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During the past two decades, at least, the greatest increase

in rifle accuracy has been through bullet improvement - made possible

by jewel-like swaging dies held to unbelieveably close tolerances.
Here's how they are made .... By JIM GILMORE

"t'jELL ME IN 25 WORDS or less could. He has spent seven years that of about 35 new 40XB Remington
J how you build a set of perfecting machining techniques used in rifles) and a precision British tracer
bullet-making dies." It was no time to producing super-precision bullet-making lathe (which is no longer produced
be talking about custom dies, or dies; and to his growing group of fans, because the manufacturer found his
anything else for that matter. We were he is "the man" among the handful of company was losing money in selling
sitting at the firing line at a big bench specialists producing custom bullet dies the units for $5,000 a copy); a Brown &
rest match, waiting for the range on a commercial basis for competition Sharpe universal tool and cutter grinder;
officer's imminent "commence fire." bench shooters and varmint hunters a Sunnen hone; a super-accurate
The shooter to whom I directed my who are satisfied with nothing less than air-gauging system; a small but stable
comment - one of the leading custom the best. heat-treating furnace; a drill press; and
die manufacturers in the country - scads of conventional measuring tools
knew I was putting him on, but a master Like many other "name" (dial indicators, comparator
of dry humor, he countered with a rna n ufacturers of precision shooting micrometers, etc.).
comeback that left me wishing I'd never equipment, Rorschach started his
business as a hobby, working in a Why so much equipment? Just one
broached the question.
modestly equipped home shop with reason tolerances. Even a
little technical knowledge. But that was non-benchrester is well aware that
"Nothing to it," he quipped, without
seven years ago. He's still working in the bullets won't shoot winning groups
a trace of a smile. "You just start with
garage of his home, and as a sideline - unless the tolerances are acceptable, and
one piece of steel for each die and
he's city attorney at Irving, Texas - but the tolerances Rors~hach considers
remove the metal you don't need."
today he's producing dies of acceptable are, indeed, quite acceptable.
When you stop to think about it, he's
unsurpassed quality in a machine shop As a matter of fact, they're almost
right. But the intricacies of "removing
packed - literally - with some of the unbelievable.
the metal you don't need" involve
finest precision machinery modern Three dies are required for producing
considerably more detail than his
technology can produce. custom bullets, and all three are actually
comment implied.
"inserts," screwed into a larger die body
Don J. Rorschach wasn't the man I His equipment inventory includes: which supports both the die and its
questioned that day on the range, but if two lathes - a brand-new Hardinge ejector assembly. The die body has an
anyone could answer that question, he toolroom model (with a value equal to external 7/8-14 thread. It's screwed into

Most difficult part in bullet·making dies to machine is the swagedie, to within about .003-inch of final size. The die is brought to finish
which shapesthe ogive of the bullet. In the right photo the cavity is size by a series of 42 three-inch steel laps, such as Rorschach is
being rough cut with a hollow-ground split reamer, which cuts the die shown checking as it is made on the hydraulic tracer. lathe (left.}

26 The RIFLE Magazine

the die "station" of a conventional
bench-mounted reloading press.
The first die in the series is the
cor e-forming, or "squirt" die, into
which small cylinders cut from rolls of
lead wire are swaged into uniformly
shaped cores varying no more than
one-tenth of a grain in weight. (Excess
lead is extruded through three .010-inch
"bleed" holes in the die). IN
In the second die - the core-seater -
the previously formed lead core is
pressed firmly into a hollow copper
bullet jacket, and the outside diameter
is expanded to the exact size of the final
bullet diameter, or as much as .0001 of
an inch undersize.
Final die in the series is the swage,
which forms the ogive (pronounce it
owe-jive), or rounded portion of the
bullet, and the hollow point. This die is
the most difficult of the series to
machine accurately, because of the
curving ogive area. Don Rorschach's bullet-making dies are held to tolerances which
could not be measured only a few years ago. From left are the
The die sets are machined from
core-forming, final swaging and core-seating dies, threaded 7/8-14
Timken Graph-Me tool steel, but before for use in standard heavy duty reloading presses.
(Continued on Page 55)

Rorschach, left photo, hones the "bores" of core-forming and core- micron diamond paste. At right. Rorschach uses-ecomparator micro-
seating dies to within 50 millionths of an inch of final size in a series meter to measure the pressure ring on the heel of a finished 'bullet
of operations, then takes the last .00005 With a wood lap and 60,000 made in a new set of dies. Looking on is A. G. (Jerry) Rogers.

July-August 1972 27
Editorial it's all done automatically.
(Continued from Page 6) "I discovered by accident,"
Rorschach explained, "that during the
state conservation department coffers. first 20 minutes or so, my tracer lathe quality
All told, hunters and fishermen con- won't turn out duplicate workpieces.
tributed well over a quarter-billion dol- They vary in size by .0001 of an inch, performer
lars directly to conservation programs which just happens to be exactly right
and agencies in 1971 - a figure that for my purposes." (The variation is
we need to have on the tip of our caused by the unstable temperature of
tongues whenever someone starts mak- the hydraulic fluid, which is warming up
ing nasty remarks about "rapacious during this time). "Finally, however, the
hunters and fishermen." temperature stabilizes and then the
And though it might seem incon- lathe won't give me the .0001 variation
gruous, we hope that the Cleveland anymore - it just makes 'em all the
Amorys and Alice Herringtons of this same, so I have to turn it off and do
world keep on calling for "open season something else for a while," he said.
on hunters" and the forbidding of all
commercial and sport fishing - for Using titanium carbide tooling
though these people anger us, they also exclusively, Rorschach turns the lap
serveto stir our apathetic fellow sports- stock at 4,500 rpm, attaining a surface
men to action. And they make the finish of approximately 8rms, which in
general public aware of just how kooky layman's language might be defined as
they are. "very, very smooth."
, - Neal Knox
The lapping process itself is the most
difficult part of the manufacturing
Custom Bullet Dies sequence. It requires 12 to 18 hours of
(Continued from Page 27) tedious work, and it's the only aspect of
Rorschach's die-making operation that
the actual die-making process begins, he considers proprietary. There's more
Rorschach also has to build his tooling. to the operation, he emphasizes, than
Chucking 6-inch lengths of annealed simply squirting a little lapping
drill rod in his hydraulic tracer lathe, he compound on the lap and rotating it
machines the external dimensions of the inside the die cavity. Developing a
reamers used for cutting the "rough" technique for producing a
die cavity. He then hardens the reamers close-tolerance cavity in which the ogive
to 67 Rockwell (C) and uses the portion is almost perfectly concentric
cylindrical grinder to hollow-grind the with the straight section took him about
cutting edge, leaving a "split" reamer 2¥2years. Winchester--
which cuts the swage die cavity about
.OO3-inchsmaller than the finished size. In conjunction with the steel laps,
Rorschach uses diamond lapping
compound in various grades of
After the outside diameter of the die
is turned and threaded it's hardened to
65R(C) and drawn back to about
"coarseness," finishing
60,000-micron (theoretical sieve size)
with Cartridge
64R(C). The remaining metal inside the diamond paste, which is packaged in a
die cavity is carefully removed by syringe-like tube and appears no more
hand-lapping - an old, time-consuming abrasive than ordinary toothpaste. It
From Winchester-Western's own
process which is used only in metalwork removes an infinitesimal portion of the brass mill. Formulated by our own
hardened steel wall, leaving a concentric
where the highest degree of accuracy is experienced metallurgists. Cartridge
cavity with a glass-smooth surface finish
absolutely essential. cases of custom-blended alloys in
of about Ylrms.The super-hard diamond 41 calibers for rifles, pistols and re-
In fact, the key to the ultra-precision lapping compound removes the volvers. Start-to-finish control brings
Rorschach dies is the series of 42 laps he amorphous surface film which remains you a better-built brass cartridge
that users recognize. A uniquely
uses to finish the swage die. Rorschach after machining and heat-treating and
smooth, durable case every time for
machines the laps from cold-rolled steel, does not create the burnished surface exact chambering, flawless ejection,
turning them on the hydraulic tracer often produced by conventional lapping and maximum reloadability. Perfectly
lathe. (A lap, in this instance, is a 3-inch compounds. Burnished surfaces are tailored and superbly engineered to
steel rod, one end of which is shaped undesirable, Rorschach says, because Winchester-Western's total system
of matched components.
exactly like the finished bullet). Each they wear rapidly under high-pressure
'WINCH£Sl'£Rdfli3!if"",. 275 Winchester
lap in the series is a different size, with loads. (Note: The "burnished" surface
Avenue, New Haven, Conn. 06504
diameters increasing in increments of to which we refer here should not be
one ten-thousandth of an inch from one confused with a roller-burnished
lap to the next. Oddly, varying the lap surface, which is work-hardened,
dimensions by exactly .0001 of an inch smooth, and highly wear-resistant.)
in successive laps is no problem at all -
July-August 1972
To insure that the base of a bullet is 19i21 the W9hj hjQU
want It
absolutely square with its shank Rorschach's punch holder, which is Muzzle Flashes
(straight section) Rorschach makes the incorporated in the modified ram of a (Continued from Page 11)
swage cavity deep enough that the cored reloading press (typically, an RCBS
jacket and a portion of the punch are Rock chucker) insures that the punches is starting to roll." I think we gave it a
well supported in the die before the are centered within the die cavities, little push.
point-forming operation begins. compensating for any misalignment in ***
the press itself. He grinds a precision Try as we might, we can't seem to
Because the core-forming and half-ball base for the punches, enabling
core-seating dies have no ogive, they're keep the gremlins away from the maga-
them to automatically align with the die zines. There was a dandy goof in my
much easier to build than the swage. cavity as they are inserted.
Rorschach drills and reams each die, accuracy/velocity article in the May-
then rough-hones (to remove reamer June issue; the table on page 40 has
Rorschach bullet-making dies are compound errors. First, the Remington
mar ks) the holes with a precision
available only in .224 and .243 caliber, and CCI primer heads are transposed;
internal hone. After hardening and
drawing the dies to 64RC, he again but since they're produced 'on a second, the final block of data for 21.4
"rough-hones" the cavity to within semi-custom basis, the customer may grains of Reloder 7 was also transposed.
.0005 of an inch of the final specify final bullet diameter to the If you will write in these corrections
dimensions. (For .2240 dies, the inside nearest .0001 of an inch. Delivery is the table will make more sense when
diameter of the squirt die is .191 and compared to the comments in the arti-
usually about two months following
the core-seater is .2238 to .2239-inch.) cle.
receipt of the order. Considering the
A finishing stone removes an additional
cost of the equipment with which Tbe article brought a letter, then a
.00045 of an inch of metal, leaving a
precision bullet dies must be made, and phone call, from Ken Oehler (designer
surface finish of 1-1.5rms.A remaining
50 millionths of an inch of metal is the time and skill it takes to make them, of the chronograph system I was using)
their high cost is understandable. who said he thought I'd gone way 'out
polished out using a wood lap and
on a limb with my comment that I
60,000-micron diamond. Rorschach charges about $275 for a set
thought I could get "a good load, possi-
of his dies, yet he's on the low end of
The stubby steel punches which bly the best load:' solely on the basis
the custom die cost scale. And he and of minimum shot-to-shot variation in
force the cores and jacketed cores into
the dies. are lathe-turned and finished to the other better makers usually stay velocity. But I'll stick by what I said,
a concentricity of 20 millionths of an several orders behind. for as I told Ken, I now have more
inch. Punches and ejectors, which push e:vidence.
One thing is obvious - the buyers
the semi-finished and finished bullets aren't ordering their dies with any hope The week after I wrote that article I
ou t 0 f the dies are custom-fitted, of saving money, for even with a set of used the chronograph to develop a load
because in order to function properly, dies paid for, the cost of pure lead wire for Jim Carmichel's new, previously
they must fit properly. (Rorschach and good-quality jackets almost equals unfired 6x47 40X with 21-inch A&M
considers a diameter tolerance of the cost of factory bullets, and it takes a barrel and Brown fiber-glass stock. Be-
plus-or-minus 50 millionths of an inch a lot of time and care to make the perfect cause of a shortage of time, I was able
"proper" fit.) Since conventional bullets that high-quality dies can to get the rifle to the range twice, each
measuring tools are incapable of produce. time for only a little over an hour.
resolving such close tolerances, he uses a Both days the wind was blowing much
system of sophisticated air gauges Although the Texas diemaker's
too hard for reliable accuracy testing.
accurate to within 10 millionths of an tool-steel units can produce about
inch. 50,000 bullets before any wear is
On the first day I tried three pow-
measurable, he's experimenting now
ders with charges that had given good
with die inserts made from high-grade
results in another 6x47 (.222 Magnum
tungsten carbide, which resists wear far
necked up to 6mm) with the same
better than steel. "If I can hold the
60-grain Mcl4illan bullets and Reming-
same tolerances with carbide," he ton 7 1/2 primers. Five rounds of
explained, "you could almost say that
26.8 lMR-4895 gave 2,995 fps average
these dies will last forever." velocity with a 94 fps spread; ten
rounds of 27.3 IMR-4895 gave 3,032
And that's about as long as most of

fps with a 58 fps spread. Nine rounds
us plan to shoot. of 23.5 IMR-4198 gave 3,155 fps and a

• • __
107 fps spread. Nine rounds of 23.5
RL-7 gave 3,187 fps and a 51 fps

it gaveallhigher
of the
test loads
tried the second day were with RL-7.
with _

THROAT SAVER Five rounds with 22.9 grains gave 3,122

average and 86 fps spread; ten rounds
of 23.2 gave 3,168 and 60 fps spread;
ten rounds of 23.5 gave 3,197 and 62
fps spread; ten rounds of 23.8 gave
3,219 average and 101 fps spread, These
56 The RIFLE Magazine

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