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TIME STARTED: Tuesday, 6:22 pm TIME FINISHED: Monday, 10:57 pm

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The Monkey’s Paw The Contract

Summary The White family prevents a While Watanuki is busy

-Write a brief summary of guest from destroying a clearing out Yuko's
the story. No more that [5] monkey's paw that has the storage area, a woman
sentences. power to grant three wishes in stops by and asks about
"The Monkey's Paw." After his one of the items, which is
son's tragic death, Mr. White shaped like some kind of
wishes for money, which he thermos or kaleidoscope
receives from the factory tube. Yuko lets her borrow
where his son works that it but she warns the
claims that their son has passed woman never to open it.
away due to a tragic accident. Later, Watanuki discovers
They then wish for their son to that the woman is a
come back, and something student teacher who is
knocks at the door. Yet Mr. working on her thesis. The
White's third wish prompted woman had not opened
whoever was there to vanish, the tube yet, but then in an
so when Mrs. White opens the accident on the stairs, the
door, nothing is there. object flies in the air, and
ends up being opened. The
student-teacher discovers
the item is a monkey's
paw, which grants wishes
to the user. But as with
any monkey's paw legend,
there are tragic
consequences for every
wish. As the story
progresses, the student-
teacher uses the first wish
for rain that would until
the evening, for her
second wish, she wishes
for a mirror from Yuko’s
shop, the same place she
got the monkey’s paw, her
third wish was for her
thesis about folklore to be
unique, her fourth wish
was for her to find a valid
excuse to give to her
professor for being late
which cost the life of the
woman next to her in the
train station, after her
wishes backfired against
her, she used her fifth and
last wish to make herself
-Outline the plot paying Outside, the night was cold and While Watanuki is busy
particular note to the parts of wet but a fire burned brightly clearing out Yuko's
the plot in the small living room of storage area, a woman
[i.e introduction, rising Laburnum Villa, where Mr stops by and asks about
action, climax, etc] White and his son Herbert one of the items, which is
were playing chess. Mrs White, shaped like some kind of
a white-haired old lady, sat thermos or kaleidoscope
knitting by the fire, tube. Yuko lets her borrow
occasionally commenting on it but she warns the
the game. woman never to open it.
On a dark cold night at the Later, Watanuki discovers
Laburnam Villa, the White that the woman is a
family is awaiting a visitor. student teacher who is
Mr. White and his son, working on her thesis. The
Herbert, are playing chess woman had not opened
while Mrs. White knits by the the tube yet, but then in an
fire. Sergeant-Major Morris accident on the stairs, the
then arrives and regales the object flies in the air, only
family with tales from his 21 to be caught by Himiwari
years of travelling to vast and and ends up opening all on
exotic places in his temure as a its own. The woman
soldier. discovers the item is a
CONFLICT monkey's paw, which
Mr. White reminds Morris of a grants five wishes to the
story he was telling him user. But as with any
recently regarding a strange monkey's paw legend,
monkey’s paw he aquired in there are tragic
India. It supposedly was consequences for every
bewitched by an old fakir to wish. Watanuki and
grant three separate men three Doumeki are skeptical of
wishes. Mr. White wants the the woman's sudden
paw but Sergeant-Major declaration at the item, but
Morris is reluctant, saying it this doesn't seem to deter
causes trouble. her though as she merely
RISING ACTION looks at them and
Sergeant-Major Morris throws confidently declares that
the paw into the fire and Mr. her first wish is for it to
Whit rescues it. Mr. White rain from then on until the
makes his first wish, a sum of evening. A finger breaks,
200 pounds. There’s a loud and the wish is granted.
crashing noise and the paw Later on, at the shop,
moves. The next day, the Watanuki tells Yuko that
Whites receive word that the woman had managed
Herbert was caught in the to open the container and
machinery at work and died. had already made a wish,
The company their son worked which explained the rain
for compensates the Whites that had indeed began to
with a check for 200 pounds. fall. He then asks Yuko if
CLIMAX the Monkey's Paw is real,
The Whites are shaken by how to which she replies, yes.
their wish came true and filled CONFLICT
with grief from losing their The next day upon his
only child. Mrs. White arrival to school,
persuades Mr. White to wish Watanuki noticed a crowd
that Herbert was alive again. of his peers around the
Mr. White then finds the paw windows, and asks a
and makes the wish; all of a nearby Himawari what the
sudden, there is a quiet, commotion is about. She
persistent knocking at the door. says it is because the
FALLING ACTION school's pool is suddenly
The knocking becomes louder. empty. Meanwhile the
Mrs. White wants to run to the woman hides in one of the
door, frantic to let Herbert in, empty offices and is
but Mr. White holds her back suddenly skeptical of
because he knows the herself. She speaks to
wickedness the paw is capable herself about the rain. She
of and is afraid of what kind of states that it could be a
“state” Herbert might be in. fluke, and decides to make
She breaks free and runs to the another wish. She then
door, but she can’t reach the decides to wish for a
bolt. Mr. White searches for mirror that she has been
the paw. eyeing but not having
RESOLUTION been able to purchase
Just as his wife gets a chair, inside another antique
climbs up, and slides back the store. A finger breaks, and
bolt, Mr. White finds the paw a sudden thud behind her
and makes his final wish. The makes her turn behind to
knocking suddenly stops. Mrs. see that the mirror she
White opens the door, only to coveted is now lying on
find that there’s no one there the floor. Ecstatic because
of her new mirror, she
glances back at the
monkey's paw to find that
the Thumb and Index
fingers are broken. She
concludes that a finger
breaks after each wish,
and is happy to find that
she has three wishes left.
Later at the shop, Yuko
tells Watanuki that
something cannot be born
from nothing, which was
why the pool was empty,
as its water was used for
the rain. She also receives
a call later that night -or
early in the morning- from
a friend of hers that owns
an antique store, and
learns that she is now
missing a priceless mirror.
Yuko assures her that she
will look for it.
The next day the woman
is seen sitting in a library
apparently working on her
thesis paper, which was
not as easy as she assumed
it would be. She states that
she wants the paper to be
unique, unlike all the other
folklore papers before it.
Frustrated after a call from
her professor, she looks
down at her purse and
notices the monkey's paw
container hidden beneath a
few of her books. She
pulls it out and begins to
smile. About to make a
comment, the trio notices
the woman nearby
laughing and running with
a few other teens. After a
good sounding phone call
with her professor,
Himiwari makes a
comment about how
happy she looks, to which
she beams at them and
says that her professor
was deeply impressed
with her thesis and even
spoke about getting it
published. She mentions
that she asked the
monkey's paw for the
materials, to which
Doumeki warns her again
about the legend behind
the monkey's paw. She
confidently replies that it
had hurt others in the past,
but would not hurt her.
The next day focuses on
the student-teacher who
has jogged into a train
station apparently over-
sleeping and missing her
train to school. A voice
over the intercom states
that her train is having
delays, and would not
arrive on time, to which
she laments further due to
her final class being today.
She begins to think about
an excuse, and mistakenly
thinks about an accident
happening, so she would
have a plausible excuse
for missing such an
important class. A crack is
heard from inside her bag,
and suddenly the woman
next to her is hurled into
the train tracks, getting
violently killed by an
oncoming train. The
monkey's paw had granted
a wish on its own.
Horror stricken, later that
day, the student-teacher is
seen hiding in the empty
office again, speaking to
herself. She is now
terrified of the monkey's
paw, her cellphone then
rings and her professor
angrily accuses her of
stealing another student’s
work, as the student had
already submitted their
notes prior. The student-
teacher goes into a panic,
and begins thinking about
what would happen to her
if the police found out it
was her that caused the
accident, revealing that
she pushed the woman on
her own. Angry knocks
begin pounding on the
door, causing the terrified
woman to scream at the
monkey's paw for her to
disappear. The final finger
breaks, and the monkey's
paw sits up on its own and
begins to choke the
woman. She falls
backwards gasping for air
until it is suddenly quiet.
The camera switches to
the opposite side of the
door where a group of
students are standing
outside the door trying to
get in. Watanuki,
Himiwari and Doumeki
stop and regard them with
confusion, as that door
should be open during the
day. Himiwari opens the
door to reveal no one
inside. As the camera
moves away, it reveals the
woman's cellphone is
lying on the ground open.
The episode ends with the
monkey's paw returning to
Yuko's shop along with
the mirror returning to its
original shop. Yuko binds
the whole paw again, and
sets it on the shelf,
regarding how it "always
wins". She leaves with the
camera still focused on the
paw. The container it
resides in slowly closes
and locks.
Characters  Herbert White (The  Yūko Ichihara (a
-Name and brief description only son of Mr. and Mrs. witch who owns a shop
of the characters White) where people come to
 Mrs. White (Herbert’s have their wishes granted,
mother and Mr. White’s wife) and the person who let the
 Mr. White (Herbert’s student-teacher borrow the
father and Mrs. White’s monkey’s paw)
husband)  Kimihiro
 Sergeant-Major Morris Watanuki (a young
(A friend of the Whites who student with supernatural
introduces the monkey’s paw abilities and one of the
to them) few people who tried to
 The Representative warn the student-teacher)
(The man who informs Mr. and  Student-teacher (a
Mrs. White of Herbert’s death) woman who is focusing
on her thesis about
folklore, who in the end,
faces the consequences
behind her actions towards
the monkey’s paw)
 Shizuka Dōmeki (a
young student and
seeminglt close friend of
Watanuki’s who also tries
to warn the student-
teacher about the
monkey’s paw)
 Himawari Kunogi
(a young student and
seemingly close friend of
Watanuki’s who
accidentally bumps into
the student-teacher, hence,
accidentally opening the
tube-like container
containing the monkey’s
The episode takes place in
Yuko’s residence. As the
story progresses, it sets in
The main setting of "The
the school the student-
Monkey's Paw" is inside and
SETTING teacher teaches in and
around the White family home,
-Describe the setting of the where Watanuki studies.
called Laburnam Villa in
story After this, is the train
England around the turn of the
station, then what happens
20th century, around 1902.
to appear as the empty
office, then lastly, Yuko’s
The main themes in “The
Contract” are success and
The main themes in “The power (the things people
Monkey’s Paw” are fate (it’s are willing to do to
relevance in human life), the achieve this),
unknown (it portrays it’s risks stubbornness (how people
while dramatizing the tension are most likely to do
-What is the theme of the
between the known and the something when it is
unknown), grief and loss (it forbidden), greed (every
depicts their psychological selfish act and wish done
effects), and being careful by the woman for her own
about what you wish for. personal wants and
needs), and being careful
about what you wish for.
SIMILARITIES The original short story and the episode both revolve around
-How similar are these two the folkloric artifact, the monkey’s paw. In these two stories,
tales? Which areas are they both characters who acquired the monkey’s paw were
the same? blinded by it’s wish granting power and made reckless
wishes and decisions without carefully considering the
consequences behind their actions. Both users wished for
their own personal desires and in the end, the monkey’s paw
has taken a life in both stories, and lastly, both stories had
the same last wish; for someone to disappear.
 The monkey’s paw  The monkey’s paw
granted 3 wishes. granted 5 wishes.
 They acquired the  The monkey’s paw
monkey’s paw by rescuing it was acquired by
from being burned by a family borrowing it from Yuko’s
friend. shop.
 The user used it to gain  The user used it
wealth and to bring their son for their personal needs,
DIFFERENCES back, then in the end, to make like the research for their
-Which areas did the story whatever was knocking at the thesis.
vary? door to disappear.  The monkey’s paw
 The monkey’s paw took the life of the
took the life of Herbert White. student-teacher.
 The story ended with a  The story ended
more peaceful ending since rather more tragically
they were able to prevent since the user was not
whatever was trying to enter careful with making her
their home before anything last wish, causing her
worse happened. death.


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