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No.2 thetlscouk ail 2022 [UK E450 [USA $899 THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT John Darwin Viole 1 the British Empire | Miri Rubin The cult oft Zachary Leader K' 100 | Anna Katharina Schaffner Tw The sense of an ending Emily Wilson on death and }ow we think about it rath an by In this issue ty inthe pane heBereaved wer dered ae by fre of As Seas Henne pus Enea Re" om Ror 73m ne for ftreory cts ey the tempat fests af earege, wing pas each ded om Say of whe teen fom par tg normal tines, to, fs Feaey ad then "dered sing and | png Io Mt de colts / of dead laos The al ha ih era eth by ng ope om a ome with Hende andes cg top respects fools death sagt nthe ee and 51S reew of ere Boks sb eat nich we segregate the dead om the I Teites ison She also mals the disturb ‘hora dpi, pence eh my be ero ate for scr tan fre beloved ‘dg or at yey Ces A tg and ihe na weer eas ee pe ah Sia and miscarage, whose work ives normale paren Fan witesing. the es ‘Sr of dead whe neve ew tre eng thom a our bay ato the man in he Najo ‘in mo ptr nel aes aco hee roar bend er tey ue ed by sues or Dravice, “nov because the fails ofthe ead me he own ence of wha rg about he chang ce fen Hiroe ny tan bok and Nita Powers hat Do ov Wi ect to ook he aa ‘erty andthe ors ofthe seria ‘a ae peat orl aed for he ape He’ woud fd move gist his il a ve boks out the eof the Gg ors reviewed hy iit. The worn une ha cen teagan ta eto othe Kon athe ign oH, se ig wae cen around 0 aed ied ote Duke of as, who ruled wt sn Uae Mary sappned 0 have itereded 0 sve Bese ‘ies a meal mes etapa eked fer magi ap Til Jon Darin lost Lgay of Vike: A hoy ofthe Btsh Erie Wy atl Eis, ‘tomo 2 Pale prize or er story Br Schl cis Rep Whche o a Shad tr tha Fed ws on (ines Leary Soplament Somes Famers To buy ony book featured in this week TS, ‘0 0 shop thedacosk 2 cuLruRaL srupies —_exaty watson ‘is More oll ktory of exh Andrew Dole. the Inerable buchen the ih odie Kate Bagel [ithe Living and the Dead =A seal meio Into the ath vade Hayey Campbell \Wenoy Moone Ir'ine "A me of oe and ls Amy Bloom, © teres To we ropes pres, Coals, Haba Harvie 7 wastoRy {JOHN DARIN Lacy of lence = istry of the Bh Empire Caroline ‘ins ‘oy slcxinn "Tm ed Cage ~ An American tragedy in Dei’ ont tering psn Nihal Gaya 9 REREADING “ZACHARY LEADER Tees deceed~ Kgsey Ani at 109 40 SOCIAL STUDIES ANNA KATHARINA 7 itary of acy — om pararchy to gender aie ‘Sonarenee fran Joona ranted by than Bacher What Do en Man?" vein and to docetons Nin ewer 1 RELIGION an RUB Mary he Gran - Find of Codi, athe Mama “Tatart and Kus on Sosy Trane by Petr Les Nay, Founder of Chrshmty hrs Maunder. The Vr Nay. A vary short itedacon Mary fom Winn Lk, ‘he vin Maryn Bvanta, ¢300 1000 "Hymn, Ronis apart Mary Cunningham, Te Word of arn [pyrtions "a's apenances snd ests fom Fane ‘ay Winconty tats ners FRANCES SPALDING oar Morn New In Briain IMSS aban) aut onmrmis Every aod Bay Des Fie "Aloe tay in mi eos Jevemy Denk 46 remOn Divan since ‘abet Flnch alan Marnes anon eatour ‘ry at rope Sara aga DeSinee BaPrSTE (Grund Le Cae Calecthe Louse Glick 20 AMERICAN UTERATURE SUSAN SHULGLAW ing i Sek - Wg fie ae fay ‘WoLET HUDSON rang’ Widow — The Hand legacy of Mary Wale ergy Toy Christan ‘22 GERMAN LITERATURE RITCHIE ROBERTSON the Sot Sepa —The dee ofthe years Meio om Doderer Trt by Vineet King SoaNNAa nassecR Rant Hn earopiches Eris Rédiger Gener 24 omer ‘Sands of Abandonment Life the psc human lndsape farm, 25 sroRT ‘ano oowaLarr anes rope Pajed~ A tl story of spor Wray ampiew JONATHAN KEATES ona andthe Sword ~The cue of dueling Joseph Farell 127 AFTERTHOUGNTS IAN SANGOM odes reat commons ~The tele ofa tpi poem mp " ” Edtor MARTIN VENS edorathisou) Desay Edler ROBERT POTTS coer pata cok) ASsocute fa CATHARINE MORRIS (stare moras ou) Aceon tothe enor UBBY WHITE (iseyumogtha cout) Ester engutiee (quiet incoh) Meneaing Doctor JAMES WACMANUS (deboahbecgananewsco ut) Averiing Hansger JONATHAN DRUMMONO (onatindrunmonsothetecost prs a a ay et The hour of our death How we address our final dayss THIS MORTAL COWL ‘Antony of death KATIE ENGELHART Rte ne £1899 {athens around st hoy he Chore ngs ptmstaly othe ecole serene iy which hunans have dominated the natural he, age and city bulding. Death, the Chorus Ses ste oi ment faire ta aman vances of medial scence “Onl on Hades taste om ume cases” Any "et rp ‘mets of cone eae een ed ae ‘ero the et doce Soc ne Aare ‘aie his ora Ca shows ow made an ec ‘Sei ao as fe tg th a Selnowfedgs, we have ao ceted ot enaed Demy of new wast de. Te mt comping se ‘ich descr a nbc and modern un ‘Sind the ned or ea te se sa Ive pion ns feats sau woe Feminde, for example, of how many people, ‘fame But we ave bee sed om on 3 {co th moe eal dacs ad ves te ‘Ena fever o the muy vrais on God, Serr laode norms, ren toro wel at warn migration cased by climate dans Al Tour arene of he apap ae com ts ho train ea cen, ot try sa octane ay ne se Eves thn 400 pas cunt par on wei ‘thnobal advances and he are ang Sod noma eds he ay ‘Supe facet arapapo and cons hat Shaan tread wha oa eine ane ‘are might fe been bets oa acent ‘ode mdi sence Tire dingy, ol seca tnes aps sai ancomrey cone to gesting hat ey ienecery fe wor than Sah nd oe fat ih acne wl ety et eho repent suri the leg dsc f Dow ‘Shao: wic seta onion “ore ts ‘pain atk sds Te mh Tyne rsech in DNA etn ctl owing so uch foot sur WOE Tol sfpts 2 tumphall optimistic aude sa ir an ed ag isl woes, wich wl ope nae Wc a deel tess venta dee ‘rapes. Dg np eto sll tat these changes cna be adel ane, le Stone ined rom pus meal erect nt edo not gape withthe dana cee real an tne! oes the ate ‘represen of dup ate oerperoae ‘tans reeds ug oes the xd ye" niey fertile Copa” Joseph aly on arm of ese Sony fie oneray of ‘emo He co nadalon f inna Sor aim ht "sence ny we et the bees {nd wend eto that we have ever had ‘Goat story of ea tage ne ce ot a ely o havea append fe ‘pean dat oer oie Une ing (Gin Te en thar “we” have age econ “famine and war ol ea wee rp ipl a peer othe pl ue Dal Undertow "we eat dvs slats poverty ‘ul be Bae th the wae of «pen seats By const Kale Enger’ 0 of Hman tes nalts die snd comple ‘ikethar wn een rho are ore (dea cus of lag enya Psa day ahd eel less. Alsip Modoatas are convincingly represented sd 2ndonenarremrstel even he coer Pole he sy th yu re hig tal tonto ental heath pts oe oper angers ory ars ‘ie Sndio, and tee ep aie he tbl sca ht one tan oe ch ‘te "Fi tng tocene be Soper” ed te Trae of oe oe has 2 pope reps ts ht the power to ees ht “pity, however chilean the crust AS a i er dc Sc aly shins ro i at mrs, “Oe ‘Unloruate, Engthats book vl shows, ‘Sa nthe moe when we min ter mos ‘et 0 pay te aan fe Meh pe Foe man people, hu no a of tt ov Ile or Inpessbe (9 exerelse what sone rede pibupom dace st SC ne of cu chooang Ive deol moerte se seere demon we may ow the spc ie our om deaths process hat Eas ‘id show fr hard be mer word Has when ene sped seal aque Ca ‘thems t coyihath, th ‘Ghose dears move ica wary pope {fen of 2c Myo those wo eae ie Ide wl be ep ave fa Tonge than would ‘ata ao etry by Do "aguas Seay mies an exer few al Gunde eng ovat a chen fo da it nr de passe ithe ed we ae play died ~ ot ‘us aretovaryng eee and wl Dente =r yee ot wy ted Pues, pence exh a ett her tac for ores than for teed ld do o et "Saat th enya ‘heme ae ch ceed” al ony (ud, Std, Ban, the Neen Somme tines tthe US, aon wih ay provisos {tor make the crace inal foe meet pple (oot inthe US hoe wit he ra ——— eee 2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Institute for Ideas ¢ Imagination is proud to announce its 2022-23 class of Fellows: Yevgenia Belorusets Sabelo Mlangeni Writer/ Visual Artist Abigail R. Cohen Fellow Ukraine Photographer South Africa Barry Bergdoll Abigail R. Cohen Fellow John Duong Phan “Architectural History Vietnamese Studies Columbia University Columbia University Alessandra Ciueci Katharina Pistor Ethnomusicology Comparative Law Columbia University Columbia University William Dougherty Hannah Reyes Morales Composer Photographer Columbia University Philippines Isabella Hammad Pauchi Sasaki Writer Composer United Kingdom Pera Yala Kisukidi ‘Yasmine Seale Philosopher ‘Translator France United Kingéom Brian Larkin Ersi Sotiropoulos Anthropology Writer Columbia University Greece Melina Léon Eliza Zingesser Abigail R. Cohen Fellow Medieval French and Occitan Filmmaker Columbia University Peru Located at Reid Hall, home to Columbia Global Centers | Pars, the Institute hosts a residential community of scholars, writers, and Please vist our website a ideasimagination columbia ed for further details about: our Fellows and their work, the Institute and its mission, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Public Humanities Initiative, and our emergency program of asstance for Ukrainian wir, Journalists, and artists. “The Columbia Inia for Lea and Imagination e made posi bythe _generous support of the Areté Foundation, the tares Nachos Foundation, {he Andrew W. Melion Foundation, and Deel Coen, end with additonal ft rom Judith Ginstrg and Daal LoClere, Olga and George Voi, the BHA Arcté VEE UV MEon | the living can position they hhad in life Ae The notable etl demons, re ‘hens ow and wheter people shad ave te Tig choose tend ther own Tes fn the he aotany sore set tier ere vers fiona acon ote one en We Eger hi eas the experience of a rete Bish TSS ceed ek ee rds Mal cngs fom Meco toe her Me of een wea, ‘pense st afer ding a gnc amount of ‘esac The etm eth fhe, gh ‘Saat My tlt wera gar Fees mark pring nly eal the leaf mang atonal suid ore wie ren dager, prety boring so il pate inphcaane "i hts death “aoa er do aid crn people send t ‘epee that cera exes people ugh [ple hone death of ave chosen the. Stage sets ad tay are exper and Imager soles, most obvious the US, have ‘those ves af eee by meer eee Oe be mont cing tae ger oo at see o her ubes want de ore ‘Ste money, oot of fondness or preventable “prod "Whar Kd ef sce do we Ive no ‘ke poe el the bases "the eto ran sce ten ge cote lea hat thre sng te athe sl oe hth daly arate ih est ad mes ‘ean ads nr ab, foie somal othe pope mis account expres 3 dese de, ey pone the endo age (her mands repent uaeto“wean” tenses “Gd fe The eae impose or ub wlingness to acknowledge mized and musky Totnes she wll evokes scaly ea ou man when eae totes eee by aa meal sah, bt abo deste tae Sd an ery path Beton a dv or ‘turing ee fed by thee mh ae sng of hope ie wi ay beh poe cee terior our death Alte Lag ihe ade Compe tye te str wh th ese up Wie Ena ints of it on the nse var an ee roby neon enna cag ‘Ersand aren medal eames fo pope foto ent att se he de. Boe Sec perar inthe deer wich we Sites cin carer on fe med oc fe ‘ed al sequen he ad gon the ‘Sony tac fcc tnd ho amy fren eam, Te cart ea i foe, the wo oa women, to wath dy ot ad ‘oep edd loved ons, bt fal en, wh Eadie apes death an unig othe is el ot ‘das eat oer eyes change te St abi, bat nk of peenbod. The dead ‘ove anempy se sharoror an ta, ‘Stet mova prone gc bree te de ars pi he oa Posto dry at ie ‘brofestonal mourners to sing and scream laments ening eras ieee Dior a ea Zaha eececmaneds mtamanimeeces kanes eee ee Spacers Se evokes Sonorotearounc Siemens ioe areata porte ttc ao esas soegeeoeieen eagestrtamns Evian tee pe poe aorreeoe art Savceesee Ee ceanereerace fms cider ste Pca, death ceed duper fs aoe Ee Campa woe teed Fram i srg ick he Ripe hoch fey ers tee hte tats 0 stl ‘bo shows tect and cmpssonn erate ‘toherimerer ace: Canals ero ‘Sot ot mt, bt humane td eros Se ‘anes tooo pose manage fo caer ohet Fopleerentbe de, he nate cs Sop {Se Anne ttlonsaundaenal need wae ot 1 the ey Conpl Shows how dah workers 1 vata of ede pofesens prove sty er cenral gol st beak down the sharp Ing more of ast recogie tte hunny of he lone hours Spent oberving corps, ole a Feoetary.n every sto dee a nervie fe tose who wor th hem Aciengte np Bal any find deep sence of purpose the ‘they are aware tpg amet ees Si serve et one ten sete Ime Theforme ice cer whose ines {ther and ldening tragmertary human Fenuins om the mas stale cased Oy plane ‘ihe smeinginense aul nc ont Memsdtes “Peo dere the ett, en ter deat, Yow know? simay, campbell ‘roe! ptlgit wo tnows trough het ‘enki patent seg “eto he Temory a people who may oiberwie be fr {een One of he mos moving capers oss ‘ug, whore wrk oles ormaling pare! ‘iad ie eh ang an hope at osc ae tae ne Ea tases the deceased rather than hour te ‘The man whe molves rung Beane ieee om eee et de (Steal a abe shane oe and be nat ‘Shas od man who wets is work twa oem Foes ot eal One fe ms can ‘peers deals wh an excutoner wp psd {fe bt ene darae fal pte Te psn, endl ta ule to amowede, [Ean disue nt he sds Ges nxt ‘Secituoer mast te ropa o toe de “ree sna seul the eis samo ices Seay the proce ec Tha wp abo nok ntl we the ead, (Goapele the lnc ice nS ‘processes designed to apn det wih mer ‘state wv wh st nso avs and ‘pnp cheats igh dean eae Prong sneha hanan sey ‘he npr een te hg he Sea oe Cpe son cringe cet ster eh ten many dead bodes and pts of ‘apes intra rans The obese ube t> ten. Toe herr seam mu, es aat fem the uncamy val, beast de 0 seman of te ing Cc ing inub pareo tis babys ae a foray ter top ay ae ad ere ‘Gampbelts gripping study ofere compeing teminer tat te Sead, a tore wh ae foe ‘orc he wed tobe ato 0 ‘her mune Al of hem alo ue dese tbe Cheerful to the end One man’s decision to apply to Dignitas WENDY MOORE mtove ‘Amami oflove and ls ‘an BtooM Inve to exouceisioNs, Any osm em Vr about ber beloved hand’ deco wo nd his Me afer he war agnosed with ‘epee od morn et des essing ‘recog, och tale ts fone ay two pop tte in Zrch to the day oe person eae, te be rn ian American noel a pycoter pls She marie Brn a goodoaln, greats Fier who is suth ad pled otal or ‘Skee ty bathe uy rape die oe Hg eed Cote hey ed iy comforale es, shoring een ing ‘urd lag te lam wags ty teehee Then aly ale tears sl eompanae, Iarmoies rsan Sea ‘0 dune ve gm, frit the date a hs bole up and Started fo find his Job tc challenging. Heng Provo ten at po hone pee preset for his wie now tough er uy ewer ht Ieee spect he was aga te Forme 1 apper dese, he fled aut Tsitsant ag eas fang change, a 30k Ie peony. Mody ad abe, Deane ings ay ont kur dea applnnet wh uri Aer cote test bn wa ‘cam cone Asters wh he expecta ‘regatta tn yore ‘Within fort bouts of hs dag, an ale be wad wen hi ble e eer rangement Ske acts eft arling bons {in ers courage the ewronday eae ‘Map esd dg re ne onan tertng “Aho ie US sates have ht de” vs, a mom een ope ty ang qu ame he cnn at thoy ‘able opin orale reli, pate ast ‘lee na aap Dg, te Zc ‘Sanat that lps people wo ed the Tes Ir tom staiiorsrd ors bok sates ‘een th te In Zur as they creep evar, maser ‘Set: The women Serene ‘erie tat hr whe es cnn Pisa oan eof ns eaack mabe 3 oS Whee rho rey age ‘apa br topo of deat by sot, “owrang.uectngo starving ate alto erie ‘tay erties tren Mang, {he researc tec and ed te ose Pre Window in which hes capable maga deson Fay css same tit» eter ew ane ad Seri, cae Se Ee et cay oa is wishes er ry raes many ‘toeston abot choning bere rng Be or ‘Scie wih py ae rag Thal Dots es the couplethe en gh te gander, they seat ough» al Ghtmar, then te yt eh There ay Sstowphere av they sty In festa hte, eat ‘expensive diners and go sein reminds term fps ose a cary ea ren ‘tea te ewe ae Irae wl itor with ing ors. Cher. Itotheen eden the atl os ne Das ‘pure he a asep i om a nd ‘Se lees soe, Tere no dob tht Bos {kcten tsp he aon hog hi el, Stl goodie athe te er Dok ues, Sacto an that wing he eae ot Stes bs omer European projects sets, ccm ttstment Corneal receed on Houclebea’s lest novel, and etn fr dat to Eagan surcoespanden acts # {Ta and of tingyne maT Ns revew of bons out the Epes Unoo, back ates at European cordon. trochs Mitch Isa Lets. Naeh 25, Ercramstance fr four year [apy ho Drochon deter cir pact ree art mths ha the, ale stomps fy dertine he hy nd ‘air Nomanfoar Lars Apa) wheel) olen ns, bu wiboutmenn at European itegraton trom the must succes nyt ely mack, qulty ‘may onersinpty. need Om Ings rina spiicane fn oder Europea hs (ome) to the present ca. Thre rowers abe of is work ts tds =the ‘alt ewedbesera ced tye atthe place wie the Jews of Bsn were Spurn mito: the Har Seer Open at erp Tsay havebeenduetohisigher Summoned to ase by the Nal autores, or "Risen aed athe asa dd not conebute a the ate sens 8 SSaalsana Teer pont bathe thar Separation a sundnete Sma hewrter tothe purl Lucpean way or two man rear, ein French pale These ite etme of Bune wis approvingly of Cave aude n'a cup tht 6 fst twas donated ty the ee nor Geman lee commentators sars-queston cuneate a9 Mone at gt cca fogad des but and sco was ey dg, moe 2 pla, Hera impo. heard ey the subject of comidersble wna neg de roemblace tothe Nat trp. wet ner of these ebecons of Holey, Hr many Be ‘bre Jes Bowel acs att "Nghand Fg” act ete progam, undereye ArT bel tenet of Hansa toes though de Hl eon of owe cltremye the nin witch pporats woud cred sd anch na Srached wit wet fem Rego te rae a Msorne | ma a dcppatsd Magne, poeodoymausy pub. wuttace AcasicoampieofthecoupatasNudt Fane apdto the noth fevchig Bern abdCodand- tk tat baught and ead het inal cima: Smaart fem ace The cyrus Hint nm oe i ee tt (Sepeener7"Sone ness Horak’, would presumably bee eereny derail ean reuns of Hamat stays andthe bon med by he rl fest ts were fede ein at “er te rotecton of eople ad ie” whieh Her Stead Inthe cy of London atwugh never ton ad Ben Med ate Utermespaor xenon Inthe tod Posen andenug sgn nthe note popular wah Londoner ofthe day was everest n'a modern French aor bree ough ur. stage Ferny 10; ths suspended anspor On the second okt, inthe aeenth whose seb so adn ad uni tute gener oes nh res rel ce an ome the foun ofthe ceuy led hy Late the ana fought the might vest rcs Compare imeefar his majesy't fet or haul diary Th lt ting tt he BU aris ofthe en powetal bun sue, wang naabe We moving tpn of Modan, eal emplsment Unfrune te sort of secon, esc it ote re ie. pare the bane aerial team Wary ct nd is Nica sonra etsy ent poli" Ae with much ofthe resto he Geman land he yo suet Beet Un se insure tioning mall Hs Anthony Crome ‘ey teats War devastated and Maly‘extgued re worthy expr mse isomer hembyecrofapole Loncon Hie ‘he ecg Hn, hu ey ener 4 pace reach wring. ted they ao ea and quastegal debate tht the hs of atempes a Buopesn negra? ply bade" and rotund Ssiiy male k emorble He Ho Drckonsighly emphases Anthony Pgdens Reha France {Bar pian elm 0 nd ‘id oes ‘Seen, fer Kan, ht ste seg Bs held ote Het the morose and misanchrople “hat Rage eaten had ‘vn tte ono el wer sed Ober or @ Fam, ft fH tats inte, Ou, wollte sunday Sought to constct ap acurate Mice uelebecg ss ery fate Extn Asher! sey of sed wo uted eter he ale tuvonder: For hs port, efcrggng geal ores goed whe ppm, Dg Last Season Sandee ws re us, Gage sion eleted Gen. eta woudspaninteestinner meter Lore Sf Rarment = bya Member of nd’ wre, cnpae, nd__e Bennet accept tbe work Leduc eats ho Bama Fe Rta i) ‘arp cin. Svar not wishing Yo tecune muy never eer thro the Te pile ot Engnd we 99 eshaps by IAL the goverment fan oe uf lnfrar kThese_Ujecy ober He ad the age Sioned te corey he Sone ke etme Gee othe png ncn oo Gx Gre Hoe pres ht ery ‘sbi stnstecn Robert Waar Sanding 1 hs Fok. Weston, Doomal end Fam ar 35) ‘Store tecrandgee SU Patesbu FL ‘so mounted, wats the cere ‘nae Mey the one ac ‘eee ee ‘ory fom the her sie, Concrete Poetry Sy sna eer among er mri The Pmhler ‘The plcure accompanying the men V. Muleshy Tas delhi by Jetemy Noel obituaries, namely “Zogdan Teh vaca Eaneal review’ of the new Biography of Laucana Ste Unverty, Eaton Tos nalwart senre regarding ai, an xual peed Depooeseuedthemnsey, Lord Carma demands seme Rouge LS Unset ony aac bay at Grqascl men ated et athe tet asaya (Mc Abou Fedo eon (pi, tsb “Balkan bepe of he ‘de fT he tew the at, jn ral het [Sige inthe 970 sein” Stent oles However shuld pcismmoanmyiee te UecTiurene ftom abo wera oi i ano pt tah mag Rae ‘ern snes (cl and honesty feared, Rather ungallanly pled- passionate, unconventional bio- we sensed that concrete poetry parody of my syle by mt father, the ‘cum nasa: be wun os ig beahComsSepatied raphy ef Thome De Quincey, | was the coming thing wih for fevered moe cet Teor frond erm hin hens orate, ‘csr imereted tot she hag the Bish public never quite Danna, writen In hs hie. Soule ofezaben Hard. Eame Fortenyersteanacreate ehh yar Sse Uamury 1 bt rater han sing coe fe Sender Wada Danna Fevevingtheboekt wwe abior Yes atwhich wetneaducedsts Pare ‘ered omy ugh sal of ul stare the ena = Nach ‘my suppored ure oundersand Tod does hereon ih agen AL Wabwat rack before Inuching ito Cominger "Seco" W350 2 [espe En Linn Khong ewe ter own portal of tardwik. rectangle f that pated word of Webel cw book Ae fer eutordnariy evenfl he, opposes Theres msg Chinese Government. peal st Sat anne Wikons sajers De Lawrtapwsterspmgvneraion She Canina Unni ince, Doty worden fat“ war ong Aw ht hry hy ‘intro fra Hographer It empty space on tis reading, Cin were esti he ‘Rantorensn hac isebook thi sul nal moment where we made the stam ey mere onl pie un is yee sie ene a a aie he tom, her lie, her personal, when en sealing te ame Harry Sonderson| Stes erie (0 Roberto ene vues. es the_ Quoen’ Coleg Cambridge i eres es | : | Wie and her work two teas he Reif nd Sian wring A Splendid the entirely calm "tht wakes | OOMTACT Imager ws not odes the “Senco such peat oct. London Bdge Stet ae: etre cadena y Hard Mdenathan Fle london 1 90F ‘sists amie mle Rather | Glenduce Fe Ieee dncouk Lowering the flag How the British justified imperial violence to themselves JOHN DARWIN 2960 ody Head £50, eseenperary patter show sey Sd comploy it has tured sot to en fom Yer unt 1, ems eaten sl, Fed by Arcam, Atns and (pre-Columbian) {he coment of ply, we sh nd ‘Sieg, dhe move ancen the bet Rot tion tongs to maon stats serch of aa purky ad Maat ses demanding tesa ‘nlm Hiers Geran Leia ad Sais stsplacement 0 ndgenous peoples, sometimes Pacis mot vgs by ster democracies, She Und tater nthe ann cron ince thou i that exp acm hae been ‘toc sy den my aca Steve sale tro back on pst hades and to thnk cbr he taper pst TThmpeon once warned ag it ham isn hin’ tempest stated bythe notre Ssh Ene as ah trent of epson Potala, smame an tr eras ferme shuld sce ane 0 Bl pet ey. tt sg So omoactgecras fenton ies ce isrilen. te eee ‘ec teine nent a uiareine Seer Seto enoyectnae Soaicimrucecyemeoat Session Het tke Shei moee or sutm atari Senecio et Seton soccer sorcerer inet eae Seta ioe te oe an Divina napenseat etre mene ae Sinrisiargariceonat Ps ten Carag > 66 We have struggled to turn our ‘back on past attitudes and to think about the imperial past without the “condescension of posterity’ se aris ks ‘mp The bal pans of an, recent, Uacing ‘a bls in the age af ea, {Gaya tone oer places. ins dese td ‘ocumentsin fe cing Sather, ‘alee punsment (ach as oie bain) fandom ing onan, unset ets a Ineeeraten tn enpbely ee ce the peovsons of mepency rl", were ltt lndeen eneauaged by tho In uot. Te ‘erate operatr a eee inst deed inden, sometimes wih eal nat ‘aan mtr commanders a aly. pt Iemest scan, na destino Whtchal's Hered and denied way ofcourse, fai the op Sa seen el ad kom noe 8 Ten thas of ther opponent, eal aes ence, recede Into the bachground, his they waned eat caummugency ere) Bik {at nce kn pore 0 Sst te et ete hog the took nt Js a ‘mperson wih Naso. oe the py She Ish minds y te dept el eter ta rain ‘eth pois rent of et te Ce Droge and that hse Who oppose the id ‘rrp ane, usclentie a the product of Sapestiton and ignorance. OF course there thing pray merlin th “progres” Teal Norther vesons hse a. ‘indy pcay we en ‘en the worl nd at jt by weer Soe Stele wih aisry ht eases te bead Steerm eaperence of eying t force te nt ‘Wer wid ito mould of ts ming, and Ios aden. 1s ther Fed of Which he ‘pot shal Pt i ea he st hap we oat epee bak vette ru of te re Aes ad apt (oe of ees) ch of by the poe and cura lands heh peccolnial cries tx which booger ‘ht ose ua ey. le nd ethnorelgios avers were mach more fc preclonl sccetes had ten been vk ‘Sstatbed by the ects of bl aero by insgenow processes of conquest a ebony, Fine centry Inna the scone of hat ig be called the was of Ml succes in ‘whe rans, Apa, Maras and Sates So ash eat na Comp Coca“ et sh ‘the rs Sth nae Ma pany rump wae toh mary and anh x Temnne’ an rer’ congiet at uel he at ‘ete cen, an feo eal Sar eer 857 a alt paraol avatenes of ‘th shh wo spores mercial connections had crested uns for sive ete of apaling vse, nly rad, ‘Ses Th Ab Sd ty Otomansuled {i fad Ben devastated yo ets of nr ‘hacer coma scaon or ack sy tsce wy hee om te sot ged ws ping "order, would hie foun govern by Content sew task tae bene ier and dor mal epic ane tthe tenet cet. The anton ent we might acres eps ncerstanaiy, genet fet Eis Ig eve the eal ede ith he meson {ia con people she cone de of thar abe rly whose ales wer Hie fo a of les” red for pone an roi Ic, two geeraons of slap have een edad to showing the cnormour comes Sn very of lon sok aa the mae ‘ays in which they responded to Bets and thing to ileene peo, and dernt pple. ‘ke. How ese to expla he mabe of he han ‘Sv or he poo af prem Mesa th iex an 200 eh smi, ong The Madar Petey mon Pope ‘he of say Earp? Or the tutor af Bengal Hinds atte oreo fs Ms a) ‘rtie dae Or te eageoce of Cape aly Colones" to Sse ths “Sh so fewer Men Miwrsan area onal Songs Were fought with indigenous soldier, Indeed, ome of he sages of the war of dco Peoples isthe Kenya as wy stow sons [Extcooatal ue nay hae coco ut whch Ie note Eno rela beans ae Since ctmainiy cel cr apa aa fe persed the poco Wor by hth on thse dhe thee, thes cmtempuosatade to tor Europese Tes righ Mt these shoud be recorded and ‘poet ett sn ay ivemance only hee few cure Had te Bean to find them heavy o ge ons any in peace was tne to te rind 194500) And "A hry of the Bish Ene’ the sie of th bok Soul bo ‘emind ws tha engaged wth colon peoples is many ays edhe hn by lene ey, ‘eatonaly, areitecaraly, phlesopheall feeds sce and thru es at Tn ad perhaps sara se: Much of ‘tcl, eto reducnist to see 1 ‘tera na ey a pod! of meray nd tangle up ins tes and paces We ae ‘hac madery we want to renounce ® Forgotten men of war ‘The Dartmoor regime that led to. amassacre of prisoners ‘TROY BICKHAM tering prison icHOLAS GUYATT 4820p, Oneweri. 25 Stes as once a edeced Na Bat the iceenmial ofthe aro I, ener ae te own, pled 2 wes sh sca that has Fy recast en reader woah, ‘Son umber atest beacons tae in North Americ borderans rm Spanish ‘melon declaration f wat eer maine ri. ‘oeran stay nop a ad ete iStmercant navy tours ao Betas us, Sevesra incur or ens of tracing Bh ‘Sts teeing he Bells coco of Royal ny ‘Sua va bos crater ad rly op Said Search American vss to sels Sang ‘hey nee Break rch ets king wash With yee ft ernalyclnging Bash al supremacy, the Usinsteol encouraged merchant ese oa ire appealed arse foreman ele, otto each tensehes. They bee be bane fhe espe eparing sade Bs ‘en cldgHtshshres Toer, Amen pe ‘ster ugh mated he damage te Bs ised on Asien siping No surprising de [nth government wets Seen to capre and npraoatse esate raise oped ® ‘and toe tan 6:00 ofthese pone four the war Nichols Gat The Harel Gage tl he ‘Sodan vets moreso ined tthe aps "Me Armeran poner at Dareoor tech {eit tonne ets ad ene ss ESiaeeea act, a ctena oe ttl ‘The epsede took pace afte hoses had ot ‘terse ceeuped tat witha resurgent pico andthe US wih recasting te ie Se dameeaty dhaine mar ara visor. Tae ‘ums were sll shan sau ro Pte nocey socio fed, bat ase 33 ‘Soe ncn: re Fntory dt conducting © on even Into taraneor and subseqenty fling © bo “yates Scout secs aro oureen chap see en the mont sompreerive say at {and pot or que rg nl). Mh fhe ‘ook comet Areran prisoners doe best Zetotg at barinor al the ur ape these hl chapers, Gye of hasty, ag rv ovrampliea, may ofthe Ago mein tens eo i wa in 6 and bor Ite of he peer. rier epartnce, hen becomes mee Flcokstry Cay dot ot reac the imal of puonerr writen scouts, wich Se arbi cot ad soneines rte tts. Along wt erin and personal cor rerpondence, Gayot arf empoyspicon Teco to bine the embefised pesoal tae thew. The rea sd teeta 2 he ‘pene ein ded ue Tear how the psonersatemped to rap te ‘S5 gubig ahd sparte Wesabeans he Pcl and metal angus = all made worse BY the insta and corr ta characte the Brand Ameren fs response for ‘ted ay te weit that produced hem Were a rough and (Sparte beh Mest were tsuneo, (the Und Stas. They were erly Poor and literate, although some came om Ilan backgrounds ad sever managed heey ‘ries or rte ter secounts ofthat imprison HATED CAGE mts malt Soa Sc rarlonaty was a fzy, conte cone daring {hs prod. the US embod ede of lama, ‘Soni, whereas Bn gt the notion ok ‘Soke he lari. Wht aed ata ok ‘iy fred papers an the moby faring Hust men ey resded in pce acon the ‘Mh worl Seea even bad th ws ea ‘evs of pate, Dut se were om US Wa ‘Sip and ters bad bee che ya Nya ‘ped for imprboament ve serdce as het ‘em cau Forages ee mana of te yal Nason ae ch a's percent the Bri res tte Bae of Tran) Sacer anaes of aro, and Gaya gt wo empha lok Sans ning om ar he tae werd were ope {uropean sl US Nts, and they scat or Tough a darter of the Aran ee Dario, Sieeticerate Amesctnah wreeted (te ofc were abst eral wa), sme Iortne ane aggro he earn pets tearing The Hat Cage anges ieaisn Aeconmodlon was seated at lat forty tte Cokes of wee peooers, and sone eters commits, whch malate Errand represafd he iif aspen wide pen aur, exude, lack Iates wee aon the to be ed a the ‘dics were a worse Moree on eke {hey faced the whine of tsp eaptans wh ‘Prnctiner ange corte nd ede Aer Stine sates, where an ul numberof Tomer sors mee romp ene ‘hse among the HEL pooner was card ‘rts wo came oe ary as ing lek a ‘quater ines, Hing ick possessed an cal ines ay dan coma te men ‘Shu hs eof ec te "Phebok ell ress King cond ete emp te were fi ne the sy 2 coral igure sometines fel tamed the acount ‘ihn ths ps ae ‘limately the Hot and massacre ae Iagey secs tthe tor: The they mete se =a teeter a a a Drooc wis ether theft ort cite rch ‘nia wuld eect a ral tek uated few eg dace eee lo fhe suas antes and eet al) mae Throws poner bg Casas metro ‘tution and iid ling ofthese condos Iie The Hed ag competing sory uma The less deceived Kingsley Amis at 100 ZACHARY LEADER Seater erties ete coved Engng ne ~ pope er ‘about his own hypocrisy as about that of the cca tere ‘Merrie England in a drunken speech delivered 10 ‘We, who ha chosen he tpi the a kaon acm ae oy shaban no st cee arene ete aided SS ese sul ons ami At Oxf Anis was consis, er shee hi ose a Ores est ‘hn tose eenemir ae respons once nt ‘lal nthe ocd afer he hr ase eet Anger of tang eos, whether o tet ‘ri, conte erin ft oe ‘Shen in by programmes or eatemer ncn ‘rary one, des np ns see, ‘cite gol ity fin i ea ad sa IMlch fas to aspect: vay and Mypoctis” ‘nee pe nig cme $0960), the ber, Fach Sandsh, cpa Pip a ad erp ea Uses Hels ao, be reas he sa of pero “capable uf ne appt. ee what ‘hig for sane ose noma toe aon Hane here dat wat ei ow ly Ai nee ti hat" god sure fra ania nlutary sure wa tae a aspect fs ‘om daar he wast party peo push ‘thr happen When, nr 60, his seta we, ‘ieee ne Hw ay {0 work on Sky andthe Woon 98), 4 noe ‘hry co wh esha Hoa a) fi oeg been pcos of ‘ese Be thot of as “Ae. How (hse we see be nit fea Met induc mall hearers te dows et ret shoe tt aes ae a Airs els tout women and mote casa ewe = ho of Ske aod ie end a woul’ ie eho har Stan's hos ‘Sothern worden te sujet ut thay ‘ray thugs u oa ptm enw ore {rms eer net nine vad tan ike wer, y which he me SS Mn fri a oe Aejand he Women, Ai ecoves som fs ‘ares heroine, tat ssa nether innocent aoe ‘Stherwordh woman wn es 1 cones ‘Se sltar,aHopls roman tht se was not er eb am cil end hs a now ie 1 The coring hes pe on aby te Sea, hh caso her nd the ahr of mga Ai, 088, ef wh we “ligand yi fa “hel Deis Ais st ove Lyin ‘eon that roped fam stardom, Boh ae Tihed nov almost a have ther res no trem fag ar dor seen bok of pocty ‘Gaduding ype), even wors af anton ‘eal ppc, seentoen sed vohmes Talo pas ote tan 1.300 pees of eceasoal 66 {© artnctons ewer hgh ctr anc om, 1 Soncomant atton to pole ferme Net himset co Se a tal tps the nove of eas the morale, koa pero nocin toes bankrested in queson fh a ad ‘ccna wig aout ter ad beg ter ‘ng ae ha “gh mone King Ami hooks slay tobe tain td's une, ast alls ‘ind recommen fe ater noe ae Lk man Te Ld oN oo ak Ge ke Tow. Bnd Up (97, The Aeration (97, Sou ‘ont feat pera eng fr all te hh est of Stan's ews Zachary tates oaks ingly Amis 2000, ‘ou The eof The pursuit of gender justice Two contrasting views of modern masculinity ANNA KATHARINA SCHAFFNER IVAN JABLONKA Mirani er tt They ac mee we the cs Cote is seo se ete shred ng he soars ead there. loa, 2 French ao, man who asm sgr he Site joa mars anipese o {Tvorba contemporary aera ecsm.ton ‘xplresthe pu to ake aeoe ofthe prea vata on ef cy ‘igh omer by conte oo ace stiosery"fatenaom he eo he pea Steer wer te i al oo stjpoet a ny ne boas up or Silos man 0 ft sao oes And ‘cogs women om gender te. Co ‘mementos comer ea eee ying "ole ead job Star Ml the Magus de Co ‘ct chars Fore a Will Godwin: ethe oaks ares onthe mary dees the mucin ask cey once Ye crcl ‘opts ana ones hs iso or ne Sonat onic cents at cre ee the sche hero, patch and svat mel ost mort hah ora est ear docs she eleven "ie eb thng called seein cat dy and eononsc Me™ And hs “bing exh athers wor extencr “The ace tong gender nes a danger pola ‘The aim of What Do Men Want? is to reflect on how men and live better together ser Pa ey et ‘ction lays nour ineruions Se rent harder to allo Mh of he Dok taken uta ering of resent Tae work In ‘Xie lr sien ‘ur sae iering ase hel ole te frequen he loa swimming po There ch foe stare thr nove, eer fe sme Sou ae hme ah sou And se do Coach being oe of them, bu ied are Irequalttes, which can be empirically measure, ‘prin a the pte ary he lg per ‘nal respentlty an ony fet ose With fess onl finds none me a cy rie eo, which ‘Scrat -inere denen sang bad Iwan by coat, ae an othe ence ‘ey ume fad ve bare rest com ‘Sicha Person, dou tem we ‘Alot hs comes srs bang and rats ie Se oid 9 wy ii teyr ower fro to remind dt ll fer den ete sil mac to be ec ‘Shenley apumer for pede sce both There’s something about Mary How the cult of the Virgin has evolved through history Many in THE QURAN Friend of God, vigin mother (MARY, FOUNDER OF CHRISTIANITY ‘CHRIS MAUNDER 200: newer £1898 Avery shot avoducton {HE VIRGIN MARY IN BYZANTIUM, ‘6400-1000 Hymns, homies and hagooranhy Marys opearances and massages fom VINCENT EASZEWSKI "Beep. Sophia $3490, ‘ngs C00, mages donmentary Hannah" Mary embraced fer mission. Cris Mghtmte Coy” by ‘These ey mate sewed on Ht fe ‘Stoo ie in he Donas vein afer the Maude Mary, Pur f Cris sed tote, 1904-06” gp had never deel ped pers asian incurs of 20, te camera moves us oad tees, preset the Vin a ered toe wonder wheter Say aang ote the wanes of bombed eit ret to te fur payee ay Ca oad Tay sis a ning of ge ‘eo Caan ate eral ari, eat aed nga ts eh, ‘a ng hats ee he ea Teetdamemiiian leseepecedistenonclie of lake eghes erence wie un, Ele fn hese sores it ld by Neng rou of ‘in ay hare Kom mel Deas. Tah woe hate tapes Toeer ‘Grstafowers ore tan asad yeas eas ic Maciatinabe war har cena rungs of eynune he Ragu is remata cece, Mi fbn Profesor "These cary wanes stout May ted evn fo he ign Mar. One vou age fplmike ns stuufe atone, pases the Lad Meal and Earp scene the Anca he Dh ess, ‘feVgmorton, ose ral warcretedsrand fri ht rab tsppn: binge prod ldo sory at” ware wel now mh oun ere the ist 150d ed the Patrol Gonseninopleto and devatg ie ec jase hadcosen ay, Quen Mery Unesly oat. Chapter vo a Ary inthe ire {hee offs vo ruled wmcot x's ne, ards yung wom, Hee wate bal: London ‘dena cre rating othe 00 se I'slatthe type Hodge ae wo shows fete led and Mary asa cee As be ‘ta were the vhs he sn he Pht roms oc frat, Nam ah sed im wie showing fi to sie with fer efor” Uae) Te snespeied th are ‘Whe was ryan vento Rf th line ng Dae of ah wiped God ae Meh {pcm of mother and wae at ce dcp” Ar ors ging mes spent ht ‘Bente Coan kenny igen ete Cae al the deo ny. Me ‘ninth Ondo raion been dense qusons arose abt tepals, The fersimot 3 male by fea Samal seine goad ae af 2 Coan come reer il fer as an etrone eipes, The new pect ananay rqud a naruve about hi oes fm Ga vee, mela ea hy, he mn nears ben centre In devcopmer The tage fue, May fan Win Las ed ‘igi ary was brn inthe extern Meera; The rgb Mars ry sh sao ect Shae eae te va he tings te Cr et whe ests i nd Je aoa Mary the Grow Pend ofthat "op or he st ne the iy Gad vin moray oeuseson ane Crsin Ihe ped Mater eeateacaheenrie eatncndaetuceae eget: | * Seatac * tages SESVSRAGSiM Sumas Geapscarhe tutte bret | | SAS sytem * Soarunceregnc snopes and in early Christian writings, paricusrly Joacim; her Natty, with Anne suport by mid | > Atthersea Ceti le aking Spas, Frencn»Poragese a= {young Je’ who found pace wit God. She was Tenple. Mary was purer chan an buran: daughter | Sey meio UR proviso + Tnone 08% 201; 2022604 eee Sie eerie aes | Ree * Se ESL So PAT ee es ‘hil, she wo ad known no man? Tit vas fo} owe te Temple vel Her pay as preserved nwt racer ethene pln. by Bera an dower, nel sd ar COGITO PUBLISHING PRUNE NAU EDS Cian. ere OCR cy PIs Drea ol che al de mubiston a es of User. Ou of ts word emerge he deo ‘he tenkr ad ering mater Ge wo Si ‘verte fo lear sn ean pra cr Sou yond neo wer pe Sot om he Cardigan Pro, Europea oes lvLatn became re ponent nee and ‘er the meting and manner fags ns sence o nage, and 0 faled the spread {eros Europe old ad exes Dew isa Sple"The deesuning state of Nay ws 3 Bae ean inn tat apeed tod 100. and ry pan ac ad oe by as Imelda stores that showed My acre Sd women, hand pen, oun ad “shi deepen the deci of purztry nthe teh cu, Mary eames Eero he deo Aste conor {heologan Bonaventure put ie "No one emery Fewen xc trough he or the poesia ‘om ry ase prey the sna and ad fo achieve fo sts, ae a2 wee pope ‘eine aon gh Thebes was human a ied minute cooserson of Bet thes of te teal Contin, wh ‘feud tes pray vena her i an pron ttre made tem a ua a pose Bay Bota oe ly Pay May ening ber Samant vig al iy athe ono he ‘so aah sn thst power can forthe bie medion eae men" the el “he bes conse so far us yon the ed betes the Reena, Aer be Serge ray he ei sh wae a the vgn berame bal awe She spend wa enavts and mists he Are, td inte fee ea contains oe cen Separated eon from ce le, erhuae for ‘hy animated amerate Caoic constr: ‘he We Maran Aprons ssl Ws fen Laces Ly cums ih pte fo eputon se ih be ce Tien yongatits fom pe oma populations Wn Leith nally obyeres that ys snares ate aly ben ar ere Imposed, bese, eee Had een ete deen se ced er aed por ermdene Sous 1858 rcched iso of {he vngn ns ro near her vig the ee fhe Pence eee he port il ‘bran plrinage ste of tars. 19197, hen toe ped enti tral oie ty ‘le tig the as sb sn fa Trin feral wa bor ne en sc wh silt ae conmngans ao Sachs Win a ‘demonstrate tht the conan embed the fare of Mary eve scemingy nln ter Pets She wa the ques fe sled [Balan her, or meet ery a "Thee chai as alo ete 2 sin of pens table the gre fH Toh the Sign mother of Go, dnc gous aes Ted sites were deed ot ly see Ge tins, bt betwen Cans an Re, sts ibe me ic chy me ate’ ets ‘ep repos meno sea the fh cent 4 tber of Jew ‘Sayre Hal cand a pay of eu {Dia Ysa, hich sented ewer a6 rea fe pega by dest. Many Press ‘id Marys perpetual ei ad her power Incede hugh mat scored her respect sn Spa clad fer Mined none memes? ‘ys ad th people ested Mary or Jerry White vis “Thrilling and evocative’ a ‘ners of ens pi he Ones the crema. and conus In the {een span the Coton the meer), ‘Sha ht they bein the Grech sl" Cae {de Gree anne were meat oe ‘even wit ary tender snd toa he te Vien fe ‘Wonderfully engaging’ Sinclair MeKay, Spectator SHADOW OF Vol CATHED® a NN Yale University Press Al RELI. S Out now in hardback Glory, turmoil and freedom? ‘New perspectives on the art created in the aftermath of war New atin Btn 1945-1965 Josrwan Moneny opens wth an wot eae pototah of tee Mile ine © ish iersta On arvng nM she snd Ie tow war poopie Dl Schering ad ‘tages lt na oe where he 4th Do ada up aconmand pon Apparent howe lide and ot loked ver ear onl sll ‘res sah the sver sey erie wh {Sasi ad the og AM ned at Er a ee ea nounced, Asc sight sera pee of sce “Sapa though uh mane eo ee ied tt ewes ag ist prominent on the sage teat, that denote agen these se had wines, tan were rong iso entre Dacha ca Sn ea ogue magne be oe as of fll war corespondent were accompamed by {B11 mplore yout Bebe t's ae often Sar met Scicesa oe seer mlomeechtadecan te irish re ere Soe pcg oat onan cary rence meres Specimens Shectenatceammeat Shara staan “Topography of Naneness™. The pctre speaks of weiter ae pene nites cre eos iar dice ere ey pate case reset EE ameter eee Sache ees Eiecanegtocineh ak micas oancnencgtly Sigh Seeremaceare tt rms Spalding i an ‘eras Flow Ce a Cadre. bot the Real ind between wo mri wary found “or” aswel as turmoland een” in posta Lon, a mae Dombaites the bet ‘rar worsens er ews mite tre of et ty iam bul ade tg nthe pats Ber Hay Shy kr se ger Mayne to show how Me conied amid ‘creme urban drcton In aidon there ft ew gece this pst abe the detaon to weave mcontuoos made y Newton Sou ad suey Wan Andi hep ‘th he remaking nee in women ‘tao mtn ‘Gough nore ped to the mag “Tome wa for pew mater was decided 0 cholo, Barbara Hepworth andy surprisingly, John Men, who was eneraton younger tha ‘os to bam protection and powe, woul hae recited purposely thls ow ad tons tetan roms might have played ine the “anaes imerest "te choppy of te ‘See nl oan Eee’ sng hl ven plying In sao sa. ion ferook, boner, ste cones saat ropids rans aeons Tee Sti Jor prs athe Bs of Cran, St extend Loon pe, the dee sateen ‘the posta pero, thks emp othe this sow, Jane also, nd her team canna nore ings have been chosen fom Bacon's Man it Bl ‘ring a3 hr an egy lace fom, Perbe sf ngs, fee pai mre ‘Neat ng wo en Dav Hoke th 0 ‘tthe contours tothe catalog, cl the lhe aa he a sci dnt aed th et Inet cen which epsed are we Som Ses porate of Retr ates ur ‘hers the ely Bay and ean (oat marag seed by Cooke ed fice oe slp so ug he nahity ‘i somvenions inthe postwar rt of he i Making the music speak Insights into the musical - and sentimental - education ofa ‘slow starter PAUL GRIFFITHS EVERY 0000 BOY DOES FINE ‘love story In music lessons ports hinslfans ow starter Te heal [rarely ext but he ces ot to ave et ie cers ars yn ie war tos dret second subject elt us know be then of the uebe a 2G P--F gong Up, [Nc crery gon boy does eof curses Dut Sony. bo, every god boy sna ie cts the ee home" one wh offered hm crac aie soe Instance wil be new to many, aug was ‘slot ty ear eae ‘Gavi war enon cea ilaeqoe imagery Insc eegnce, Neb eanome ate tease ete sng 2 ae ee al Oy Pon immer, sre teagan ug Secon nthe Ts Toorro exon of 6, {tinea shndoaceptheeahges lat sting impact made on Bihar ty Ameren ttc shrug exhibits of American art ter sll mare surprising, gen the song sac ‘tate ven to Jobo Berger, pantr ss well, “hae fn Per ws snd when ek ngs ens fullscolrship aod chose nea the Brahs (No.2) easie, ween fot Pets there, and played rectal hat ended with the ssa that dk love at fest hearing ce ‘The Barbican .. makes an inspiring setting that shows how destruction can be turned to creative use Pau ris he and Te Tom ‘hough never unlneesting ow, at mes place In Newest, under the agi of King’s Co Farha Unnersy. Tie tmelne draw enon ‘gan Fmp morn Nba hy om {he ipaet made nf that yea ye pe formance enamine ety Gest athe Burien plunge the to lao bow Sn ect by te Js nbs, heared in nga mot press yt ied wt hope ‘to's deoonaton cold aciee: Bo hs ‘Sey te iy eng rows Neary Sout port ote rected ‘Ghrsalo glnmering inthe dat and fering iat slough Postwar Modern could have Icing imprint inthe pie mind. = De a Humintes not oi his arate but $i “acted pp Ne pens ‘the he mand an eper cor racic, Young planes who read tis bok vil Nf hk wo Sebi A Denk presets hin and st 187 Dutch teevonrevordng 3 manter Ite aoe charming abl ero 0 ei oer ees eh ben Ei ony but We “Shoat pice. "Don't play agaist gravy” Seb ‘Senate, andes eld of Deas rah hand {ie ay chap have tice much of he pod boys nave se congralaton secur posed enralle, erated, despondent the The comedy ofthe moment ann dings me Getting history wrong Julian Barnes's manifesto for better understanding DINAH BIRCH is encommnoursine novet denies Is enced wi he ambigaty owes than wh Si Wp ketance Is qulfed by the wryness we would pect tom flan fares Nc the nae ‘hing at sn, ed ithe story of Ns i his onl story ers toni experece of year ng couse fo aie teak and sending legacy. vou Fea of fy sy Wb the sry of Habe Finch, the Nel fovedEbzabeth Finch C1 adored her though he wae nese er love ny omen Solder austere linc. A independent fhblemac ther fe and hoa ioral ight, or any pee mel fhe ond Bl As understands te pasta erect Ions fr er sens, stig mulpties ae ‘onoctres scat, sotto) ae al ‘ent imi haan pos er pio a urges mente: Runa tough Res count fh ong relations wih Es the mater ‘regs ee aod on ber apie leg {0 th legals of the monohestic fh ‘the ambiguities of textual record and legend, becomes prominent ithe marae” fl Se Apostate, the phitsopbical Roman emperor (81) whoa ew eo entered fo ropice Gaataniy wih te pci os pay thes Heenan otte heros back ‘samp mere wt the neo Nel rd hi ‘elt ths history wrong We get every ‘in’, ht a hep Bras becomes elmo he novel pein is dey wrong part hcg ego eng ary wong a ing lah ‘Sete Chelan He astra hough ond ‘ep citar: ae aho exravagny deve {oe pace una acto, the Tang of hmenstng th conse arses, Ou soi ‘mery of as as Hee cam peed Uhaelmaeted dough the cerics eB ihe {man wang sere a sae parted by lee ‘olor spats Oh he eb are De trang no, he was nd ven on ck, be hi a Nel comes se, what happen a {hottie nagar, We cnnactoow won, esegh ei ra, Ud ‘sno can be al derstand wy she as uch ‘hae sent remeber er iret Get mttealy vated and conn ae of i Site ara mune an sone Se etl be abe opt ay with ath oa "hisotey Ese, wat mgd own Pesce hs isianin sw No ine Pon sou is lle ai bet Pgh recogably armen cero The oy tro ‘to memories, places, ides), i snot mich con oe ‘The difficulty of understanding something does not absolve us from the responsibility of making the attempt roi Chnet or Cita Earner ed Prof a lt are ot fe Ory of Ther tore than wines Nel aes does Bates, ‘The ety. deat ian the Aponte ad te Tekin econ, pater thatch hese ‘of alan! 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