,,,,,,,,,,,,, Heat Transfer Coefficient Input Parameters

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File:Helical coil.

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,,,,,,,,,,,,, Heat transfer coefficient ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

=========Input Parameters=============

+++++Geometry Parameters++++++

Dc = 365 · 0.001 · diameter of coil

ID = 19 · 0.001 · internal diameter of tube

t = 1.5 · 0.001 · thickness of coil

OD = ID + 2 · t outside diameters of coil

+++++Process Parameters++++

Q = 150 [W] heat duty

T ref = – 45 [C] Inlet temperature of refrigerant R404-A

P ref = 101 [kPa] pressure of refrigerant

T amb = 25 [C] room temperature

V ref = 0.25 [m/s] velocity of refrigerant

----- Thermophysical properties: Refrigrant R404-A-----

k ref = k R404A , T = T ref , P = P ref thermal conductivity

cp ref = Cp R404A , T = T ref , P = P ref specific heat

r ref = r R404A , T = T ref , P = P ref density

m ref = Visc R404A , T = T ref , P = P ref viscosity

Pr = Pr R404A , T = T ref , P = P ref Prandel number


r ref · V ref · ID
Re = Reynold number
m ref

Dn = Re · Dean number

0.43 1 / 6 ID
Nu# = 0.7 · Re · Pr · Nusselt number

h coil · ID
Nu# = local heat transfer coefficient
k ref
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Q = h coil · A coil · T amb – T ref Newton law of coling (Q = h*A*(Tsys-T,surr))

A coil = p · OD · L coil Length of coil

Unit Settings: SI C kPa kJ mass deg
Acoil = 0.2912 [m2] cpref = 0.7864 [kJ/kg-K] Dc = 0.365 [m]
Dn = 619.7 [-] hcoil = 7.358 [w/m2.·K] ID = 0.019 [m]
kref = 0.008344 [W/m-K] Lcoil = 4.214 [m] mref = 0.000009534 [kg/m-s]
Nu# = 16.75 OD = 0.022 [m] Pr = 0.8985 [-]
Pref = 101 [kPa] Q = 150 [W] Re = 2716 [-]
rref = 5.452 [kg/m ] t = 0.0015 [m] Tamb = 25 [C]
Tref = -45 [C] Vref = 0.25 [m/s]

No unit problems were detected.

EES suggested units (shown in purple) for cp_ref k_ref mu_ref OD rho_ref .

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