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Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................2
Company Description..................................................................................................................................4
Mission Statement......................................................................................................................................5
Development & Status................................................................................................................................6
Future Plans.................................................................................................................................................6
Industry Analysis..........................................................................................................................................6
Products & Related Services.......................................................................................................................7
The Menu....................................................................................................................................................7
Future Opportunities...................................................................................................................................8
The Target Market.......................................................................................................................................8
Figure 1........................................................................................................................................................9
4P’S of marketing........................................................................................................................................9
The Competition........................................................................................................................................10
Competitor's Profile...................................................................................................................................10
Competitive Strategy.................................................................................................................................11
ABC Operations plan..................................................................................................................................12
Organizational Structure...........................................................................................................................13
Financial Plan.............................................................................................................................................14
Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

Executive Summary
ABC Restaurant is a specialty food provider. ABC use a system that is new to the food service
industry to provide healthy and tasty meals in a convenient and time-efficient way.ABC provides
its customers the ability to take their foods to home, offices, anywhere they want and to eat
inside the restaurant. ABC Restaurant is offering a high-quality food to their customers.

ABC Restaurant offers its patrons the finest healthy and tasty dishes, they contribute foods like
rice, pasta or spaghetti, chicken, beef, vegetables, burgers, rotti, and sweets such as samosa,
shushumow, cake. In addition, ABC Restaurant will offer soft drinks, fresh-baked pastries and
other drinks such as mixed fruits, orange, panama, water melon, hot drinks, tea without milk, tea
with milk, coffee, and other drinks.

ABC Restaurant will focus on two markets:

The Daily take away customer service - someone travelling to/from work, out shopping,
delivering goods or services, or just out for a drive.
The Eat in Consumer - someone who has short time to eat or families who are tired from their
work and came to the restaurant to inside the restaurant.

ABC Restaurant will penetrate the commuter and captive consumer markets by deploying
delivery facilities and take away in the most logical and accessible locations. The delivery

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

facilities are designed to handle two-sided traffic and dispense customer-designed, specially
ordered packages of dishes in less time

In addition, to ensure customer awareness and loyalty, as well as good publicity coverage and
media support, we will be donating up to 7.5% of revenue to local charities based upon customer

ABC Restaurant’s financial picture is quite promising. Since ABC Restaurant is operating a cash
business, the initial cost is significantly less than many start-ups these days. The process is
labour intensive and ABC Restaurant recognizes that a higher level of talent is required. The
financial investment in its employees will be one of the greatest differentiators between it and
ABC Restaurant's competition. For the purpose of this pro-forma plan, the capital expenditures
of facilities and equipment are financed. There will be minimum inventory on hand so as to keep
the product fresh and to take advantage of price drops, when and if they should occur.

ABC Restaurant anticipates the initial combination of investments and long term financing of
RM425, 000 to carry it without the need for any additional equity or debt investment, beyond the
purchase of equipment or facilities. This will mean growing a bit more slowly than might be
otherwise possible, but it will be a solid, financially-sound growth based on customer request and
product demand.

ABC Restaurant chooses to become the Delivery Service version of Mc Donalds between the
mountains, obtaining several million dollars through an initial public or private offering that
would allow the company to open twenty to thirty branches per year in all metropolitan
communities in the North, Midwest, and South with a population of over 150,000. This is the
preferred Exit Strategy of the Management Team. The danger in this is that competitors would
rise up and establish a foothold on a community before--or in the midst of--the arrival of ABC
Restaurant, causing a potential for a drain on revenues and a dramatic increase in advertising
expenditures to maintain market share. Knowing these risks--and planning for them--gives ABC
Restaurant the edge needed to make this scenario work.

The balance sheet estimates a Net Worth of RM1,075,969 for the third year, cash balances of
RM773,623 and earnings of RM860,428, based on 13 Delivery service and four Resturatns, it is
not unrealistic to put a market value of between RM4 and RM9 million on the company. At

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

present, such companies are trading in multiples of four to 10 times earnings, and it is simple
mathematics to multiply the success of ABC Restaurant by the number of major and smaller
metropolitan areas between the mountain ranges of the Malaysia.

Company Description
ABC restaurant corporation is a restaurant in the food industry in Malaysia it first started
operations in September 1998 at Kuala Lumpur first branch. The restaurant is popular in the food
industry, where customers can eat-in, and carry-out restaurant.

ABC restaurant specialize in lunch time or evening leisure dining. The company has developed a
unique business plan model that reduces overhead by utilizing mobile vending units as opposed
to brick and mortar stores. This is a very popular alternative to dining in larger business centric
cities (ABC) FOOD RESTURANT is where customers can eat-in, carry-out restaurant,
specializing in evening and weekend leisure dining.

ABC is recognized as one of the prime food restaurants markets in the country (Malaysia). The
Kuala-lumpur neighborhood, future home of restaurant, is known as one of our areas most
popular and successful nightlife hubs.  ABC will operate, a single unit, medium-size restaurant
serving healthy, contemporary style food. The restaurant will be located at Wisma Sachdev, 16-
2, Jalan Raja Laut,50350 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The future prospective of the business is to
open 3 more restaurants in KL area within five years to come.

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

Mission Statement 
The Company’s goal is that of a multi-faceted success. Our first responsibility is to the financial
well-being of the restaurant. We will meet this goal while trying to consider;

1) The effect of our products on the health and well being of our customers (and our staff)

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

2) The impact that our business practices and choices will have on the environment,

3) The high quality of attitude, fairness, understanding, and generosity between management,
staff, customers, and vendors. Awareness of all these factors and the responsible actions that
result will give our efforts a sense of purpose and meaning beyond our basic financial goals.

Development & Status 

The Company was incorporated in September of 2008.The founders are Issa Muktar Adan,
Hussein Mohammed Ali Hazeb, Shamsuddin, Abdifatah Jama and Ismail Abdulkadir. Issa is the
President and Hussein is the Vice President, Shamsuddin is vice president of marketing,
Abdifatah is the managing director and Ismail is the senior operation manager, there are a total of
10,000 shares of common stock issued. Issa and Hussein each own 3,000 and the remainder are
retained by the company for future distribution in addition they have loaned the company
$25,000 of their own money for research and start-up costs.

Future Plans 
If the business is meeting its projections by month nine, we will start scouting for a second
location and develop plans for the next unit. Our five year goal is to have 3 restaurants in the KL
area with a combined annual profit of between $50,000 and $100,000.

Industry Analysis
Although the restaurant industry is very competitive, the lifestyle changes created by modern
living continue to fuel its steady growth. More and more people have less time, resources, and
ability to cook for themselves. Trends are very important and ABC is well positioned for the
current interest in lighter, healthier foods at moderate to low prices.

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

Products & Related Services

ABC Restaurant will be offering a menu of food and beverages with a distinctive image. There
will be three ways to purchase these products; table service at the restaurant, take-out from the
restaurant, and delivery to home or office.

The Menu
The ABC menu (see appendices) is moderate sized, and moderate-low priced offering a
collection of fast-served Asian-Arab styled or meal items with a common theme -- healthy (low-
fat, low cholesterol, natural ingredients), flavorful, and familiar. Our goal is to create the image
of light satisfying and still nutritious food.

There has been an increased awareness of nutritional and health concerns in recent years and a
growing market of people who now eat this style of cooking regularly.

Food production and assembly will take place in the kitchen of the restaurant. Fresh vegetables,
meat and dairy products will be used to crate most of the dishes from scratch. The chef will
exercise strict standards of sanitation, quality production, and presentation or packaging over the
kitchen and service staff.

There will be three ways a customer can purchase food. They may sit down at one of the 54 seats
in the dining room and get full service from a waitperson. A separate take-out counter will
service those who wish to pick up their food. Most take-out food will be prepared to order with
orders coming from either the telephone or fax. Delivery (an indirect form of take-out) will be
available at certain times and to a limited area.

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

Future Opportunities 
There is a market segment that prefers to eat this type of cooking at home although they do not
have the time to cook. There are already caterers and even mail order companies that provide
individuals and families with up to a month's supply of pre-prepared meals.

This opportunity will be researched and developed on a trial basis. If successful, it could become
a major new source of income without creating the need for additional staff or production space.

The Target Market

The market for ABC products covers a large area of diverse and densely populated groups.
Although it will be located in a downtown urban setting, it is an area where people travel to eat
out and one that is also frequented by tourists. It is also an area known for and catering to the
demographic group we are targeting.

1) Market Analysis

Market Analysis
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Potential Growth CAGR
Public High 1% 80 81 82 83 84 1.23%
School Campuses
Private High 0% 88 88 88 88 88 0.00%
College 0% 77 77 77 77 77 0.00%
Special Events 3% 43 44 45 46 47 2.25%
Non-Profits 2% 362 369 376 384 392 2.01%
Hospital 0% 100 100 100 100 100 0.00%

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

Total 1.10% 849 858 867 877 887 1.10%

Figure 1

4P’S of marketing
1. Price Strategy

ABC pricing will be comparable to the competition, but with the value-added feature of
immediate, eat in and take home.

2. Promotion and Distribution

The long-range goal is to gain enough visibility to leverage the product line into other regions
and generate inquiries from potential inventors. To do that, ABC needs:

Public relations services at RM1, 000 per month for the next year intended to generate awareness
of editors and product information insertions, reviews, etc. It is anticipated that the school
fundraising program will generate a fair amount of publicity on its own and will, perhaps,
minimize or even eliminate the need for a publicist.

Advertising at RM1, 000 per month concentrating on drive time radio. ABC will experiment
with different stations, keeping careful track of results. However, in the start-up phase, ABC
Restaurant Company needs to let people know where to look for the healthy food.

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

3. Place (Distribution) in marketing

ABC Restaurant will locate branches in high traffic areas of the city where it knows working
commuters will be passing.

ABC will also make arrangements for the customers to be at as many schools, businesses, and
events as possible every year, so that new customers, those who come in from areas where ABC
Restaurant may not have a branch can be reached and those who didn't have the time to stop off
that morning at their favourite ABC food.

4. Product marketing plan

In order to have a good sales it is important for the marketing and sales team to develop a
product, product that is unique and different from competitors in the food industry, to make your
popular ABC needs to have catalogue of the prices and pictures of the meals in display, the
quality of the product can be of high standard and good for health, the product can be advertised
through media both visual and written and always to check the market trend and competitors

The Competition
There are over three dozen restaurants in the KLMU area that sell food at similar prices.
Although this presents an obvious challenge in terms of market share, it also indicates the
presence of a large, strong potential. The newest competitors have made their successful entry
based on an innovative concept or novelty. ABC will offer an innovative product in a familiar
style at a competitive price. Our aggressive plans of take-out and delivery will also give us an
advantage to create a good market share before the competition can adjust or similar concepts

Competitor's Profile 
Competing with ABC for the target market are these categories of food providers:

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

 Independent table service restaurants of similar menu and price structure.

 Chain
 Commercial foodservice companies serving students directly.

Independent operators include 1000PLUS, DEF.Inc, and The White ABC. Most are ethnic based
and will carry at least two similar menu items. 1000PLUS’s and DEF.Inc are long-standing
businesses while the others are fairly new. They all are doing very well.

The major chain restaurants are House Meal, Kafe Restaurant and Al-Hussein Restaurant. All are
relatively new but well established and profitable. They have big resources of marketing and/or a
specialty product or attraction (House meal is also a live music club). Kafe Foods and Al-
Hussein both service 24,000 students but their product is not appealing enough to prevent
students from eating out 5 to 7 meals a week. In addition there are two local catering companies
that deliver prepared meals daily to offices.

Competitive Strategy 
There are three major ways in which we will create an advantage over our competitors;

 product identity, quality, and novelty

 high employee motivation and good sales attitude
 Innovative and aggressive service options.

ABC will be the only restaurant among all the competition which focuses the entire menu on
healthy, low-fat cooking. Each of the competitors offers at least one "healthy" selection on their
menu. 1000PLUS even has an entire section called "On the Lighter Side" but in all cases they are
always seen as alternatives to the main style being offered. The target market will perceive ABC
as the destination location for healthy, low-fat cooking.

Once they have tried the restaurant, their experience will be reinforced by friendly, efficient,
knowledgeable service. Return and repeat business will be facilitated by accessible take-out and
delivery options. At the time of this writing all of the competitors offered take-out but only two
(Kafe Restaurant & Al-Hussein Restaurant).

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

 Hotel guides, concierge relations, Chamber of Commerce brochures

 Direct mail -- subscriber lists, offices for delivery
 Misc. -- yellow pages, charity events

A public relations firm has been retained to create special events and solicit print and broadcast
coverage, especially at the start-up.

ABC Operations plan

Facilities & Offices 

The restaurant at 645 Deacon Street is a 2400 Square foot space. It was formerly a restaurant and
needs on minor structural modifications. The licenses and codes' issues are all in order. New
equipment and dining room furnishings will be purchased and installed by the general contractor.
Offices of the corporation are presently at KLMU Compus but will be moved to the restaurant
after working one year.

Business Hours
The restaurant will be open for lunch and dinner 7 days a week. Service will begin at 11:00 AM
and end at 11:00 PM. The restaurant will be closed during the holy month of Ramadan only we
are at 7pm onwards, Hari Raya idil fitri and adhaa and famous public holidays.

Employee Training & Education

Employees will be trained not only in their specific operational duties but in the philosophy and
applications of our concept. They will receive extensive information from the chef and be kept
informed of the latest information on healthy eating.

Systems & Controls

A big emphasis is being placed on extensive research into the quality and integrity of our
products. They will constantly be tested for our own high standards of freshness and purity. Food

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

costs and inventory control will be handled by our computer system and checked daily by

Food Production 

Most food will be prepared on the premises. The kitchen will be designed for high standards of
sanitary efficiency and cleaned daily. Food will be made mostly to order and stored in large
coolers in the basement.

Delivery & Catering 

Food for delivery may be similar to take-out (prepared to order) or it may be prepared earlier and
stocked. Catering will be treated as deliveries. 

Organizational Structure
The organization will be a relatively flat one, since the majority of personnel are involved in
production and there will be a relatively low headcount in management.

There are three functioning groups within the company: Production, Sales and Marketing, and
General and Administrative. For purposes of this plan--and to show the details of adding senior
level management ABC has broken management down as a separate segment, but it is an
integral part of the General and Administrative function.

Production involves the Baristas, or Customer Service Specialist dealing with serving meals,
and blending the beverages for the customers.

Sales and Marketing will handle the promotion and scheduling of the menus, as well as the
promotion of the new dishes and the Community Contribution program. General and
Administrative manage the facilities, equipment, inventory, payroll, and other basic, operational

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

Financial Plan

Income statement and balance sheet

1 Income statement

ABC is expecting some dramatic growth in the next three years, reaching healthy sales and Gross
Profit Margin by the end of the first year. Expenses during the first year will however leave a Net
After-tax loss. This loss will provide ABC with a tax loss carry-forward for the second year.

Aside from production costs of 60%, which include actual production of product and
commissions for sales efforts, the single largest expenditures in the first year are in the general
and administrative (G&A) area, totalling 23% of sales. G&A includes expenses for rents,
equipment leases, utilities, and the payroll burden for all employees.

Sales increase by nearly 400% in the second year, due to the addition of two more ABC
branches. Although operating expenses double in the second year, ABC will be able to realize a
Net After-tax profit. In that same year, ABC chain of restaurant will make substantial charitable

The third year is when ABC has the opportunity to break into markets outside the metropolitan
area. ABC will see two additional facilities open in the third year, which will drive sales,
increase in production costs, and help improve Gross Profit Margin. Several expenses take
substantial jumps this year--advertising increases and donations increase as well--and ABC will
be adding several key management team members. These increases, as well as those for
increased equipment leases and rents, raise our operating expenses, leaving a respectable Net
After-tax profit. The single largest expense sector in the third year, outside of production, is still
G&A costs, but it is down from 23% in the first year and 18.5% in the second year to just

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

Income statement
FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012
Sales RM558,043 RM2,348,900 RM6,022,950
Direct Costs of Goods RM190,977 RM732,350 RM1,783,010
Production Payroll RM144,874 RM646,050 RM1,425,250
Sales Commissions RM1,416 RM35,234 RM90,344
------------ ------------ ------------
Cost of Goods Sold RM337,267 RM1,413,634 RM3,298,604

Gross Margin RM220,776 RM935,267 RM2,724,346

Gross Margin % 39.56% 39.82% 45.23%

Operating Expenses

Sales and Marketing Expenses

Sales and Marketing Payroll RM0 RM22,000 RM185,000
Advertising/Promotion RM18,000 RM36,000 RM72,000
Website RM1,000 RM15,000 RM22,000
Travel RM4,000 RM7,500 RM15,000
Donations RM3,332 RM70,467 RM180,689
------------ ------------ ------------
Total Sales and Marketing RM26,332 RM150,967 RM474,689
Sales and Marketing % 4.72% 6.43% 7.88%

General and Administrative

General and Administrative Payroll RM31,500 RM106,000 RM156,000
Sales and Marketing and Other RM0 RM0 RM0
Depreciation RM21,785 RM92,910 RM196,095
Leased Offices and Equipment RM0 RM6,000 RM18,000

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

Utilities RM9,640 RM19,800 RM41,100

Insurance RM12,570 RM32,620 RM63,910
Rent RM16,800 RM50,400 RM126,000
Payroll Taxes RM36,356 RM126,908 RM303,638
Other General and Administrative RM0 RM0 RM0
------------ ------------ ------------
Total General and Administrative RM128,651 RM434,638 RM904,743
General and Administrative % 23.05% 18.50% 15.02%

Other Expenses:
Other Payroll RM66,000 RM72,000 RM258,000
Consultants RM0 RM0 RM0
Legal/Accounting/Consultants RM12,500 RM24,000 RM36,000
------------ ------------ ------------
Total Other Expenses RM78,500 RM96,000 RM294,000
Other % 14.07% 4.09% 4.88%
------------ ------------ ------------
Total Operating Expenses RM233,483 RM681,605 RM1,673,431

Profit Before Interest and Taxes (RM12,707) RM253,662 RM1,050,915

EBITDA RM9,078 RM346,572 RM1,247,010
Interest Expense RM16,165 RM36,639 RM77,102
Taxes Incurred RM0 RM0 RM0

Net Profit/ (Net Loss) (RM28,872) RM217,023 RM973,812

Net Profit/Sales -5.17% 9.24% 16.17%
Table 1

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

Gross Margin Monthly



Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

 Balance Sheet

ABC projected balance sheet shows an increase in net worth in 2015, at which point it expects to
be making 11.96% after-tax profit on sales. With the present financial projections, ABC
Restaurant expects to build a company with strong profit potential, and a solid balance sheet that
will be asset heavy and flush with cash at the end of the third year. ABC has no intention of
paying out dividends before the end of the third year, using the excess cash for continued growth.

Balance Sheet
FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012

Current Assets
Cash RM29,622 RM91,674 RM528,315
Inventory RM35,159 RM134,826 RM328,252
Other Current Assets RM0 RM0 RM0
Total Current Assets RM64,781 RM226,499 RM856,567

Long-term Assets
Long-term Assets RM323,250 RM752,950 RM2,109,943
Accumulated RM21,785 RM114,695 RM310,790
Total Long-term Assets RM301,465 RM638,255 RM1,799,153
Total Assets RM366,246 RM864,754 RM2,655,720

Liabilities and Capital FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015

Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable RM49,724 RM106,240 RM248,402
Current Borrowing RM7,500 RM5,500 RM500
Other Current Liabilities RM0 RM0 RM0
Subtotal Current RM57,224 RM111,740 RM248,902

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

Long-term Liabilities RM286,394 RM513,364 RM1,193,356

Total Liabilities RM343,618 RM625,104 RM1,442,258

Paid-in Capital RM225,270 RM225,270 RM225,270

Retained Earnings (RM173,770) (RM202,642) RM14,381
Earnings (RM28,872) RM217,023 RM973,812
Total Capital RM22,628 RM239,651 RM1,213,463
Total Liabilities and RM366,246 RM864,754 RM2,655,720

Net Worth RM22,628 RM239,651 RM1,213,463


Statement of Cash flow

Cash flow will have to be carefully monitored, as in any business, but ABC Restaurant is also the
beneficiary of operating a cash business. After the initial investment and start-up costs are
covered, the business will become relatively self-sustaining. With the exception of seasonal dips,
which ABC has attempted to account for, through changes in the menu items.

Assuming an initial investment and financing, which would include operating capital, ABC
anticipates no cash flow shortfalls for the first year or beyond. March and May are the greatest
cash drains, ABC sees heavier than normal drains of cash in December and January, as there will
be certain accounts payable coming due.

Cash Flow

Pro Forma Cash Flow

FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015
Cash Received

Cash from Operations

Cash Sales RM558,043 RM2,348,900 RM6,022,950
Subtotal Cash from RM558,043 RM2,348,900 RM6,022,950

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

Additional Cash Received

Sales Tax, VAT, RM0 RM0 RM0
HST/GST Received
New Current Borrowing RM0 RM0 RM0
New Other Liabilities RM0 RM0 RM0
New Long-term Liabilities RM181,463 RM253,970 RM729,992
Sales of Other Current RM0 RM0 RM0
Sales of Long-term Assets RM0 RM0 RM0
New Investment Received RM0 RM0 RM0
Subtotal Cash Received RM739,506 RM2,602,870 RM6,752,942

Expenditures FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015

Expenditures from
Cash Spending RM242,374 RM846,050 RM2,024,250
Bill Payments RM273,191 RM1,236,069 RM2,880,058
Subtotal Spent on RM515,565 RM2,082,119 RM4,904,308

Additional Cash Spent

Sales Tax, VAT, RM0 RM0 RM0
HST/GST Paid Out
Principal Repayment of RM1,500 RM2,000 RM5,000
Current Borrowing
Other Liabilities Principal RM0 RM0 RM0
Long-term Liabilities RM26,469 RM27,000 RM50,000
Principal Repayment
Purchase Other Current RM0 RM0 RM0
Purchase Long-term RM191,850 RM429,700 RM1,356,993
Dividends RM0 RM0 RM0
Subtotal Cash Spent RM735,384 RM2,540,819 RM6,316,301

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

Net Cash Flow RM4,122 RM62,051 RM436,641

Cash Balance RM29,622 RM91,674 RM528,315



Breakeven Analysis

To arrive at the average monthly fixed costs, ABC Restaurant calculated the fixed costs for the
food. Using the average price per unit, less the average cost per unit, divided into the fixed costs
of operation, ABC Restaurant concludes that we will need to sell at least the number of units
shown in the following table and chart to reach break-even each month.

Break-even Analysis

Break-even Analysis

Monthly Units Break-even 15,817

Monthly Revenue Break-even RM29,580

Average Per-Unit Revenue RM1.87
Average Per-Unit Variable Cost RM0.64
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost RM19,457

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project



Funding and Sources


Expenses to Fund RM173,770
Assets to Fund RM191,900
Total Funding Required RM365,670

Non-cash Assets from Start-up RM166,400
Cash Requirements from Start-up RM25,500
Additional Cash Raised RM0
Cash Balance on Starting Date RM25,500
Total Assets RM191,900

Liabilities and Capital

Current Borrowing RM9,000
Long-term Liabilities RM131,400
Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) RM0

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

Other Current Liabilities (interest-free) RM0

Total Liabilities RM140,400


Planned Investment
Partner 1 RM10,000
Partner 2 RM10,000
Partner 3 RM10,000
Partner 4 RM10,000
Partner 5 RM11,500
Total Planned Investment RM225,270

Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) (RM173,770)

Total Capital RM51,500

Total Capital and Liabilities RM191,900

Total Funding RM365,670


ABC is recognized as one of the prime food restaurants markets in the country (Malaysia). The
Kuala-lumpur neighborhood, future home of restaurant, is known as one of our areas most
popular and successful nightlife hubs.  ABC will operate, a single unit, medium-size restaurant
serving healthy, contemporary style food. The Company was incorporated in September of
2008.The founders are Issa Muktar Adan, Hussein Mohammed Ali Hazeb, Shamsuddin,
Abdifatah Jama and Ismail Abdulkadir. Issa is the President and Hussein is the Vice President,
Shamsuddin is vice president of marketing, Abdifatah is the managing director and Ismail is the
senior operation manager.

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

Our first responsibility is to the financial well-being of the restaurant. We will meet this goal
while trying to consider;

1) The effect of our products on the health and well being of our customers (and our staff)

2) The impact that our business practices and choices will have on the environment,

3) The high quality of attitude, fairness, understanding, and generosity between management,
staff, customers, and vendors. Awareness of all these factors and the responsible actions that
result will give our efforts a sense of purpose and meaning beyond our basic financial goals.

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project

BAEB501: Entrepreneurship Chapter 5 Business Plan (lecturer Notes)



ABC Menu

Entrepreneurship Business Plan Project


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