Assignment 7

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 What do you think about FAILURE ARE NOT ALWAYS BAD?

Write a list of their top 5 failures and what advice they believe
Lincoln would give them.

 Failure is one of the best teacher in our entire life. If we never fail in our
life then maybe we are on wrong way or direction, and without failure
how can we learn new things.

 When things go wrong, you will be forced to think about all the reasons it
didn’t work out. You will try to find various solutions not to just fix the
problem at hand, but to also prepare for any obstacles that may occur in
the future. Failure can help you ramp up your effort, venture to the edge
of your limits, and expand your abilities.

 Failure does not mean you wasted your effort and time. It’s better to
fail than never trying at all. At least you had the courage to go after
something you want or believe in. Most people don’t even do anything
because they’re afraid of failure. You should be proud and give yourself
some credit for actually doing something.

 Failure helps to make it easier for you to adapt to different types of

situations. It will teach you to be more flexible and be more open to
changes. Little mishaps or unexpected events will not bother you as much
as they used to and eventually you will discover that sometimes, it’s
better to just roll with the punches.

 American inventor Thomas Edison once said,



 If you don’t try, you will never find out, learn, or grow. Failure gives you
the proper perspective on success and helps broaden your knowledge. It
teaches you about survival and reinvention.
 Top 5 Lincoln’s failures…

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