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[DLC: Bring Down the Sky] Let the hostages die, let Balak die slowly

[Citadel: Barla Von] Met him

Citadel: Doctor michel - met her
Citadel: Doctor Michel is Safe - Persuded blackmailer
Citadel: Rita's Sister is Safe - Freed Jenna
Citadel: Jahleed Returns Materials - stopped illegal keeper study and return data
Citadel: Scan the Keepers - abandoned scanning, persuaded Chorbin to walk away
Citadel: Asari Consort - met general septimus, got the trinket Sha'ira, didn't use
Citadel: Expose Saren - Let Fist live/walk away
Citadel: Garrus - did not speak to Harkin (recruit wrex first)
Citadel: Garrus - recruited Garrus renegade/spectre path
Citadel: Wrex - Recruited Wrex
Citadel: Homecoming - returned body
Citadel: Fan - Met Conrad Verner, took picutre, told him to go home (paragon)
UNC: Major Kyle - killed kyle and cultists
UNC: Missing survey team - completed
UNC: Hostage - biotics killed, killed chairman burns
UNC: Hostile Takeover - Gang disbanded
UNC: Privateers - find body
UNC: Missing Marines -
UNC: Rogue - VI - completed
Tali's Pilgrimage (UNC: Geth Incursions) - completed mission and copy given to Tali
Wrex: Family Armor - got armor (with Wrex)
Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon - killed dr (renegade)
bought Elkoss Combine license from Expat the Merchant
UNC: Cerberus - did missing marines quest, got message about cerberus, found
admirals body
UNC: Hades' Dogs - completed, retrieved data, sold the data
Feros: EJ intimidated, killed all colonist, killed Shiala, still got good ending
Feros: Data Recovery - completed
Citadel: Earthborn - Old Friends - N/A
Citadel: Spacer - Old,Unhappy, Far-Off Things - N/A
Citadel: Colonist - I Remember Me- dosed her
citadel: the fourth estate - refused interview
Citadel: Family Matter - convinced Rebekah Petrovsky to get the gene therapy
UNC: Asari Diplomacy Met Nassana, downloaded the evidence, killed dahlia
Noveria: Lorik Qui'in - gave evidence to Quin, betrayed Giana
Noveria: Rift Station - met Han Olar
Noveria: Death of a Matriarch - Killed the Rachni Queen
UNC: Dead Scientists - Killed scientist
UNC: The Negotiation - done
Virmire: Saren's Plan - Wrex killed by Ashley without warning
Virmire: Assisting Kirrahe's Team - disrupted geth communication tower, geth flyers
not destroyed, satelite uplink not destroyed, sent guards towards Kirahhe's team.
Virmire: Assault - Killed Rana Thanoptis
Virmire: Assaut - Rescued Ashley
Citadel: Killed the council and picked Anderson

{id: 15372, name: "[Citadel] RP105a_Expose_Quest_Completed_Gave_Info"},

{id: 14948, name: "[Citadel] RP105a_Expose_Quest_Completed_Gave_Info"},

{id: 14766, name: "[Citadel: The Fourth Estate] Refused interview"},

{id: 14767, name: "[Citadel: The Fourth Estate] Excused yourself"},
{id: 14768, name: "[Citadel: The Fourth Estate] Punched her"},
{id: 13716, name: "[Citadel: The Fourth Estate] Renegade outcome"},
{id: 13750, name: "[Citadel: The Fourth Estate] Paragon outcome"},
{id: 15363, name: "[Feros] Good+ choice"},
{id: 15364, name: "[Feros] Good choice"},
{id: 15366, name: "[Feros] Fail choice"},
{id: 15367, name: "[Feros] Renegade choice"},
{id: 16252, name: "[Feros] Good+ outcome"},
{id: 16253, name: "[Feros] Good outcome"},
{id: 16380, name: "[Feros] Fail outcome"},
{id: 16254, name: "[Feros] Renegade outcome"},
{id: 12883, name: "[Feros: Data Recovery] Retrieved data"},
{id: 13046, name: "[Feros: The Thorian] Zhu's Hope saved"},
{id: 13197, name: "[Feros: The Thorian] Shiala alive"},
{id: 13198, name: "[Feros: The Thorian] Shiala killed"},
{id: 14133, name: "[Feros: The Thorian] Shiala released"},
{id: 12514, name: "[Feros: The Thorian] Too many colonists killed"},
{id: 12490, name: "[Feros: Ethan Jeong] Intimidated"},
{id: 12491, name: "[Feros: Ethan Jeong] Convinced"},
{id: 11531, name: "[Tali and the Geth] Gave Tali data from UNC: Geth
Incursions "},
{id: 14596, name: "[UNC: Geth Incursions] Found data for Tali"},
{id: 14883, name: "[UNC: Hostage] Chairman Burns died"},
{id: 14885, name: "[UNC: Hostage] Killed biotics"},
{id: 14886, name: "[UNC: Hostage] Biotics surrendered"},
{id: 13731, name: "[UNC: Hostile Takeover] Accepted money"},
{id: 13732, name: "[UNC: Hostile Takeover] Persuaded criminal"},
{id: 15014, name: "[UNC: Hostile Takeover] Accepted money"},
{id: 15015, name: "[UNC: Hostile Takeover] Persuaded criminal to disband
{id: 15038, name: "[UNC: Dead Scientists] Convinced Corporal Toombs"},
{id: 15039, name: "[UNC: Dead Scientists] Killed scientist"},
{id: 15358, name: "[UNC: Dead Scientists] Convinced Toombs"},
{id: 15359, name: "[UNC: Dead Scientists] Killed scientists"},
{id: 16848, name: "[UNC: Asari Diplomacy] Killed Dahlia"},
{id: 14621, name: "[UNC: Asari Diplomacy] Met Nassana"},
{id: 11259, name: "[UNC: Asari Diplomacy] Killed Dahlia"},
{id: 11260, name: "[UNC: Asari Diplomacy] Player knows about plot"},

{id: 12366, name: "[UNC: Hades' Dogs] Found Cerberus files"},

{id: 14608, name: "[UNC: Hades' Dogs] Found files"},
{id: 15885, name: "[UNC: Cerberus] Obtained quest"},
{id: 12365, name: "[UNC: Cerberus] Heard of Cerberus"},
{id: 14682, name: "[UNC: Rogue VI] Completed assignment"},

{id: 14459, name: "[Virmire: Assisting Kirrahe's Team] Geth Flyers

{id: 14464, name: "[Virmire: Assisting Kirrahe's Team] Geth Flyers
{id: 12278, name: "[Virmire: Assisting Kirrahe's Team] Psyrana dead (maybe
{id: 13390, name: "[Virmire: Assisting Kirrahe's Team] Geth Flyers disabled
& reported"},
{id: 11540, name: "[Virmire: Assault] Rescue Kaidan"},
{id: 11541, name: "[Virmire: Assault] Rescue Ashley"},
{id: 13828, name: "[Virmire: Assault] Rescued Kaidan"},
{id: 13827, name: "[Virmire: Assault] Rescued Ashley"},
{id: 16058, name: "[Virmire: Assault] Killed Rana Thanoptis"},
{id: 15543, name: "[Virmire: Wrex and the Genophage] Wrex killed by Ashley,
without permission"},
{id: 13028, name: "[Virmire: Wrex and the Genophage] Wrex killed by
{id: 13029, name: "[Virmire: Wrex and the Genophage] Wrex killed by
{id: 11862, name: "[Virmire: Wrex and the Genophage] Wrex killed by
{id: 13752, name: "[Virmire: Wrex and the Genophage] Wrex killed by Ashley
or player"},
{id: 13001, name: "[Race Against Time: Final Battle] Saved the Council"},
{id: 13002, name: "[Race Against Time: Final Battle] Abandoned the
{id: 11556, name: "[Race Against Time: Final Battle] Choose Anderson"},
{id: 11554, name: "[Race Against Time: Final Battle] Save the Council"},
{id: 11553, name: "[Race Against Time: Final Battle] Abandon the Council"},
{id: 11555, name: "[Race Against Time: Final Battle] Choose Udina"},
{id: 15434, name: "[Race Against Time: Final Battle] Chose Udina"},
{id: 15435, name: "[Race Against Time: Final Battle] Chose Anderson"},
{id: 13773, name: "[Other] Got Elkoss license"},
{id: 15336, name: "[Wrex: Family Armor] Completed assignment"},
{id: 17164, name: "[Other] Purchased Elkoss Combine license"},

{id: 16530, name: "[General] Played Mass Effect 1 (?)"},

{id: 15943, name: "[General] Played Mass Effect 1 (?)"},

{id: 12587, name: "[Noveria: Geth Interest] Release Rachni Queen"},

{id: 15374, name: "[Noveria: Peak 15] Give evidence to Lorik Quin"},

{id: 13860, name: "[Noveria: Han Olar] Talked to him"},

{id: 15384, name: "[Noveria: Han Olar] Met him"},

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