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Advertising process

1 2
Strategy Pre-work Focused Brief Management Check In:
Build Insights, use the brand Brief creates box the ad
idea lay. out a brand concept, must play. Objective,
Keep your boss aware,
and communications plan. insights, desired and sell-in where needed.
response, benefit, RTB.
Creative Meeting 6
Be positive, focus only on big
picture, give direction, make Feedback Memo 8
decisions. No solutions. No Details, challenges but
Details. Are you inspiring? without giving specific Gain Approval
solutions. Use feedback Sell in the Ad. Be
3 to create a new box. ready to fight resisters
to make it happen.
Expectations 4
Meet creative team
to convey your Tissue Session 7
vision, strategy, Use when you don’t have
inspire and focus. a campaign. Be open to Ad Testing 9
new ways of looking at Use testing to confirm
your brand. Focus on big your pick, not make Production
ideas, push for better. your decision. Manage the Tone to fit 10
the brand. Always, get
more than you need Post Production
The brand leader must stay focused on strategy Talk directly with and
leverage every expert
and positioning and be open to creative expression.
Creative brief
Why are we advertising
Advertise Gray’s new “guilt free” positioning to get new “proactive preventer” consumers to move
them from consideration to trial resulting in increased share.

About our consumer About our brand

Our target Main message
“Proactive Preventers,” suburban working With Gray’s Cookies, you can do what you
moms, 35-40, who are willing to do whatever it want and stop feeling guilty over eating a

takes to stay healthy. They run, workout and eat damn cookie.
right. For many, food can be a stress-reliever
and escape even for people who watch what Support points
they eat. Grays Cookies matched the market leaders
on taste, but only has 100 calories and 2g of
Moment of accelerated needs carbs. In a 12-week study, consumers using

40th birthday, going on vacation, spring coming, Gray’s once a night lost 5 lbs.
new year’s resolution, tighter clothing.
Brand Idea
Consumer’s enemy Gray’s are the best tasting yet guilt-free
Temptation and guilt when they cheat. pleasure so you can stay in control of your
health and mind.
Consumer Insights
Once consumers cheat on their diet, it puts their Brand Assets
whole willpower at risk. “Once I give in to a Story of our New England family recipe, our
cookie, I can’t stop myself. They taste too good. signature stack of beautiful cookies, and
It puts my diet at risk of collapsing. I feel so tagline “More Cookie. Less Guilt.”
Tone we take with our consumers
What does our target think now? A safe choice, honest and down-to-earth.
While Gray’s Cookies have achieved a small
growing base of brand fans, most consumers
remain unfamiliar with the brand and have yet to Our ask
try Gray’s. Those few who love Gray’s, describe
it as “equally good on health and taste.”
Media Choices to explore
Main creative will be 30 sec TV ad,
What do we want consumers to do? supported by event signage and in-store
TRY Grays, and we know once they do, the
display. Carry idea into digital, social
great taste will win them over.
media and build a microsite
Creative Advertising Checklist
Apple iPhone TV ad #1
Rate each as high, medium or low to identify gaps you see in the
advertising, to focus your feedback or challenges to the creative team.

ABC’s Summary Fits with brand

Does the ad deliver the brand
L Attention idea? Does it leverage your
L creative assets? Does the ad
M Brand Link fit with the tone of the brand?
Meets brand book standards.
L Communication

Advertising L
Distinguishes brand
Does it use functional or
emotional benefits to own a
Gut instincts reaction L competitive space that is
Do you love what the ad has the motivating to consumers and

potential to do? Does the ad ownable for the brand?
match the brief? Will you be
proud of this ad as your legacy? Branded Breakthrough
Is the ad different enough to
Delivers strategy capture attention within the
Does the ad match up to the L clutter? Does the ad engage
objective of the brief, from your consumers with the brand? Is
the brand a significant part of
L brand plan? Does it achieve the
the climax of the ad?
desired consumer response?
Will it have an expected market
impact and brand performance? Motivating message
Is the communication of the
Builds consumer bond main benefit in the ad easy for
Does the ad speak directly to the consumers to understand?
L Does the creative naturally set
consumer target? Does it
leverage consumer insights to up the main message? Will the
L connect? Will it deepen our bond main message move
with our consumers? Can the ad consumers to think, feel or act?
help build memories and rituals?
@Beloved Brands Inc.
Judging advertising
Concern Strong Very Strong
Ad is strong on Ad is strong on Ad is high on both
motivation but weak motivation, and ok breakthrough
on breakthrough on breakthrough and motivation

Motivate Poor Moderate Strong

Consumers Ad is ok on Ad is ok on Ad strong on
motivation but weak both motivation breakthrough and ok
on breakthrough and breakthrough on motivation

Very Poor Poor Concern

Ad weak on both Ad is ok on Ad is strong on
motivation and breakthrough but breakthrough but
breakthrough weak on motivation weak on motivation

Low Branded Breakthrough High

Branded Breakthrough + Motivate Consumers =

Attention + Brand Link + Communication + Stickiness
Innovation process
New ideas Build pipeline Launch plan
1 4 7
Identify consumer Build out concept Name, packaging,
need states options to test production details

2 5 8
Test best Investment, Go to Build marketing
Generate ideas ideas sourcing, timing market support

3 6 9
Assess Approve Hand over to the
opportunities execution plans launch team
Our marketing training will make your
marketing team smarter so they deliver their
best possible performance on your brand
Our Our
marketing training teaches how to
marketer must look at the situation
think,anddefine, plan,
circumstances execute
facing their brand and analyze

1 Strategic Strategic What your

What your
brand 2 Brand
Thinking F
ThinkBox want does best
1 Core Strength
2 Consumer
Measuring the brand love, to determine the
Competitor 3 What your
4 Situation
love, power and profit progress of the brand does best

Use the brand funnel to measure health

Marketing Plan
Brand Plan GRAY’S
• Brand funnels become thicker as the brand Brand Vision: Clearly state your brand’s long-term vision statement

becomes more loved. It’s not just about driving Analysis Strategy Execution

Awareness particular numbers but about moving them from strategic

P&L forecast
Gross Margin
Key Issues
1. What’s the priority choice for growth: find
new users or drive usage frequency among
Use awareness to drive trial of the new Grays.
Target “Proactive Preventers”. Suburban working
GM % 56% loyalists? women, 35-40.Main Message of “great tasting
one stage to the next. thinking Marketing Budget
Contribution Margin
2. Where should the investment/resources
focus and deployment be to drive our
cookie without the guilt, so you can stay in control
of your health”. Media includes 15 second TV,
CM% 23% awareness and share needs for Gray’s? specialty health magazines, event signage, digital

Familiar • Awareness is never enough. Anyone can get that. 3. How will we defend Gray’s against the and social media
Drivers proposed Q1 2014 ‘healthy cookie’ launches
• Taste drives a high conversion of Trial to from Pepperidge Farms and Nabisco? Sampling
Purchase Drive trial with In-store sampling at grocery,
Consideration is the point you start to see that your •

Strong Listings in Food Channels
Exceptional brand health scores among Early
1. Continue to attract new users to Gray’s
Costco, health food stores and event sampling at
fitness, yoga, women’s networking, new moms.
Adopters. Highly Beloved Brand among niche. 2. Focus investment on driving awareness and
brand idea starts to connect and move the trial with new consumers and building a Distribution

Consider consumer.

Low familiar yet to turn our sales into loyalty
Awareness held back due to weak Advertising
presence at retail.
Build defence plan against new entrants that
defends with consumers and at store level.
Support Q4 retail blitz with message focused on
holding shelf space during the competitive
launches. Q2 specialty blitz to grow distribution at
• Low distribution at specialty stores. Poor key specialty stores.
coverage. Goals
• Increase penetration from 10% to 12%, Innovation

Purchase • To drive trial you need to gain consideration first Risks

• Launch of Mainstream cookie brands
specifically up from 15% to 20% with the core
target. Monitor usage frequency among the
Launch 2 new flavors in Q4/15 & Q4/16.
Explore diet claims.
(Pepperidge Farms and Nabisco).
(the brain) and then you need to move the
most loyal to ensure it stays steady.
• De-listing 2 weakest skus weakened our in- Competitive Attack Plan
• Increase awareness from 33% to 42%,
store presence specifically up from 45% to 50% within the Pre Launch sales blitz to shore up all distribution
• Legal Challenge to tastes claims gaps. At launch, heavy merchandising, locking up
consumer towards purchase and through the core target. Drive trial from 15% to 20%.
key ad dates, BOGO. TV, print, coupons, in-store

Repeat Opportunities
• R&D has 5 new flavors in development.
Focus for sales is to close distribution gaps
going from 62% to 72%.
Use sales story that any new “healthy”
experience. •

Sales Broker create gains at Specialty Stores
Explore social media to convert loyal
• Hold dollar share during competitive launch.
Continue to grow 11% post launch gaining up
to 1.2% share. Target zero losses at shelf.
cookies should displace under-performing
and declining unhealthy cookies.

Loyal • To drive loyalty (the heart) you need to create

Brand Marketing
experiences that deliver the promise and use tools
to create an emotional bond with the consumer.

5 Creative Brief 3
Beloved Brands
The playbook for how to build a
brand your consumers will love.

How to think strategically
Write a brand positioning statement
Analytics The playbook for how to create a

Come up with a brand idea
Write a brand plan everyone can follow
Write an inspiring creative brief
brand your consumers will love
✓ Make decisions on marketing execution

Conduct a deep-dive business review
Learn finance 101 for marketers !1
Beloved Brands is available on Amazon and Apple Books


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