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1 ASIA 1
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• It is thelargestContinent both in area and

INTRODUCTION: • More than 50 sovereign nations are part of the

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• Asia is home of some of the Oldest civilizations ➢ Pamirs Plateau is located in West China,
in the world. extending across Tajikistan, China and
The land: ➢ At the junction of the Himalayas(to south east)
• Asia has varied physical features and can be with the Tian Shan (North East) Karakoram
divided into five major physical divisions. They (south east), Kunlun (east), Hindu Kush(west)
are: the Northern Lowlands, the Southern plateaus, and Suleiman (south).
central mountains, Great river valleys and Island
groups. 3. Central mountains:

1. Northern Lowlands: Important mountain ranges of Asia are:

• Extending betweenUral mountains in west and
Lena river in east. West to East: Pontic and Taurus ranges,
• It is called Siberian plains. Elburz and Zagros mountains, Hindukush
• Lake Baikal, the deepest lake of the world is ranges, Tien Shan, Kulunshan, Karakoram,
located in Siberia. It is estimated that it holds 20% Himalayas, Altai mountains, Nan shan,
of all fresh lake water on the globe. ArakanYoma etc.
• This interior Heartland is surrounded by mountains North to South: Kolyma mts, Altai mts,
and deserts.
Armenian knot (Pontic, Taurus, Elbrus and
Zagrus), Tien shan, Kulunshan, Hindukush,
2. Southern plateaus:
Karakoram, Himalayas, Sulaiman, Kirthar,
ArakanYoma etc.
Important plateaus of Asia are:
• Armenian knot:
West to East: Plateau of Arabia, Plateau of ➢ Mountains ranges of Elburz, Zagros, Pontic and
Iran, Kazakh Uplands, Deccan plateau, Taurus originate from here.
Tibetan plateau, Pamir plateau, Armenian ➢ The mountain ranges extend intoTurkey, Georgia
knot, Central Siberian plateau, Plateau of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Iran.
Mongolia, Plateau of Yunnan etc. ➢ Mount Damavand highest peak of the highlands.
• Pamir knot: All the mountains formed are Young
fold mountains.
• Plateaus are made up of very old rocks.
➢ Hindukush: Extend into Afghanistan,
• Tibetan plateau:
Pakistan and Tajikistan. Highest peak Tirich
➢ It is the world’s largest and highest plateau.
➢ The Tibetan Plateau lies between
➢ Tien shan: Spread into China, Tajikistan,
the Himalayasto the south andTaklamakan
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.
desertto the north.
Highest mountain peak is Jengishchokusu
➢ Share between China, Nepal, India, Bhutan,
➢ Kunlun shan: Lies in China. Highest peak
Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.
➢ Itis sometimes termed the Third Pole given its
➢ Karakoram: Countries India, Pakistan,
ice fields contain the largest reserve of
China, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. Highest
freshwater outside the polar regions.
peak is k2 at China and POK Border.
➢ Himalayas: CountriesIndia, China, Nepal
• Plateau of Arabia:
and Bhutan. Highest peak Mount Everest in
➢ Easternmost part of Asia. Nepal.
➢ Very high Ariditydue to low Rainfall
• Altai mountains:
➢ Rich petroleum reserves
➢ Russia, China, Mongolia,
and Kazakhstan.
• Pamir plateau:
➢ It is known as Roof of the world. 2
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➢ Belukha mountain in Russia is the ➢ It is the 2nd largest desert in Asia.

➢ Extending from northern China into Mongolia.
Important deserts of Asia: ➢ It receives very less rainfall due to Himalayas
blocking the rain bearing winds.
West to east:Syrian desert, Arabian desert, ➢ It is a cold desert.
Kara Kum Desert, Kyzyl-Kum desert, Thar
desert, Taklimakan desert, Gobi desert • Taklamakan desert:
➢ China's largest desert.
highest peak. ➢ Composed primarily of shifting crescent sand
4. Deserts: dunes
➢ It is part of TarimBasin.
Arabian desert:
➢ Arabian Desert is a vast desert wilderness • Thar desert:
stretching from Yemen to the Persian Gulf and ➢ Thar Desert is Asia'sonly subtropical desert.
from Oman to Jordan and Iraq. ➢ It is shared by both India and Pakistan.
➢ Rub Al Khali is a part of this desert.
➢ It is the largest desert in Asia. • Kyzylkum desert:
➢ Crossing over Kazakhstan into Uzbekistan.
• Gobi desert: ➢ desert features a wide variety of flora and fauna.

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➢ Passes through Afghanistan, Tajikistan,

• Kara kum desert: Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
➢ In Turkmenistan. ➢ It drains into Aral sea.
➢ It is milder than other deserts of Asia. • Amu Dariya:
➢ Originates in Tien shanMountains in
5. Rivers of Asia:
• Euphrates and Tigris:

Important rivers of Asia:

West to East: Euphrates, Tigris, Amu Darya,

SyrDariya, Indus, Ganga, Brahmaputra,
Irrawaddy, Salween, Mekong, Yangtze,
Yellow etc.

➢ They originate in Eastern Anatolia.

➢ Flows in South easterly direction
➢ Passes throughTurkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq and
➢ It drains intoPersian gulf.
• SyrDariya:
➢ Originates at the Border of Afghanistan and
➢ Flows North westward. 4
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➢ Flows North westward. ➢ Capital of Myanmar Naypyidawis on this river.

➢ Flows through Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan,
Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. • Salween:
➢ It drains into Aral sea. ➢ Originates in Tibetan plateau in China.
➢ It flows from North to South
• Indus: ➢ Flows through China, Myanmar and Thailand.
➢ Originates in Tibetan plateau Near Mansarovar ➢ It drains intoAndaman sea.
lake in China. ➢ It has one of the largest Basins in Southeast Asia.
➢ Flows to North west and After Entering into
Pakistan it flows towards south west. • Mekong:
➢ It flows through China, India and Pakistan. ➢ Originates from Tibetan plateau.
➢ It drains into Arabian sea. ➢ Flows from North to South
➢ Countries China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand,
• Ganges: Cambodia and Vietnam.
➢ It originates in the Glaciers of Himalayas in India ➢ Drains into South China Sea.
➢ Flows to south and then take a easterly turn
➢ Drains into Bay of Bengal. • Yangtze:
➢ Originates from Tibetan plateau.
• Brahmaputra: ➢ Flows from West to East.
➢ Originates nearMansarovar lake in Tibet. ➢ Flows in China.
➢ It is Known as YarlungTsangpo(the purifier) in ➢ Important cities like Shanghai, Wuhan, Nanjing
China. are on this river.
➢ It flows in East direction and after entering into ➢ It drains into East China sea.
India it flows southward.
➢ Drains into Bay of Bengal. • Yellow river:
• Irrawaddy: ➢ It is known asHuang He.
➢ It originates in Qinghai province of western
➢ It flows fromWest to North east.
➢ Its Colour is yellow because of sand from Gobi
➢ It drains into Bohai sea

6. Water bodies in Asia:

Important water bodies are:

West to East: Red sea, Dead sea, Lake Van,

Lake Urmia, Persian gulf, Caspian sea, Aral
sea, Lake Balkhash, Lake Baikal etc.

• Red sea:

➢ Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea

➢ Originates in Myanmar and flows in Myanmar. and Djibouti.
➢ It flows North to South. ➢ Connected by Suez canal to Mediterranean sea.
➢ Very important transport route. ➢ It is formed because of Rifting in Arabian
➢ Drains into Andaman sea peninsula.
➢ Important trade route. High piracy.

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➢ Strait of Bab Al Mandab connects it with Gulf of • Aral sea:

Gulf of Aden

➢ It is Bordered by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,

Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Russia,
Afghanistan and Iran.
➢ Formerly it was the fourth largest lake in world
• Dead sea:
➢ Bordered by Jordan and Israel. and now reduced to 1/10th of its size.
➢ It is a land locked salt lake.
• Lake Baikal:
➢ It lies in Russia.
• Lake Van:
➢ It is a Rift lake.
➢ Lies in Turkey
➢ World’s largest Freshwater lake by volume.
➢ Most saline water Body in Asia.
Climate and Vegetation:
• Lake Urmia:
➢ In Iran. • The climate of Asia is influenced by its vast size,
➢ A Ramsar site. great latitudinal extent as well as relief.
• Continentalityis a dominant feature.
• Persian gulf: • Extremes of temperature are faced on seasonal
➢ Bordered byIran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, • Almost all the vegetation belt can be seen in Asia.
Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates and • Along Northern coast of Asia is Tundra
Oman. belt.Summer is short and cool whereas winter is
➢ Persian gulf and its coastal areas are World’s long and severe here.
largest single source of Petroleum. • To the south of tundra is a much broader Taiga
➢ Strait of Hormuz connects it with Gulf of Oman. region. Coniferous forests, Severe winters, warm
• South of Taiga lies the belt of Steppes, temperate
• Caspian sea: grasslands. Here winters are cold and summers are
➢ Bordered by Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, fairly hot.
Russia, Turkmenistan. • South, South east and East Asia have Monsson
➢ Known for its Mineral wealth. forest. 6
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• Extreme southern portions of Asia, which are

closer to equator have Equatorial forests.

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• South-east Asia is also known as Indo-China region.

• Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, East ASEAN
Timor, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is a
(Burma), Thailand and Vietnam are the Nations regional intergovernmental organization comprising ten
included in this region. countries in Southeast Asia.
• Most of the region is in form of Island or Peninsula.
Members: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia,
• Population density of the region is high.
Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines,
• Most of the countries are Developing nations.
Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
• One of the most integrated regions under ASEAN
HQ: Jakarta, Indonesia.
Physical geography of Myanmar

• Important mountain ranges are Arakan yoma, Pegu yoma, Chin Hills, Bilauktang range etc.
• Arakan yoma and pegu Yoma are extension of Himalayas due to syntaxial Bend.
• Hkakabo razi is the Highest peak in Northern Myanmar.
• Shan Plateau is the important source of mineral in Myanmar. It is a rain shadow region.
• Important rivers are Irrawaddy Salween, Chindwin etc. 8
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• Most important ethnic group of Myanmar is Bamar tribe.

1. Irrawaddy:
• Originates in Myanmar and flows in Myanmar.
• It flows North to South.
• Very important transport route.
• Drains into Andaman sea
• Capital of Myanmar Naypyidaw is on this river.
2. Salween:

• Originates in Tibetan plateau in China.

• It flows from North to South
• Flows through China, Myanmar and Thailand.
• It drains into Andaman sea.
• It has one of the largest Basins in Southeast Asia.

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Physical geography of Thailand:

• Thailand has three important physical features:
Korat Plateau in

• East, Mountain ranges in west and isthmus of

Kra in South.
• Korat Plateau is known for Rubber plantation.
• The highest peak of Thailand is Doi Inthanon.
• Important rivers of Thailand are Mekong and Cho
• Cho Phraya river is life line of Thailand which
flows from North to South and drains into Gulf of
• Mekong:
➢ Originates from Tibetan plateau.
➢ Flows from North to South
➢ Countries China, Myanmar, Laos,
Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.
➢ Drains into South China Sea.
• Isthmus of Kra connects Thailand with Malaysia.
Physical geography of Philippine

• It is made up of 7500 Islands

• Luzon is the largest where capital Manila is situated.
• Manila is also where HQ of Asia Developmental
Bank and Irri

Physical geography of Indonesia 10
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• Indonesian archipelago- largest in world (>13500 islands)

• 4th most populous country in world
o Java – most populated island in world
o 2/3th area under forest

Physical geography of Malaysia

• Forest are cleared for rubber and oil palm plantation

• Coffee is grown on volcanic mountains, west Java.Part of Malaya peninsula and Borneo island make Malaysia.
• Most of the cities are on Malay Peninsula.
• The water body between two portions of Malaysia is Natuna sea.

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Physical geography of Singapore: • Many disputed Islands like Spratly Islands, the
Paracel Islands etc.
• Abundance of natural resources like petroleum,
Metallic nodules, fisheries etc.

Strait Of Malacca:
• It Connects Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean.
• Countries Bordering are Indonesia Malaysia and
• One of the busiest sea routes.

Climate of southeast Asia:

• Mainland SE Asia – south west Monsoon
• Island nations -Equatorial climate
• Tropical cyclones in late summer
• Cyclones:
➢ Cyclones are frequent in Philippines and Vietnam
➢ Poverty and poor infrastructure increase
➢ Philippines- world’s highest disaster risk country

• City-state
• Highest population density in the world
• Port of call
• Located on important sea lane- strait of Malacca
• highly educated labour force to attract MNCs
Other important facts about Southeast Asia:

• Tropic of Cancer passes through only Myanmar in

SE Asia
• Only Indonesia has land south of equator in SE Asia
• Indonesia predominately in southern hemisphere
• Equator passes through Sumatra and Borneo (not
Water bodies of Southeast Asia:
1. South China Sea:
• It is Bordered by Brunei, Cambodia,
China, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan,
Thailand and Vietnam.

Important water bodies:

West to East: Great channel, Gulf of Martaban,

Gulf of Thailand, Strait of Malacca,South China
Sea, Natuna sea, strait of Sumatra, Java sea,
Sulu sea, Flores sea, Celebes sea, Banda sea
etc. 12
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Resources and their utilization:

1. Agriculture:

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• Main source of livelihood except in Brunei and ➢ Shwe natural gas project in the Rakhine
Singapore Basin – export to China
• Wet-paddy cultivation • Indonesia:
• Major export crops of there region are cacao, ➢ Sumatra,Duri and Minas, East Java basin
coffee, and spices (Banyu Urip, Jambaran, and Cendana),
• Agro-advancement in Malaysia and Thailand but Kutei Basin, Western Papua are places of
very little in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam crude oil production.
• Hunger malnutrition in Cambodia because of crop ➢ One of the largest exporter of natural gas
failures and internal strife. ➢ The Mahakam, offshore East Kalimantan,
• Rubber and Palm oil: Bintuni Bay and the Central Sulawesi
➢ Rubber and palm oil are significant in region, Abadi gas field, Arafura sea.
Malaysia, Indonesia, and southern
Thailand. Industrial development:
• Opium poppy:
➢ The cultivation of opium poppies is
important in parts of Myanmar and
➢ Used to make narcotic drugs like heroin +
also used in medicinal purpose.
2. Crude oil and Natural gas:
• Vietnam:
➢ 3rd Largest crude oil reserve in Asia.
➢ Cuu Long Basin, Nam con son, Phu
Kahn basin.
• Myanmar: ➢ In Thailand, Myanmar and the Philippines,
➢ Major gas producer of SE Asia textiles industries.
➢ Oil- onshore Salin basin (Minbu) and ➢ Chemical industry in Thailand and
Yadana Indonesia.
➢ Gas- Yadana and Yetagun fields 14
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• It includes Iran, Iraq, UAE, Oman, Yemen, Saudi

Arabia, Jordan, Syria Turkey, Azerbaijan,
• It is also known as Middle East.

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➢ It is the largest desert in Asia.

Important deserts of west asia are: An

nafud, Rub-al-Khali, Syrian desert, Dast-e-Kavir,
Dast-e-Lut etc
3. Rivers:

Important rivers of west asia are: Jordan,

Euphrates, Tigris, Karun, Aras, Amu darya, Syr
Darya etc.

Georgia, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Qatar and

• The region has mostly developing countries.
• It is a region of Political instability.

The Land:
1. Mountains and Uplands:
• Plateau of Arabia:
➢ Westernmost part of Asia.
➢ Very high Aridity due to low Rainfall
➢ Rich petroleum reserves

• Armenian knot:
➢ Mountains ranges of Elburz, Zagros, Pontic and
Taurus originate from here.
➢ The mountain ranges extend into Turkey,
Georgia Azerbaijan, Armenia and Iran.
➢ Mount Damavand (a stratovolcano in Iran) is
the highest peak of the highlands.
• Tigris and Euphrates:



2. Deserts:
• Arabian Desert
➢ Arabian Desert is a vast desert wilderness
stretching from Yemen to the Persian Gulf and
from Oman to Jordan and Iraq ➢ Euphrates originates from Armenian highlands
➢ Rub Al Khali is a part of this desert. and Tigris originates from lake Hazara. 16
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➢ Famous for date palm cultivation.

➢ Flows from north west to south east
➢ Drains into Persian Gulf.

• Syr Daraya:
➢ Originates at the Border of Afghanistan and
➢ Flows in North-West direction.
➢ Passes through Afghanistan, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
➢ It drains into Aral Sea.

• Amu Dariya:
➢ Originates in Tien shan Mountains in Kyrgyzstan.
➢ Flows North-westward.
➢ Flows through Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan,
Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
➢ It drains into Aral Sea.

• Jordan river:
➢ Originates from mount Hermon ➢ Gulf of Aqaba is North-eastern extension of Red
➢ Flows from north to south sea. It is bordered by Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Saudi
➢ Flows through rift valley. Arabia.
➢ Drains into Dead sea. ➢ Gulf of Suez is North-western extension of Red sea.
4. Water bodies: Part of Egypt.

• Dead sea:
➢ Bordered by Jordan and Israel.
➢ It is a land-locked Salt Lake.

Important water bodies are: Red sea,

Dead sea, Lake Van, Lake Urmia, Persian
Gulf, Caspian Sea, Aral sea etc.

• Red sea:
➢ Border countries include Saudi Arabia, Yemen,
Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea and Djibouti.
➢ Connected by Suez Canal to Mediterranean Sea.
➢ It is formed because of Rifting in Arabian ➢ Lies in Rift valley.
Peninsula. ➢ It is the lowest point on land surface.
➢ Important trade route. High piracy. ➢ Second most saline lake on earth after lake Van.
➢ Strait of Bab-Al-Mandeb connects it with Gulf of
Aden • Lake Van:
➢ Lies in Turkey

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➢ Most saline water Body in Asia.

• Lake Urmia:
➢ In Iran.
➢ A Ramsar site.
➢ Lake Urmia shrunk by 90.

• Persian Gulf:
➢ Bordered by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia,
Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates and Oman.

➢ Persian Gulf and its coastal areas are World’s largest
single source of Petroleum.
➢ Strait of Hormuz connects it with Gulf of Oman. Tropical
• Caspian Sea:
➢ Bordered by Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia,
➢ Known for its Mineral wealth. Mediterranean

➢ Mediterranean climate in the Western part of the

region that is Turkey, Israel, Syria etc.

• Aral Sea:
➢ It is Bordered by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Russia,
Afghanistan and Iran. • Oil and Natural gas:
➢ Formerly it was the fourth largest lake in world and ➢ More than half of the world’s oil reserve and 40%
now reduced to 1/10th of its size. of natural gas reserve.
• Climate of West Asia: ➢ Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait are
➢ Arid to semi-arid climate major Oil producing countries.
➢ Water shortage – Saudi Arabia and other countries of • Other Natural resources:
Arabian Peninsula, Iran depend upon desalination of ➢ Israel has reserves of Copper, Bromide, Potash,
sea water Clay, Manganese etc.
➢ Shortage of agriculture land ➢ Yemen and Turkey are rich in Biodiversity and
➢ Problems of Desertification of soil Water resources.
Utilisation of Resources: 18
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• Agriculture: investment goods, rough diamonds, fuels, grain, and

➢ Tropical Agriculture: consumer goods.
o Crops like cotton, Tobacco, rice, sugar beet are ➢ Turkey is known for tourism sector and automotive
grown. industry. It is also a founding member of OECD.
o Major regions of tropical crops are Jordan, Syria,
Iraq Turkey etc.
➢ Mediterranean Agriculture: Important Ports of West Asia:
o Mostly Fruit orchards: oranges, grapes, cherries
o Turkey - Olives
o Lebanon- Fruits and Olives
o Israel- Jaffa oranges, tomatoes and Lime
➢ Other crops grown are coffee, temperate fruits etc.

Tal-Ya Irrigation in Israel:

Plastic trays Collects Dew – and funnel it to
the plants. Saves water required for irrigation

Important cities of West Asia:

➢ Mosul and Bagdad of Iraq- Tigris river
➢ Jerusalem and Tel Aviv in Israel
➢ Kuwait City
➢ Istanbul and Ankara in Turkey

• Industries: (All the mportant cities are shown in political image given
➢ The major industrial activity is around petroleum above).
reserves in countries of Iran, Iraq, UAE, Saudi, Qatar
➢ Israel is a technological advanced country having

strong defence industry. Other industries are

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The People’s Republic of China

• It is the third largest country in the world by Area

• It shares political boundaries with 14 countries
Physical features:

• Mountains and Plateaus:

Important mountain ranges are: Altai Shan, Kunlun

Shan, Tien Shan, Altun Shan, Qilian Shan, Qinglin
Shan, Great Khingan, Tai hang Shan, Southern Hills.

Important Plateaus: Tibetan plateau Yunnan plateau,

Loess Plateau.

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• Tien Shan: Runs through the middle of the Xinjiang ➢ Takla makan: Desert in Southwest Xinjiang
Uygur Autonomous Region. The highest peak in the in Northwest China. It is bounded by the
Tian Shan is Jengish Chokusu, at 7,439 meters. Kunlun Mountains to the south, the Pamir
• Kunlun Shan: Extends 2,500 km from the Pamirs Mountains and Tian Shan to the west and
Plateau in the west to the northwest of Sichuan north and the Gobi Desert to the east.
Province. Muztag, is 7,723 meters above sea level is ➢ Gobi Desert:
the highest peak. o The desert basins of the Gobi are bounded by the
• Tibetan plateau: Altai Mountains and the grasslands and steppes of
➢ It is spread across Western China, Indian regions Mongolia on the north.
of Ladakh and Lahaul and Spiti (Himachal o The Gobi is overall a cold desert, with frost and
Pradesh) as well as Bhutan. occasionally snow occurring on its dunes
➢ It is bordered by Kulun Shan in north and o The Gobi is a rain shadow desert, formed by the
Kailash Mountains in South. Tibetan Plateau blocking precipitation from the
➢ It is world’s largest plateau Indian Ocean.
➢ Average height is 4000m. • Rivers of China:
➢ Important Rivers like Indus, Tsangpo, Satluj,
Salween, Mekong etc originates from Tibetan
• Yunnan Plateau: Located in Southwest China.
• Loess Plateau: Located in north central China. It is
made up of Yellow dust called Loess. This has been
brought by winter winds from interior deserts.

➢ Yangtze:
o Originates from Tibetan plateau.
o Flows from West to East.
o Flows in China.
o Highest navigable river in China.
o Important cities like Shanghai, Wuhan, Nanjing
are on this river.
• Basins of China: o It drains into East China sea.
➢ Yellow river:
➢ Tarim Basin: Taklamakan desert is part of it. Drained o It is known as Huang He.
by Tarim river. o It originates in Qinghai province of western
➢ Dzungarian Basin: Dry region Surrounded by steppe China.
grassland. o It flows from West to North-east.
➢ Qaidam Basin: Qaidam basin is located in Qinghai o Its Color is yellow because of sand from Gobi
province. Qinghai – China’s largest producer of Desert.
Lithium. Source of potassium, silicon, magnesium is o It drains into Bohai sea.
also found. More than 30 salt lakes

• Deserts of China: 22
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Climate of China: • Winter – anti-cyclonic condition in the heart of Asia

– cold wind blows out – snow fall in mountainous

China type:

• Rainfall throughout the year

• summer –intense heating of central Asia
• south east monsoon
• In winter -> north-west monsoon Resources:
• Siberian plateau – HP anticyclone, cold air flow
outwards as North West monsoon- snow fall and rain • Coal: Most provinces of north China are rich in coal
on windward side of the mountains reserves. Largest being Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong
and Jili.
Laurentian type climate: • Iron:
• In china – summer max
• summer – intense heating of land – rainfall - wind
from pacific

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Utilization of Resources:

• Agriculture:
➢ China already has one of the smallest areas
of cultivated land per person.
➢ Intensive agriculture is practiced.
➢ Main crops are rice, wheat, soybean, etc.
➢ Silk, cotton and tobacco are main cash crops
➢ Pigs, chicken and ducks are widely reared.
• Industrial centers:
1. Mukden triangle:
➢ Liaoning province
➢ Reserve of Iron, boron, diamonds
• Petroleum: Fourth Largest oil producer in the world. ➢ Good reserve of crude oil and natural gas

➢ Liaohe oil field

• Rare Earth Minerals: ➢ Petroleum in gulf of Bo hai
➢ China produces more than 90% of the world's supply 2. Yangtze basin region:
of rare earth ➢ Shanghai –steel, textile, ship building
➢ Rare earth 17 chemically similar elements: Largest port of China
Monazite, Zircon etc. world’s busiest container port
➢ Rare earth - manufacturing of high-tech products, financial center of China
smartphones, wind turbines, camera lenses, magnets, ➢ Nanking –textile
solar panels and missile defense systems. ➢ Wuhan – steel industries
➢ Chengdu – petroleum reserve, iron reserve, Petro-
chemical industries 24
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3. Beijing-Tianjin region:
➢ Tianjin – highest per capita GDP of China
➢ Metallurgical & ship building industries
➢ Now hub of shipping and logistics
➢ Textile, automobile, petrochemical

4. Guangzhou- Macau region:

➢ On pearl river
➢ Earliest SEZ of China
➢ Famous for finished goods and light industries
➢ Close to Hong Kong and Macau

• China has world’s largest population (1.43bn)
• Population distribution is uneven following the
varied relief.
• The majority of China's people live in the eastern
segment of the country.
• Important cities of China are Shanghai, Beijing,
Tianjin, Shenzhen, Guangzhou etc.

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• Japan is an island country in East Asia. ➢ Mount Fujiyama is the most famous near Tokyo.
• It borders the Sea of Japan to the west, and stretches • There are very few plain areas in Japan. Most
from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East important are Kanto plains on eastern coast of
China Sea and Taiwan in the south. Honshu. Cities like Tokyo and Yokohama lies on
• It is spread across five large islands, from north to these plains.
south, are Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, • Rivers – small and swift run-off. No large river
and Okinawa. system in Japan.

Physical features: Climate of Japan:

• Mountains: • Hokkaido – Laurentian type (Cool temperate eastern

➢ Japan lies at the junction of 3 plates. margin)
➢ Mountains occupy 72% of Japan. 26
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• Rest of Japan temperate monsoon – China type

(Warm temperate eastern margin)
• Rainfall from south east monsoon in summer
• north west monsoon in winter – dry wind from
Siberia – become moist from east china sea
• Maritime influence
➢ Japan lacks most of the minerals necessary to
sustain modern industrial structure.
➢ Japan depends on overseas sources to meet 80%
of energy requirements.
➢ Coal fields:

Resources and Economic activities:

• Agriculture in Japan:
➢ Only 20% of land suitable for agriculture
➢ Wet paddy and terraced paddy
➢ Wheat, Barley, Soya bean, potatoes, Sweet
potatoes. ➢ Petroleum: Japan is second largest importer of
➢ Indoor farming in Japan is widely practiced crude oil.
➢ Sea weed is a popular source of nutrition for
Japanese population.
• Fishery in Japan:
➢ One of the largest fishery sectors in the world
➢ Deep sea fishing, aqua-culture, artificial
insemination, modern hatching techniques.
➢ Reasons Flourishing fishery sector in Japan are
Meeting of cold current Oyashio and warm
current Kuroshio, Indented coastline, Shallow
continental shelf, Temperate waters.
• Minerals:

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• Industrial centres: • Bordering states & territories (clockwise from

➢ Hokkaido: Timber industry and tourism. north): the People’s Republic of China, the
Republic of China (Taiwan), the Philippines,
Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore and
• It is connected by Taiwan Strait with the East
China Sea and by Luzon Strait with the
Philippine Sea.
• It contains numerous shoals, reefs, atolls and
islands. The Paracel Islands, the Spratly
Islands and the Scarborough Shoal are the
most important.
2 East china sea:
• The East China Sea is bounded in the east and
southeast by the middle portion of the first island
chain, including the Japanese island of Kyushu
and the Ryukyu Islands, and in the south by the
Sapporo – important city (tourism, paper, steel) island of Taiwan.
Murorun city – steel industries. 3 Yellow sea:
➢ Kwanto plains: Kyoto, Tokyo, Chiba, Kawasaki • The Yellow Sea is a marginal sea of the Western
and Yokohama. Chief steel producing region of Pacific Ocean located between mainland China
Japan. (Yokohama – world’s finest natural and the Korean Peninsula, and can be
harbor) considered the northwestern part of the East
➢ Nagoya plains: Leading textile producing China Sea.
region. Nagoya automobile capital of Japan.
➢ Kyushu plains: Steel industries.

• 7th largest population
• Mostly concentrated on Eastern coast.
• Japan is one of the most urbanized countries of the
• Important city centers are Tokyo Kyoto, Chiba,
Kawasaki, Yokohama etc.
Water Bodies around China and Japan:

Important seas of the region:

North to south: Sea of Okhotsk, Sea of Japan,

Yellow sea, East China sea, South China Sea,
Philippine sea, sulu sea, cellebas sea, Java sea,
Banda sea, Arafura sea etc.
1 South China Sea:
• South China Sea is an arm of western Pacific
Ocean in Southeast Asia.
• It is south of China, east & south of Vietnam,
west of the Philippines and north of the island
of Borneo. 28
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Arctic Ocean

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1. North America is the third largest continent in the
2. Lies totally in Northern Hemisphere
3. Tropic of cancer passes throughMexico And The
4. The continent has diverse population which is
unevenly distributed.
5. It has 23sovereign states

The Land:

• North America accounts for 16.3% of total land

area of earth.
• 3/4th of total land of NA is covered by United • The highest peak is mt. McKinley in Alaska
States and Canada (6,187m).
• It has varied features like shields, Mountains, • It stretches from North to South along entire length
Plains etc. of continent.
• A group of islands called West Indies are also • These ranges enclose few intermontane plateaus.
included in the continent. • It also has many active volcanoes in Alaska and
1. The Canadian shield: Mexico.
• It covers nearly half of Canada in North. • Geysers are an important features of this region
• It is formed of ancient rocks and it’s height is and one such geyser is yellow National park in
reduced due to continuous erosion and USA.
weathering. • They are rich in coal, lead zinc, copper and Gold.
• The shield is treasure house of valuable 4. The plateaus:
minerals like gold, silver, Nickel etc.
2. The Appalachian mountains: Important plateaus of North America are
Great Basin, Colarado plateau, Mexican
plateau, etc.

Other mountain ranges of North America are

Cascade range, Alaskan range, Sierra
Nevada, Brooks range etc.

• Great Basin:
➢ Largest intermontane plateau of the continent.
➢ The Basin forms an area of inland drainage for
➢ Lies in United States, covering state of
• They are also known as Eastern Highlands. Utah, California etc.
• Mt. Mitchell is the highest peak. (2037m) • Colorado Plateau:
• The Hudson river flows through these ➢ Colorado river and it’s tributaries have deep cuts
mountains. in the soft rocks of the region.
3. The western cordilleras:
• They are volcanic fold mountains. 30
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➢ Such deep cuts have formed canyons and Grand ➢ Imp cities: St. Pittsburg, Memphis, St. Louis
canyon is the largest of them ➢ Irrigation – Prairie region
➢ Petroleum at mouth

• Colorado:
➢ West flowing river
➢ cutting the Colorado Plateau –Grand canyon
➢ Flows throughSonoran desert, Painted desert
➢ hoover dam – Lake mead
➢ Las Vegas located near lakeMead.

• St. Lawrence:
➢ Flows fromsouth-west to North-east.
➢ Originate from lake Ontario and drain into
Atlantic Ocean.
➢ Busiest inland waterways.

• Mackenzie:
• Columbian Plateau: ➢ Flows Northward.
➢ Mostly lie in USA. ➢ Originate from great slave lake and drains into
➢ It lies between Rockies and cascade range. ArcticOcean.
➢ It flows through Boreal forests of Canada.
➢ It is a Basaltic Lava Plateau.
➢ It has rich mineral resources. • Hudson river:
➢ Flows from north to south
5. Rivers: ➢ Originate in Appalachian mountains.
➢ It flows through major cities like New York and
Important rivers of North America are New Jersey.
➢ Provides an important waterway
Mississippi, Missouri, Colorado, St.
Lawrence, Mackenzie, Hudson, Snake, 6. Lakes of North America:
Tennessee, etc.
Mississippi: Important Lakes of North America are
➢ Flows from North to South
➢ Important tributary Missouri river. Superior, Huron, Ontario, Erie, Michigan,
➢ Most imp river system of USA Grt slave Lake, Lake Nicaraguan, Bear lake

• Great lakes:
➢ These are Glacial lakes

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➢ These include superior, Huron, Erie, Michigan, ➢ Formed because of Rain shadow region
Ontario. ➢ Driest in North America.
➢ Largest fresh water system together
➢ They hold 1/5th of earth’s fresh water. • Sonoran Desert:
➢ They provide water for irrigation, drinking, ➢ Spread across Mexico and USA.
Transportation etc. ➢ Receive rainfall biannually due to onshore
7. Deserts of North America: 8. Grasslands of North America:
• They are Temperate Grasslands.
Important deserts of North America are • They are also known as Prairies.
Mojave desert, Sonoran, Chihuahua, Great • They extend from USA to Canada.
Basin, Okanagan desert, Painted desert etc. • They are known as bread basket of the world.
• Largest of wheat grounds are found here.

Climate and Natural vegetation:

• Mojave desert:
➢ Lies inUnited States.

• Varied climate extending between tropical zone in

south to frigid zone in north.
• Summers are hot except in Northern part.
• The California region have Mediterranean type
climate due to changing wind pattern from onshore
westerliesto offshoretrade winds.
• The extreme North have permafrost region.
• The vegetation of the region is as follows: 32
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Resources and their utilization:

1. Land Resources:
• Highly advanced agricultural practices.
• The farm lands are very extensive. • The Grand bank near the coast of Newfoundland
• About half of the world’s maize is grown in North is famous for fishing
• Important crops are maize, wheat, barley, cotton,
tobacco, etc. 1. Alaska:
• Wheat is grown in prairie region of Canada and • It is one of the States of USA.
USA. • It is separated by Bering strait from Asia
• Cotton and tobacco in southern part of • It has high mineral resources
Mississippi basin. • Major producer and exporter of Petroleum
• Along Gulf coast rice and sugarcane are grown. • The region is sparsely populated.
• Central America is famous for growing Banana. • It lies in Frigid zone.

2. Forest wealth:
• North America rich in forest resources.
• These forests are great source of softwood.
• Pulp and paper are the important forest products of
this region.
• Tropic rainforest of the region yields good quality
hardwood such as mahogany and logwood.

3. Minerals and power Resources:

• North America is a major producer of petroleum
Natural gas, Nickel, Zinc etc.
• Appalachian highlands produce a large amount of 2. Gulf of Mexico:
Anthracite and high grade bituminous coal.
• North America is very rich in water power • It is the Largest Gulf in the world.
Resources due many rivers and water falls. • Bordered by Mexico, USA and West Indies.
Example Niagara falls. • Rivers like Mississippi falls in it.
• Pollution is a major threat for the Gulf sometimes
4. Fisheries: creating Dead Zone.
• Both open seas and inland fisheries are important.

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• Gulf of Mexico have many oil fields making this This is because of broad sea shelf).
region one of the largest producer of petroleum (


The land: ➢ SierraNevadain south. Gold reserves can be
• Physical features can be divided into three major
• There are several National park in western
parts, western cordilleras, the central Lowlands
and Eastern Highlands.
• The central Lowlands bounded by Rockies on west
• Western cordilleras consists of:
and Appalachians in the east.
• It is drained by river Mississippi and it’s
• The eastern Highlands consists of much eroded old
mountains- The Appalachians.
Climate and Vegetation:

• The amount of rainfall decreases from south

to north and from east to west.
• Temperature in general decreases from south
to north.
• Central Lowlands have continental type of
• The north western part receives heavy rainfall
due to onshore westerlies.
• Southern California has a typical
Mediterranean climate.
➢ Rockies easternmost and highest. These are young • The coniferous forests are confined to Great
fold mountains. lake region.
➢ West to Rockies lies Cascade range in North. • The natural vegetation of central lowlands is
These are volcanic rocks and is part of Pacific prairie grasses.
ring of fire.
Resources and their utilization: 34
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1. Agriculture: ➢ Import from Canada.

• Petroleum:
➢ Largest producer of oil and gas in 2014
➢ West Texas IntermediateBenchmark.
➢ Texas is the most important .

• Shale gas:
➢ Some of the largest reserves of shale oil.
➢ Important regions are Pennsylvania, Michigan,
WestVirginia etc.

• Industrial regions:

• Corn:
➢ Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Missouri
➢ Intensive crop and livestock farming
➢ Most of the corn is used to raise or fattening
livestock- hogs (pigs) and poultry
➢ Cattle rearing for meat and dairy products.

• Cotton:
➢ Cotton plantation system
➢ Hybrid cotton variety withmechanized farming
➢ Textile industries is labour intensive and hence
US exports raw cotton and imports finished
textile from Bangladesh, Pakistan and India
• Wheat & Rice: • NW region:
➢ Prairieregion is well known for wheat and rice ➢ Seattle– aluminum smelting, aircraft
belts. manufacturing,
➢ Oregon state lumbering: Eugene
➢ Per person productivity is very high. ➢ Salem– food processing hub.
➢ Truck farming belt.
• California region:
2. Minerals and Industries: ➢ San Francisco: financial services (Wall street of
• Coal: the west),
➢ Wyoming and Appalachian main coal producing ➢ San Diego: submarine and shipbuilding
regions. ➢ Los Angeles: entertainment, aerospace, port.
➢ Pennsylvania – only Anthracite producing region
• Great lake:
• Iron: Duluth– steel (Mesabi)
➢ Major iron mining Zone – Minnesota and Milwaukee- dairying, meat processing
Michigan. Chicago–FPI

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Detroit– automobile (GM) • Canadian shield:

Toledo - automobile ➢ Area of low plateau made of old hard rocks.
Cleveland– textile, steel
Buffalo– chemical industries ➢ Has numerous lakes and swamps.
➢ Rich in metallic minerals like gold, silver and
• NE region: nickel.
➢ Plateau of Labrador located east of the shield
• Boston: Biotech, education is extension of Appalachians.
• New York-New Jersey: largest city and a • The interior plains:
contributor of large chunk in the US economy, ➢ Interior plains known as prairies.
biggest port ➢ Plains are mostly flat and rise towards the Rockies.
➢ Very fertile.
• The cordillera region:
➢ This region include Rocky mountains, plateaus and
coastal ranges (from east to west)
➢ Region is rich in forest resources.

• Philadelphia: education, oil refining, food

The Land:

The climate and Vegetation:

• The three main physical divisions of Canada are
Canadian shield, interior plains and Cordillera
region. 36
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• In St Lawrence valley and around great lakes,

mainly dairy cattle are reared.

• Climate is generally cold due to high latitudes 2. Forestry:

• Strong cold winds blow in winters known as • Large part of Canada is covered withconiferous
BLIZZARDS. forests.
• Warm currents in western and south-eastern parts • Pulp and paper are the most important forest
bring good rainfall. products.
• Tundra, Taiga and prairies are important • Lumbering is an important occupation in Canada.
vegetation belts.
• Northern treeless zone is called tundra ( occupies 3. Fishing:
1/4th of area). • Very important economic activity as Canada is an
• South of tundra lies taiga region of coniferous important producer and exporter of fishes.
forests (2/5th of area) • Carried out mainly on eastern coast.
• Remaining is prairie region. • Newfoundland is famous for fishing.
Resources and their utilization: • The reason for rich fishing grounds is the meeting
of Cold and warm currents ( Labrador and
1. Agriculture: Gulfstream)
• Only about 7% area under cultivation.
• Wheat is the chief crop. 4. Minerals and Industries:
• World’s 22% of known Uranium reserve.
• One of the largest Nickel producer.
• Most of Canada’s petroleum and natural gas
supplies come from Alberta.
• About 70% of power is generated through water.

• Niagara falls is an importantsource of power.

• Highly mechanized farming. • Shale gas:
• Nova Scotia important centre of horticulture.
• Meat production is very high. • Important industrial centres:

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➢ Vancouver:Canada’s largest port, lumbering and

wood industries
➢ Calgary: Oil and gas industry
➢ Regina:Oil and gas reserve, mines of potash,
➢ Winnipeg: Aerospace industries
➢ Great Lakes region:

• Hamilton: industrial centre

• Toronto: Financial capital of Canada
• Kingston: Education
• Montreal: aerospace & electronics. Headquarter
of Bombardier
• Quebec: Port city, paper and wood industry 38
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1. South America is the fourth largest continent in the world.
2. It has long mountain range named Andes.
3. Its southern ends almost touch Antarctica (separated by Drake Passage).

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4. The continent is sparsely populated and divided among 13 nations

5. Equator passes through Ecuador, Colombia and Brazil. Cities like Macap, Quiolies on Equator.
6. Tropic of Cancer does not pass through this continent. Tropic of Capricorn passes through Chile,
Argentina, 10 Paraguay and Brazil.

The land:
• SA has 12 percent of total land of earth. ∙ The continent is mostly in Southern hemisphere.
• SA has following physical divisions- the western mountains, the central plains and the highlands. 40
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➢ Lies in Brazil
1) Highlands: ➢ Lava plateau,
• Guiana Highlands: ➢ Minas Garais region- iron and gold reserve.
o Lies in Venezuela
o Abundance of rain, tropical rainforest.
o World’s highest fall –Angel’s fall on Bolivian plateau:
Caroni River. ➢ Shared among Bolivia, Chile, and Peru.
o Gold, diamond and iron ore reserve. ➢ Most extensive after Tibet.
➢ Lake Titicaca world’s highest navigable
• Plateau of Mato Grosso:
water body lies here.
➢ Lies in Venezuela.
➢ Ancient erosional plateau,
➢ Part of Savannah grasslands ⮚ Cattle raising 2. The western Mountains:
is prominent. • These are called Andes
➢ Gold and diamond reserve. • The run from Caribbean Sea to southern tip of
• They are young fold mountains.(Formed due to
Plateau of Borborema: O-C collision)
➢ Lies in Brazil
• Mt. Aconcagua is the highest peak of Andes
➢ Semi-arid, deciduous thorny scrub.
• Cotopaxi in Ecuador is the highest active volcano
Birazilian Highlands: in the world. Other volcanic peak is mt.
Chimbrazo in Ecuador.

3. Rivers:

• Amazon river:
➢ Flows from west to east.
➢ Passes through Equatorial
➢ Navigable till Manaus
➢ Petroleum at mouth
➢ Natural Rubber

Amazon rainforest
• it is a tropical rainforest.
• Covering northwestern Brazil and extending into
Colombia, Peru and other South American
• Very rich in biodiversity. So far more than 2.5
million species have been discovered
• Deforestation due to cattle ranching and soya
beans fields.

Parana river system:

• Flows from north to south.
• From source to its junction with Paraguay –

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known as alto Parana

• Numerous water falls in alto Parana – then
• Useful for HEP, irrigation
• Wheat cultivation in
• Pampas region

Uruguay River:
➢ Flows from north to south.
➢ Joins Parana river – to form Rio de la Plata
➢ Important for irrigation and HEP
➢ Not useful for navigation due to numerous

4. Deserts:
Patagonia desert:
➢ Located in Argentina
➢ Due to rain shadow impact of Andes
➢ It is a cold desert.
➢ Pineapple – native to south Brazil and Parana
Atacama desert: River basin.
➢ Lies in Chile. ➢ Rubber – amazon basin
➢ Driest desert in the world.
➢ Impact of cold current is a reason for high aridity
(Humboldt Current).

The climate and Vegetation:

1. The greater part of SA lies in Tropical zone.
2. The equatorial region is covered with dense
tropical forest locally known as SELVAS.
3. On either side of Amazon forest (SELVAS) lays
savanna type of climate.
4. Granchaco, Llano, Pampas, Catinga and Campos:
• These are types of Vegetation
• Llanos are tropical grassland with swamps. These
are flat lands. Spread across Colombia and
• Catinga is deciduous thorny scrubland due to
water scarcity. Found in Brazil.
• Campos is a tropical grassland of Brazil
• Granchaco is a hot semi arid forest region in
south of the continent.
• Pampas are temperate grasslands. Spread across
Argentina, Brazil and
Uruguay. • Tropical crops:
➢ Sugarcane Grown in large Fazendas
(Name of plantation in Brazil)
Resources and their utilization: 3.
➢ Sao Paulo – Sugar bawl of the world ∙
1. Agriculture:
Pampas region:
Equatorial crops: ➢ Wheat cultivation and cattle rearing.
➢ Cocoa (native crop of Brazil)–grown in ➢ Parana-Paraguay region
Amazon basin, Bahia region.
➢ Avocado –origin Amazon basin 42
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2. Livestock rearing:
• ∙ Commercial livestock ranching ∙ Huge estates
• ∙ Most of the livestock rearing in Pampas.
• ∙ Argentina and Uruguay major producers.
• ∙ Llanos are facing over grazing.

1. Minerals and Industries:

• Petroleum:
➢ Venezuela is the largest producer and member of
➢ Other producers are Argentina, Ecuador, Brazil

• Copper:
➢ Chile- one of the
largest producers of
copper in the world.
⮚ Others are Venezuela,
Brazil, Argentina etc.

Industrial centres:
➢ ⮚ Sao Paulo-Automobile and aviation industries
➢ ⮚ Rio de Janeiro-Financial center of Brazil,
metallurgy and engineering
➢ ⮚ Santiago- Industrial and financial center of
➢ ⮚ Bueno Aires- Major port of South America,
food processing, oil refining and heavy
➢ ⮚ Caracas-Financial center of Venezuela,
chemical industries.

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rubber producing
• region but today its production is
2. Animal Rearing:
• Grassland and pastures occupy more than 1/8th
of the area and hence animal rearing is an
important activity.
• ∙ Important animals are sheep,goat, cattle, pig etc

3. Crops:
• Mainly an agricultural country. ∙
• Important crops are maize, rice beans etc.

• Most important crop. ∙
Land and Climate: • Introduced by Portuguese.
• Greater part of country is vast plateau. • ∙ Brazil is the largest producer.
• Northern part of the country is an Extensive • ∙ Grown on slopes of high plateau.
Lowland prepared by • ∙ The large coffee plantations are known as
• Amazon and its tributaries. FAZENDAS.
• ∙ Mainly Tropical Climate.
• ∙ Major portion of Brazilian plateau has
Savanna type of vegetation. Minerals and Industries:
• Rich in high quality iron ore and Mica. But
Resources and their Utilization: poor coal availability.
• Rich in water resources.
1. Forests:
• Industrial cities Cities of Rio-de Janeiro,
• Among the richest forests in the world.
• Many products such as Timber, gum, Sao Paulo, Belo, Horizente and Santos.
resins, waxes, oils, cellulose etc.
• Brazil is homeland of rubber. The people:
• Once the Amazon basin was the only • Very low population density.
• ∙ Most people live in Atlantic coastal region. 44
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7. Libya and Egypt.

Introduction 8. Tropic of Capricorn passes through Namibia,
Botswana, South Africa and Mozambique.
1. Africa is the second largest continent after Asia
that is 20% of world’s total Land area. The Land
2. It is separated from Europe by Mediterranean
The total area of Africa is 30.37Mn Km2. It
Sea in North and from Asia by Red Sea in the
has varied topography.
1. Plateaus: Almost all of Africa appears to be one
3. The Atlantic Ocean is in the west of the huge plateau though it consists of several
continent and Indian Ocean in southeast. plateaus.
4. It account for 16% of world population The plateau is higher in south and in east.
distributed among 54 countries. Examples:
Ethiopian Highlands:
5. Equator countries: Gabon, Congo, Democratic
republic of Congo, Uganda, Kenya and
6. Tropic of cancer passes through Western
Sahara, Mauritania, Mali, Algeria,

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➢ It lies in Ethiopia Adamawa Plateau:

➢ It is the highest Plateau of Africa. ➢ Lies in Cameroon, Nigeria and central African
➢ It is volcanic in nature Republic.
➢ Highest peak is Ras Dashan (4,620m). ➢ Savannah vegetation
➢ Cooler despite close to equator ➢ Bauxite deposits
East African plateau:
➢ It is shared between Uganda, Kenya and
➢ Multiple rift valleys and lakes
Katanga plateau:
➢ Lies in Democratic Republic of Congo
➢ Rich in mineral resources like Cobalt,Copper,
Diamond etc. 46
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2. Mountains:
• Mt. Kilimanjaro:
➢ In Tanzania
➢ It is the highest mountain peak of Africa.
It is 5,895m

Atlas mountains :
➢ Spread in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia
They are Fold Mountains
➢ They Separates Europe from Africa.
➢ The highest peak of the range is Ibel
Toubkal(4165m) in Morocco.

Mt. Kenya:
➢ 2nd highest peak of Africa. It is 5,200m

3. Rift valleys:
• In Africa, there is a long chain of rift
waterfalls except Nile, Zaire and some
valleys running from south of Lake
Malawi northward to the Red Sea and then
through the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of
Aqfuaba to the Dead Sea. It is known as
‘Great rift Valley’s.
• It is formed due to continent continet
➢ It flows from south to North.
➢ Through Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda,
• Rift valley has multiple lakes. Burundi, The Democratic Republic of
Congo, Kenya, Ethiopia,Eritrea,
4. Lakes Of Africa: South Sudan, Republic of the Sudan
and Egypt.
• Tanganyika: ➢ It is the largest river of Africa, known
➢ Shared among Tanzania, zaire and as Nile after White Nile and Blue
Zambia Nile (from Ethiopian highlands)
➢ World’s longest freshwater lake. meets at Khartoum
➢ 2nd deepest lake of world after lake Baikal ➢ It discharge water in mediterranean
(Siberia) sea.
➢ Lies in great rift valley.
Zaire or Congo:
Victoria: ➢ Flows from east to west
➢ Shared among Uganda,Kenya and ➢ Flows in Democratic Republic of Congo.
Tanzania. ➢ Largest River of Africa by volume.
➢ It is the largest lake of Africa. ➢ Its water falls in Atlantic Ocean.
➢ It is source of White Nile. ➢ It cuts Equator twice.
➢ Not inside a rift valley.
5. Rivers of Africa:
➢ It flows from west to east.
• Most of the rivers of Africa are not ➢ It passes through Zimbabwe, Zambia,
suitable for transportation as they make Mozambique, Namibia, and Angola.

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➢ Victoria falls on this river. Seychelles:

➢ Its water falls in Mozambique Channel. ➢ North of Madagascar in Indian

Limpopo: The Climate:

➢ An east flowing river.
➢ Flows through South Africa and Major part lies within tropical Zone.
Mozambique. Temperature very high throughout the year.
➢ Originate in high Velds and crosses tropic The highest temperature in the world has been
of Capricorn twice. recorded at Al Aziziyah (Libya) at 58C.
➢ Other important rivers are Orange, Chari, Volta,
etc. Rainfall:

6. Deserts of Africa: 1. There is wide variation in distribution of

• Sahara desert:
➢ Spread across Algeria, Chad, Egypt, 2. The central Africa experiences equatorial
Libya, Mali,Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, type of climate.
Sudan and Tunisia. 3. In the North and South of equator lies warm
➢ It is the world’s largest hot Desert.
➢ Tribe- Taureg and Bedouin. moist climate (Tropical wet and dry) having
rain in summer.
4. North and South of tropical region lies
• Kalahari desert:
➢ Spread across Botswana,Namibia, South
➢ It is part of savanna grasslands.
➢ Tribe- Bushmen.
Namib desert:

➢ Angola, Namibia, South Africa.

➢ It is a world heritage site.
➢ Tribe- Himba

Nubian desert:
➢ Rocky desert not a sandy desert
➢ Separated by Nile river from Libyan desert.
7. Islands, Bays and Gulf:

Examples: the Savanna

5. Grasslands (tall and coarse grasses).
• Madagascar: 6. Beyond savanna lies desert region of Africa both
➢ South east in Indian ocean. north and south.
➢ Largest island of Africa continent.
➢ It is a biodiversity hotspot Veld:

• These are Temperate grasslands found in

• Gulf of Guinea:
South Africa Region
➢ Major rivers like Niger and Volta falls into it.
➢ Places along the Gulf are Ivory coast, Ghana, • These are formed due to decreasing water
Nigeria, Cameroon, Congo, Gabon availability from Equatorial towards desert 48
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region. horns, tusks and feathers.

• These are intensively cultivated.


1. Gold:
➢ More than half of the world’s gold.
➢ South Africa is the major producer.
2. Diamond:
➢ World’s 95% diamond comes from Africa
➢ South Africa is the largest diamond
producer followed by Angola,
Botswana, Namibia etc.
3. Iron:
➢ Large Iron ore reserves.
➢ Important producers of Iron are South
Africa, Mauritania and Algeria.

Utilization of resources: ➢ Cattle rearing are a primary activity of

most of the tribes.
1. Wildlife and Animal Husbandry: 2. Forests:
➢ Wild animals and birds are important
➢ Forests and trees are important sources of
natural resources
wealth in Africa
➢ They are hunted for their skins, bones,

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➢ Important tree species are Cacao (coffee),

Rubber, Banana, pineapple, mango etc.
3. Agriculture:
➢ Subsistence farming, small farms,family
labor, little use of machinery .
➢ Low productivity (except Nile basin and
Mediterranean region).
➢ Major crops are Cotton, palm oil, coffee,
tobacco etc.

4. Manufacturing Industries:
➢ Agro based Industries (coffee, cotton, palm oil).
➢ Major Industrial countries are South Africa,
Nigeria, etc. 50
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The Land and Climate:

• Nigeria is a country of Lowland and

• Most important river is Niger.
• Coastal Nigeria has Equatorial
• In the interior there is a marked dry season
in summer.
• Hot and dust laden winds blow from north
known as Harmattan.

Resources and their utilization:

1. Soil and Crops:

➢ Yoruba, Igbo, and Hausa are major tribes.
➢ Nigeria is mainly an agricultural country. ➢ Ibadan is the largest city. Other major cities are
➢ Major food crops yam, cassava, millet, maize Kano, Kaduna, Jos, Lagos and Port Harcourt
➢ Largest exporter of Palm kernels, palm oil
and groundnuts.
➢ Other cash crops are cocoa,cotton, tobacco

2. Animal rearing:
➢ Cattle, goats and sheep are reared.

3. Forests:
➢ 1/3rd of country is under forest.
➢ Timber and plywood are important exports.

4. Mineral and Industries:

➢ Only coal producing country in western Africa
➢ One of the largest mineral oil producing
countries of Africa
➢ Other major industries are textiles, food
processing, leather etc.

The People:

➢ Population density comparatively higher.

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Introduction: Resources and their utilization:

➢ Egypt is considered as gift of Nile. 1. Soil:

➢ It is one of the most populated and richest ➢ Nile valley has one of the most fertile soils in
countries of Africa. world.
➢ 2/3rd population is engaged in agriculture.
Land and Climate:
➢ Major food crops are rice, wheat, millet etc.
2. Minerals and Industries:
➢ Mineral oil is most important wealth.
➢ Cotton textile and food industries are quite

3. Water resources:
➢ Several large dams on Nile River
(Aswan is the largest).

The people:

• Inhabitants of Egypt are mostly Arabs.

• Larger part of country is Desert ∙ • Cairo is the capital.
• Sand laden winds of Egypt are known as • Port Said at the Suez Canal is a big
Khamsin. trading Centre.
• Most of the population lives in fertile strip of
land along Nile. 52
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Land and Climate

Almost whole South Africa is a high plateau

sloping towards the west. ∙ The plateau region is
covered with grasses known as ‘the veld’.
Moderate climate due to coastal proximity
Important rivers are Orange and Vaal.
Resources and their utilization:
1. Soil:
➢ Only 1/8th of South Africa under cultivation.
➢ Only veld region is cultivable Important crops are
maize, wheat, oats, etc.
2. Animal rearing:
➢ Major manufactured products are Agro based
➢ More important that crop cultivation
products, steal, chemicals etc
➢ 2nd largest exporter of wool.
3. Mineral and Industries:
The people:
➢ Half of world’s production of gold.
• Nearly 2/3rd population is black
➢ Leading producer of diamond (important
belonging to different tribes.
Centre of diamond mining is Kimberley).
• Johannesburg is the largest city of south
➢ Platinum, manganese, uranium, copper, are
Africa .
other important minerals.
• Cape Town is the capital with largest
➢ South Africa is most industrialized country of

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• Only continent which is both populous and

INTRODUCTION: prosperous.
• Europe is a small continent that is sixth in size. • It has 50 sovereign states.
• It is at best a Peninsula of Eurasian continent.
The Land:
• In the north lies the Arctic Ocean, in south
Mediterranean sea, in west Atlantic Ocean ➢ Europe may be divided into Four major physical
borders Europe and in east it is separated from divisions:
Asia by Ural mountains, Caucasus mountains and 1. The North-western Highlands
Caspian sea. 2. The north European plains
3. The central uplands 54
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4. The Alpine system mountains in Slovakia.

➢ TheNorth-western Highlands: 3. Caucasus:

1. Also known as Scandinavian mountains. • Countries include Armenia Azerbaijan,
2. It extends from Finland through Sweden, Georgia and Russia.
Norway and the British Isles to Iceland. • Highest peak Mt. Elbrus inRussia.
3. The area is rich in metallic minerals.
4. Soil are coarse and least fertile 4. Pyrenees:
5. Northern part of these is known as Fenno • Forms border between France and Spain.
Scandinavian shield.
➢ North European plains: 1.Rhine:
1. Extends from Ural in the east to Atlantic in the ➢ Flows from south to north.
west. ➢ Mouth in Atlantic Ocean.
2. These are gently rolling plains. ➢ Countries it flows throughare Switzerland,
France, Germany and Netherlands.
➢ The central uplands: ➢ Very important for Navigation.
1. Variety of Mountains, hills and Plateau. ➢ Important cities like Basel, Amsterdam, Cologne,
2. Rhine flows Northward and Rhone flows Strasbourg etc.
southward of the uplands.
3. A canal connects these two rivers making it 2. Rhone:
possible to cross the continent through ➢ Flows from North to South in France.
waterways. ➢ Important for Irrigation, HEP, Vineyards and
Fruit orchards.
➢ The Alpine system: ➢ Drain into Mediterranean sea.
1. Alps mountain ranges:
• These are present in the south of the 3.Danube:
continent. ➢ Flows from west to east.
• Alpine countries France, Switzerland, ➢ Origin: Black forest in Germany
Monaco, Italy, Liechtenstein, Austria, ➢ Drains into Black sea
Germany, and Slovenia ➢ Importance: for freight transport, HEP,
• These areyoungfold mountains. Irrigation, fishing
• Mount Blanc is the Highest peak on the ➢ Industrial use has polluted water. Hence, unfitfor
border of Italy and France. drinking and irrigation

2. Carpathian: 4. Volga:
• Extend in Czech republic, Slovakia, ➢ Largest river of Europe.
Poland, Ukraine Serbia and Romania. ➢ Originates from central Russia and Drains into
• Highest mountain peak isTatra Caspian sea.
➢ Important for Navigation in Russia.
➢ Moscow lies in the valley of Volga.

Other important rivers:

➢ Rivers draining into Mediterranean are: Rhone,
Po, Ebro, etc.
➢ Rivers draining into Atlantic Ocean: Rhine, Elb,
Loire, Douro, Seine etc.

Important rivers of Europe are Rhine,

Rhone, Danube, Volga, seine, Loire,
Thames, Po, Ebro, Ruhr etc.

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➢ Rivers draining into Black sea: Danube, Dnieper,

Dniester, Don, etc.

Countries BorderingMediterranean sea: 56
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• European:Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, • Malta and Cyprus are island countries in the sea.
Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Montenegro, Albania and Greece.
• Asian: Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey (SILT). Water Bodies
• African:Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and
Some important water bodies:

From West to East:North sea, Bay of Biscay, Gulf of 1. Baltic sea:

Lions, Adriatic sea, Baltic sea, Aegean sea, Sea of • Bordered by Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia,
Marmara and Black sea. Lithuania, Sweden, northeast Germany,
Polandand Russia.
From North to South:White sea,Gulf of Bothnia,
Baltic sea, North sea, Dover strait, English channel, 2. Dover Strait: It connects North sea with English
Bay of Biscay, Black sea and Adriatic sea. channel.Forms Borderbetween Britain and

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3. Strait of Gibraltar:It connects Mediterranean sea

and Atlantic Ocean.Belong to territory of UK.
4. StraitofBosporusconnects sea of Marmara with
Black sea. It separates Turkey from it’s European
part. Istanbul is on the strait.

5. Bay of Biscay:It is Bordered by France and


6. Black sea: Bordering countries are

Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey,
Georgia, and Russia.

7. Dardanelles Strait: It connects Aegean sea and sea

of Marmara.

8. Kerch Strait: It connects Black Sea&Sea of Azov

• South-east part of Europe have extensive
temperate grasslands called steppes.
Climate of Europe:

• Major part of the region lies in Temperate zone.

• The climate of Europe is influenced by factors like
relief, proximity to seas, westerlies and North
Atlantic drift.
• Rainfallis well distributed throughout the year
• Rainfall decreases from west to east.
• Summers are warm and winters are cool in western
• Central and eastern Europe faces Continental
• Southern Europe faces Mediterraneantype of
climate due to offshore winds in summers and
onshore westerlies in winters. Resources and their utilization:
• Northern most region is Tundra climate. 1. Agriculture:
• Unlike other places on same latitude, Western
Europe in winters does not experience frozen • Wheat is the most important crop. Important
conditions because of North Atlantic Drift ocean wheat producing areas are Ukraine, Paris basin,
current(warm current) Low countries, North European plains, plains
Vegetation: of Hungary and Po valley in Italy.
• Fruit orchards are located in Mediterranean region.
• Natural vegetation follows the climatic pattern. Important countries areNetherlands, Belgium,
• Mediterranean regionhave small trees with deep Bulgaria etc.
roots. Their leaves are small, thick and glossy. • Highly mechanized farming.
• In Northern part, beyond the Arctic Circle, the
vegetation is Tundra consisting of lichens, moss • Viticulture:
etc. ➢ European countries are largest producer of wine
• South of tundra lies coniferous tree region. and largest consumers as well.
➢ Portugal, Spain, France, Italy are some ➢ Port wine, Sherry wine Bordeaux, champagne
important producers. Asti, Cincinnati wine are important varieties that
are produced. 58
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• The Iron and Steel industry is important in

• Dairy farming: UK, France, Germany, Ukraine and Russia
➢ Highly mechanized dairy farming. • Some small countries likeDenmark, Austria,
➢ Important countries areNetherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Czech, Slovak, Belgium etcdo
Ireland, Germany. not have rich mineral deposits. However they
➢ Apart from cheese- whey powder, protein based have developed other industries like food
products – protein sports drink, fortified meals. processing or high quality small articles like
2. Forests:
• Large part of forests are confined to 4. Water resources:
Scandinavian region, Alpine mountains and • Oceans have been used for fishing and shipping on
Taiga region of Russia. a large scale.
• Dogger bank and Great fisher bank in North
3. Mineral resources: sea are important fishing grounds ( due to meeting
• Coal, iron-ore, petroleum and natural gas of cold and warm ocean currents)
are important Resources of Europe. • Important fishing countries are Norway, Sweden,
• Coal is found inBritain, Spain, Ukraine, Iceland, Denmark, Netherlands, UK, Germany,
Mainland Europe and Russia. France, Spain and Portugal.
• Important oil fieldsare in North sea, • Inland waterways are highly advanced in
Romania, Georgia, Armeniaand Russia. countries like Italy, Germany, France, UK etc.

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The United Kingdom:

• In Atlantic Ocean lies two islands known as

British Isles.
• On these islands is the United Kingdom with
Irish republic.

• United Kingdom consists ofGreat Britain

(England, Scotland and Wales) and Northern
Ireland. 60
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• Ben Nevis is the highest peak in UK which is just

The land: 1345 m from sea level.
• Important Mountains are Grampian mountains,
• It is surrounded by seas on all sides and separated Pennines, Cambrian mountains etc.
by English channel from mainland Europe. • Most important river is Thameswhich drains into
• The country is of low relief marked by Undulating Atlantic Ocean and London is important city on
plains. the river.
• The country has very long indented coast line.
The climate: • Rainfall is well distributed throughout the year.
• Climate is temperate and equitable with very less • Most of the time it is cloudy and foggy.
temperature difference in winters and summers • Weather is Highly variable.
(due to proximity of sea)

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Resources and economic development: ➢ Poultry farming is an important activity.

• Coal:
• Agriculture and Animal Husbandry: ➢ Most of them now exhausted
➢ Less than one-third of total area is under ➢ PreviouslyKellingley, Thoresby, Hatfield mines
cultivation. ➢ 2014 –Kellingleyand Thoresbyclosed.
➢ Wheat, Barley, Oats, rye etc are important
crops. • Petroleum reserves are in ample amount in North
➢ Farmers mostly practice mixed farming. sea region.
➢ The country is known for its Beef and dairy
industry. • Industrial centres of UK: 62
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• France is second largest country in Europe

• It is surrounded by water from three sides.
• Bordering countries are Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Spain.

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The land:

• France has varied relief.

• Mountains:
➢ Pyrenees mountains run along the Southern • Western and northern part of France enjoy
boundary and separate France from Spain. Maritime climate
➢ In eastern part Alps, Jura and Vosgesseparate it • North eastern and central part have Continental
from Italy, Switzerland and Germany climate.
respectively. • Southern part have Mediterranean climate.
• The central Plateau or Massif gently slopes
towards west and north west.( directing rivers) Resources and economic development:
• North west coastline is Indented.
• Agriculture:
The climate: 64
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➢ Coastal plains and river valley are most • Industries:

suited to agriculture. ➢ Textile industry in France is very important.
➢ Farming in France is generally mixed farming ➢ Silk and woollen industry is also developed.
➢ Intensive farming is general feature. ➢ France specializes in manufacture of
➢ Heavy use of chemicals and machinery in machines, automobiles, ships and
Agriculture. aeroplanes.
➢ France is famous for its vineyards- fields
where grapes are cultivated. Industrial centres;
➢ French wines are known for its quality.
• Lyon: Silk –rayon textile, chemicalindustries
• Coal: • Lille:Textile industries
➢ Lorraine region. • Lorraine region:Iron and steel industry.
➢ Loire mining region • Paris:Banking and finance, Media entertainment,
➢ Vosges and Jura mountain region etc.
➢ Nord-Pas-de-Calais region

• Iron ore:
➢ Only mineral which is found in large quantity
in France.
➢ 90% of iron comes from Lorraine field.

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• In 1990, Germany got united with Berlin as its capital.
• It is Bordered by Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Denmark, Netherlands, France,
Luxembourg and Belgium.

The land:

• Germany may be divided into two physical units- Northern German plains and southern highlands &
mountains. 66
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• North German plains:

➢ Part of great European plains Resources and economic development:
➢ Covered with a thick mantle of glacial clay.
• Agriculture:
• The southern unit: ➢ More than half of total land is under crops.
➢ Mountains like Black forest, Jura, Erzgebirge ➢ Cereals, orchards and vineyards.
and Bavarian Alps. ➢ Soil is not very fertile so great quantities of
fertilizers and manures are used.
Climate ➢ Germany is one of the largest producer of rye,
potatoes and sugar beet.
• Temperate climate ➢ Vine growing regions include Elbe valley and
• Maritime climate in coastal regions. Rhine valley.
• Continent climate in south east region.
• Most of the Rainfall occurs in summers. • Coal:

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➢ Ruhr Valley- Very important coal fields

➢ The coal is of excellent cooking quality
➢ It forms the basis of one of the most intensive
iron and steel industry.
➢ Saarr coal field, Minden coal field.

• Industrial centres: 68
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• In 1991, after disintegration ofUSSR, Russia got established with other 15 states.

The land:

• Russia is the largest country in the world.

• Though it extends into two Continents, most of its developed part lies into Europethat is west of Urals.
• Russia extends from far north to the black sea in south. From Pacific coast in east to Kaliningrad in west.
• Russia has Eleven time zones.
1.The plains of European Russia:

• Among most extensive plains in the world

• Stretch from Arctic Ocean in the north to Black sea and Caspian sea in south.
2.The west Siberian plains:

• Situated between Urals on west and river Yenisey on east.

• Swamp and marshes.
• Major Source of Natural gas for Russia.
• Yamal Peninsula also known for petroleum reserves.

3.Central Siberian Plateau:

• Lying between river Yenisey in west and River Lena in east.
• Deeply eroded by rivers and covered with forests.

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Importantmountain ranges are Urals,
➢ One of the oldest mountain range in world Yablonovy range, Stanovoy range,
➢ Highest peak of Urals – Narodnaya
➢ Extension into Arctic sea as Novaya Zemlya Verkhoyansk range etc.
➢ Not continuous, has many gaps
➢ Kola peninsula – copper

5. Rivers:
• Don: Important rivers of Russia are Volga, Don,
➢ Drains into Sea of Azov Ob, Irtysh, Yenisei, Lena etc.
➢ Rostov city is on Don
➢ Volga- Don canal [connects Black sea with Caspian sea]

• Volga: ➢ Ob-Irtysh – Vasugnya swamp (one of the

➢ Originated in Valdai hills largest swamp)
➢ Most important waterway ➢ Irtysh drains into China’sDzungaria basin.
➢ Cities on river:Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan,
Samara and Volgograd. • Yenisei:
➢ From Western Sanyan hills and Baikal lake
• Ob-Irtysh: ➢ Cities on river:
➢ Largest river of Russia by volume ➢ Bratsk, Ulan-Ude and Krasnoyarsk on Yenisei.
➢ Omsk on Irtysh
➢ Novosibirsk on Ob The climate:

• Influence of Continentality 70
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• Verkhoyansk – one of the coldest inhabited place • Natural gas:

in the world ➢ Largest reserves in the world.
• Russia - Artic climate most prevalent ➢ Important regions are Medvezhye, West Siberia,
• Taiga and Tundra climate PechoraBasinandYamburg.

Resources and economic development: Industries:

• Agriculture: • Iron and steel industry is the most important

➢ Limited growing period so only one crop a year. industry.
➢ 40% pastures and meadows • Russia manufactures tractors, Heavy machines,
➢ Wheat, Oil-seeds, cotton - important ammunition, aero planes, ships etc.
➢ Oat, mustard, corn, sugar beet, flax
➢ Potato – very important. Industrial regions:
➢ Moscow – steel, chemical, machinery
• Petroleum: ➢ Ivanovo – textile
➢ West Siberia main oil producing region ➢ Nizhniy Novgorod – automobile
➢ Urals-Volga (20%) ➢ Tula – mining, metallurgical industry
➢ Sakhalin – contribute 3% but high potential ➢ St. Petersburg – financial hub
➢ East Siberia: -untapped reserve ➢ Volga region-Oil refineries, petrochemical
➢ Eastern Siberia-Pacific ocean pipeline. industries, Defence industry
➢ Baikal region: paper and pulp industry,
• Coal: Aluminium industry, HEP etc.
➢ Coal is the most important power resources of
Russia. Trans-Siberian railway:
➢ 2ndlargest reserves of coal in world. ➢ Longest in the world
➢ It is found in Kuznetsk basin, Eastern Siberia, ➢ St. Petersburg to Vladivostok
the Urals and Sub- Moscow basin. ➢ Via – Moscow, Kazan, Omsk, Novosibirsk,
Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Ulan Ude, Chita
➢ Branches to Mongolia, China and North Korea

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• Nordic countries- • Savalbard Island- source of Gold & Coal.

o Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and • Natural gas is available from North Sea,
Iceland. Norwegian Sea & Barents sea. All this makes
• Scandinavian Countries- Norway, Sweden & Norway a country with largest petroleum reserves
Denmark in western Europe.
• These countries are known for very high HDI
• Known for green technologies – HEP(Hydro- Sweden
electric Power) and wind energy for electricity • Apart from HEP, Nuclear energy has a large
• High latitude – Taiga Climate share.
• Coniferous forest- softwood: lumbering and paper • Sweden plans to make vehicles free from fossil
industries. fuels by 2030. At present bio-methane is used as
fuel at large scale in vehicles.
Norway • Kiruna mine- Largest underground mine of iron
• Large producer of solar grade silicon and solar ore.
cells 72
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Finland • Residue of lumbering industry is also recycled to

• Energy also produced from black liquor(a by- produce electricity.
product of paper industry, forestry & nuclear • Pietarsari- World's largest biomass based power
technology) plant.

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• It occupies nearly two-thirds of the continent.

• Most of the plateau is a desert or semi-desert.
1. Smallest continent but largest Island. • Rich in Minerals such as gold and iron ore.
2. 5% of World's land area. • Kimberly plateau is an example of western highlands.
3. Lies entirely in southern hemisphere.
4. Together with New Zealand and nearby islands it 2. The central Low lands:
is known as Australasia.
5. It has the newest settlement. 6. The tropic of It extends from Gulf of Carpentaria in the north to the
southern shores of Australia.Much of the lowland is very
Capricorn cuts the continent almost into half.
dry.Largest and deepest Artesian Artesian basin confined
groundwater aquifer (water Grab your reader’s attention with
The Land: a great stored in permeable sandstone) quote from the
document or use this space Largest and deepest Artesian basin
• We can divide Australia into three major physical to emphasize a key point. To place this text box anywhere on
divisions Western Plateau, the Central Lowlands and the page, just drag it.] in the world Biggest source of fresh
water for basin in the world central Australia.
the Eastern Highlands.
3. The eastern Highlands:
1. Western Plateau:
• Important plateau are Kimberly plateau, Antrim Plateau,
Barkley table land, Arnhem Land. 74
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4. The deserts of Australia:

Important mountain ranges are Great dividing range, Grey
range, Blue Mountain range, Australian Alps, Darling Important deserts are Great Victoria, Gibson, Great
range, Reynolds range etc.

• They are also known as the great dividing range.

• They extend from Cape York Peninsula to north of
• They are elevated plateaus o The highest peak is Mt.
Kosciusko (2234mt)
• Most rivers of Australia rise from here.
• Part of this range is Australian Apls.

Great barrier reef:

• Largest coral reef system

• Coral important part of marine ecology and
• World Heritage site Cultural and spiritual
importance to Australian Aboriginals

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sandy, Tanami, Simpson.

Great Victoria desert:

➢ Mostly lie in western Australia

➢ Largest Desert of the continent.
➢ Due to offshore trade winds.

Gibson Desert:

• Temperate grassland – ‘Downs’ are the feature of

Murray darling Basin.
• Most of the rivers drain into lakes. (Inland drainage
• Other important rivers are Diamantina, Gilbert,
Lachlan etc.

The climate:
• The northern section of Australia has a more tropical
influenced climate, hot and humid in the summer, and
quite warm and dry in the winter,
• while the southern parts are cooler with mild summers
➢ Tropic of Capricorn passes through it and cool, sometimes rainy winters.
5. Grasslands:
• There are two types of grasslands are found in theResources and their utilization:
continent-tropical and temperate. • Australia is one of the most industrialised countries of the
• These are called 'Savana' and 'Downs' World.
respectively. • Rich in resources like plants, wildlife and minerals. But it
• In the Savanna grasslands, Salt Brush and Mulga
bushes are found.
• The Downs are called the 'Parkland of

Important rivers of Australia are Murray,Darling, Lachlan,
Warrego, Yarra, etc.

• Australia have two important rivers Murray and

• Darling river originates from Great dividing range
and Murray from Snowy mountain. is deficient in water resources. 76
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1. Forests and wildlife: 4. Minerals and Industries

• Eucalyptus is the most common tree of Australia.
• Forests are found near the coast where rainfall is heavy.
• Australia possesses large reserves of coal, iron-ore,
• Many of the animals of Australia MARSUPIALS.
bauxite, manganese and tin.
• It is ye largest producer of bauxite in the world.
2. Crops:
• Export minerals to China, Japan, South Korea and
• Due to inadequate rainfall only 4% area is under India.
cultivation. • Important industrial centres of Australia are:
• Australia is an agricultural country.
• Wheat is the most important crop. New south wales and
western Australia are the main wheat growing states
(Downs region). 5.Trade and Transport:
• Sugarcane, Tobacco and cotton are important cash crops.
• Australia has one of the best transportation
system in the world.
3. Animal Husbandry: • Railways is the most important means of
• Sheep rearing = wool and lamb meat production transport.
• Cattle rearing = meat and dairy production. • Trans-Australian railway runs between Perth and
• Commercial Dairying with sophisticated
• The major roads in Australia are called
commonwealth Highways.
• Large pasturelands, herd management, large no. of cattle
• Concept of Air Ambulance is very unique in Australia
under a farm as it has very scattered settlements

The people:

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• Very low population density.

• Scattered settlements
• Important cities are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane,
Adelaide, Gold Coast, Canberra, Newcastle. 78

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