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SUBJECT- Psychology

1. At which site the mind and body interact in the brain …

a) Pineal gland
b) thyroid gland
c) Hypothalamus
d) gonads
2. Who discovered the chemical basis of neurotransmission …
a) Bandura
b) Charles Sherrington
c) Luigi Galvani
d) Otto Loewi
3. Human CNS is composed of …
a) somatic nervous system
b) brain and spinal cord
c) autonomic nervous system
d) all of these
4. The link between the nervous system and the endocrine system is due to the
presence of?
a) corpus callosum
b) reticular formation
c) cerebellum
d) hypothalamus
5. In neurons, the axons are insulated by the a matter named as …
a) Nerve fibre
b) Myelin sheath
c) Ganglion
d) Sylvian sheath
6. The term “soma” is related to …
a) synapse
b) neuron
c) axon
d) cell body
7. Melatonin is produced by which gland?
a) posterior pituitary
b) hypothalamus
c) pineal gland
d) anterior pituitary
8. The goal of social cognitive therapy is basically …
a) self-actualization
b) self-regulation
c) uncovering hidden conflicts
d) all of these
9. Social Learning Theory was developed by …
a) Albert Bandura
b) Alfred Hitchcock
c) Albert dakwin
d) Albert Einstein
10. Bandura’s social cognitive theory is based on which perspective?
a) agentic
b) learning
c) behavioural
d) none of these4
11. The ecological theory explains about …
a) cognitive development
b) affective processes in development
c) environmental influences on development
d) none of these
12. Which theory says that there are sensitive periods of development in
human life?
a) social cognition theory
b) ecological theory
c) ethological theory
d) none of these
13. Which of the following approaches to personality is least deterministic?
A The humanistic approach
B The behavioural approach
C The psychoanalytic approach
D The social learning approach
Answer: A
14. In Freud’s theory of personality
A The id operates by secondary process
B The superego obeys the pleasure principle
C The ego obeys the reality principle
D The ego operates by primary process thinking
Answer: C
15. The frustration-aggression hypothesis;
A Was developed by social learning theorist
B Assumes that frustration produces aggression
C Assume that aggression is basic instinct
D Claims that frustration and aggression are both instinctive
Answer: B
16. The James-Lange or body reaction theory of emotion says
A You feel emotion then a bodily reaction
B Emotions and visceral reactions are simultaneous
C The somatic nervous system is the seat of emotion
D You react with your body first then you feel emotion
Answer: D
17. Analysis of avoidance learning suggest that many phobias are acquired
through ______ conditioning.
A Classical
B Operant
C Intermittent
D Reinforcement
Answer: A
18. The ability to learn by observing a model or receiving instructions,
without reinforcement, is called_____
A Contingency
B Social learning
C Cognitive learning
D Instrumental learning
Answer: B
19. Conditioned response may be eliminated by withdrawing reinforcement.
This is known as:
A Extinction
B Discrimination
C Spontaneous recovery
D Stimulus generalization
Answer: A
20. Any stimulus that follows a behaviour and increases the likelihood that the
behaviour will be repeated is called a:
A Cue
B Punisher
C reinforcer
D Situational stimulus
Answer: C
21. Illnesses that seem to result from an interaction of physical and
psychological factors are called:
A Somatic
B Hysterical
C Psychosomatic
D Conversion disorder
Answer: C
22. Which of the following clinical procedures are based, in part on classical
A Transference
B Token economy
C Two chair technique
D Systematic desensitization
Answer: D
23. When people are _____ they have lost touch with reality.
A Manic
B Neurotic
C Psychotic
D Psychopathic
Answer: C
24. Intelligence can be defined as:
A Knowledge of a great many facts
B The ability to get good grades in school
C All the factors that make one person different from another
D The ability to think abstractly and learn from experience
Answer: D
25. According to Piaget the process of building mental representation of the
world through direct interaction with it is:
A Adaptation
B Conservation
C Metacognition
D Egocentrism
Answer: A
26. People who consistently come up with _____ explanations of events are
more prone to depression.
A dysthemic
B Delusional
C Pessimistic
D Overly optimistic
Answer: C
27. The leading cause of mental retardation is believed to be:
A Inherited traits
B Environmental factors
C Organic brain syndrome
D Fatal alcohol syndrome
Answer: B
28. An affective disorder in which a person swings from one mood extreme to
another is classified as:
A Bipolar
B Unipolar
C Manic
D Depressive
Answer: A
29. Albert Ellis and Aron Beck are names associated with the ____ therapy
A Gestalt
B Cognitive
C Behavioural
D Phenomenological
Answer: B
30. The process by which a trained professional uses psychological methods to
help people with psychological problem is known as:
A Psychiatry
B Psychoanalysis
C Psychosurgery
D Psychotherapy
Answer: D
31. Basic characteristics of tasks that result in social loafing is that they are:
A Additive
B Negative
C Subtractive
D Multiplicative
Answer: A
32. Job satisfaction is enhanced by tasks that are:
A Very easy to accomplish
B Overwhelming and rewarding
C Unrelated to one’s personal needs
D Challenging but not overwhelming
Answer: D
33. Piaget’s stage for infancy is:
A Formal operation
B Preoperational thought
C Sensory motor thoughts
D Concrete operations
Answer: C
34. When a researcher tests several groups of people at the same time each
group at a different age, he is conducting a(n) ______ study.
A Sequential
B Cross-sectional
C Longitudinal
D Observational
Answer: B
35. An individual becomes a member of social group through the process of:
A Aging
B Learning
C Maturation
D Socialization
Answer: D
36. The first two weeks of life are referred to as:
A Early childhood
B The neonatal period
C The period of infancy
D The preoperational stage
Answer: B
37. It would be more accurate to say that maturation:
A Can be delayed by illness or poor nutrition
B Is dramatically accelerated by good nutrition
C Is not affected by any environmental factors because it is genetic
D Is greatly accelerated by good health care and delayed by illness
Answer: D
38. Which of the following is part of the psychosocial domain?
A Memory
B Judgment
C Motor skills
D Style of behaving
Answer: D
39. The stage of prenatal development during which the developing organism
is most vulnerable to injury is the:
A Embryonic stage
B Fatal stage
C Germinal stage
D Zygotic stage
Answer: A
40. The child’s increasing skill at using his muscles is due chiefly to:
A Maturation
B Learning
C Pushing by parents
D An opportunity to exercise
Answer: B
41. In psychology, case studies are used to:
A show importance of case studies.
B assess heritability of individual
C draw general conclusions about behaviour of the client
D draw conclusions, about individual behaviour based on group finding
View Answer
Answer: C
42. Perceptual constancies are
A Likely inborn and not subject to leaning
B An aid in perceiving a stable and consistent world
C Confusing to an individual rather than helping him determine what really exists
D Illusion in which we perceive something that does not correspond to the sensory
Answer: B
43. Psychology may best be described as the scientific study of _______ and
A Mental state, physical states
B Thoughts, emotions
C Behaviour, mental processes
D Mental health, mental illness
Answer: C
44. Freud believed that adult problems usually:
A Result in Freudian slip
B Result in bad dreams
C Can be traced back to critical stage during childhood
D Are the result of poor behaviour
Answer: C
45. Gestalt theory emphasizes:
A A flow of consciousness
B The atoms of thought
C Environmental stimuli
D Our tendency to see pattern
Answer: D
46. Whereas the _______ asked what happens when an organism does
something; the _____ asked how and why.
A functionalist, behaviourist
B structuralist, introspections
C structuralist, functionalist
D functionalist, structuralist
Answer: D
47. The _____ lobe is to hear as the occipital lobe is to vision.
A cerebellar
B Parietal
C Temporal
D Frontal
Answer: C
48. Reflexes are usually controlled by the:
A Hypothalamus
B Spinal cord
C Frontal lobe
D Medulla
Answer: B
49. A part of the brain that sends signals “alert” to higher centres of the brain
in response to incoming messages is:
A amygdala
B Hippocampus
C Limbic system
D Reticular formation
Answer: D
50. Perception of the brightness of a colour in affected mainly by:
A The saturation of light waves
B The wavelength of light waves
C The purity of light waves
D The amplitude of light waves
Answer: A
51. Which of the following is not a clue for depth perception?
A Orientation
B Interposition
C Reduced clarity
D Linear perspective
Answer: A
52. Psychophysics is the study of:
A Depth perception
B Perceptual illness
C Movement perception
D The psychological perception of physical stimuli
Answer: D
53. Which of the following is a subdivision of the autonomic nervous system?
A Brain and spinal cord
B Only sympathetic nervous system
C Only the parasympathetic nervous system
D Both the sympathetic and Para-sympathetic nervous system
Answer: D
54. Which one of the following does not contribute to memory?
A Interesting / disinteresting learning material
B Goal behind learning
C Gender
D Some rest after learning
Answer: C
55. In terms of efficiency in scanning information, which one of the following
strategies is the best?
A Conservative focusing
B Focus gambling
C Simultaneous scanning
D Successive scanning
Answer: C

56 Scientific study of Creativity is started by

A Galton
B Guilford
C Torrance
D Mednick
Answer: B
57 Evolutionary Social Psychology Research seeks to investigate:
A Changes in human behaviour
B Seeks to investigate the potential role of genetic factors on social behaviour
C Interrelationships between people of two groups of different social environment
D Focuses on individual’s behaviour
58 Sleep disorders can be categorized as
A Paraphilias and Dysfunctions
B Insomnia and Hypersomnia
C Parasomnias and Dyssomnias
D Serotonergic and Dopaminergic
Answer: C
59 Which is not the part of “on the job training”?
A Orientation training
B Job instruction training
C Role playing
D Apprentice training
Answer: C
60 Which of the following is not a diagnosable sleep disorder:
A Somnambulism
B Somniloquy
C Sleep terror
D Insomnia
Answer: B
61. What is the role of positive and negative reinforcement?
A To increase the likelihood that responses preceding both will be repeated.
B To decrease the likelihood that responses preceding negative reinforcement will
be repeated.
C To increase the likelihood that responses preceding only positive reinforcement
will be repeated.
D To ensure that there are no negative consequences following the behaviour.
Answer: A
62. The factors that influence social behaviour and thoughts in certain ways
are called:
A Independent variables
B Confounding variables
C Dependent variables
D Mediating variables
Answer: D
63. Feeling touchy or hypersensitive following an upsetting experience is a
form of:
A Imprinting
B Habituation
C Sensitization
D Reflexive Behaviour
Answer: C
64. Which of the following statements best defines maturation?
A It is directly based on social-cognitive learning
B It is an automatic biological development of the body that naturally unfolds over
C It does not take place in human beings
D It is the basis of all physical and psychological developments
Answer: B
65. The following is not typically found in a school guidance counsellor’s
A Sand pit
B Lie detector
C Psychometric tests
D Puppets and play dough
Answer: B

66. Psychology is a _________.

(a) A natural science
(b) A physical science
(c) A biological science
(d) A social science
67. Psychology as a ‘Science of Mind’,
defined by _________ school of
(a) Psychoanalysts
(b) Behaviourists
(c) Functionalists
(d) Ancient Greek Philosophers
68. In the year _________ the Scientific
Psychology was first accepted.
(a) 1779
(b) 1679
(c) 1879
(d) 1889
69. Who is the father of Experimental
(a) Wilhelm Wundt
(b) Sigmund Freud
(c) C.G. Jung
(d) E.B. Titchener
70. Psychology can be literally defined as
the _________.
(a) Science of mind
(b) Science of behaviour
(c) Science of soul
(d) Science of consciousness
71. J.B. Watson, the founder and father of
behaviouristic school of psychology
defined ‘Psychology’ as the science of
(a) Soul
(b) Consciousness
(c) Mind
(d) Behaviour
72. E.B. Titchener (1867-1927) defined
‘Psychology’ as the science of
(a) Conscious Experience
(b) Science of Mind
(c) Science of Experience
(d) Science of Soul
73. Who defined ‘Psychology’ as the
scientific study of activities of organism
in relation to its environment?
(a) J.B Watson
(b) Sigmund Freud
(c) Wood worth
(d) William James
74. “S-R” concept was first established by
(a) J.B Watson
(b) Wilhelm Wundt
(c) William James
(d) I.P. Pavlov
75. Rejecting the concept of “S-R”
connectionism, further “S-O-R” concept
was developed by _________.
(a) Woodworth
(b) C.G. Jung
(c) E.B. Titchener
(d) Sigmund Freud
76. Who defined “Psychology as the science
of immediate experience with consciousness being the main subject matter”?
(a) E.B. Titchener
(b) William James
(c) Sigmund Freud
(d) Wilhelm Wundt
77. Who is the founder and principal
proponent of psychoanalysis _________.
(a) Sigmund Freud
(b) E.B Titchener
(c) C.G. Jung
(d) Alfred Adler
78. Who is the psychologist who constructed
the first intelligence test?
(a) William James
(b) J. B. Watson
(c) William Mc Dougall
(d) Alfred Binet
79. The occurrence of ‘O’ in ‘S-O-R’
concept is responsible in regulating the
behavior of the organism and making
psychological activity _________.
(a) Complex
(b) Dynamic
(c) Fixed
(d) Puzzled
80. Anything which evokes a response in the
Organism is called.
(a) Stimulus
(b) Thing
(c) Situation
(d) Incidence
81. The method of ‘Field Observation’ is
always considered as _________.
(a) Subjective
(b) Complex
(c) Neutral
(d) Objective
82. To study Abnormal Psychology means,
to study mainly the nature of _________.
(a) Normality of mind
(b) Unconscious level of mind
(c) Subconscious level of mind
(d) Abnormality of mind
83. Clinical Psychology deals with the
practical aspect of _________.
(a) Abnormal Psychology
(b) Educational Psychology
(c) Child Psychology
(d) Experimental Psychology
84. Sigmund Freud is regarded as the father
of _________ in psychology.
(a) Gestalt school
(b) Behaviouristic school
(c) Functionalistic school
(d) Psychoanalytic school
85. Ebbinghuas, had done the pioneering
experiments on _________.
(a) Perception
(b) Emotion
(c) Memory
(d) Thinking
86. Science is invariably characterised by
(a) Its methodology
(b) Its theory
(c) Its fact
(d) Its hypothesis
87. General psychology deals with _______.
(a) Personality
(b) Development
(c) Intelligent
(d) Fundamentals of all branches of

88. Industrial Psychology is _________.

(a) Theoretical Psychology
(b) Applied Psychology
(c) Educational Psychology
(d) Abnormal Psychology
89. Developmental Psychology studies
(a) Personality
(b) Motivation
(c) Intelligence
(d) Various stages of development of
90. Abnormal Psychology is concerned with
(a) Developmental stages of individual
(b) Diagnosis of abnormal behaviour
(c) Abnormal behaviour and its causes
(d) Treatment of abnormal behaviour
91. Social Psychology deals with ________.
(a) Behaviour of an individual at work
(b) Behaviour and experience in social
(c) Behaviour of ethnic groups
(d) Abnormal Behaviour of people
92. Psychology is the science studying the
behaviour of _________.
(a) Mankind
(b) Living Organism
(c) Animals
(d) Plants
93. Some of the most useful knowledge of
human perception has borrowed from
(a) Chemistry
(b) Physics
(c) Sociology
(d) Zoology
94. A major part of developmental psychology is devoted to the understanding of
behaviour of _________.
(a) Children
(b) Adolescents
(c) Women
(d) Old people
95. Who is the founder of ‘Individual
(a) David Hull
(b) Thorndike
(c) Alfred Binet
(d) Alfred Adler
96. From the following pioneered psychologist who is associated with
(a) B.F. Skinner
(b) William James
(c) Megde Arnold
(d) David Hull
97. Who is recognised as the father of
(a) Sigmund Freud
(b) Tolman
(c) Alfred Adler
(d) William James
98. Wolf Gang Kohler was associated with
_________ school of psychology.
(a) Social Psychology
(b) Gestalt Psychology
(c) Industrial Psychology
(d) Educational Psychology
99. The “Law of effect” was coined by?
(a) Skinner
(b) Pavlov
(c) Kohler
(d) Thorndike
100. Archetype is a terminology associated
with _________.
(a) Jung
(b) Freud
(c) Adler
(d) Skinner
101. Who established the first experimental
psychological laboratory?
(a) Sigmund Freud
(b) B.F. Skinner
(c) Evan Pavlov
(d) Wilhelm Wundt
102. Who is the valuable contributor in
insightful learning?
(a) Throndike
(b) B.F. Skinner
(c) Evan Pavlov
(d) Kohler
103. The most pioneered contributor to
Behavioural school of psychology is
(a) Freud
(b) Allport
(c) Watson
(d) Fechner
104. Wilhelm Wundt established the first
laboratory of experimental psychology
at _________.
(a) Greenwich
(b) Zurich
(c) Leipzig
(d) Munich
105. From the following psychologist, who
rejected introspection as a method of
psychology _________.
(a) B.F. Skinner
(b) Fulton
(c) Cattell
(d) J.B. Watson
106. In which method of study of psychology,
independent and dependent variable are
important elements.
(a) Introspection Method
(b) Experimental Method
(c) Observational Method
(d) Case History Method
107. In _________ method of study in
psychology, passive study and analysis
of human behaviour is usually done.
(a) Introspection Method
(b) Experimental Method
(c) Observational Method
(d) Genetic Method
108. In the simplest experimental method, ‘E’
manipulates _________.
(a) One Variable
(b) Two Variables
(c) Three Variables
(d) Four Variables
109. What it is called, when more than one
independent variable works in an
experimental situation.
(a) Situational Crisis
(b) Interaction
(c) Multisituational Effect
(d) Variable Crisis
110. Who has been considered as the father of
psychoanalysis method of study
(a) Sigmund Freud
(b) E.B Titchener
(c) C.G. Jung
(d) Alfred Adler
111. Who has been credited as the first
developer of first intelligence test and
made important contributions to our
understanding of the thought process?
(a) William James
(b) Alfred Binet
(c) William McDougall
(d) J.B. Watson
112. The concepts like “Introspection” and
“Conscious Experience” are associated
with _________.
(a) Functionalism
(b) Behaviourism
(c) Structuralism
(d) Gestalt Psychology
113. A Provisional theory to explain observed
facts is known as _________.
(a) Construct
(b) Theory
(c) Hypothesis
(d) Event
114. _________ is the least noticeable value
of stimulus.
(a) Stimulus Threshold
(b) Response Threshold
(c) Hypothesis
(d) Problem
115. Which one of the following approaches
tries to analyze human behaviour in
terms of stimulus-response units
acquired through the process of learning,
mainly through instrumental conditioning .
(a) Cognitive Approach
(b) Dynamic and Psychoanalytic
(c) Stimulus-Response Behaviouristic
(d) Existential Approach
116. _________ approach is popularly rooted
in Gestalt psychology.
(a) Wholistic Approach
(b) Stimulus-Response-Behaviouristic
(c) Dynamic and Psychoanalytic
(d) Cognitive Approach
117. _________ approach emphasizes the
role of instinctual processes and them
modification during interaction
with the society.
(a) Dynamic and Psychoanalytic
(b) Cognitive Approach
(c) Holistic Approach
(d) Stimulus-Response Behaviouristic
118. The system which still survives very
nearly in its rigid forms is _________.
(a) Cognitive Approach
(b) Dynamic and Psychoanalytic
(c) Holistic Approach
(d) Existential Approach
119. Psychologists with the Biological
perspective try to relate behaviour to
functions of _________.
(a) Body
(b) Mind
(c) Soul
(d) Unconscious
120. The perspective which is concerned with
characteristic changes that occur in
people as they mature is known as
(a) Developmental Perspective
(b) Biological Perspective
(c) Humanistic Perspective
(d) Psychoanalytic Perspective
121. For the first time, the word ‘Psychology’
is introduced by_________.
(a) Rudolf Goekle
(b) William James
(c) Sigmund Freud
(d) C. G. Jung
123. Rudolf Goekle used the word
‘Psychology’ for the first time in the
year _________.
(a) 1590 AD
(b) 1095 AD
(c) 1950 AD
(d) 1509 AD
124. Which branch of psychology deals with
the study of animal behaviour?
(a) Social Psychology
(b) Comparative Psychology
(c) Abnormal Psychology
(d) Differential Psychology
125. Woodworth’s approach to define
Psychology is_________.
(a) Dynamic
(b) Constant
(c) Fluctuating
(d) simple
126. Who is the Founder of Gestalt
Psychology _________?
(a) Kurt Koffka
(b) Max wertheimer
(c) Kurt Lewin
(d) Wolfgang Kohker
127. _________ field of psychology focuses
on the potential role of evolution in
(a) Developmental Psychology
(b) Physiological Psychology
(c) Evolutional Psychology
(d) Cognitive Psychology
128. Which perspective of psychology
emphasizes the overt behaviour of the
(a) Developmental Perspective
(b) Behaviouristic Perspective
(c) Humanistic Perspective
(d) Psychoanalytic Perspective
129. Thought process is the main component
of _________ perspective.
(a) Gestalt Perspective
(b) Biological Perspective
(c) Humanistic Perspective
(d) Cognitive Perspective
130. _________ perspective focuses on
changes in behaviour and cognitive
processes over the life span.
(a) Developmental Perspective
(b) Biological Perspective
(c) Humanistic Perspective
(d) Psychoanalytic Perspective
131. ‘Behaviour can be influenced by social
and cultural factor’, the _________
perspective of psychology emphasizes it.
(a) Developmental Perspective
(b) Biological Perspective
(c) Humanistic Perspective
(d) Socio-cultural Perspective
132. The frameworks for explaining various
events or process in science is known as
(a) Facts
(b) Theories
(c) Models
(d) Hypothesis
133. Emphasizing what comes to mind first
or most readily/quickly is known as
(a) Heuristic
(b) Critical Thinking
(c) Intuitive Thought
(d) Confirmation Bias
134. A systematic study of facts according to
a reliable and correct method of study is
called a _________.
(a) Scientific Study
(b) Biological Study
(c) Social Technique
(d) Methodology
135. The concept of building block of
consciousness was laid by _________.
(a) Watson
(b) Wundt
(c) Freud
(d) Jung
136. Who is the first woman, awarded Ph. D
in psychology?
(a) Anna Freud
(b) Margaret Floy Washburn
(c) Melanie Klein
(d) Karen Horney
137. In the year 1913, C. G. Jung, established
his school after separated from Sigmund
Freud, which is known as _________.
(a) Psychoanalysis School
(b) Individual Psychology
(c) Psychoanalytical School
(d) Child Psychology
138. The _________ law of psychology deals
with least noticeable difference in
different stimuli.
(a) Getsalt Law
(b) Watson Law
(c) Binet –Simon Law
(d) Weber-Fechner Law
139. Gestalt psychology taking its name from
the German word ‘Gestal’ which
literally means _________.
(a) World
(b) Whole
(c) A part
(d) Whole vs part
140 Who promoted the formulation of
(a) Sigmund Freud
(b) Aristotle
(c) Plato
(d) Paul Broca
141. The concept of Rationalism is developed
by _________.
(a) Sigmund Freud
(b) Aristotle
(c) Plato
(d) Paul Broca
142. Who proposed that mind and body are
two separate entities and interact with
each other?
(a) Rene Descartes
(b) Aristotle
(c) Plato
(d) Paul Broca
143. Who is an important functionalistic
psychologist was particularly interested
in consciousness, memory and emotions?
(a) John Dewey
(b) William James
(c) Thorndike
(d) Skinner
144.What is the name of the person
established the School of Individual
(a) Adler
(b) Jung
(c) Anne Freud
(d) Eric Fromm
145. Who is a pioneer contributor to the
Cognitive Psychology?
(a) Jean Piaget
(b) Kohler
(c) Chomsky
(d) Kholberg
146. The modern psycholinguistic theory was
developed by _________.
(a) Chomsky
(b) Kohler
(c) Piaget
(d) Kholberg
147. The concept of psychology come into
teaching and the first psychology course
offered by _________.
(a) Willhelm Wundt
(b) E. B. Titchner
(c) J. B. Watson
(d) William James
148. Abraham Maslow and Carl Roger were
the founder of ________ approach.
(a) Developmental approach
(b) Biological approach
(c) Humanistic approach
(d) Socio-cultural approach
149. Hope, happiness, optimism and flow
takes together as _________.
(a) Cognitive psychology
(b) Positive psychology
(c) Humanistic psychology
(d) Evolutionary psychology
150. Wilson was the strong supporter of
_________ plays vital role for shaping
of behaviour.
(a) Genes
(b) Culture and environment
(c) Past life
(d) God or almighty
151. The role of brain, body chemical, central
nervous system, neural mechanism, etc.,
are considered the _________ branch of
(a) Cognitive psychology
(b) Positive psychology
(c) Neuropsychology
(d) Evolutionary psychology
152. Who proposed the famous PASS theory
on psychology?
(a) Binet-Simon
(b) Cattell
(c) J. P Das
(d) Thurstone
153. The first psychological laboratory was
established in India at _________.
(a) Delhi University
(b) Bombay University
(c) Calcutta University
(d) Banaras Hindu University
154. First Psychology department started in
the department of philosophy at Calcutta
University in the year ________.
(a) 1905
(b) 1916
(c) 1890
(d) 1780
155. First psychology Department at in India
established by the headship of ________.
(a) Prof. K. D Bruta
(b) Prof. N. N Sengupta
(c) Prof. G. Gupta
(d) Prof. Gangul
156. The famous book ‘Principles of Psychology’ was authored by________.
(a) Willhelm Wundt
(b) E. B. Titchner
(c) J. B. Watson
(d) William James
157. According J. B Watson, ‘Psychology is a
Science of________’.
(a) Soul
(b) Mind
(c) Behaviour
(d) Brain
158. Some of our most useful knowledge of
human perception borrowed from
(a) Physics
(b) Chemistry
(c) Sociology
(d) Mathematics
159. The structuralist intended to identify the
buildings blocks of ________.
(a) Consciousness
(b) Subconsciousness
(c) Unconsciousness
(d) None of the above
160. Who discovered that all mental process
are not accompanied by mental imagery?
(a) Willhelm Wundt
(b) E. B. Titchner
(c) J. B. Watson
(d) Oswald Kulpe
161. The functionalist strongly influenced by
(a) Willhelm Wundt
(b) Charles Darwin
(c) J. B. Watson
(d) William James
162. Who is credited for setting up the first
psychological laboratory in United
(a) Willhelm Wundt
(b) Charles Darwin
(c) J. B. Watson
(d) William James
163. What is the meaning of ‘Flock’
according to Gestalt psychology?
(a) The whole
(b) Perceptual unit
(c) Perception
(d) Closur
164. Who is the father of psychodynamic
(a) Willhelm Wundt
(b) Charles Darwin
(c) Sigmund Freud
(d) William James
165. Self-actualisation is the proposed by
(a) Carl Roser
(b) Abraham Mashlow
(c) Sigmund Freud
(d) William James
166. Computer provided a new way to
conceptualise mental processes and to
develop detail theories which is known
as ________.
(a) Cognitive Approach
(b) Behavioural Approach
(c) Gestalt Approach
(d) Information Processing Approach
167. Who is a famous psycholinguistic?
(a) Gardner
(b) Alan Newell
(c) A. Simon
(d) Noam Chomsky
168. ________ psychology compare human
abilities with those of animals
particularly non-human primates.
(a) Industrial Psychology
(b) Social Psychology
(c) Evolutionary Psychology
(d) Animal Psychology
169. Who is the author of book Principle of
(a) Willhelm Wundt
(b) Charles Darwin
(c) Sigmund Freud
(d) William James
170. In which year Sigmund Freud published
the book ‘The Ego’ and ‘The Id’?
(a) 1927
(b) 1972
(c) 1980
(d) 1908
171. First issue of cognitive neuroscience
appears in the year ________.
(a) 1967
(b) 1989
(c) 1997
(d) 1978
172. Psychiatric nurse holds a master’s degree
in ________.
(a) M.S.N with C.S. in Psychiatric
(b) M.A./M.Sc in Clinical Psychology
(c) M.S degree in Psychiatry
(d) M.A./M.Sc in Counselling Psychology
173. The academic related psychological
problems are dealt by________.
(a) Industrial Psychologist
(b) Social Psychologist
(c) Academic Psychologist
(d) Clinical Psychologist
174. Psychology in the work place is the
subject matter of________.
(a) Industrial and organisational Psychology
(b) Social Psychology
(c) Academic Psychology
(d) Clinical Psychology
175. According to Darwin, the variation in
behaviour passed from one generation to
next generation is due to ________.
(a) Selection
(b) Cultural Changes
(c) Inheritance
(d) None of the above
176. Study of gender difference is the subject
matter of ________.
(a) Industrial and Organisational
(b) Social Psychology
(c) Developmental Psychology
(d) Clinical Psychology
ANSWERS 77. (a) 89. (d)
66. (d) 78. (d) 90. (c)
67. (d) 79. (b) 91. (b)
68. (c) 80. (a) 92. (b)
69. (a) 81. (d) 93. (b)
70. (c) 82. (b) 94. (a)
71. (d) 83. (a) 95. (d)
72. (a) 84. (d) 96. (a)
73. (c) 85. (c) 97. (a)
74. (a) 86. (a) 98. (b)
75. (a) 87. (d) 99. (d)
76. (a&d) 88. (b)
124. (a) 154. (b)
125. (b) 155. (d)
126. (c) 156. (c)
127. (b) 157. (a)
128. (d) 158. (a)
129. (a) 159. (d)
100. (c)
130. (d) 160. (b)
101. (d)
131. (b) 161. (d)
102. (d)
132. (a) 162. (b)
103. (c)
133. (a) 163. (c)
104. (c)
134. (b) 164. (b)
105. (d)
135. (b) 165. (d)
106. (b)
136. (c) 166. (d)
107. (c)
137. (d) 167. (c)
108. (a)
138. (b) 168. (d)
109. (b)
139. (b) 169. (a)
110. (a)
140. (c) 170. (b)
111. (b)
141. (a) 171. (a)
112. (c)
142. (b) 172. (c)
113. (c)
143. (a) 173. (a)
114. (a)
144. (a) 174. (c)
115. (c)
145. (a) 175. (c)
116. (d)
146. (d)
117. (a)
147. (c)
118. (b)
148. (b)
119. (a)
149. (a)
120. (a)
150. (c)
121. (a)
151. (c)
122. (a)
152. (c)
123. (b)
153. (b)

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