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WPS for Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) on “Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (RNPP)” steel structure works

Organization Client Method of welding  Constructive elements of welding joints       

Shielded metal arc welding

Bangladesh WPS ID
Building Systems MAX-HCC JV Plate, H-beam, channel bar, angle BBSL/MAX/RNPP/
S17, GOST 5264-80
Ltd. (BBSL) SMAW/01
Vertical Up-ward (B1)
Properties of details Welding materials
Wall Normative limit
Grade and group of steal thickness, of strength, 
mm MPa

09G2S, St3sp5, C245, C255, C345

From 5mm
and its analogs ≤420
(1, M01) and above

Welding mode parameters

Welding current (A) in
Brand of position of welding Consumable electrodes :
Seam Diamete Polar
welding    E50А-TMU-21U-UD
layers r, mm ity Overhea   Pre -heating (drying) to the temperature of
materials Flat Vertical
d Е 514-B20, GOST
+50+30 °С  9467-75  3.0/4.0 mm 
100- in case of moisture on welded surfaces
   E50А- (all the layers of the
Tack 3.0 rever 130 90-120 90-120
TMU- seam) 
weld, root 4.0 se 160- 130-160 130-160
21U-UD Е
3.0 rever 130 90-120 90-120
Filling 9467-75 
4.0 se 160- 130-160 130-160
3.0/4.0 m

(all the
3.0 rever 130 90-120 90-120
Cap layers of
4.0 se 160- 130-160 130-160
the seam) 

Parameters of parts, groove and welding seam       

Table  1. Parameters of welding seam, mm

S, mm е,мм g, мм
Over 8 to 11 inclusively 14-18 0,5-2,0
Over 11 to 14 inclusively 17-21 0,5-2,0
Over 14 to 17 inclusively 19-25 0,5-2,5
Over 17 to 20 inclusively 23-29 0,5-2,5
Over 20 to 24 inclusively 27-33 0,5-2,5
Over 28 to 32 inclusively 35-41 0,5-2,5
Over 32 to 36 inclusively 39-45 0,5-2,5
Over 36 to 40 inclusively 44-50 0,5-2,5
Over 40 to 44 inclusively 48-56 0,5-2,5
Over 44 to 48 inclusively 50-58 0,5-2,5
Over 48 to 52 inclusively 52-60 0,5-2,5
Over 52 to 56 inclusively 56-64 0,5-2,5
Over 56 to 60 inclusively 61-69 0,5-2,5

BBSL/MAX/RNPP/SMAW-01 2p. of 5
S17 as per GOST  5264-80


1) Move parts only after all the layers of the seam are welded.
2) Interlayer temperature must not exceed +250С.
3) Arc should be initiated only on the surface of groove or on previously welded layer. 
4) In case of precipitation and/or wind over 10 m/s it is prohibited to weld without shelter.
5) Electrodes should be baked before use as per manufacturer’s requirements (if requirements are not available the baking should be done at 350-
380С during 1-2 hours).
№ Equipment
Operation Description of operations
item and tools
 All local roughness which blocks proper assembly as per drawings should be removed before assembly via smooth grinding
with grinding tool.
 Inspect visually the surfaces of rolled metal. Rolled metal must not have unacceptable defects specified by technical Scraper, brush,
Preparation requirements.  ruler, caliper ,
of parts  Surface of edges must not have fractures and cracks. grinder
 Corrections of metal should be done avoiding dents, defects, and other damage to the surface  machine           
 Clean edges and adjacent internal and external area from dross, dirt, paint, oil, rust, water, ice and snow physically to pure
metal to the width at least 20 mm right before the assembly.

BBSL/MAX/RNPP/SMAW-01 3p. of 5
 Assemble edges of welded elements using tack weld or assembly devices.
 Appropriate difference of thickness is ≤2 mm.
 If difference of thickness exceeds the appropriate level the edges should be shaped into slopes 15±2º
 Appropriate shift of edges before welding cannot exceed 1.0 mm for parts of thickness 8-10 mm and 0.1S, but no more than
3mm for parts of thickness 10mm.
 Welding of support elements into groove is not allowed, they should be welded only at a distance minimum 30mm from
groove edge (seam) After removal of support elements the surface to which it was welded should be grinded and then
visually inspected to detect defects on the area.
Assembly device,
 Put tack welds in compliance with the following requirements: Tack weld must not be placed on crossing of welding joints;
Assembly of ruler, welding
2. quality of tack weld should be similar to the quality of welding joints; length pf tack weld should be 50 mm for welding
the parts rectifier, grinding
seam up to 500mm, height of tack weld should be 0.3-0.5 of the seam height, but not less than 3mm.
 Tack weld should be done using recommended modes for root welding.
 Preliminary heating should be done before putting tack weld. As per section 3.
 Clean slag off the tack weld and inspect it visually.
 The quality of tack weld should be the same as main seam quality.
 Tack weld with inappropriate defects detected by visual inspection should be removed physically and replaced by new ones
in neighboring place.
 Prevent water, oil and other impurities from getting to the groove and adjacent surface of joints during assembly.
 The tack welds should be fused or removed mechanically during welding of the root layer.
 If environment air temperature is below +5°С and/or edges are wet the edges and adjacent area should be dried by heating Gas flame burner;
3. to +80 °С of the area of 100mm from each side of the joint. contact & Electric
& Electrode
 Electrode should be backed before welding & should keep at temperature (100°C -150°C) Oven
4. Welding  Use MAW with reversed polarity direct current for welding of all layers of the seam. Welding rectifier,
 Shape welding joint within limits specified in table 1 (p.2) grinder machine,
 The arc should be ignited on the edge of the joint or on the metal of the seam metal brush,
 Minimal number of layers for details of thickness up to 7mm inclusively - 2 layers, for thickness over 7 to 12 mm - 3 layers, thermometer         
over 12 to 16 mm inclusively - 4 layers, over 16 mm to 20 mm inclusively - 5 layers and over 20 mm to 24 mm inclusively -    
6 layers.
 If seam is longer than 500mm, the welding of root layer should be done via back step method from the center to the edges as
per the scheme on page 2 (step spacing should be 150-200mm).
 Before making next layer the welder has to remove slag and splashed metal from the previous layer and do visual inspection
of seam surface and rectify defects.
 The welding arc should be the shortest possible. 
 Before arc extinction the welder has to fill the crater with several frequent short-time electrode shorting. The place of arc
interruption should be at 8-10 mm distance from the seam end.  Further arc ignition is to be done on seam metal at a distance
of 12-15 mm from the crater. It is not permitted to ignite arc and make crater to base metal beyond seam borders. 
 The arc should be extricated as rarely as possible during the welding.

BBSL/MAX/RNPP/SMAW-01 4p. of 5
 Remove slag, flowed and splashed metal from the seam and near-seam area after welding. The slag should be removed after
cooling of the seam (1-2 minutes after darkening).
 Areas of seam layers with porosity, holes and cracks should be removed physically.  
 Mechanical operation on seams should be done using methods which do not result in cuts, dents and other defects to the

Kit for visual and

Quality  Do visual inspection and check geometrical dimensions and shape of welding joints as per RD   03-606-03 to the
5. dimensional
control volume of 100% prescribed by SP 70.13330.2012.
Operations which are not specified in this WPS should be implemented as per normative and technical documentation: GOST 5264-80, SP 70.13330.2012, ; RD 34 15.132-96

  WPS is confirmed:   WPS is confirmed: Approved:

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BBSL/MAX/RNPP/SMAW-01 5p. of 5

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