Books Data Managment System

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Books Data Managment


This project is a data managment system, which can be used to manage

data related to books. This project allows you to perform all crud
operations on books i.e., Create books, Update books, read books and
delete books.

This project can be broken into three parts,
1. Database,
2. Web service,
3. And frontend

1. Database
Mongodb version 4.2.6 is used as database backend, it has collection
named books which is used to store Books data.
Each book consists of 4 properties, 1. Title, 2. Author, 3. Edition, 4.
Publish year
Following commands can be used to initialize this database.

use books
"title": "Eloquent JavaScript, Second Edition",
"author": "Marijn Haverbeke",
"edition": 1,
"publish_year": 2014
"title": "Learning JavaScript Design Patterns",
"author": "Addy Osmani",
"edition": 1,
"publish_year": 2012
"title": "Speaking JavaScript",
"author": "Axel Rauschmayer",
"edition": 1,
"publish_year": 2014

"title": "Programming JavaScript Applications",
"author": "Eric Elliott",
"edition": 1,
"publish_year": 2014

"title": "Understanding ECMAScript 6",

"author": "Nicholas C. Zakas",
"edition": 1,
"publish_year": 2016

"title": "You Don't Know JS",

"author": "Kyle Simpson",
"edition": 1,
"publish_year": 2015

"title": "Git Pocket Guide",

"author": "Richard E. Silverman",
"edition": 1,
"publish_year": 2013

2. Web Service
A web service is created to manage data on the mongo database.
This webservice can be consumed by HTTP methods. It is developed in
NodeJs with packages like express and mongoose. Since it is a restful web
service, it can be consumed by any client for example Mobile app, Web
Application or desktop software.
3. Frontend
Frontent of the consists of webpages which allows us to consume the
books webservice using the HTTP methods with help of AJAX. The user
interface is designed using Bootstrap framwork. And Ajax calls are done
using JavaScript fetch api.

Running the Application

To run the appliation make sure you have nodejs and mongodb server
installed on your system. Then,

1. Open terminal/cmd.
2. Change the directory of the terminal to project folder.
3. Type command “npm run start” and press enter.
4. Now goto the url “http://localhost:3000”.

After compeleting above steps correctly you should see your application
running in the browser.

Application Screenshots

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