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Read the following text about a boy called Cameron Oliver and his award.

Then, answer the

Cameron Oliver had a passion for the welfare of desert animals. He received the Abu Dhabi Award as
a community hero for his contributions to society. However, his biggest claim to fame may be that he is
yet to become a teenager. He was only 11 years old when he began his own campaign to save camels
from eating plastic. “I found out that camels are eating rubbish people leave behind and it's killing them,"
says the South African boy. "I love animals, so when I saw how the
camels were dying, I thought I had to do something and make a
difference to save them." He was excited about receiving this award.
He said, "My life changed after I received the award, because it
opened a lot of doors for me. I am able to do a lot more for my
campaign because of it."
"I just want it to be clear that this campaign is all . about the
camels, not me. The award was a privilege, but I have a lot to do. I
promised Sheikh Mohammad that the campaign would only grow
bigger and better from here."
In order to get more support for his efforts from the public, he is distributing posters at shopping malls
and asking taxi drivers and residents to place bumper stickers on their cars. Sharing his experience Oliver
said, "Earlier, I only had the support of my parents. However, with all the attention the campaign has
received, a lot more people are interested. My friends are helping me too." He talked to various experts
over the past few months and they informed him that the situation needed more improvement. “Our desert
animals are still dying, and I want to put a stop to it." A visit to a camel farm in July 2008 was the turning
point of Oliver's life. "At the time, I got to ride camels and one particular baby camel kept licking my ear.
I was extremely sad when I discovered such sweet animals were dying because of our carelessness."
(Text adapted from:
1. What did Cameron Oliver start when he was 11 years old?
A. the Abu Dhabi Award B. being a community hero
C. a campaign to save camels D. a camel farm
2- What does the word contributions mean in this sentence? “He received the Abu Dhabi Award
as a community hero for his contributions to society”
A. services B. payments C. donations D. grants
3. According to the text, the main goal of his campaign is to ________.
A. protect camels from eating plastics B. keep the desert clean
C. create a camel farm D. protect the environment
4- How did Cameron's life change after he received the award?
He is rich
He doesn't have to open doors anymore
He is known by more people now
He does not have to go to school
5- What does the word privilege mean in this sentence? “The award was a privilege, but I have a
lot to do."
A. a present B. a right C. an honour D. a trophy
6. Cameron Oliver is said to be a community hero because ________.
A. he has won an award B. he has worked hard to save camels
C. he loves camels D. he knows a lot about camels
7- What did he promise Sheikh Mohammad?
the campaign will include more people
he will raise more money
he will do more for the desert
he will save camels in other countries as well
8- What does the word distributing mean in this sentence? “...he is distributing posters at
shopping malls and asking taxi drivers and residents to place bumper stickers on their cars."
A. finding B. buying C. giving out D. cleaning up
9. When Oliver started his campaign to save camels, he only got support from his _______.
A. friends B. family C. school D. teachers
10- What does the word experts mean in this sentence? “He talked to various experts over the
past few months."
A. scientists B. doctors
C. veterinarians D. people knowledgeable about a subject
11. What experience in Cameron's life was a turning point for him?
A. winning the Abu Dhabi Award B. starting a campaign
C. visiting a camel farm D. talking with experts
12- Cameron felt very sad after his first visit to a camel farm because ______.
a baby camel licked his ear
he could not ride the camels
camels were dying because of people's carelessness
camels were dying because there wasn't enough deser

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