Plant Growth Processes: Transpiration, Photosynthesis, and Respiration

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Plant Growth
Photosynthesis, and
David R. Holding, Assistant Professor
Anne M. Streich, Associate Professor of Practice

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Plant Growth Processes:
Transpiration, Photosynthesis,
and Respiration
David R. Holding, Assistant Professor
Anne M. Streich, Associate Professor of Practice

Knowledge of the basic plant (Figure 1). Water has some unique
The Life Giving Properties
growth processes, including photosyn- properties; it resists temperate changes,
thesis, respiration, and transpiration, of Water dissolves­molecules of life, and allows
is important for gardeners and profes- gas exchange­. All of these character-
sional landscape managers to under- Water is all around us! Most of istics are essential for life on earth
stand how the growing environment the Earth’s surface is covered in water. and they all depend on one chemical
and management practices influence Plants and animals are mostly made property of water that few other liq-
plant growth and development. Each of water and all the chemical reac- uids share: hydrogen­bonding. Water
of these plant growth processes relies tions of life take place in aqueous molecules have positive and negative
on water to carry out their functions. solution inside plant and animal cells poles that make them bond to each

Water beads up into round

droplets because of cohesion
of molecules (keeps leaf dry)

Cell turgor is driven by large Waxy cuticle (prevents

water-filled vacuole in all uncontrolled evaporation)
plant cells (supports plant
structure and cell growth)
Upper epidermis cells
(flat and transparent with
Palisade mesophyll cells no chloroplasts)
(channel light to spongy layer)

Leaf air space has

100% humidity Vascular cells (bring
continuous column of water
molecules from roots, held
Spongy mesophyll cells together by cohesion)
(where most photosynthesis
Lower epidermis cells
(flat and transparent with
Mesophyll cells covered in a no chloroplasts)
microfilm of water molecules
(allows gas exchange) Waxy cuticle
Two guard cells form one
stoma which can open and H2O diffuses out
close by changes in cell turgor when stoma is open
CO­2 diffuses in when
stoma is open

Figure 1. Cells are the fundamental unit of all living things. All plant cells contain the same basic makeup of a
nucleus, cytoplasm, organelles, cell membrane, and a cell wall. Many water relationships exist within plant leaves.

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a b

Figure 2. Water will bead up or form thin films depending on the nature of the surface. On hydrophobic
surfaces, such as leaf surfaces, water beads up due to its cohesive characteristics (a). On hydrophilic or
polar surfaces, such as the inner leaf surface of cells and root hairs, water spreads out to form a thin film.
Products can be added to fertilizers and pesticides to lower surface tension of the water on the leaf and in
the soil and increase adhesion. This flattens the droplet and allows for better absorption of the fertilizer,
pesticide, or water, similar to what is observed on hydrophilic surfaces (b).

other temporarily­in a process called molecules that plants and animals between the air and the inner sur-
hydrogen­bonding. The unique physi- need for life are dissolved in water. face of leaf cells. Mesophyll cells
cal properties of water allow it to do Small molecules like carbon diox- in leaves are the primary loca-
the following functions in plants: ide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) must tion of photosynthesis. In the leaf
dissolve in water to enter or leave air spaces, each mesophyll cell is
• Regulate Temperature. Water is plant or animal cells; mineral nu- covered in a thin film of moisture
resistant to temperature changes trients in the soil must dissolve in allowing water and oxygen to leave
and stays in the liquid form over a water to be taken up passively by the cells and carbon dioxide to en-
broad range (from 0°C to 100°C plant roots; medium-sized mol- ter the cells.
or 32°F to 212°F). Large bodies, ecules needed for plant growth,
like oceans, are the most stable such as sugars, amino acids, ATP
and are able to resist extreme (adenosine triphosphate) and Water and Transpiration
temperature changes; lakes, rivers, hormones, easily dissolve in the
streams and puddles are increas- water making up plant and animal Transpiration is the movement of
ingly less resistant. The same cells; and large macro-molecules, liquid water into, through, and out of
size ratio applies to living things; like DNA, protein and complex the plant (Figure 3). Water lost through
elephants and giant sequoia trees sugars, are covered in positive (+) transpiration enters the plant through
are very good at resisting tem- and negative (–) charges and can the roots, moves up through the stem
perature change, while mice and be surrounded and dissolved by in the xylem, and exits through open-
small plants have to work harder charged water molecules. ings in the leaf called stomata. Cohe-
to keep a stable temperature. As
sion and adhesion create the property
water evaporates from the leaves • Allow Gas Exchange. Cohesion,
of capillarity, which allows water mol-
of plants, heat energy is lost and or sticking of water molecules to
ecules to rise up against the forces of
the plant cools down. each other, combined with adhe-
gravity. This works only as long as the
sion, sticking of water molecules
• Dissolve Molecules of Life. Water water is constrained in tubes with a
to polar­surfaces, allows water to
is one of the most versatile sol- large surface area. Surface area is what
form very thin films (Figure 2).
vents for dissolving the molecules the xylem tissue of plants provides, lots
This is essential for gas exchange
of life. Most of the small and large of very narrow interconnected tubes.

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Environmental Change Transpiration Response Reason b
 Light  Transpiration Light causes most stomata to open
 Temperature  Transpiration Warm air hold more moisture
 Soil water  Transpiration Less water enters the plant roots
 Wind  Transpiration Reduces humid boundary layer around the leaf
 Humidity  Transpiration Air moisture gradient is not as steep
Figure 3. The rate of transpiration is affected by several environmental conditions.

The xylem tissue of vegetative plants their tissues do not overheat. On because­less CO2 enters the leaves.
or the lignified (woody) tissue of trees which surface would you rather
is made of the cell wall remnants of play soccer on a 100°F day — grass • Maintaining turgor. Since 90
elongated cells that the plant sacrificed or artificial turf? percent of plant tissues constitute
through a process called programmed water, the structure of plant tissues
cell death. Transpiration is essential • CO2 acquisition. All the carbon depends on cell turgidity and since
for: incorporated into carbohydrate plant cells are leaky, water needs
through photosynthesis comes to be continually taken up (think
• Evaporative cooling. Plants are from atmospheric CO2 entering of a plant cell like an inflated tire
able to keep cool when they are in through pores in the leaves called with a puncture). Cell expansion,
direct sunlight through the evapo- stomata. Water loss through the a driving force of growth, is also
ration of water that occurs in tran- stomata is a continuous process driven by cellular water pressure.
spiration. As water changes from that occurs as long as stomata
the liquid to gas phase, heat energy are open. Plants are able to close • Mineral nutrient uptake. In addi-
is lost and the plant is cooled. their stomata to restrict water tion to carbon assimilation from
Plants rely on transpiration for loss during­times of drought or the air, plants incorporate mineral
evaporative cooling so that despite high temperature, but this directly nutrients dissolved in water taken
being exposed to direct sunlight, reduces photosynthetic output up from the soil. These are distrib-
uted throughout the plant by way
of the transpiration process.

The Role of Photosynthesis

Carbon Dioxide and Respiration in Energy
Generation in Plants
Oxygen All life on earth depends on plants.
Plants are autotrophic, meaning
they can convert simple molecules
like CO2 from the atmosphere and
minerals from the soil into the
complex carbohydrates, proteins,
and fats, forming the basis of living
organisms. The most important set of
chemical reactions in plants harness
Nutrients the energy of sunlight in the process
and Water of photosynthesis which generates
sugar, oxygen, and a molecule called
Figure 4. Photosynthesis uses water and mineral nutrients from ATP (Figure 4). ATP is energy in
the soil, CO2 from the air, and light energy from the sun to create its simplest form and powers the
photosynthates (sucrose and starch) used in respiration or are chemical reactions that support life in
stored. Oxygen is a byproduct of the light reactions in photosynthesis. both plant and animal cells. Animals

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Photosynthesis Respiration
Occurs in chloroplasts Occurs in mitochondria and cytoplasm
Uses light energy (sun) Uses chemical energy (ATP, NADPH)
Uses low energy, unreactive CO2 Uses high energy, reactive carbohydrate
Building process Breaking-down process
Uses H2O Produces H2O
O2 is released from splitting of water Uses O2
Produces carbohydrate (sugar) Produces CO2
Occurs only under light (sun or artificial) Occurs with and without light

Figure 5. Although the chemical processes of photosynthesis and respiration are very different and involve
different parts of the cell, they can be thought of as essentially opposite reactions.

are heterotrophic, meaning that

they must consume macronutrients,
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
in their diets. Ultimately all these
compounds are derived from plants.
The ATP that animal cells use for
energy comes from the process of
respiration powered by the chemical
energy of sugar, also derived from
plants. Plant cells also use respiration
to make ATP. This occurs all the time,
day and night, even when the sun is
not shining.
Thylakoid membranes
Although the chemical processes Contain chlorophyll and
of photosynthesis and respiration are create large surface area for Chloroplast stroma
very different and involve different light absorption Contains enzymes like
parts of the cell, they can be thought of rubisco which fix CO2
as essentially opposite reactions (Figure­ into carbohydrate
5). Photosynthesis uses sunlight to Figure 6. Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast; the light reactions
drive chemical reactions that are in the thylakoid membranes and the carbon reactions in the stroma.
thermo­dynamically unfavorable
(requires energy to occur), while
respiration is a thermodynamically
favorable set of reactions (releases arranged in stacks (Figure 6). These
energy­). The carbohydrate is ‘burned’ The Basics stacks are called thylakoid membranes
in a controlled way to release the of Photosynthesis and are solar panels with a large sur-
energy as ATP instead of just heat face area that organize chlorophyll and
energy as would happen if it were just Photosynthesis literally means pigments called carotenoids that can
ignited in air. The classic chemical “to put together with light.” All of the collectively absorb and utilize light
reaction (CO2 + H2O  C6H12O6 + O2) reactions of photosynthesis happen energy­(Figure 7). Photosynthesis has
commonly written for this reaction inside chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are two distinct parts:
is just a summary of many different small organelles that are green because
chemical reactions. they contain chlorophyll. Mesophyll • Light reactions. The light absorp-
cells in the leaves and stem contain tion part of photosynthesis is
many chloroplasts, each having a referred to as the light reactions. It
highly ordered array of membranes relies on energy from the sun, so it

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Photosynthetic Variations
of the Carbon Reactions

Plants are classified based on how

they complete photosynthesis. The
dark reactions described above are
found in more than 95 percent of the
plants on Earth. They are called C3
plants because the first organic mol-
ecule that CO2 is incorporated into is a
three-carbon molecule. Two variations
of the carbon reactions have evolved
in angiosperm plants as ways to get
around the problem of photorespira-
tion. They are:

• C4 photosynthesis. Plants with

Figure 7. Chlorophyll (green) and other carotenoid pigments such as C4 photosynthesis include corn,
lycopene (red), carotene (orange), and zeaxanthin (yellow) are found buffalograss, and many weedy
in plants, and are used in the light reactions. The colors of the other grasses including crabgrass (Figure
pigments are seen only in plant tissues without chlorophyll, such as 8). It is called C4 photosynthesis
fruits or fall leaves after chlorophyll production has slowed or stopped because the first organic molecule
and the colors of the other pigments are unmasked. that CO2 is incorporated into is
a four-carbon malate molecule.
These C4 plants minimize photo-
occurs only during the day in the respiration and water loss through
thylakoid membrane of the chloro- Photorespiration a specialized cellular architecture
plasts. In the light reaction, water is in the leaves: light reactions occur
split and oxygen released, but more In order to extract CO2 from in one cell type and the carbon re-
importantly, it provides the chemi- the air, rubisco needs to have a actions occur in cells called bundle
cal energy to fix CO2 into carbohy- high affinity for it (CO2 makes up sheath cells not in direct contact
drate in the carbon reactions. only 0.04 percent of air). However, with the air. Plants with C4 photo-
rubisco also binds significantly to synthesis are able to achieve high
• Carbon or dark reactions. The O2 gas which makes up a much rates of photosynthesis with their
carbon reactions occur in the higher percentage of air (21 percent). stomata only slightly open which
matrix of the chloroplast called When rubisco binds O2, a wasteful minimizes water loss. They often
the stroma and uses protein types process called photorespiration (not look better than C3 plants during
called enzymes. The most im- to be confused with respiration) hot dry conditions because they
portant enzyme in this process is occurs. Photorespiration diminishes are able to protect the plant from
called rubisco. Rubisco is the most photosynthetic output because it high water loss by closing their
abundant protein in plants and actually produces CO2 rather than stomata.
therefore, the major consumer of fixing it into carbohydrate. The
nitrogen. This is why when plants • CAM photosynthesis. Plants with
negative effects of photorespiration crassulacean acid metabolism
are deficient in nitrogen, they are result from a plant’s reduced ability to
not productive and turn yellow be- (CAM) photosynthesis, such as
maintain a favorable CO2 gradient into cacti, all succulents, and purslane,
cause they stop photosynthesizing. the leaf air spaces. Most types of plants
The dark reaction creates three car- minimize photorespiration
(C3 plants, see below) respond to and water loss by keeping their
bon sugar products that leave the increased photorespiration by opening
chloroplast for use in respiration stomata completely closed during
their stomata more to compensate the day so no water is lost (Figure
and sucrose (common table sugar) for the unfavorable CO2 gradient.
synthesis. The sucrose is converted 8). This also means they cannot
This has severe consequences for C3 take in CO2 during the day. To get
to starch or shipped out to other plants under hot or water restricted
parts of the plant for storage or around this, CAM plants take in
conditions. CO2 through the stomata at night
growth through the phloem.

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and store it as a molecule called
malate. Then during the day, with
the sun shining and the stomata
closed, rubisco coverts the malate
to useful carbohydrate. Although
this enables CAM plants to grow
in extreme heat and be extremely
water efficient, they have low
photosynthetic productivity —
they grow slowly!


Respiration takes sugar either

directly from photosynthesis or from
breakdown of storage compounds
like starch or lipids (oils), and uses its
stored chemical energy to make energy
currency (ATP). The whole process of
respiration can be divided into several Figure 8. CAM plants are very slow growers. Because they grow in
different steps. The first part is called water-limiting environments, they have adapted in other ways, out-
glycolysis which literally means sugar side of their CAM photosynthesis, to conserve water. These adaptions
splitting. This occurs in the cytoplasm include reduced or no leaves, light gray or green color to reflect light,
of the cell and does not use oxygen vertical stems and leaves, and thorns for protection from predators.
and produces a small amount of ATP. As a result, cacti, aloe, agave, and other CAM plants can go weeks
Glycolysis also serves as the central with little to no watering.
primary metabolic pathway on which
most other secondary metabolic
pathways depend. This means that
crucial plant biomolecules such as
proteins, lipids, starch, cellulose, DNA,
RNA, chlorophyll, other pigments,
plant hormones, and many others are
all intricately related with metabolic
flux through glycolysis. The other parts
of respiration occur in specialized
organelles called mitochondria. This is
where the bulk of the ATP is released
in processes requiring oxygen.

Plant Productivity and


During seed germination, seed

storage proteins, carbohydrates, and
lipids must all be broken down to
support the germinating seedling,
and aerobic respiration is a crucial Figure 9. Most plants, except aquatic plants, can only survive short
part of these processes. When seeds periods of time underwater. Extended periods of low or no oxygen in
the soil results in anaerobic respiration, root death, and eventually
plant death. The dead turf areas indicate locations where water had
stood for less than 72 hours. (Photo courtesy of Zac Reicher.)

8 © The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska. All rights reserved.

are planted in the spring, timing and it also results from an unfavorable
temperature are important. First, balance between photosynthesis and Summary
planting time should be past the respiration. As temperature and light
danger of frost damage. Second, soil availability increase, photosynthetic Plant growth and development
temperatures should be sufficiently output eventually plateaus because relies on water for transpiration,
warm. The reason for this is that the chloroplasts have a finite light photosynthesis, and respiration. The
respiration increases substantially absorption capacity. On the other unique ability of water to regulate
with increased temperature. If the soil hand, the rate of respiration keeps temperatures, dissolve molecules of
temperature is too cold, respiration increasing as it gets hotter, which life, and allow gas exchange, is essential
will be too low to metabolize seed burns more and more carbohydrate. for all life on earth. Transpiration
storage reserves, and the seed cannot The more respiration increases, the is essential for evaporative cooling,
germinate (Figure 9). less net photosynthetic product there CO2 acquisition, maintaining plant
is. The effect of high temperature on turgor, and mineral nutrient uptake.
The fact that respiration increases respiration is most severe at night Photosynthesis converts CO2 into
with temperature also has a profound when there is no photosynthesis. If simple carbohydrates. Respiration
effect on adult plant productivity. nighttime temperatures are very high, releases energy obtained from
When it is very hot, many plants all the carbohydrate made by the photosynthesis. Respiration also acts
grow very slowly because of reduced plant during the day can be used up as a central metabolic hub, ultimately
productivity. This usually results in respiration and there may be no net resulting in the complex organic
from lack of water to support growth (Figures 10 and 11). molecules that form the basis of plants.
transpiration and CO2 uptake. But In addition to carbon derived from
CO2, many of these complex carbon
molecules also incorporate mineral
nutrients acquired from the soil.

Figure 10. Cultural practices, such as scalping or mowing at lower

than recommended mowing heights, will reduce photosynthetic rates
because of the lack of green tissue available for photosynthesis. This
practice will reduce the amount of carbohydrates stored because they
will be directed toward new growth to repair the damaged turf. This
will put unneeded stress on a turfgrass stand and may result in thin-
ning or weed encroachment. Most turfgrasses in Nebraska should be
mowed no lower than 2.5 inches. (Photo courtesy of Zac Reicher.)

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Photosynthates produced
in photosynthesis

Increasing rate of life processes

Growth potential

used in respiration

Increasing temperature

Figure 11. The rate of photosynthesis and respiration generally

increase as temperature increases. When the rate of photosynthesis
exceeds the rate of respiration, plants grow. If respiration exceeds
photosynthesis, then growth declines, photosynthate reserves are
used, and plants become more susceptible to biotic and abiotic
stresses. Optimal growth temperatures vary; cool-season plants,
such as Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, broccoli, and radish prefer
temperatures between 40-75°F. Warm-season plants, such as
buffalograss, peppers, and tomatoes prefer temperatures between

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