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Listening Homework B1 Week 8

Test 3
Part 1:
1–c 2–a 3–c 4–a 5–a 6–b 7–b
Part 2:
8–a 9–b 10 – b 11 – b 12 – b 13 – c
Part 3:
14 - 1921
15 - Japanese
16 - Gifts
17 - Hotel
18 - Railway Station
19 – Group
Thank you for calling to Central Museum information line.
Central Museum is open every day from 2rd January through to 31st December
and open daily from 10 am until 5 pm. The museum itself is a wonderful example
of local architecture, complete in the year 1889, and the garden, still in original
1921 design, surprise and delight visitor of .........
The museum contain important 19th century English furniture collection as well
as Japanese art exhibition and admission is free to all visitors. Admission included
a free pre-recorded audio guide and we are equipped to welcome …….. users.
Our museum shop sells a variety of books, cards, and gifts. You find all kind of
interesting idea for both adult and children. The museum also has a café, offering
a selection of hot and cold dishes throughout the day from 10 until 4.30.
For visitors travelling by car, parking is available at the hotel next door. It’s just
metres aways from the museum . There is also frequent local public transport
with buses to and from the town centre. There are also buses from the railway
station every 10 minutes throughout the day.
For futher information about the museum, its history and its collection, please call
01202451800. You also call 451858 for information about group visits, or if you
are interested in hiring a room at the museum. Teachers can look at our website
on where they’ll find lots of ideas for project work.
Thank you for calling Central Museum information line.

Test 4
1–b 2–b 3-c 4-c 5-b 6–c
Part 2:
8 –a 9–b 10 – b 11 – c 12 – c 13 – a
Part 3:
14 – Good Living
15 – fish
16 - salad
17 – rice
18 – party
19 – 2.49 pounds

Transcript part 3:
Today we begin the programme with ssomeinformation about an exciting
magazine that will be on sale in the shops next week. It’s called Good Living and
the aim of the magazine is to show how to eat well, and in a healthy way. So
every month there will be information about which fruit and vegetable are in
season as well as lots of ……. by chelf for you to make. In the first issue of the
magazine, there will be ….for fish, which is a good choice if you want to eat
healthy. In addition, you’ll also find a special free gift. This is a DVD showing how
to prepare summer salad, using a wide variety of different …….., some of them
quite…..The second issue will have an interesting article about the history of tea
and many kind you can buy in different countries. It also has a special collection of
….for children, which will show them some interesting things to make with rice.
Of course, there will be some good things for adult in this second magazine, too.
There are some wonderful ….especially for party. The ….are quikly to prepare and
very colorful, and some can be made ahead of time and froze, which is always
useful. Now the price of the magazine will be normally be 3.99 pounds, but the
first issue will be on sale at 2.49 pounds,…so that’s a good offer, a reduction of 1.5
pound. It will be on sale in supermarket and newmagazine on Monday. So make
sure you but it the idea and photo in it are great.

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