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30-03-202 2,

Daki ard Tine oh bxanunal

2 30 pm

Ecamnahen Kol) No

so4' [cGGS)
Name g Vo programme:

6.lovn CHovno)

rugue pape ode 1227S101

1itte B pepes
R N21022 5o9185

ALC brprn hosds asc

inhesis uhosas met al
a h uut goods ase
hberuit Goedo are Go goodo whre dermand
ta a vuorml ok Ue tonoummet malaal

On te otls hamd, 9lhpn goodn ae tho gosdo

whoe demamd hallo o paie u
pood fall
amd meases ao ha paie u o god malae
Thus mearo ho laut h demand f a
good daeo
met hold in ghr good ase
When he prue of a good charnge ble ebhed
Un bs quanlly demandud weuld be aaummul

bve seult oh ahoroweriured egkous Subtkt

s a y o , o pelson sould subblb tonaunml.

havo sh gocd ulnh hae hiome heaes

1hexehore sulortulo, elget abusayy megoli

2 Pa Ho 21022 S091&S

icome e d dosabos to chango puhaog

Pot a. comoinmCl. due te pads hange a

ia be uest vvneme e
invhetuol good i one

peiie and heme mrlasl pusckaring p0u

ed by folli paie wguld sedue tho eevteurn

phon Aat goed bt tho lur derraand

e . Fot pood t ho p ssed,

Ke perile nomb qet shoalel ouhueigl rega

hive substilo e h 6 akuallvolslas

omand. Hemne, hat u bho seaaevn ue zfe

b all gh gooda 0
iesiaa goed bt, mot
all nhers geods ae e

(n n eaewe, tho dovnand bo, sasy, a backi f

phuho by a
domand y Conume hos he pavdul pad-
ol 210195o 4183
Aued bey h hion. The torn
was firs
Lnhodudd by Plfed Mlatuhall uw ho ieipb

Elonemco tis 1890. emand o all

saclaro o paduelon vio nadaad as desived


Flpo, m
eonemuio, derined domnamd v devnmand


eolt Uo denmamd
gosd thas ocuuto a a

boe omotee vileronedisló os himal gard.

mAiasl o ouraasl sanrsgs

(b) roset zalo
on bo magniluds Bk
e subtdhion effes. Arn
he budget
m savmgi

dokeoze m mleevsf ab
oulusord whils a

depenching t
mwaid. Then
PN4 dI3S
PolO No 210125 0

nc e h t a d sabolhoo elhs and o

PRakercue oh ho tonoumer, te opmum

Could be higdes o8 louws 30mgs. Thus v

lnbat ahllows tle diagrommh eloo.



imloreel sato rasi

(a) Highes
PWo:S olls 2101250418S

Lukeva uld


(b) Highe3. hmlezut aali losesa

(a) iii) 1he stabmen1 i ored

wue camrof salihy

o toscaruhy oh sezoutee,
H AerouMez te
wamlo, Ty we
all our
tonmeb hame seslo
beat pomible manne,

úsne Prodtacan
Serd aodubor pornbli

adauhion Poribilby huue CPPC)i a cusne

sll No 2/012404/SS

the.hole s gendr vlo sez6us. amd ihndog9

nlnoánoon a pidualon pormibihly aonbek
and bonabesmelon Cume, 16 a tal, vhuh

Cann hol solve o cevliolb eonomi phoD

ndhuctirn Porbilh lte

(V) The elolement is vmoereef

1ade lan Make Eepene Cis O. hr

thes uword, base paovdis beroht t bote
tho posha both bhe coura

alea Hlam henig selselhiund, pesplo tan

PWo:7 Roll No 21072 041ES

pecke n pkdauune evo goodo Ord

SERNcb and txchanee it os olos good

Counbuei a uell ao hamher bu-ahet fpor o

abehly l thads url erre amolher

F's&enammpe, ho t t Riue m hd
wheat it sopea hg. Hrud
Pe and hos i

n Nepal, tlo cotA Ais 7|b0pe K
c ueob, its F1 SO es Ke9
Hmcono, h o a speualged un mabimg

Wheat and Nepals spoialed m mabury

Arie b Suuh a co2e, huelhd shol vpoul

end Nepal shola hmasd

Auie rom Nepal
hnthis hoth he
wbsat from
. way,

Counaio are burnhitdAorn bracs a ley ge

goodo aF lpwer pie

Auh wmdesgonis teo vety toneeplob glrbalyaliom

Taade lan lahe uyona Beth 0h
PnS Call wo 210125o 418s
(VTho sta
Ccnomu, a, t thal ho olacary beov

tneuksed amd tlat canmmot be 3usnisad v

solfcrtodto a suk tost

eononie dousism maakvng, Sunk elo al

Tealod cs bygone amd ae mot tokn mlö

Corrauderaluo whon deudirpe
Conbral am melbmonl pAgees.

olo evelddo giue

Plas, sunk ase

because te tt uill
uovine deuoonn
tho oulione
s a m e Aigaidllbr
Aermrasin e


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