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31 MAY 13

1. Lt Gen Ashok Singh, GOC-in-C, Southern Command, Air Marshal

Kulwant Singh Gill, Commandant NDA, cadets of the passing out
course and other cadets on parade, officers and staff of the National
Defence Academy, parents of the passing out cadets, distinguished
guests, members of the media, ladies and gentlemen.

2. It is an honour to review the Passing Out Parade of the 124th

NDA course. At the outset, I would like to commend the parade for
immaculate turnout, smart bearing and splendid drill this morning.
The training and hard work that has gone to put up such an impressive
parade is apparent.

3. The culmination of a demanding period of training makes this a

memorable day for the cadets who pass out today. As you proceed to
your respective Service institutions, for further consolidation and
grooming as future officers, you will part ways from your colleagues
here. However, the bonds that have been built will serve you in good
stead throughout your careers, and also serve to strengthen the fabric
of the Services.

4. You have chosen a challenging career, but a most rewarding and

honourable one. You have a great responsibility to live up to the
legacy of those who have marched here before you. The Indian Armed
Forces have established a legendary reputation of professionalism,
dedication, and self-sacrifice, primarily due to honing the will to win,
against all adversities. It is this legacy of leadership that you will have
to carry forward.

5. As future officers, the most important aspect is to put Service

before everything else, especially before yourself. The ability to set
the right priorities will determine the quality of your leadership. In an
era of rapid socio-economic changes, earning the respect and loyalty
of your subordinates, would demand exemplary leadership qualities
and management acumen.

6. You are expected to lead from the front, care for your
subordinates and be mature in your dealings. When faced with
difficult choices, have the courage of conviction to do what is right. It
is your responsibility to tell your superiors what they need to hear,
and not what you think they may want to hear. At the same time,
encourage candour among your subordinate officers and men. Be
receptive to their advice and accept constructive criticism. You will be
surprised by their wealth of knowledge and enriched by their

7. Your leadership should be guided by a moral compass. In the

Academy you have the honour code. The same principles will hold
good for the rest of your career and life. As a military leader you need
to be morally upright and possess a strong character, as it will be
tested frequently as you grow in service. Hence, moral courage
should be your hallmark, and should be nurtured from the very
beginning of your career.

8. A good leader leads by personal example, never asking the men

to do anything that he is not capable of doing. In the years ahead, I
urge you to hone your professional skills to be good and worthy
leaders. Do remember that your development as an officer does not
end with your ab-initio training, but is a continuing process.

9. A word for the cadets from friendly foreign countries who are on
parade. I am certain that your country and your service is proud of
your achievements as much as we are. As you cherish the bonds of
friendship and fond memories of your stay at NDA, I am sure that your
training here will serve to strengthen the relationship between our
countries. We have been delighted to have you with us and wish you
success in your future endeavours.

10. I compliment the parents of the passing out cadets, who

encouraged the dreams of their sons to join the armed forces, and

supported them during this arduous period of training. I cannot

promise that your wards will not be sent in the harm’s way but I am
sure that they will uphold the honour, traditions of the Service and
country, thus giving you reasons to be proud of them.

11. Finally, I would like to convey my heartiest congratulations to all

the passing out cadets. I also wish to offer my felicitations to the
proud parents who are here to witness this glorious moment when
they will see their sons crossing the first milestone in their career. I
also congratulate all award winners and the champion Squadron for
their excellent performance. In a few moments from now, you will
take your final step across this Quarterdeck. You will thereafter no
longer be the ‘boys’ who came to NDA three years ago, but be
transformed into ‘men’ ready to face the challenges in your respective
Service. This day certainly would not have been possible without the
untiring efforts of the faculty and training staff of NDA and my
compliments to them. With these thoughts I wish you an exciting and
fulfilling career in the armed forces. Go forth and conquer.

12. Thank you. Jai Hind.

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