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3.0 Introduction
This chapter covers the research design, population-target and sample data collection method,

research instrument, reliability, validity, data analysis and data source and limitation as whole


3.1 Research design

This study was used survey design, qualitative, primary and secondary data, survey design is

present oriented methodology used to investigate population by selecting samples to analysis and

discover occurrence the data collected by the questionnaire. This design is selected for this study

because it is effective, less cost and easily accessible for collecting information from the target

.population. This design is use to effectiveness information technology in bank’s service


3.2 Research population

The target population of this study was the employees of the bank in Mogadishu. Namely

premier bank the researcher was selected 50 target population including Managers, Employees,

and customers. This selection is based on the availability of the employee and their experience of

the field.
3.3 Sample size
The number of population is 50 and researchers was determined exactly number of sample size.

Therefore, the sample size of this study was 33 where the researcher was used the Slovene’s

formula of to determine the minimum sample size.

n= N / (1 + (N*e^2)) where:

n= N 𝑁2


n= stands for sample size N=

stands for target population e=

stands for errors = 10%

n= 50/1+50(0.1)2 = 33


Table 3.3.1 Target population

Respondents Target population Sample

Managers 7 4

Employees 12 7

Customers 31 22

Total 50 33

3.4 Sampling procedure

it saves time and money This study was employed purposive sampling technique to select

sample. Purposive sample technique the researcher consciously decided who to include in the
sample. The main reason used is to collect reliable information. It preferred for this study


3.5 Research instrument

Questionnaire was suitable instrument to obtain information needed can easily described in

writing. Since the sample, size is fairly large and there is limited time, questionnaire was

considered ideal for collecting such data, because it is suitable for collecting a lot of information

over short period.

3.6 Research quality

3.6.1 Reliability

Testing of the reliability of the scale is very important as it shows the extent to which a scale

produces consistent results if measurements are made repeatedly. This is done by determining

the association in between scores obtained from different administrations of the scale. If the

association is high, the scale yields consistent results, thus it is reliable.

Cronbach’s alpha is used to determine the internal reliability of the questionnaire used in this

study. Values range between 0 and 1.0; while 1.0 indicates perfect reliability, the value 0.70 is

deemed to be the lower level of acceptability (Hair, Black, Barry, Anderson, & Tatham, 2006)

3.6.2 Validity
Validity refers to the extent to which data collection method accurately measures what it was

intend to measure or to the extent to which research findings are about what They are claimed to

be about (Oso & onen, 2008).

Validity of the data collection instruments was done whit the help of an expert (the research

supervisor) to edit the questionnaire and the interview guide. The researcher forwarded the
structured questionnaire to supervisor who is an expert in the area covered by the research for

editing and reviewing. The validity is generally gained from the type of instrument being used.

3.7 Data gathering procedures

In the data, gathering the researchers was requested from the student affairs and registration

office a letter revealing that the researchers are conducting an academic research. Then, the

researchers was gather data through questionnaire, during data collecting data the researchers

was helped respondents for filling the questionnaire and was requested to answer all questions

(he/she should not leave any item unanswered). After that the researchers was retrieved

questionnaires within one week from the date of distribution and all questionnaires retrieved was

be checked if completely filled out .The questionnaires focused bank performance and its

implication for customer satisfaction.

3.8 Data analysis

This part was addresses, processing and analysis. The researcher used to collect data descriptive

statistics to analyze the primary data. Descriptive statistics refers to the use for measuring of

central tendencies such as means, medians and modes and measurement of dispersion such as

range, quartile, deviations, standard deviation and variance to describe a group of subjects. The

data was collected from the study area, edited, collected and tabulated data was used manually to

enter in a statistical package for Social Science technique (SPSS 20.0) spreadsheet then tabulate

using the programmer and analyses. Statistical package for social Science technique (SPSS) is

computer application that provides statistical analysis of a data. It allows in-depth data access

and preparation, analytical, reporting graphics and model.

In the questionnaire each select one to five scale for where, 1= strongly agree, 2= agree; 3=
Neutral, 4= disagree, 5= strongly disagree.

The following table presents the description of response of the data collect and its interpretation.

Table 3.3.2: Data quality interpretation

Numbers Descriptions Interpretation

1 Strongly agree Excellent

2 Agree Good

3 Neutral Average

4 Disagree Poor

5 Strongly disagree Very poor

4.9 Limitation of the study

There are few limitations in this study. The biggest limitation in this study is that the researcher

was only able to get a sample data of 9 financial years can be obtained. This is because

convenience banking was set in 2011, however, most of the convenience banks in Somalia only

set up in recent years, and they only have financial statement for up to 9 years. And all of them

are public their financial statement The major limitation of this study was employee’s

unwillingness to provide relevant information for fear of it being leaked to the company’s

competitors; the questionnaire was structured by the researchers; there is language barriers which

was declined the understanding of respondents to the questionnaire; to enhance the validity of the

study the researchers translated the questionnaire into Somali language.

Blocked streets, lock off security, and weak of internet, misunderstanding of groups because the

groups are new the university, and far group hoses.

3.10 Ethical considerations
A researcher was be considered ethical issues during research project, and this can be

accomplished by exercising privacy, confidentiality and anonymity. All information gotten from

the respondents was treated with confidentiality without disclosure of the respondents’ identity.

Moreover, no information will be modified or changed, hence information gotten was be

presented as collect and also use for academic purpose.

The study was utilized a survey research design, survey was used questionnaire, the

questionnaire was used this study Self-administered questionnaire, descriptive study was be used,

the quantitative data analysis was be used in this study and was be used analyses Statistical

Package for Social Sciences, (SPSS Version 20.0).

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