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Enabling Secure Wireless Communications via

Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces

Xianghao Yu, Dongfang Xu, and Robert Schober
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Email: {xianghao.yu, dongfang.xu, robert.schober}

Abstract—In this paper, we propose to utilize intelligent reflect- There are several studies on the design of IRS-assisted wire-
ing surfaces (IRSs) for enhancing the physical layer security of less systems [6]–[9]. A point-to-point multiple-input single-
wireless communications systems. In particular, an IRS-assisted output (MISO) system was investigated in [6], [7], where
secure wireless system is considered, where a multi-antenna
transmitter communicates with a single-antenna receiver in the the IRS is implemented with continuous and discrete phase
presence of an eavesdropper. To maximize the secrecy rate, both shifters, respectively. Based on the semidefinite relaxation
the beamformer at the transmitter and the IRS phase shifts (SDR) method, approximate solutions for the beamformer
are jointly optimized. Based on the block coordinate descent at the access point and the phase shifts at the IRS were
(BCD) and minorization maximization (MM) techniques, two developed. The authors of [8] considered a downlink multiuser
efficient algorithms are developed to solve the resulting non-
convex optimization problem for small- and large-scale IRSs, communication system, where the signal-to-interference-plus-
respectively. Simulation results show that IRSs can significantly noise ratio (SINR) was maximized for given phase shifts.
improve physical layer security if the proposed algorithms are Energy efficiency maximization was tackled in [9], where sub-
employed. Furthermore, we reveal that deploying large-scale IRSs optimum zero-forcing beamforming was assumed at the access
is more efficient than enlarging the antenna array size of the point. We note that none of these existing works considers
transmitter for both boosting the secrecy rate and enhancing the
energy efficiency. physical layer security, despite its great importance for modern
wireless systems.
I. I NTRODUCTION To fill this gap, this paper investigates physical layer se-
curity provisioning for IRS-assisted wireless systems. Assume
Physical layer security has received considerable attention a transmitter equipped with multiple antennas communicates
from both academia and industry in recent years [1]. Vari- with one legitimate receiver in the presence of an eavesdropper.
ous approaches to improve physical layer security have been Both the legitimate receiver and the eavesdropper are assumed
proposed in the literature, e.g., cooperative relaying schemes, to use a single antenna, and the IRS is implemented via
artificial noise-aided beamforming [2], and cooperative jam- programmable phase shifters. Our goal is to maximize the
ming [3]. However, deploying a large number of relays or other secrecy rate of the considered system by optimizing both
helpers in secure wireless systems inevitably incurs an exces- the beamformer at the transmitter and the phase shifts at
sive cost. Furthermore, cooperative jamming and transmitting the IRS, which leads to a non-convex optimization problem.
artificial noise consume additional power for security provi- Based on the block coordinate descent (BCD) and minorization
sioning. These shortcomings of existing approaches urgently maximization (MM) techniques, two efficient algorithms are
call for a new paradigm for secure wireless systems, which is proposed for solving the problem. The first algorithm is more
both cost-effective and energy-efficient. suitable for small-scale IRSs, while the second algorithm is
With the rapid development of radio frequency (RF) micro- advantageous for large-scale IRSs. Unlike existing works [6],
electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), programmable and re- [8], [9], we obtain locally optimal solutions for both the
configurable meta-surfaces have recently found abundant ap- beamformer and the phase shifts. To the best of the authors’
plications in the public and civil domains, among which intel- knowledge, this is the first work that studies the design of
ligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs) have drawn special attention secure IRS-assisted wireless systems.
for their applications in wireless communications [4]. The Notations: The√imaginary unit of a complex number is
artificial thin films of IRSs can be easily coated on existing denoted by ȷ = −1. Matrices and vectors are denoted by
infrastructures such as walls of buildings, which reduces imple- boldface capital and lower-case letters, respectively. Cm×n
mentation cost and complexity. In addition, unlike conventional denotes the set of all m × n complex-valued matrices. Im is
communication transceivers, IRSs consume no power as they the m-dimensional identity matrix. The i-th element of vector
are passive devices. Furthermore, different from conventional a is denoted as ai . A∗ and AH stand for the conjugate and
transceivers, IRSs help transmit information without generating conjugate transpose of matrix A. diag(a1 , · · · , an ) denotes a
new signals. Instead, they smartly transform or recycle existing diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are a1 , · · · , an . The
signals. To sum up, IRSs are passive cost-effective devices with largest eigenvalue of matrix A and the corresponding eigen-
the ability to control the radio propagation environment [5]. vector are denoted by λmax (A) and λmax (A), respectively.
These characteristics make IRSs promising key enablers for , means “defined as”. Expectation and the real part of a
improving the physical layer security of wireless communica- complex number are denoted by E[·] and ℜ(·), respectively.
tions in an economical and energy-efficient manner. The operation ∠(A) constructs a matrix by extracting the

978-1-7281-0962-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

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phases of the elements of matrix A.
Consider an IRS-assisted communication system, which con-
sists of a transmitter, one legitimate receiver, an eavesdropper,
and an IRS, as shown in Fig. 1. We assume that the transmitter !"
is equipped with Nt antennas, while the legitimate receiver and
the eavesdropper use a single receive antenna, respectively. The
passive IRS is deployed in the network to improve the physical .&/0102'1&3
layer security, and employs M phase shifters. Equipped with +&4&0(&+
a controller, the phase shifts of the IRS are programmable.
Furthermore, we assume a quasi-static flat-fading channel
model and perfect channel state information (CSI) knowledge Fig. 1. An IRS-assisted secure communication system.
at both the transmitter and the IRS1 . The received baseband
signals at the legitimate receiver and the eavesdropper can be Remark 1: Note that, different from secure wireless systems
expressed as without IRSs, in the second constraint of optimization problem
yl = hH P1 , each diagonal element in the phase shift matrix Φ has
l ΦGf x + nl ,
(1) unit modulus, i.e., |eȷθk | = 1. This non-convex constraint
ye = hH
e ΦGf x + ne , together with the non-convex objective function makes P1 a
where hl ∈ CM ×1 and he ∈ CM ×1 represent the channels non-convex problem. The globally optimal solution of non-
from the IRS to the legitimate receiver and eavesdropper, convex optimization problems with unit modulus constraints is
respectively. The phase shift matrix Φ of the IRS is given by in general not tractable [11].
Φ = diag(eȷθ1 , eȷθ2 , · · · , eȷθM ), where θk is the phase shift of III. D ESIGN OF S ECURE IRS-A SSISTED W IRELESS
the k-th reflecting element of the IRS [6]. The channel matrix S YSTEMS
from the transmitter to the IRS is denoted as G ∈ CM ×Nt , and
Block coordinate descent (BCD) methods optimize the ob-
the linear beamforming vector at the transmitter side is denoted
jective function with respect to different subsets (blocks) of
as f ∈ CNt ×1 . The signal transmitted to the legitimate receiver
optimization variables in each iteration while the other blocks
is denoted as x, where E[|x|2 ] = 1 without loss of generality.
are fixed. BCD has been shown to be a widely applicable
nl and ne are additive complex Gaussian noises with variances
and empirically successful approach in many applications [11],
σl2 and σe2 , respectively.
[12], and typically leads to a sub-optimal solution for non-
The achievable secrecy rate of the IRS-assisted MISO wire- convex problems. In this paper, we resort to this approach as
less system is given by [10] the main methodology for solving P1 efficiently.
[ ( ) ( )]+
1 H 2 1 H 2 A. Transmit Beamformer Design
C = log 1 + 2 hl Φf − log 1 + 2 he Φf ,
σl σe According to the principle of BCD, we first investigate the
optimization of beamforming vector f for a fixed phase shift
where [x]+ = max{0, x}. Our goal in this paper is to maxi-
matrix Φ. The beamformer design problem is accordingly
mize the secrecy rate by optimizing the transmit beamforming
given by
vector f and the phase shift matrix Φ of the IRS. We note 2
that dropping the operator [·]+ in (2) has no impact on the 1 + σ12 hH
l ΦGf

optimization2 . The resulting optimization is formulated as P2 : maximize l
2, (4)
||f ||2 ≤P 1 + σ12 |hH
e ΦGf |
1 + σ12 hH ΦGf

l and the optimal solution is provided in the following lemma.
maximize 2
f ,Φ 1 + σ12 |hH e ΦGf |
P1 : e (3) Lemma 1. Given the phase shift matrix Φ of the IRS, the
subject to ∥f ∥ ≤ P optimal solution for beamforming vector f is given by
( ) √ ( )
Φ = diag eȷθ1 , eȷθ2 , · · · , eȷθM , f ⋆ = P λmax X−1 e Xl , (5)
where P ≥ 0 is the given total transmit power. where
1 While the CSI of the eavesdropper is generally difficult to acquire, the Xi = INt + G Φ hi hH
i ΦG, i ∈ {l, e}. (6)
results in this paper serve as theoretical performance upper bounds for the σi2
considered system. These bounds and the insights gained from them can be Proof: It was shown in [13] that allocating all transmit
used to guide the system design for the case when the CSI of the eavesdropper 2
is not perfectly known. power for beamforming is optimal, i.e., ∥f ⋆ ∥ = P . Then, the
2 The secrecy rate is zero if the transmission is turned off. Hence, the term
( ) (
numerator and denominator of the objective function of P2 can
2 2 )
log 1 + 12 hH Φf − log 1 + 12 hH e Φf
will always be non- be rewritten as
P 2
σl l σe
negative if the beamformer and the phase shifts are optimized to maximize P H( H H )
the secrecy rate. 1 + 2 hH i ΦGf̃ = f̃ f̃ + 2 f̃
G Φ hi hH i ΦG f̃
σi σi

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ce,k dl,k cos (pl,k ) − cl,k de,k cos (pe,k ) dl,k de,k sin (pe,k − pl,k )
θ̃k = arctan − arccos √ (12)
ce,k dl,k sin (pl,k ) − cl,k de,k sin (pe,k ) ce,k dl,k + cl,k d2e,k − 2cl,k ce,k dl,k de,k cos (pl,k − pe,k )
2 2 2

, f̃ H Xi f̃ , (7) Algorithm 1 Element-Wise BCD

√ 1: Construct an initial Φ(0) and set t = 0;
where f̃ = f / P is a unit vector. By substituting (7) into the
2: repeat
objection function of P2 , we can rewrite P2 as
3: Fix Φ(t) and optimize f (t) according to (5);
f̃ H Xl f̃ 4: for k = 1 to M do
maximize . (8) (t+1)
||f̃ ||2 =1 f̃ H Xe f̃ 5: Optimize the phase shift θk according to (10);
6: end for
In this way, we transform P2 to a generalized eigenvalue
7: t ← t + 1;
problem, whose optimal solution is given by (5).
8: until convergence;
Remark 2: The result in Lemma 1 is similar to secure beam-
forming design for MISO communications without IRSs, for
which a closed-form solution is available [13]. In particular, the
beamformer f is designed to be as orthogonal to the effective gkH is the k-th row of matrix G, and θ̃k is given by (12) shown
eavesdropping channel hH on top of this page.
e ΦG as possible, while being as
aligned with the effective legitimate receiver channel hH l ΦG Proof: See Appendix A.
as possible. Compared to conventional secure communications With Lemmas 1 and 2 at hand, the element-wise BCD
systems, the incorporation of the IRS adds another degree is summarized in Algorithm 1. As the closed-form globally
of freedom (DoF) to establish favorable effective channels optimal solutions in (5) and (10) are used in each block of
hH H
l ΦG and he ΦG by carefully choosing the phase shift the element-wise BCD, the objective function monotonically
matrix Φ. increases. In addition, it is easy to verify that the objec-
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is no general tive function is upper bounded by the point-to-point MISO
approach for the optimal design of the phase shift matrix channel capacity. These two properties together guarantee that
Φ. Hence, in the following two subsections, we propose two Algorithm 1 converges to a locally optimal solution of P1 .
different approaches for optimizing Φ in the BCD procedure. However, the number of BCD blocks is M + 1 since each
B. Element-Wise BCD phase shift is a block. This leads to a slow convergence for
In this subsection, we adopt an element-wise BCD for opti- large IRS sizes M .
mizing the phase shift matrix Φ. In other words, we take each C. Alternating Optimization With MM
phase shift θk as one block in the BCD. The corresponding
optimization problem is given by Instead of treating each phase θk as a single block in the
2 BCD, in this subsection, we take the entire phase shift matrix
1 + σ12 hHl ΦGf
Φ as one block. Consequently, there are only two blocks in
maximize the BCD. Hence, the BCD reduces to the special case of
P3 : θk 1 + σ12 |hH
e ΦGf |
( ȷθ1 ) alternating optimization (AO). By leveraging the minorization
subject to Φ = diag e , · · · , eȷθk , · · · , eȷθM . maximization (MM) technique, we update all phase shifts
The optimal solution is presented in the following lemma. {θk }M
k=1 in parallel in each iteration.
We reformulate the optimization of the phase shift matrix Φ
Lemma 2. Given the beamforming vector f and phase shifts as follows. Using
{θm }m̸=k , the optimal solution for θk is given by
{ hH H
i ΦG = v Ri , i ∈ {l, e}, (13)
⋆ θ̃k + π ce,k dl,k cos (pl,k ) < cl,k de,k cos (pe,k )
θk = (10) where v = [eȷθ1 , . . . , eȷθM ]H and Ri = diag(hH i )G, the
θ̃k otherwise,
numerator and denominator in (9) can be rewritten as
where 1 2 (a) 1 H
 2  1
1 + 2 hH i ΦGf
= v v + 2 vH Ri ff H RH
i v
1 1 ∗ H 2 1 ∑ ∗ ȷθm H  σi M σi (14)
ci,k = 1 + 2 hi,k gk f + 2 hi,m e gm f  , , vH Yi v,
2 σi σi
where Yi = M 1
IM + σP2 Ri ff H RH
i , and step (a) exploits
1 ∑ i

di,k = 2 h∗i,k gkH f hi,m e−ȷθm f H gm , (11) v v = M . Therefore, optimization problem P3 can be recast
σi as
 
∑ v H Yl v
maximize g(v) =
pi,k = ∠ h∗i,k gkH f hi,m e−ȷθm f H gm  , i ∈ {l, e}, P4 : v v H Ye v (15)
m̸=k subject to |vk | = 1, k ∈ {1, 2, · · · , M }.

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Algorithm 2 Alternating Optimization With Minorization
Maximization (AO-MM)

g (v)
vz(t+1) f v|vz(t+1) 1:
Construct an initial vz and set t = 0;
2: repeat
g vz(t+1) ≥ g vz(t)
3: Fix vz and optimize f (t) according to (5);
vz(t) 4: Optimize vz
according to (20) and (21);
 5: t ← t + 1;
f v|vz(t)
6: until convergence.
Fig. 2. The procedure of minorization maximization.
R ff H RH
σl2 l l is positive definite. Because of the convexity, we
Remark 3: The main difficulty in solving P4 is the unit have the following inequality
modulus constraint, which is element-wise and highly non- ( )
v H Yl v ℜ vzH Yl v vzH Yl vz H
convex. By introducing V = vvH as the optimization variable ≥ 2 − 2 v Ye v
and relaxing the rank-one constraint of V, P4 can be solved vH Ye v vzH Ye vz (vzH Ye vz ) (18)
via semidefinite relaxation (SDR). The resulting problem is a (b)
≥ f (v|vz ) + [g(vz ) − f (vz |vz )] ,
quasi-convex problem, whose optimal solution can be obtained
by solving a series of semidefinite programming (SDP) prob- where (b) applies [15, Lemma 1].
lems. However, there is no guarantee that the obtained solution
Proposition 1. The phase shift optimization problem in each
V is a rank-one matrix, and therefore the SDR approach
iteration of the AO is equivalent to
can only provide an approximate solution for v. As a result, [(
the objective function does not necessarily increase in each )H ]
P5 : vz(t+1)
= arg max ℜ w (t)
v , (19)
iteration of the AO, and the convergence of the SDR-based |vi |=1
algorithm cannot be guaranteed. In addition, the computational
complexity of solving a large number of SDP problems in each ( )H
iteration of the AO is prohibitively high. (t)
Yl v z
In this paper, we propose to solve P4 by the MM technique Yl v z
w (t)
= ( )H − [( )H ]2
[14], whose main idea is illustrated in Fig. 2. In particular, (t) (t) (t) (t) (20)
vz Ye v z vz Ye v z
assuming the value of v in the t-th iteration of the AO is
denoted as vz , we construct a lower bound on the objective × [Ye − λmax (Ye )IM ] vz(t) .
function g(v) that (touches) the objective function at point
(t) (t)
vz , denoted as f v|vz . We adopt this lower bound as The optimal solution of P5 is given by3
( ) ( )
a surrogate objective function, and the maximizer of this ∠ vz(t+1) = ∠ w(t) . (21)
surrogate objective function is then taken as the value of v
in the next iteration of the AO, i.e., vz . In this way, the Proof: With Lemma 3, the optimization problem that
objective value is (monotonically )
(increasing from one iteration needs to be solved is the maximization of f (v|vz ) in (17)
to the next, i.e., g vz
≥ g vz . The key to the success with respect to v. Since vH v is a constant, the proposition
of( MM lies can be proved with basic algebraic manipulations.
) in constructing a surrogate objective function The AO-MM algorithm is presented in Algorithm 2. With
(t) (t+1)
f v|vz for which the maximizer vz is easy to find.
the closed-form solutions in (5) and (21), the objective function
For phase shift matrix optimization problem P4 , a surrogate is guaranteed to monotonically increase and to converge to a
objective function is composed in the following lemma. local optimum. There are some open issues that require further
Lemma 3. The objective function g(v) is lower bounded by remarks.
(1) Initial point: In both the element-wise BCD and AO-MM
v H Yl v algorithms, we require an initialization for the phase shifts of
g(v) = ≥ f (v|vz ) + [g(vz ) − f (vz |vz )] , (16)
v H Ye v the IRS. As P1 is a non-convex problem, the quality of the sub-
where optimal solution depends to some extent on the initialization.
( ) Here, we propose an effective way to construct the initial values
ℜ vzH Yl v vzH Yl vz { H of the phase shifts. In particular, we set
f (v|vz ) = 2 H − 2 v λmax (Ye )v
v z Ye v z (vzH Ye vz ) ( ) ( )
( )} ∠ vz(0) = ∠ (u) , Φ(0) = diag vz(0) , (22)
+2ℜ vzH [Ye − λmax (Ye )IM ] v , (17)
where u is the dominant left singular vector of Rl in (13).
and g(vz ) − f (vz |vz ) is a constant term that is irrelevant for This initialization is a heuristic obtained by ignoring the
optimization. denominator of the objective function.
Proof: Defining y = vH Ye v, the objective function 3 Since v is a unit modulus vector, it is sufficient to determine the phases
g(v) , v yYl v is jointly convex in {v, y} since Yl = M
IM + of the elements of the vector.

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Secrecy capacity
Element-wise BCD
5.6 20 AO-MM
Element-wise BCD Without IRS

Average secrecy capacity (bits/s/Hz)

5.5 Secrecy capacity
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Number of block updates 16 gain with the IRS
r TR =50 m, r Rl =100 m, rRe=200 m
9 r Tl=90 m, r Te =150 m, =3
Secrecy rate


8.5 Element-wise BCD 12

M=20 AO-MM

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10

r TR =200 m, rRl =150 m, rRe=100 m
Number of block updates
r Tl=300 m, rTe =110 m, =4
Secrecy capacity

11.2 Secrecy capacity


gain with the IRS
10.8 AO-MM
M=40 Element-wise BCD 4
10.6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Number of block updates 104 Transmit power (dBm)

Fig. 3. Convergence of the proposed algorithms for different values of M Fig. 4. Average secrecy rate achieved by different algorithms when M = 10
when Nt = 5, α = 4, P = 5 dBm, rTR = 250 m, rRl = rRe = 160 m. and Nt = 8.

(2) Complexity comparison: As closed-form solutions are M gradually increases, i.e., M = 40, a large number of blocks
obtained for all the blocks of both algorithms, the compu- (41 blocks) have to be updated in each iteration of the element-
tational complexity of the proposed algorithms is critically wise BCD algorithm, which slows down the convergence. In
determined by the total number of block updates until con- contrast, only two blocks per iteration have to be updated in
vergence. In particular, the number of blocks in each iteration the AO-MM algorithm. This offsets the drawback that the AO-
of the element-wise BCD algorithm is M2+1 times higher than MM requires more iterations due to the sub-optimal solutions
that of the AO-MM algorithm. On the other hand, as globally for each phase shift update block. In summary, the element-
optimal solutions (11) are obtained for all the blocks of the wise BCD algorithm is suitable for small-scale IRS systems
element-wise BCD algorithm, the number of iterations needed while the AO-MM algorithm is preferable for large-scale IRS
for convergence is less than for the AO-MM algorithm, in systems.
which the phase shifts are updated in parallel but sub-optimally B. Average Secrecy Rate Evaluation
by (21). Therefore, there is a trade-off between the number of
blocks per iteration and the number of iterations required for In Fig. 4, the average achievable secrecy rate is plotted for
convergence, which shall be investigated in the next section. different algorithms. First, we observe that the average secrecy
rate achieved by both proposed algorithms is the same. We
IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS also compare our approach with a benchmark system which
does not employ an IRS for security provisioning. In this case,
In this section, we numerically evaluate the performance
the distance between the transmitter and the legitimate receiver
of the proposed algorithms. The channels are assumed to be
is denoted by rTl while the distance between the transmitter
independent Rayleigh fading, and the path loss exponent is
and the eavesdropper is denoted by rTe 4 . To maximize the
denoted by α with reference distance 10 meters. The noise
secrecy rate, optimal transmit beamforming according to (5)
power at both the legitimate receiver and the eavesdropper
is adopted. As can be observed from Fig. 4, the system with
is set to σl2 = σe2 = −80 dBm. The distance between the
IRS provides a significant performance gain in terms of the
transmitter and the IRS is denoted as rTR , while rRl and rRe
secrecy rate, which indicates that deploying IRSs is a promising
are the distances from the IRS to the legitimate receiver and
approach for improving the physical layer security of wireless
the eavesdropper, respectively. The simulation results in Figs.
communications systems.
4 and 5 are averaged over 1000 channel realizations.
C. Massive MIMO or Massive IRS?
A. Comparison of the Proposed Algorithms
For conventional wireless communications systems, deploy-
The convergence of the proposed algorithms is investigated ing large-scale antenna arrays at the transceivers is an ef-
for three typical examples in Fig. 3. The stopping criterion for fective way to boost communication performance, including
convergence is that the increment of the normalized objective the network capacity and physical layer security. Therefore,
function is less than ϵ = 10−6 . We first investigate the scenario it is intriguing to investigate how much performance gain we
where the thin film employed to implement the IRS has a can obtain from large-scale IRSs. In Fig. 5, we first increase
small area, e.g., M = 5. Although the number of blocks the number of reflecting elements of the IRS while keeping
per iteration of the element-wise BCD algorithm is slightly the number of antenna elements as Nt = 10 (red curve).
larger for the AO-MM algorithm (6 versus 2), the element-wise In addition, to illustrate the effectiveness of the IRS, we
BCD algorithm needs much fewer iterations for convergence
4 The values of r
since globally optimal solutions are obtained for all the blocks. Tl and rTe and the performance gains achievable with IRSs
depend on the geometry of the network. In Fig. 4, we investigate different
Therefore, the element-wise BCD algorithm converges faster geometries by providing one example with rTl < rRl and rTe < rRe , and
when M is relatively small. On the other hand, as the value of one example with rTl > rRl and rTe > rRe .

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13 This equation can be further simplified by some basic trigono-
metric manipulations as follows,
Average secrecy rate (bits/s/Hz) 12

Ak sin θk + Bk cos θk = dl,k de,k sin(pe,k − pl,k ), (25)
M=N t=10

10 where
9 Ak , ce,k dl,k cos pl,k − cl,k de,k cos pe,k ,
8 Secrecy capacity
gain with 10 IRS
Bk , ce,k dl,k sin pl,k − cl,k de,k sin pe,k .
Nt=10, Increasing M, Element-wise BCD
reflecting elements
7 Nt=10, Increasing M, AO-MM When Ak ≥ 0, by introducing an auxiliary angle, the equation
M=10, Increasing N t, Element-wise BCD
6 can be recast as
M=10, Increasing N t, AO-MM
( )
Without IRS, Increasing N t Ak dl,k de,k sin(pe,k − pl,k )
5 no IRS
cos θk − arctan = √ . (27)
10 20 30 40 50 60 Bk A2 + B 2
Number of elements
It can be readily shown by checking the second derivative that
Fig. 5. Average secrecy rate achieved for different values of M and Nt , when the objective function is maximized when
P = 5 dBm, α = 4, rTR = 200 m, rRl = 150 m, rRe = 100 m, rTl = 300
m, and rTe = 110 m. Ak dl,k de,k sin(pe,k − pl,k )
θk = arctan − arccos √ . (28)
Bk A2 + B 2
also evaluate the average secrecy rate achieved for different The optimal solution when Ak < 0 can be obtained in a similar
numbers of transmit antenna elements when using an IRS manner, which completes the proof.
with M = 10 (blue curve). As can be observed from Fig. R EFERENCES
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