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P21MBM1105 - Business Research Methods

Research Proposal

Roll No. 21MBA172 Name: Varunkarthik M

• Research Title:




• Problem identified:

In the present world, nothing is unpredictable including life’s unexpected

things. Through insurance we can skip the risk and manage the risk. Insurance has

become a better part of everyone’s life. Because of high competitive every insurance

industry need to improve its performance. Then only it can retain its customer. This

study helps to analyze the customer’s perception about general insurance

companies. This study will help the companies to understand, how a public selects,

organizes and interprets the quality of service and products offered by general

insurance companies.

The study also helps us and the companies to understand wheather the young

adults are aware of the prevailing insurance sectors and schemes .

• Research Gap:

The lack of awareness towards the general insurance among the younger

peoples between the age group of 20-25. This study is carried out to understand the

preference of the younger public towards general insurance. To identify the younger

public behavior and assess the awareness level of insurance product. Insurance

markets in India are showing clear signs of expansion, requiring insurers to be

innovative in their approach towards achievement of sustainable growth. The report

explores underlying trends in customer awareness levels and their implications on


The intention of this report is to inform various insurers regarding the range

and complexity of insurance awareness issues. The report will equip insurance

companies with a ready reference to the fundamental aspects of business. The aim of

this report is to reach those with limited knowledge of insurance and to provide a

comprehensive picture of the awareness scenario across the country.

• Research Objectives:

• To analyze the awareness of the respondent towards general insurance.

• To identify the satisfaction of the respondent towards general insurance.

• To identify the problems faced by the respondent towards the general insurance.

• Research Design

Sampling Method :

Convenience Random sampling method is used for collecting data from

the respondents of different ages, analysis and interpretation are done with the
consolidated data.

Respondents :

The respondents are of young people ranging from 20- 25 years of age

and are both male and female.

Sampling Frame:

The respondents are going to be the young people both male and female

genders within the KCT BS campus.

Sample Size :

The sample size is of 100 respondents both male and female.

Type of Research:

Qualitative research

• Data Collection Method

Both primary and secondary data were used for the analysis of the study.

The datas were collected by the way of issual of online survey forms.

• References

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