Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Nguyên - Unit 3 Original Student Writing: Các lỗi gặp trong bài

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Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Nguyên – Unit 3

Original Student Writing
I always make a list of tasks for every week or month. And I try to follow these lists. After
the Covid-19 epidemic appeared, because of travel restrictions, I started to work from home.
Most of these days, our activities take place in my house.
I live in a small house with my friend. My friend and I have some similar habits, so we
decided to do them together every day. Our day begins quite early. We start one day with
meditation for thirty minutes. We usually meditate on the balcony right beside the big green
tree. Sometimes, we only sit down, keep quiet, and observe breathing. I always feel peaceful
every time I meditate.
After meditation, we have breakfast together. Breakfast gives me the energy to start my work.
I often work for three hours in the morning. Then, we spend time cooking lunch. My friend
and I are vegetarians, so we eat various beans, vegetables, and fruits. Both of us love
homemade food.
We often do work out after finishing work in the afternoon. If it does not rain, we will walk
along an alley next to the house. The evening is the time for our hobbies. I like to read books.
My friend and I often share the things that we have learned. We can talk about them for
hours. We also spend a lot of time learning courses. Studying is not only the need but my
I have a habit of writing all of my emotions before sleeping. I call this habit “emotions check-
in”. The practice allows me to reconsider my reactions in situations with other people and
adjust next time.
Các lỗi gặp trong bài:
STT Lỗi Sửa lại Lỗi về
1 We usually take meditation on We usually meditate on the balcony Hành văn dài dòng
the balcony right beside the right beside the big green tree.
big green tree.
2 We often do work out after We often work out after finishing Spelling: work chỉ công
finishing works in the work in the afternoon. việc nói chung không
afternoon. có “s”
‘Works’ có ‘s’ chỉ các
tác phẩm
3 My friend and I often share My friend and I often share the things Dùng PP ổn hơn là past
the things that we learned. that we have learned. simple
4 We can talk about it for hours. We can talk about them for hours. Sai tân ngữ
5 I call this habit to be emotions I call this habit “emotions check-in”. Có thể lược bớt

6 The practice allows me to The practice allows me to reconsider Dùng ‘reconsider” với
consider my reactions in my reactions in situations with other nghĩa ‘đánh giá lại’ hợp
situations with other people people and adjust next time. với văn cảnh hơn
and adjust next time.

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