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Te venby he atmell

0 veT Aand
beam, dto/ gauges welght

ony Pnf of eny eloft ehurtne oeb lud P al y afkerpont

6 b se dellerhon gl 6 due the some lod arlred pon
A, delbrhbn derng emaoured h diten ef P.
ohlhehar uwt. ef brm
undor u!'F bed of ony pernf o fhe sanefhe mfhuene fe of
petnt when unif fead Moves a bng he heam
the tomes km any penf
by toftoy &A


/th hee end ol h dmhbvn g

Topporhdem- spen on

tle ofefon my be apr r etable.

2 Mourt k kgkh sf te ypper edee of bem a the trval,

af locms.ey meum drel gauge Jefort mfrer ouding 0nd
de omtne the luthon af k. n tyn bre andfer bodng
ea prinf pif sepenely, qhro shlbe mena7red ty evmg
del 4ae om ene potht anoarandh hrig the keig hb depre
n bay af rmd potn.
en pove ol ky ad aeng the
beom al leby hbral d h onh
Posihon /. (od, bnd He dhflathon s lhe pon evt h kad
M1) appled ih sk 1, tsoe. 4ly-y eflahen cheul!j, hraured
f eard pemf- sul putnt beprt end l r le leodimg eperulel
flete mdhath ond peitan d
4. phe
pAf he mepl be twren
tunn 2 and
abstrssa and tnpere he 4n

hp 4.fhtse are the nfluemg ene

ne ordtna tes 4hefon
elhr hon sf

c Pta taY

Suppor fed beam

b servu fren (alulatrbs

., Wt, skre h leao Dsfone , fktanng Ddtrhoa
heu B

Aeru s
lonpentson sl?

fim md the shpe gnd delorton al antrnuo em

4. ihe rhrge a shpe,ef pnh al e ehoh furve bhurn ny two

fo peints.

he oef ledhon ny puif rebhre tangenf tf any

# pemd,
qun the hononf dagnam er hteg the he pom
abef He pe ihtf af shrh. the dofhchon

b T

SyproeolEupetantul Nerh

Step oree tha huvgey af the onl hshe fwmthe sporb A

d leae then h eyoa

spae MrarITe
Aesul ono Disgusnbn),

4.alahe the shpe atB (mouno

6.M.D, Ond the
ererally For
fonur lete sbpe and dleton

euprinnfal wlues. 7he

Conypare wi'th

4. De Irhon ol t = honge alaatd

stpletebu shet
Ingfl t mat spen, ! (m)

ngof tverhang tank sido, a (m)

ton emiertly tn
my ofkn be
uns her
le ronen ata teeren)
efletron bean) ond fumy, Prathraly
tonpu tutón af slopes nd
turd ontenbattid qubheo an lshibabd
hen tle deformafron y le toye try
den byoicoahton f
lods. oce
pod's Aroeny
Aeovem t

of the beam and tk eahox bebreon tho me

tthe ehshr (urve

ef slpe ard He bendhog noMent abant the chthre


Phe tvutronp
tApply th Concentmih
MeayuHs e ofhann only pken the brasy ataty eguitertum.
hd taraely.
aefbe tiin vny t* nplly

detromfne hr sha» torre An ennmomtnd in hnply

Supperfeo beam under a aely l odng pallem ond anpme il nll
he teeon trul suhe.

ghtonithol Borkgrevnd Brn) Ire nrally Many verhad ravi hana fores
ued h
nfdguahe r wond. ple bady tvned b bem ahe hamtred
ohumng ally fird), zhtk hen umfer
le torre h adpront
smurtural bnprssien rtmdtg. he sheau orue afa su hon h dkhntd 1
the alphir Sum of trhl tonporn of fh brte aths on be Ssd

th oehen.
lds h
Peover5nrh sppored bom Mfddhe venhml pomb
froes Srechon , aC- RA - WI , AC:RG-H N3
shount) in fhg

r bend rng m6pitnl a SIcfion hed a he alarhr Sum sf he

maf ollbres Athing on ne st de of o sorfhon.

o ns rde pornf load -4 a7 knonn

De tea mtna fibon al the sheas forte ond bondrn Mom1 tn a Snply

Suppo td btas a p yo a7e 9r)hrd fh neresd he bre

9tadty uyin
5.0 Apparatus

5.1 Shear Force in A Simply Supported Beam


Figure 4.3: Shear Force in A Simply Supported Beam Apparatus

3.2 Bending Moment In A Simply Supported Beam


Figure 4.4: Bending Moment In A Simply Supported Beam

6 shtor ferre I mnply Suppn bd bon-
. Meozurt fhc span of Sip upporhd éru
afc sha S thon rem le /l sppe»t
2Mahe o penal pan hy n p el eom tf/ 11- Joom
13-40mbrglheo ell sappdr, setup the fod onges

3sRa the re 4a49t reachng.

4 Mny fle londs an tal hod orger.
s.ahe the pue govge rodng .he nt hre ftepe adog g/ves /4r
cke proeft
&naur tl looa uhble shps nd reaods Me ere gupe
yrdding s.
bue ml hontinl shtar kire nd
7:onpre fe tapet'nonhl chen

Ben ohug Monuent In a

Snply Sypte e bren
MeauTe he
sanspn ol snpl, sypubd bam and lh dhe
of tle skeav Seahon
o ke a pener( manh on ep of beam wiBh t »/oc0Mm
gnd L3-40m loglFen elt sppof Setp ih pad lmgesd
tx pes iha)
3 Hrount le kt ond dekme rom sk
4&Rere thr krte fupe e0tng.
Apry the bds antauk had hnger
.ke ed brre zto drng gnves ee
6. kehe kr grugt 9mdng auge givec
Sheer eree aft.
the huce guge wa dngs
4he kods in sashble shps md and
moment mulliplyng dhe shoor bre
Debmne he vale bndng
hon fo te tonbr ot
wlce ll fle horftonbl ds onee hom shon prt se

he brre grugt .
Canpare he typeotndl krdy nomd ilthrontal bordong
ndtreult te nho / Hp d Hhs.
Smply Suppered ccum
sho bre h
Brom spom 0-44n

Drsbaue ofthe sechon trem the afd hnd sugpert, A (): 0:3m
L) 13 skeen krt6,Sla pre, 7.fom7
ANIe MA: W3(
:12 38 b-3 -0:3
0.12 0. 0.38 -0 59 95

3 5 o14 . 0.38 07 -0-89 79

0-12 0-2 0.38 :9- -1-76

Bendn Meent In a
Srmply Supyn hd eam

Bem span 0.44m

Dshine of srhon ren he 4/ kakod suppt,n/n 0.eSm

Hartaen dehanre from skeun seehun b the Cenhr of the hre
Bendh Moment Ceupertran4 a he Sccfhon ( Force gauge radre
I 3 14 13 erge ag mdyBmon7.raey
( Andngl monnt MOMM
torel5 1 d. 039 -04 6.07 043
038 0 06 014 0-57
12 2 03|16 4-09 0-4)-0 577
12 2. 0.38
2 -02

Is cu1bn

rem 0ur perintntp e gef va lue of shear ere and ber dngr
potent th Stnuply Suppored beam. le dh thal me yef y dfhuat
wrtnhl valee ond tala akd va/ue bolshcor ere
Und bondtrg marent bet he lndy dsbubrd wh.le ePrlyry
Gerbne. the hue ml e tome nof alturate. Basides the man ef the henger
abe avm he pre of th bod.
pin b thu pn jerned twy.

Krgai're mab

truy penarki)
S. Horger

4. Dal gauge, ule

5. Vernier kliper

he y
n Oe a given loa t ge tardtnes

ulnt, dl hbn a h mok Polht
o r r t tn any merber un dh? he given londng
VFtorce th dny men ber un der a untt oad

pou keve dtohoy zureed he vnt/ kad aeb,

hen te hodag n te, ru he ve becn *mpvtd and
atly he same de tho ndnh the de fkrhen 13 *9urd.
L Leng of n wmber
areu o any mey ber

Eyoung Hodely el chohrily vf the mateothl of Men ber

Hot,1/h) t he rapy ai the manu menbrny whnd egund

CAnsb lnd
per y be dotarned tach
tnit mem ber
Sefanately by suspenoht a had tomtt and noflng he crhason

ayeut dlngram
UA U3 U4

LI L L3 L4

.heh each hom the rember. Plot erhensio agahst lard supedng
kod hrm the spog dn melhng the catsien fom he 4nph, vblan fthe
eutenson Pa umt hea d (stlrs).

achiva e e n k . Mon phre fhe oel gugn in pesthon br asuning the

defe hony tndxot dwa to r hul racing tn tle chal gaugs,

le le hrulmadgt t he drol,gauges Phe dierene bi ren the re va dngs

fh hstred dfh hany Me te del pnb eahal defatran

m ald) Atmpane e Same rd epemena wus alkndm

Se 3
:Draw4he wilef Hehr dingran . dleten ard tnpae flo. d/keon

LI amd nalyhially.
hatned eupealnn kily

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