateful for:


'There: arc: far • far better

h, d things
" _ c; ~.ahead
than any we: leave: be: ln • •
'---~. -:-.- ~•·
My Quest: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

T O scii:e the day:

¼ ,.
Today ] am grateful for:


, e no future, all one can do

When one cai:i she h' " _ I?abbic, Frozen 2
is the next ng t t ing. . . .
'------:-- .''

. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
♦ •
My Quest: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

T O scii:e the day:

¼ ,.
Today ] am grateful for:

2. 3♦"

"it , h , never star t ed as takes longest to finish."

, b thats -L~,_,.
JLt S t e JO .R T lk' The Lord of the Rings
. . . .,,
. o icn, _ J.R
. .• • ,

NOTet:, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.. .... ... . .. ..

. .
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .
. . . . . .

T O sci~c the day:


'What we do in life echoes in eternity."

'---~.-:-.~ . ,,- . . . . ..
_ __:-;M~a.x:'.,:im:::u~s_ ___,_,_--:-7"""'.:--:--........:=~U.I'
NOTet:, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .. ..
My Quest: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

T O scii:e the day:

¼ ,.
Today ] am grateful for:


'1 t is our choices, harry, that

b'l' show
· " _what we truly arc,-L~,_,.
........'' '---~- . ,, .
far more than our a 1 incs. - . . .

NOTet:, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.. .... ... . .. ..

. .
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .
. . . . . .
Rs you set sail on the Wildwood River, a sense of adventure washes over
you. What do you look forward to doing on the journey aheadQ

The (;rawlers ambushed your party, taking you by surprise. With the
help of the Oimbers, you've fended them off and secured (;rawlcr Silk
Rope! What have you done on your journey so far that surprised youQ

chapteR complete
experience: Circle any you experienced during the last chapter.

+1 +1 +1 +1 +1
stRenqth beite1<1ty constitution w1sbom ChdRlSma
Progressed Quest, Fdr Lighter or Fdt healthier or Fdt More ~reative l mproved
f'jeiz:cd The ;Days, More energized lmprovcd Fitness or Learned New Relationships or
or lire The Frogs Things l ncrcased Cpn(idence
/ / _ isMTWTFS

To seize the day:

o ] am
,,,. '
ateful for:


'1f] look bac k ] am lost."
· . Martin, }I Game o
Ge~1l RR

Today's Threats:


To scii:e the day:

Today ] am grateful for:


'Never to suffer would never to have been blessed."

E'idgar Allan l?oc
' - - - - - - - ' - · ' ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......,,,_ _ _ _ _~tl,..:~


~~ ay's Rllks: Today's Threats:

1, ·_ _ _ _ __ f

To scii:e the day:

Today ] am grateful for:


"To give anything less than your best is to

,______sacrifice the gift." - £,tevc I?refontainc


~~~~~=-=-=-=- ======~ ♦

~~ ay's Rllks: Today's Threats:

1, ·_ _ _ _ __ f

To sci~e the day:

Today ] am grateful for:


'l?iglet noticed that even though he had a Very emall heart, it could
__ a_ __
rather __
large ,, _ _of
amount _Gratitude."
_____ -_ _Milne,
A.A. ___ ______
Winnic-thc-llooh :.:ltJ)-(~


~~ ay's Rllks: Today's Threats:

1, ·_ _ _ _ __

To scii:e the day:

Today ] am grateful for:


'We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."

- ~abNn _,_~~•

~~ ay's Rllks: Today's Threats:

,,, ._ _ _ _ __
My Quest:

To scii:e the day:

Today ] am grateful for:

"hard times dor1;'t cr~at~ h~roes. _]t is during the hard times
.,__ _ _when
_ _the_,,hero
_ _within
_ _ _ us
__ revealed
15 _ ___ . ._
- Bob
__ Riley
_ _ _ _~oiiiili::1112)..~
'1 .""-~'"


~~ ay's Rllks:

~ -- - - - - -

To scii:e the day:

Today ] am grateful for:

'Trust the quality of what you know, not the quantity."
" - Mr. Miyagi

~~ ay's Rllks: Today's Threats:

~ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ f
ACTl Name your story.
Give a title to the beginning of your quest.

free-clirnoin9 critter5 I met in tne
yew VJiJilwooi/ ,evin5. I tnin)[ tney v5ei/ to
Jv5t Q little per5on oe cornpMion5 to tne llncient IJtoriQnJ?
w ifh 1,;9 ilreQrnJ. e itner WQy , tney Jeern to reQ1ly CQre
the hvrnole n;1l5 Qre f ine, Qoovt tne VJ;Jilwooii.
ovt I lon9 for QOYentvre! I
. . - - - - - - qUDtd - - - - - ,
r'he Mentor'5 owl oviiiiy. 5ne only weQ)[J
in 'hoot5 QnO 'heroic q_votQtion5.
--- /

- ----
OtiJ olii 9vy i5 fhe )[eeper of
)[nowleii9e for fhe 1Qni/ of IJtoriQ.
ne'5 got Q o i9 l iorQry fv1l of 5torie5 /

QOovt l5toriQJ neroe5 of le9enil.
f/lQyoe rny 5tory wi1l oe pQrt / ancient IStORldnS )
of it 5ornei/Qy? r'here'5 not rnvcn )[nown QOOVt
I tne5e foT/r; ovt5iile of rnytn5
MO le9enil5. I neQrO tney Qn

l iliJQppeQreil one OQy long Q90,
leQYin9 tneir rv inJ oeninil.
Gvt 5orne people JQY tney
Jti1l eKiJt , 5ornewnere ...

. . ----,----~ -

RO' 1l

T\1.e TeVdfle of the TotCOi

Que ~eWlA5 tl~ 4JV'tl~
A ffc?.~id of ~sterie5,
l",ow tost be11,eti:t\1., the Sc?.~-
Lf ~ a,.w brc?.ve the desert,
Prove lbOlAV'Self c?. 11.ero rc?,V'ei ~
F,~ ~ Ol,lt c?.~114 the dlAtt,e.S
A~ Ls~ll ~'e-



_ ___._ VAULT
~ oml~fJnoN ONqUlS1

-- --

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