Module 2 TBW Assignment

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Module 2 TBW Assignment

Willie Tucker

OGL350 Diversity and Organizations

Dr. Marie Wallace

January 24th, 2022


Module 2 TBW Assignment

This week’s module offered a lot of great information. More anything this week I gained

a lot of perspective and insight into why I and others have many thoughts assumptions and

techniques to suspend these assumptions. In this paper, I will discuss what I learned about biases

and the various types,  the consequences of us vs them mentality within an organization, and

positive and negative approaches to acculturation.

         Bias is a topic I thought I was very familiar with, this week’s module made me quickly

realize I had a lot to learn. The first thing I learned about biases is that we all have them naturally

no matter how hard we try not to they can present themselves in the smallest ways.  "Biases then

are systematic and often subconscious errors in thinking."(Nahavandi, p.102). The keyword in

this definition is subconscious, this indicates that we do it without even knowing. With that, it

occurred to me how the various types of biases could negatively affect an organization. For

instance, the seeking a second opinion from a similar person bias is  "The tendency to seek

second opinion or advice from people who are similar to us.” ( Nahavandi, p.102). This can

negatively affect an organization because it can limit ideas, create in and out-groups, and hinder

the designated lines of communication.

         Another topic that I learned about that can be detrimental to an organization is us vs. them

mentality. This mentality is cultivated from the formation of in and out-groups, and in and out-

groups are created based on biases. In-group members are seen as people who are familiar,

similar to each other, and have similar assumptions, values, and beliefs. While out-

group members are usually different and do not have similar assumptions, values, and beliefs.

When us vs them mentality has formed within a group the organization risks a lack of

engagement and cooperation for out-group members and there is a potential for a hostile work

environment. Other risks include a non-supportive environment, favoritism, and closed-

mindedness amongst the group.  

         The final topic that I learned about this week was acculturation. "Acculturation is defined

as the process by which two cultural groups that have come in continuous and direct contact

resolve the inevitable conflicts and challenges that arise from their contact resulting in changes in

one or both groups. "( Nahavandi, p.147). This contact can come in many forms in an

organizational context it can be between employees who work together, ex-pats,  working with

vendors and suppliers, or working with other organizations. While all of these cultural groups are

interacting with one another conflicts will likely arise. These conflicts can be about norms,

beliefs, and values. The response to these conflicts is how acculturation takes place. Who’s

culture is adopted,  and how it is adopted can play key roles the success or failure of this process.

Our text listed four strategies that should be the guide for how the acculturation process, these

strategies can produce positive and negative results.

         The assimilation strategy states "One group (usually smaller or less dominant) gives up

most of its cultural elements and adopts the culture of the other group (usually larger and more

dominant)" ( Nahavandi,p.154).  This approach only works when the groups can agree that it is

the correct choice. While separation involves "One group keeps most of its cultural elements

without adopting any of the other group's culture" ( Nahavandi,p.154). This is a very risky

approach as one group's culture is not recognized and suppressed, this can create in and out-

group members. Deculturation can be regarded as the worst response to the conflict, it "occurs

when one culture gives up its cultural elements without adopting any of the other group's culture"

(Nahavandi,p.159). This technique is very dangerous and will lead to us vs them mentality.

Finally, there is integration of the best response to this issue when possible. “Integration occurs

when both groups want to maintain their cultural elements and are also motivated to interact and

are interested in adopting some of each other’s assumptions, values, beliefs, and practices"

(Nahavandi,p.157). This promotes diversity within the organization and can lead to stronger,

more efficient teams.

         One area that I was able to make a correlation between was microaggressions and biases. It

made me realize how being the subject of a bias repetitively, can cause you to look down on your

own culture. “ Microaggressions have been described as small paper cuts that represent all of the

times that someone says or does something that further marginalizes you because of your

identity.” (Starbucks Global Academy, 2018).  I also can see how this marginalization can create

a lack of self-worth and esteem within individuals as noted in the Kids on Race video from our

TBW coursework as "the purpose of cultural identity is to promote our sense of self and our self-

esteem" (Nahavandi,p.114). If a person’s cultural identity is often the subject of negative biases

and heuristics I can see how it could steer this person’s life in the direction of the biases.

         From this module, I learned several things that I can apply to not only my career but my

life. The first is how biases have shaped and continue to shape my thoughts and actions. Moving

forward in personal and professional relationships I will the time to recognize the biases that I

may have. Further, I will make others aware of their biases making them aware of their small

worldview. Next within my organization, I will be a voice for any out-group members ensuring

they feel included and a part of the team. Inviting them to events, and encouraging them to voice

their opinions, strategies, and most of their culture. Overall I will take what I learned to create a

more inclusive work environment.    



Nahavandi, A. (2022). The cultural mindset: Managing people across cultures. SAGE.

Starbucks Global Academy . (2018, May 22). 3.1 Microaggressions, Major Impact TBW200.

Retrieved January 22, 2022, from

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