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Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific ‫وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي‬

Research ‫جامعة الكرخ للعلوم‬

AL-Karkh University of Sciences ‫كليــة علــوم الطاقة والبيئة‬
College of Energy and Environment Science
Department of Energy science
‫قسم علوم الطاقة‬

Energy Management
First Semester

Lecture ﴾5﴿

Dr. Firas A. Hadi

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific ‫وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي‬
Research ‫جامعة الكرخ للعلوم‬
AL-Karkh University of Sciences ‫كليــة علــوم الطاقة والبيئة‬
College of Energy and Environment Science
Department of Energy science
‫قسم علوم الطاقة‬

1. Heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems

The primary purpose of the heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC)
system in a building is to regulate the air temperature, humidity and air quality by
adding or removing heat energy.

Heat transfer : is thermal energy transit due to a temperature difference. Heat

transfer occurs when heat is flowing from body A at higher temperature to body B
at lower temperature until the bodies A and B are in thermal equilibrium.
Heat transferred is given by the following equation,

Q = Heat transferred
m = Mass
c = Specific Heat
ΔT =Difference in temperature

Heat transfer occur in three different modes:-

1- Conduction, is the physical contact of a cooler object with a hotter object.

Q = Heat transferred , k= Thermal Conductivity, THOT = Hot temperature , TCOLD = Cold

Temperature, t = Time, d = The thickness of the material , A = Area of surface.
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific ‫وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي‬
Research ‫جامعة الكرخ للعلوم‬
AL-Karkh University of Sciences ‫كليــة علــوم الطاقة والبيئة‬
College of Energy and Environment Science
Department of Energy science
‫قسم علوم الطاقة‬

2- Convection, is heat transfer using a hot gas or liquid flowing around a

cooler object.

HC = Heat Transfer Coefficient, THot = Hot temperature , TCold = Cold Temperature, A = Area of

3- Radiation, is heat transfer by radiant heat from a hot object to a cooler

object through space.

σ = Stefan Boltzmann Constant,

Conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer modes, respectively.

Three important factors determine the energy use of an HVAC system:

 the required indoor thermal and air quality;
 the internal heat generation from lighting and equipment; and
 the design and layout of the building.
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific ‫وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي‬
Research ‫جامعة الكرخ للعلوم‬
AL-Karkh University of Sciences ‫كليــة علــوم الطاقة والبيئة‬
College of Energy and Environment Science
Department of Energy science
‫قسم علوم الطاقة‬

2. How HVAC systems managed

1- The first step is to find out what you have to work with: what equipment and
control systems exist. HVAC divides systems into two categories:
(equipment and systems) provide heating and cooling, and (equipment and
systems) provide ventilation.
2- The second step is to determine how the system is operating.
3- It is useful to determine whether the system can or should be restored to its
initial design conditions.

3. Factors for proper handling of heating/cooling equipment

a) Cleanliness of heat transfer surfaces
Unimpeded heat transfer, requires clean heat-transfer surfaces because;
- scale or sludge reduces the efficiency of heat transfer.
- scale or sludge increase steam pressure in heating system.
- scale or sludge increase in the flow rate of cooling water in cooling system.
- thin layers of scale serve as an effective insulator and retard heat transfer
result in overheating of boiler tube metal.

b) Insulating heating and cooling equipment

Bare insulated steam pipes and improperly process equipment are a constant
source of wasted energy because they radiate heat to the surroundings
instead of transporting it. Uninsulated cooling equipment increases cooling
load because the cooling system must remove heat gained from the
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific ‫وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي‬
Research ‫جامعة الكرخ للعلوم‬
AL-Karkh University of Sciences ‫كليــة علــوم الطاقة والبيئة‬
College of Energy and Environment Science
Department of Energy science
‫قسم علوم الطاقة‬

c) Reduce humidification requirements

- Examine current humidification levels for human comfort and production

4. Energy management opportunities

4.1. Cost-reduction measures
One of the major sources of waste is heating or cooling excess amounts of outdoor
air. Reducing heat gain in air-conditioned spaces will reduce the energy used for
cooling. Heat gain can be reduced by the following measures:
 Improve building insulation.
 Shield the building with shade trees.
 Reduce lighting where possible.
 Consider increased use of daylighting.
 Add insulation to hot surfaces.
 Block unneeded windows.

4.2. Other low-cost EMOs

 Install self-regulating controls for the lighting and ventilation systems.
 Install time clocks to shut down the air system when the space served is
 Install load analysers in the controls of multi-zone and dual duct systems to
optimize hot and cold deck temperatures.
 Add automatic control valves at unit heaters and fan-coil heaters to shut off
the flow of water or steam when fans are not running.
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific ‫وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي‬
Research ‫جامعة الكرخ للعلوم‬
AL-Karkh University of Sciences ‫كليــة علــوم الطاقة والبيئة‬
College of Energy and Environment Science
Department of Energy science
‫قسم علوم الطاقة‬

4.3. Other retrofit EMOs

 Exchanging of manual steam valves for heating with steam control valves
integrated with temperature control circuit.
 Installation of flow control of hot water circulating system.
 Insulation of steam piping and valves etc.

5. Cooling systems
Chillers and refrigerating machines basically absorb heat (low temperature) and,
after a specific process, reject heat (high temperature). Typically they are used in
industries but also in households and building applications. Sectors with a huge
cooling demand are the food industry, the chemical industry as well as the glass
and plastic industry.

5.1. Refrigeration
Before we proceed, here are some terms that you should know.
1. Refrigerant: is a compound typically found in either a fluid or gaseous state.
It readily absorbs heat from the environment.
2. Compressor: The compressor is the pump that enables the flow of the
refrigerant. The compressor works by increasing the pressure and temperature
of the vaporized refrigerant.
3. Condenser: The condenser is a set of coiled tubes. In the domestic
refrigerator, you will find your compressor at the back of the appliance. The
condenser cools the vaporized refrigerant turning it back to liquid.
4. Evaporator: The evaporator is the cooling component of the refrigeration
system. It absorbs heat from the contents within the cooling appliance.
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific ‫وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي‬
Research ‫جامعة الكرخ للعلوم‬
AL-Karkh University of Sciences ‫كليــة علــوم الطاقة والبيئة‬
College of Energy and Environment Science
Department of Energy science
‫قسم علوم الطاقة‬

5. Expansion Valve: This device controls the flow of the liquid refrigerant.

Simple Refrigeration System

refrigerants have impacts on the environment in terms of ozone depletion and

global warming. Thus many countries regulate the usage of some refrigerants (e.g.
R 22). A list of the most common refrigerants can be found below:

Energy saving potential

№ Refrigerant Ozon depletion potential (ODP) Global warming potential (GWP)
1 R 22 0.05 1,700
2 R 134a 0 1,300
3 R 404a 0 3,800
4 R 407c 0 1,525
5 R 717 0 0
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific ‫وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي‬
Research ‫جامعة الكرخ للعلوم‬
AL-Karkh University of Sciences ‫كليــة علــوم الطاقة والبيئة‬
College of Energy and Environment Science
Department of Energy science
‫قسم علوم الطاقة‬

5.2. Chillers
A chiller is a machine that removes heat from a liquid via a vapor-compression or
absorption refrigeration cycle. This liquid can then be circulated through a heat
exchanger to cool air or equipment as required.
Chiller operation is based upon the refrigerating cycle and understanding this cycle
is necessary. In the refrigerating cycle, heat from air passing over the cooling coils
raises the water temperature which is circulated through the evaporator. The heat
of such passes through the chiller coils, raises the temperature of the liquid
refrigerant to it's boiling point and evaporates it into a gas

6. Energy management opportunities for cooling systems

Many EMOs for cooling systems can be easily implemented and do not require
major equipment retrofits

1. Check Thermostat Calibration

If a thermostat is out of calibration, amounts of energy get wasted, and maintaining
comfort becomes difficult. Check each controlled device. Verify that devices are
installed and connected according to the approved shop drawings.

2. Inspect Cooling Distribution System

Utility companies estimate that up to 30 percent of conditioned air is lost through
leaky ducts. Inspect the cooling system’s ductwork, and repair leaks and remove
blockages as soon as possible. Check the insulation around ducts and, if necessary,
install new insulation.
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific ‫وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي‬
Research ‫جامعة الكرخ للعلوم‬
AL-Karkh University of Sciences ‫كليــة علــوم الطاقة والبيئة‬
College of Energy and Environment Science
Department of Energy science
‫قسم علوم الطاقة‬

3. Clean to Maintain Minimum Condensing Temperature

Heat transfer capacities are reduced when scale or dust fouls the heat transfer
surfaces on evaporators and condensers.
4. Retrofit Cooling Equipment and Change Operating Conditions
The cooling load is reduced when all applicable means of reducing thermal loads
and cooling losses are applied to your building. Window shading, glazing, and
insulation are three common load reducers.
5. Shut Down Cooling Systems during Unoccupied Periods
energy savings can be obtained by turning off or reducing the operating levels of
cooling systems during nights, weekends, and other periods of low occupancy.

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