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Cushing’s VS.

Addison’s disease

C​ushing Addison
HYPERsecretion of ​C​ORTISOL HypOsecretion of ​Aldosterone & Cortisol
“Cushion is similar to cushion (extra padding)” “ADDison = ADDed an extra steroid hormone (Aldosterone &

Causes of Cushing’s Causes of Addison’s Disease

● Glucocorticoid drug therapy ex: Prednisone ● Autoimmune due to the adrenal cortex becoming damaged
● Body causing it: due to tumors and cancer on the ​*pituitary due to the body attacking itself:
glands or adrenal cortex​, or genetic predisposition ○ Tuberculosis/infections
○ Cancer
○ Hemorrhaging of the adrenal cortex due to a trauma


Remember the mnemonic: ​“​STRESSED​” ​(remember there is too Remember the phrase: “Low ​STEROID​ Hormones” (remember you
much of the STRESS hormone CORTISOL) have low production of aldosterone & cortisol which are STEROID
- S​kin fragile
- S​odium & S ​ ​ugar low (due to low levels of cortisol which is
- T​runcal obesity with small arms responsible for retention sodium and increases blood
glucose), ​S​alt cravings
- R​ounded face (appears like moon), ​R​eproductive issues
amenorrhea and ED in male(due to adrenal cortex’s role in - T​ired and muscle weakness
secreting sex hormones)
- E​lectrolyte imbalance of high Potassium and high Calcium
- E​cchymosis, ​E​levated blood pressure
- R​eproductive changes…irregular menstrual cycle and ED in
- S​triae on the extremities and abdomen (Purplish) men

- S​ugar extremely high (hyperglycemia) - ​ blood pressure (at risk for vascular
collapse)….aldosterone plays a role in regulating BP
- E​xcessive body hair especially in women…and Hirsutism
(women starting to have male characteristics), ​El​ ectrolytes - I​ncreased pigmentation of the skin (hyperpigmentation of the
imbalance: hypokalemia skin)

- D​orsocervical fat pad (Buffalo hump), ​De​ pression - D​iarrhea and nausea, ​De​ pression

- Cushing’s Syndrome​: caused by an outside cause or Addisonian Crisis : Remember the 5 S’s
medical treatment such as ​glucocorticoid therapy 1. S​udden pain in stomach, back, and legs
2. S​yncope (going unconscious)
- Cushing’s Disease​: caused from an inside source due to the 3. S​hock
pituitary gland producing too much ACTH​ which causes 4. S​uper low blood pressure
the adrenal cortex to release too much cortisol. 5. S​evere vomiting, diarrhea and headache

*The information written in the schedule are taken from this ​Video

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