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Anti-Depressant Medication Table


Selective Serotonin Serotonin Tricyclic Antidepressants Mono-Amine Oxidase Norepinephrine Dopamine
Reuptake Inhibitor Norepinephrine 1. Nortriptyline (Aventyl Inhibitors Reuptake Inhibitor
1. Fluoxetine Reuptake Inhibitor or Pamelor) 1. Selegiline (Emsam) – 1. Bupropion (Wellbutrin,
(Prozac) 1. Venlafaxine 2. Amitriptyline (Elavil) Transdermal Patch Zyban)
2. Sertraline (Zoloft) (Effexor) 3. Imipramine (Tofranil) 2. Isocarboxazid (Marplan)
3. Paroxetine (Paxil) 2. Duloxetine 4. Sinequan (Doxepin) 3. Tranylcypromine (Parnate)
4. Citalopram (Cymbalta)
(Celexa) 3. Desvenlafaxine
5. Escitalopram (Pristiq)
(Lexapro) 4. Levomilnacipran

Intended a. Resolution of a. Resolution of a. Resolution of a. Resolution of depression via a. Inhibits dopamine uptake.
Effect depression via Block depression via Block depression Block Block MAO increasing nor- via increasing the amount of
reuptake of serotonin reuptake of serotonin reuptake of serotonin and epinephrine, dopamine, and norepinephrine and dopamine
increasing serotonin and nor-epinephrine nor-epinephrine serotonin available for b. Reverse sexual dysfunction
levels increasing levels of increasing levels of both. neuronal transmission induced by SSRI’s or SNRI’s
b. Treatment of both. b. Treatment of anxiety c. Treatment of nicotine
anxiety disorders b. Treatment of disorders dependence
anxiety disorders c. Chronic pain,
fibromyalgia, insomnia,
and migraine

Side 1. Initial CNS 1. Initial CNS 1. Orthostatic CNS stimulation 1. Suppression of appetite with
Effects stimulation-first few stimulation-first few Hypotension Orthostatic Hypotension weight loss
weeks: insomnia, weeks: insomnia, 2. Anticholinergic Hypotension 2. GI distress-nausea,
agitation, and anxiety agitation, and anxiety effects: dry mouth, Insomnia constipation
2. Sexual 2. Sexual Dysfunction: constipation, blurry Sexual dysfunction 3. Increased pulse
Dysfunction: anorgasmia, vision, urinary hesitancy/ Palpitations 4. Restless, irritable,
anorgasmia, impotence, and retention, photophobia Headaches activating, anxiety
impotence, and decreased libido 3. Sedation 5. Insomnia,
decreased libido 3. Hyponatremia: 4. Decreased seizure
3. Hyponatremia: especially in elderly threshold
especially in elderly 4. Weight loss 5. Excessive sweating
4. Weight Changes- 5. Headache, dry 6. Weight gain
Initial: mouth
potential weight loss 6. Elevation in blood
Later: weight gain pressure
5. Withdrawal 6. Changes in sleep
Syndrome: headache, 7. Watch liver
nausea, visual functions
disturbances, 8. Withdrawal
anxiety, dizzy, tremor Syndrome: headache,
6. Sleepiness, nausea, visual
lightheaded, disturbances,
lightheaded anxiety, dizzy, tremor
7. Rash
8. GI
9. Bruxism (teeth
Toxic Serotonin Syndrome: Serotonin Syndrome: 1. Cholinergic blockade Hypertensive Crisis: Seizures more frequent
Effects confusion, abdominal confusion, abdominal and cardiac toxicity: severe headache, diaphoresis, especially at high doses
pain, diarrhea, pain, diarrhea, confusion, agitation, lightheadedness, vomiting,
hyperthermia, hyperthermia, anxiety, seizure, coma, and death tachycardia, change in level of
anxiety, hallucinations, generally by consciousness, elevated blood
hallucinations, hyperreflexia, loss of dysrhythmias pressure with diastolic well
hyperreflexia, loss of coordination (ataxia) 2. Clients at high risk for over 100
coordination (ataxia) agitation, sweating, suicide should not take
agitation, sweating, tremor TCA’s as it is lethal in
tremor overdose—a week supply
is easily enough for a
fatal overdose.

Other Anti-Depressants
Mirtazapine (Remeron) Trazadone (Desyrel)
Purpose: Increases the release of serotonin and nor-epinephrine Purpose: Increases the release of serotonin
increasing levels of both. Adverse Effects: Sedation and Priapism
Generally, well tolerated and has less sexual side effects
Weight Gain
Elevated Cholesterol

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