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The ADDIE model is the generic process traditionally used by instructional designers and

training developers. The five phases—Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and

Evaluation—represent a dynamic, flexible guideline for building effective training and
performance support tools.

It is an Instructional Systems Design (ISD) model. Most of the current instructional design
models are spin-offs or variations of the ADDIE model; other models include the Dick & Carey
and Kemp ISD models. One commonly accepted improvement to this model is the use of rapid
prototyping. This is the idea of receiving continual or formative feedback while instructional
materials are being created. This model attempts to save time and money by catching problems
while they are still easy to fix.

Instructional theories also play an important role in the design of instructional materials.
Theories such as behaviorism, constructivism, social learning and cognitivism help shape and
define the outcome of instructional materials.


 1 Analysis Phase
 2 Design Phase
 3 Development Phase
 4 Implementation Phase
 5 Evaluation Phase
 6 See also
 7 References

[edit] Analysis Phase

In the analysis phase, the instructional problem is clarified, the instructional goals and objectives
are established and the learning environment and learner's existing knowledge and skills are
identified. Below are some of the questions that are addressed during the analysis phase:

 Who are the learners and what are their characteristics?

 What is the new behavioral outcome?
 What types of learning constraints exist?
 What are the delivery options?
 What are the online pedagogical considerations?
 What are the Adult Learning Theory considerations?
 What is the timeline for project completion?
[edit] Design Phase
The design phase deals with learning objectives, assessment instruments, exercises, content,
subject matter analysis, lesson planning and media selection. The design phase should be
systematic and specific. Systematic means a logical, orderly method of identifying, developing
and evaluating a set of planned strategies targeted for attaining the project's goals. Specific means
each element of the instructional design plan needs to be executed with attention to details.

These are steps involved in design phase:

 Document the project's instructional, visual and technical design strategy

 Apply instructional strategies according to the intended behavioral outcomes by domain
(cognitive, affective, and psychomotor).
 Design the user interface and/or user experience
 Create prototype
 Apply visual design (graphic design)

[edit] Development Phase

The development phase is where instructional designers and developers create and assemble the
content assets that were blueprinted in the design phase. In this phase, storyboards and graphics
are designed. If elearning is involved, programmers develop and/or integrate technologies.
Testers perform debugging procedures. The project is reviewed and revised according to the
feedback received.

[edit] Implementation Phase

During the implementation phase, a procedure for training the facilitators and the learners is
developed. The facilitators' training should cover the course curriculum, learning outcomes,
method of delivery, and testing procedures. Preparation of the learners includes training them on
new tools (software or hardware) and student registration.implementation is also evaluation of
the design.

This is also the phase where the project manager ensures that the books, hands-on equipment,
tools, CD-ROMs and software are in place, and that the learning application or website is

[edit] Evaluation Phase

The evaluation phase consists of two parts: formative and summative. Formative evaluation is
present in each stage of the ADDIE process. Summative evaluation consists of tests designed for
domain specific criterion-related referenced items and providing opportunities for feedback from
the users which were identified
Donald Kirkpatrick is Professor Emeritus of the University of Wisconsin in North America and
a past president of the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD). He is best
known for creating a highly influential model for training evaluation, consisting of four levels of
learning evaluation. Kirkpatrick's ideas were first published in 1959, in a series of articles in the
US Training and Development Journal but are better known from a book he published in 1975
entitled, "Evaluating Training Programs".

[edit] Four Levels of Learning Evaluation

The four levels of Kirkpatrick's evaluation model essentially measure:

 Reaction of student - what they thought and felt about the training
 Learning - the resulting increase in knowledge or capability
 Behavior - extent of behavior and capability improvement and implementation/application
 Results - the effects on the business or environment resulting from the trainee's performance

All levels of evaluation are important. Sometimes people skip the "level 1" evaluation because it
doesn't directly relate to learning; however, if the student is distracted by something in the
learning experience, his or her ability to learn can be impacted. Levels 3 and 4 are the most
important because a difference in behavior is what we strive for. Levels 1 and 2 should be
measured to make sure nothing gets in the way related to the training event/solution itself.

Several authors have suggested an addition of a fifth level of evaluation. JJ Phillips has argued
for the addition of a "Return on Investment (ROI) level which is essentially about comparing the
fourth level of the standard model to the overall costs of training.[1] Roger Kaufman has argued
that ROI is essentially a level-four type of evaluation since it is still internal to the organization
and that a fifth level of evaluation should focus on the impact of the organization on external
clients and society

A Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is used to assess an organization’s training needs. The root of
the TNA is the gap analysis. This is an assessment of the gap between the knowledge, skills and
attitudes that the people in the organization currently possess and the knowledge, skills and
attitudes that they require to meet the organization’s objectives.
The training needs assessment is best conducted up front, before training solutions are budgeted,
designed and delivered. The output of the needs analysis will be a document that specifies why,
what, who, when, where and how. More specifically, the document will need to answer these

 why do people need the training?

 what skills need imparting?
 who needs the training?
 when will they need the new skills?
 where may the training be conducted? and
 how may the new skills be imparted?

There are so many ways for conducting a Training Needs Analysis, depending on your situation.
One size does not fit all. Is the purpose of the needs assessment to:

 lead in to a design of a specific purpose improvement initiative (e.g., customer complaint reduction)
 enable the design of the organization’s training calendar
 identify training and development needs of individual staff during the performance appraisal cycle

… and so on and so on.

In clarifying the purpose of the TNA, consider the scope of the TNA. Is it to determine training

 at the organization level?

 at the project level for a specific project? or
 at the department level for specific employees?

Your answer to these questions will dictate:

 who will conduct the TNA

 how the TNA will be conducted, and
 what data sources will be used

Training Needs Analysis Method

Below are three scenarios in which you may find yourself wanting to conduct a Training Needs
Analysis. This is not an exhaustive treatment, however, it will give you some tips on what to do.

Employee Performance Appraisal

In many organizations, each employee’s manager discusses training and development needs
during the final part of the performance appraisal discussion. This method suits where training
needs are highly varied amongst individual employees. Typically, the manager constructs an
employee Performance Development Plan in collaboration with the employee being appraised.
The Plan takes into consideration:

 the organization's strategies and plans

 agreed employee goals and targets
 the employee’s performance results
 the employee’s role description
 feedback from internal/external customers and stakeholders, and
 the employee’s stated career aspirations

The employee’s completed Performance Development Plan should document the area that
requires improvement, the actual development activity, resource requirements, expected
outcomes and an agreed time frame in which the development outcome will be achieved.

Check out our Training Management Template Pack for a customizable Performance
Development Plan and instructions for use.

You may find some commonality amongst individual training and development needs identified
in the various performance appraisals. In this case, it may pay the organization to review and
classify each of the needs and convert them into appropriate training courses (or other
interventions). The next step is to prioritize their importance and aggregate the results so that you
end up with a list of courses and participant numbers against each. Then negotiate a delivery
schedule that fits in with managers/supervisors and employees whilst keeping an eye on your

Improvement Project

Most, if not all, improvement projects have some employee training associated with them.
Examples of improvement projects include planned and structured attempts to reduce the
incidence of product defects, increase sales volume and decrease the number of customer
complaints. Here, the Training Needs Analysis begins by clarifying the measurable
organizational improvement targets and the employee behaviors required to meet these targets.
For example, the organization might set a target of a 50 percent reduction in customer complaints
by the end of the year. Employee behaviors required to achieve this target might be:

 empathetic listening to customer complaints

 regular follow up of complaint resolution

... and so on.

To get to this point, though, the cause of the underperformance needs to be determined through a
series of structured questions. If there is no one else to perform this initial diagnosis, you as the
training professional may be called upon to do this job. A performance consulting approach can
help you here. With this approach, the person doing the diagnosis first asks managers to identify
their problems in concrete terms. Next, possible causes and solutions are discussed and training
solutions identified, where appropriate.

To do this successfully, the performance consultant needs to be well-versed in process

improvement methods and employee motivation theory and practice. For small projects, you can
use a simple employee performance flow chart in working with managers to help identify the
cause of performance deficiencies.
Where training is identified as an appropriate solution or as part of the solution, we then
recommend that you work through a training needs analysis questionnaire with the appropriate
stakeholders. This will give you the information you need to move to the training program design

An effective training needs analysis questionnaire worksheet will cover at least the following


 Project Sponsor
 Reason for Request
 Participant Roles
 Organizational Objectives
 Training Program Objectives


 No. of Participants
 Location
 Department
 Education/Experience
 Background
 Current Job Experience
 Current Performance vs Expected Performance
 Language/Cultural Differences
 Anticipated Attitudes


 Task Description
 Frequency
 Proficiency
 Performance Criteria
 Conditions
 Underpinning Knowledge

The results from these structured interviews are then written up in a formal document, along with
the answers to the other questions raised above. Check out our Training Projects Template Pack
for an example of a customizable training needs analysis template that you can download today.
The results of the TNA are then fed into the next phase of the instructional systems design life
cycle; the high-level design of the training program.
Following all of the above is of course more time consuming than getting a simple wish-list from
managers and delivering a smorgasbord of training courses. However, by using a structured
approach, you will avoid the 80 percent wastage of resources that many companies experience in
delivering programs that don’t truly fit their needs.

Constructing a Training Calendar

When constructing an annual training calendar, be wary of simply asking managers what training
they want delivered. Assessing training needs this way, you will most probably get a wish list
with little connection to the real needs of the organization. When the time comes and they and
their workers are pressed for time, you may find it difficult to fill seats. Training is expensive,
and there is no better method for wasting your scare training dollars.

Why is this so? We find that many managers are not skilled in identifying which of their
problems can be solved by training and which cannot. For a training calendar to be effective, it
needs to be tailored for your specific organization’s real needs. Ask your managers what training
they need. However, make sure you engage them in constructive dialog about what their real
problems are and which of them can realistically be addressed through training. If the
performance shortfall is a one-off problem, such as an increasing number of customer
complaints, it may be more effective and cost efficient to address the issue on an improvement
project basis.

Training calendars are best suited to repeatable and regular demand, such as refresher skills
training for infrequently performed technical tasks and for new recruits joining the organization.
In these cases, review what training is required on a regular basis and look at what new recruits
need to be proficient at soon after they join your organization. Generally speaking, consult with
your management team by checking off which of the following areas require inclusion in your
training calendar:

 management, leadership and supervision skills

 soft skills, such as communication and conflict resolution
 environment, health and safety
 human resource processes, such as performance management
 business skills, such as strategy, planning and process improvement
 technical line and staff skills such as telephone etiquette and inventory management

In constructing your training calendar, we suggest you also consider looking at one or more of
the data sources listed in the next section. Once you have composed your list of courses, assess
demand for each course and the required frequency, all the while, keeping an eye on your
budget. With a limited budget, we suggest you get your management team to help you assess

Data Sources

In conducting your training needs analysis, you may have a variety of data sources available to
you. Which data sources you use will depend on a number of factors. These factors include:

 the amount of time you have available

 the human resources you have available
 the level of accuracy you require
 the reliability of each data source
 the accessibility of each data source

The data sources that you have available may include:

 interviews/surveys with supervisors/managers

 interviews/surveys with employees
 employee performance appraisal documents
 organization’s strategic planning documents
 organization/department operational plans
 organization/department key performance indicators
 customer complaints
 critical incidents
 product/service quality data

For example, if you are considering providing training in project management to project
managers, you may want to interview the prospective participants, the project managers, and
their managers on what problems they are facing. It may also pay to review planning and
procedural documents to ascertain what project management methodology and tools your
organization is using, or is planning on using.

Data sources that may show light on where the training needs to focus the most are project
performance data and post-implementation reviews. Which sources you will actually use and
how much time and effort you expend on each will depend on your particular circumstances.
Needless to say, there is no magic formula and you will need to exercise a fair amount of
judgment in most cases.

Although there are no hard and fast rules in conducting a Training Needs Analysis, we have
outlined above some general guidelines and helpful hints. We can also help you with some
practical TNA tools, such as a training needs analysis questionnaire and training needs
analysis spreadsheet, in our customizable template packs.

[Training Management Template Pack] and [Training Projects Template Pack] << Click here to
download today.

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