Task 1 Task Description Trancript

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Hi, my name is Vicky Liao, and I’m the organization and talent development leader in for GE

China. I’m so happy to be able to be part of your learning journey and be introducing your task

It’s about feedback and before we get specific let’s talk about it a little bit. I think you will agree
with me that feedbacks are a critical part of development – and that’s giving, receiving actions
upon feedbacks.

But it’s not always easy, particularly for me coming from a reversed cultural context in the east,
I have to really work on giving impactful feedback.

Two things that have helped me along the way. First is sort of having a framework, a model that
gets me started and helps me focus.

The second is to always remember to do it from a place of care—not a place of judgement. I

hope that’s of help.

With that, here is your assignment should you choose to complete it.

You are part of a small team and your company develops products. You are facing competition
externally and time and cost pressure internally. As a team you’re all committed to build a
culture that helps you experiment and move really fast. One of your colleagues has struggled a
little bit with wanting the perfect solution before taking action. You want to give him
considered feedback.

The assignment is: what will you say to him? How will you give him feedback that will help him
change the behavior and encourage an improvement?

Please record or submit in a written form the feedback you plan to give your colleague. You
may review the reference material as you develop your answers. Please make sure your
feedback focuses on the positive. Let him know the impact and the outcomes your colleague
will have if he changes. That will really motivate and encourage him a bit! We are looking
forward to your submission. Good luck!

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