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: Yuni Annisa Hafni Rambe

NIM. : 1820300063

A. Write an English sentence for each given vocabularies.

1. Alright. : Alright, today we will do the sport.
2. Awful. : I fell really awful
3. Boring. : He is a boring person.
4. Brilliant. : I find a brilliant idea for my research.
5. Dreadful. : That’s dreadful dream.
6. Dull. : I have a dull face.
7. Exciting. : It’s totally exciting day.
8. Fun. : That’s fun.
9. Great. : You are great!
10. Nice. : The painting is nice.
11. OK. : I am OK without you.
12. Relaxing. : This sport can be relaxing yourself.
13. Superb. : The cycle cycled by her is superb.
14. Terrible. : The film watched by me was terrible.
15. Terrific. : That’s terrific film.
16. Wonderful. : The novel read by her is wonderful.
17. Football : The men really like football.
18. Tennis. : Tennis is one of the games that is using ball as a media.
19. Cricket. : Cricket is really popular in India.
20. Do-it-yourself : If you want to success, do it everything by yourself.
21. Fishing. : My uncle goes fishing every weekend.
22. Gardening. : My father really loves gardening.
23. Entertaining : That’s entertaining joke.
24. Shopping. : Even I don’t have money, I really love shopping.
25. Going to nightclubs : Going to nightclubs is not my style.
26. Watching television : My youngest sister really likes watching television
27. Reading. : I dislike reading a novel.
28. Painting. : I used to like painting.
29. Bird watching : The men really like to watch bird watching.
30. Train sporting : To make me healthy, I train sporting everyday.
31. Playing cards. : I don’t know why the men like playing cards.
32. Swimming. : She goes swimming once a week.
33. Running. : She likes running in a yard.
34. Walking. : I prefer walking to campus than getting angkodes.

B. Couch potato is someone who takes little or no exercise and spends their free time doing very

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