Dilg Memocircular MPOC

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9-62 Me ee INT OF 7y ame MH, Republic of the Philippines Sime. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 1), nsconos DILG-NAPOLCOM Genter, EDSA cor. Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon Gity,,., www dig. gov.oh MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR No.9 92.04 TO : ALL LOCAL CHIEF EXECUTIVES AT THE PROVINCIAL, CITY AND MUNICIPAL LEVELS, DILG REGIONAL DIRECTORS, THE BARMM MINISTER OF INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT, AND ALL OTHERS CONCERNED SUBJECT : 2019 AND 2021 PEACE AND ORDER COUNCIL (POC) PERFORMANCE AUDIT DATE FEB 16 2022 1.0 Background 1.1. The Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022 embodies the long- term aspirations of the Filipinos through the pillars of Malasakit, Pagbabago at Patuloy na Pag-unlad. These pillars should be supported by a solid foundation of peace, security, public order, and safety. 1.2, The Peace and Order Council (POC) is the government's platform for stronger collaboration of the LGU with law enforcement agencies and the community to fight criminality, illegal drugs, insurgency, and violent extremism. It creates an enabling environment among its members to harmonize and effectively implement peace and order and public safety activities. 1.3. Section 9 of DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2019-143 or the Omnibus Guidelines for Peace and Order Councils (POCs) reiterates that the POC Performance Audit shall be conducted annually to identify the compliance rating of sub-national POCs and POC Secretariats. 1.4. In light of the current situation and in compliance to the policies and guidelines issued by the Department of Health (DOH) on Administrative Order No. 2020-0015, Guidelines on the Risk-Based Public Health Standards for COVID-19 Mitigation and the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) in virtue of the Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in “Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan” ‘Trunkline No.: (02) 8876-3454 2.0 3.0 the Philippines, the 2019 and 2021 POC Performance Audit shall be conducted through an online modality — via the POC Audit System, online video teleconferencing application, such as Zoom or Google Meet, or through face-to-face modality. 1.5. A POC performance audit for CY 2020 shall not be conducted due to the suspension/cancellation of Projects, Programs, and Activities of POCs and the reallocation of their funds for COVID-19 response. 1.6. Further, the NPOC Secretariat strongly recommends conducting meetings through teleconference / video conference and/or other remote or electronic means of communications. POC Secretariats shall ensure that the attendees of the meeting can communicate with and understand one another during the online discussion and that the visual and audio recordings of the meetings are secured. PURPOSE The POC Performance Audit aims to: 2.1. Assess the performance of the Regional, Provincial, City, and Municipal POCs on their functionality; 2.2. Identify the innovations conducted and initiated by the POCs and their POC. Secretariats; 2.3. Determine possible interventions and improvement strategies for POCs and POC Secretariats; and 2.4. Create a platform for evaluation, assessment, and sharing of best practices between and among POCs and POC Secretariats. ‘SCOPE / COVERAGE The policy shall cover: 3.1. 17 Regional POCs, 81 Provincial POCs, 145 City POCs and 1,489 Municipal POCs which shall be subjected to the performance audit; and 3.2. All DILG Regional, Provincial, City and Municipal Field Officers that serve as POC Secretariat primarily involved in the implementation of the performance audit. The Bureau of Local Government Supervision (BLGS) — Policy Compliance Monitoring Division (PCMD) shall serve as the over-all lead in the implementation of the POC performance audit. Page 2 of 11 4.0 POLICY CONTENT AND GUIDELINES 4.1. The 2019 and 2021 performance audit process shall be guided by the following pillars: 414. 4.1.2. 41.3. 414. 415. Organization - POCs should conform to the composition / membership prescribed in Executive Order (EO) No. 773, s. of 2009, titled Further Reorganizing Peace and Order Councils, and other provisions as set by the said EO. Meetings — pursuant to DILG Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2015- 130, POCs must convene the council quarterly, or as often as needed. Policies, Plan, and Budget — pursuant to the DILG MC No. 2015- 128, all POCs shall:, Formulate a 3-year term-based plan which consists of programs and activities on peace and order and public safety, following the prescribed format of the POPS Planning Guidebook which operationalizes the said Memorandum Circular; and . Allocate a substantial portion of their respective annual budgets to enhance enforcement of antiillegal drug activities, giving priority to preventive or educational Programs and the rehabilitation or treatment of drug dependents. Reports — in accordance with DILG MC No. 2015-130 and DILG MC No. 2017-67, all POCs shall submit accomplishment reports through the Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan Policy Compliance Monitoring System (POPSP-PCMS). Innovation/s — recognizes the innovative programs initiated by the POC that have significantly contributed to the maintenance of peace and order and public safety in their respective localities. To note, * Specific to the 2019 and 2021 POC Performance Audit, Innovation shall be defined as a pioneering strategic, effective, high-impact, and sustainable initiative that was deliberately designed to address gaps in the peace and order and/or public safety situation within the locality. Further, Innovation could also be something that was formerly introduced within the last three (3) years but the methodologies were enhanced and improved to better fit the peace and order and public safety needs of the LGU resulting to a significant outcome. Page 3 of 11 however, that Innovation/s shall only be considered as a BONUS pillar for the 2021 performance audit 4.2. For 2021 performance audit process, an additional pillar shall be included: 4.21. General Supervision — in conformity with DILG MC No. 2019-143, higher POCs shall monitor and supervise the functionality of lower POCs, specifically through the annual conduct of POC Performance Audit and the implementation of their respective Peace and Order and Public Safety (POPS) Plans, as well as, the submission of annual and semestral accomplishment reports through the POPSP- PCMs. 4.3. Pre-requisites — The following tools shall be used during the 2019 and 2021 POC Performance Audit process: 43.4. Tools — only the prescribed forms shall be used in documenting the results and observations during the audit process: Protocols — contain the audit phases, processes, and timeframe and lay out the roles and responsibilities of every stakeholder involved in the performance audit. Manual — details the accomplishment of different references, forms, and reports to be used during the performance audit. 4.4.Structures and Compositions 441. 4.4.2. The National Peace and Order Council shall form a five (5) member National Audit Team (NAT) through any of the following: NPOC Resolution; Department Order; or Any administrative issuance appointing the members of the audit team. The BLGS, as the Interim NPOC Secretariat, shall organize the NAT, to be chaired by the Interim NPOC Secretariat Head, with PNP, DDB, DND, and CSO representative, as members. The CSO representative shall be determined by the NPOC Chairperson. The NPOC Chair may also include other members of the NPOC as members of the NAT, as may be deemed necessary. Page 4 of 11 4.4.3. The Regional / Provincial Peace and Order Councils shall form their respective five (5) member Regional/Provincial Audit Teams (RATIPAT) through any of the following: 4.43.1. POC Resolution; 4.43.2. Regional / Provincial Order; or Any administrative issuance appointing the members of the audit team. 4.4.4. The RATIPAT shall be chaired by the DILG POC Secretariat Head or representative, with the highest ranking PNP and/or PDEA Officers in the Region / Province or their representatives, CSO representative, and such other member of the POC as determined by the POC Chair, as members of the said audit teams. 4.5. Mechanism 4.5.1. The sub-national POCs shall be divided into different clusters, as follows: Cluster A — 1* — 3° Class Municipalities; Cluster B - 4""— 6" Class Municipalities; Cluster C - Component Cities; Cluster D — HUCs and ICCs; Cluster E - Provinces; and Cluster F — Regions. 4.5.2. The 2019 and 2021 POC Performance Audit shall pursue a bottom- up approach following this process: 45.2.1. The PAT shall audit and validate all Municipal and Component City POCs (Clusters A, B, and C) within their respective areas of jurisdiction; 45.2.2. The RAT shall audit and validate all Provincial, Highly Urbanized City (HUC) and Independent Component City (ICC) POCs (Clusters D and E) within their respective areas of jurisdiction; and The NAT shall audit and validate all RPOCs (Cluster F) 4.6. Participation of, and Support to Partners The POC Performance Audit is a collaborative effort with the National Government Agencies (NGAs) and the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Page Sof 11 to ensure the integrity of the audit process and its results. Therefore, travel expenses thereof, as deemed necessary, is chargeable against POC funds, subject to the availability of funds and the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. 4.7. POC Performance Audit Documents, Forms, and System Guide 4.7.1. The following list of documents shall be used for the conduct of the 2019 and 2021 POC Performance Audit through the POC Performance Audit System. Only cettified true copies of all documents / forms shall be forwarded to the appropriate levels: 1, Pre-Audit Form 1A (Regions) Data Capture Form 1 DOCUMENTS FORMS 2. Pre-Audit Form 1B (PCMs) Data Capture Form 2 3. Audit Team Members 1. Indicator Reference for Province/City/Municipality (PCMs) Data Capture Form 3 Guidelines Form 4 2. Indicator Reference for Regions Guidelines Form 5 _ 3. Audit Form 2A (Regions) Data Capture Form 4 4. Audit Form 2B (PCMs) Data Capture Form 5 (RAT summary of the region) 1. Performance Profile Form 3A Data Capture Form 6 (PAT/ RAT per LGU) 2. Performance Profile Form 3B Data Capture Form 7 (PAT summary of the province) 3. Performance Profile Form 3C Data Capture Form & 4. Performance Profile Form 3D 1. Consolidated Report Form 1 (PAT) Data Capture Form 9 (NAT summary of all the RPOCs) Report Generated Form 1 2. Consolidated Report Form 2 (RAT) Report Generated Form 2 3. Consolidated Report Form 3 (NAT) Report Generated Form 3 4. National Consolidated Report (all POCs) Report Generated Form 4 4.8. POC Performance Audit Process 4.8.1. Preliminaries Page 6 of 11 4.8.2. 48.1.1. The NPOC Secretariat shall orient the POC Regional and Provincial Focal Persons through video teleconference on the 2019 and 2021 POC Performance Audit covering the following topics: 2019 and 2021 POC Performance Audit Policy Audit Protocols 4, Audit Manual 4, Indicator References for Regions and PCMs (Guideline Forms 4 and 5) for 2019 and 2021 The National, Regional, and Provincial POC Secretariats shall form the National, Regional, and Provincial Audit Teams and encode their names at the POC Performance Audit System. Audit Procedures As the 2019 and 2021 POC Performance Audit pursue a bottom-up method, the Provincial Audit Team (PAT) shall be the first to audit following the Pre-Audit, Audit Proper, Post-Audit, and Report Consolidation Phase indicated in the attached Annex A. After the PAT, the Regional Audit Team (RAT) shall be the next to audit following the Pre-Audit, Audit Proper, Post- Audit, and Report Consolidation Phase indicated in the attached Annex A. The National Audit Team (NAT) shall be the last to audit when all the Provincial and Regional Audit Teams have already submitted their respective Consolidated Report Forms (Report Generated Forms) following the Audit Proper, Post-Audit, and Report Consolidation Phase indicated in the attached Annex A. . If in case an online conduct of the audit is not possible, the team may opt to conduct a manual audit. In conducting such, the following steps shall be followed: Pre-Audit: Data Gathering, Pre-Audit Forms a. Each POC shalll ensure the availability and accessibility data particularly to the Regional/Provincial/City/Municipal POC Secretariat Page 7 of 11 who shall be responsible for gathering data, to be ‘submitted to the respective audit teams; b. The POCs shall be required to provide all the documents listed in Pre-Audit Forms 1A and 1B (attached); and c. Alldocuments submitted by the POCs shall be used by the Audit Teams during the audit proper., Audit Proper: National, Regional and Provincial Audit Team, Indicator Reference, POC Profile a. National, Regional and Provincial Audit Team — shall audit and validate their respective POCs using Audit Forms 2A and 2B (attached); b. Indicator Reference (attached) ~ shall be used during the audit process. It provides the indicators, parameters, means of verification, point system, POC conditions and considerations, and remarks. that measures the performance of POCs; and c. POC Profile — a report form that shall contain a summary of the most common gaps in policy compliance and implementation of the sub-POCs, based on the audit 4.8.4. Ifin case a POC in Regions IV-B (MIMAROPA), VI, VII, Vill, X, and XIll (CARAGA)? is not able to upload a document required for the conduct of the Audit due to the damages brought about by Typhoon Odette, they shall submit a notarized certification, attached hereto as Annex E, stating that the documents required for the Audit were damaged by the said typhoon. The said certification shall be submitted in the system in lieu of the damaged and/or unretrievable document. The submission of the certification and the scoring of the pillars to which these documents are submitted to are ‘subject to the evaluation of the Audit Team. 4.9. Passing Rate 4.9.1. A sub-national POC is considered functional, and may only be eligible for awards, if it garners an overall percentage score of 65% or higher, provided, that in any of the Pillar scores, it does not have a score lower than 50% of the required score, for instance: 2 Regions identified to be severely and adversely affected by Typhoon Odette, and were placed under the State of Calamity pursuant to Proclamation No. 1267. Page 8 of 11 Pillar | Pillar | Pillar | Pillar | Pillar Leu 1 2 3 4 5 | Overall | Status | Eligible? (10%) | (20%) | (25%) | (40%) | (5%) X | 10% | 15% | 25% | 30% | 5% | 85% | PASSED | YES Y 10% | 5% | 20% | 30% | 5% | 70% | PASSED NO. 4.10. NOTE: The percentage scores used in the table above are only for illustration purposes Results of the POC Performance Audit shall be utilized for the Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG). Presentation of Functional and Non-Functional POCs: Indorsement, Approval, Certificate of Recognition, and Announcement 4.10.1. Based on the results of the audit teams, the final list of functional and non-functional LGUs shall be consolidated by the NAT; 4.10.2. Once the list is finalized, the list with the certificates shall be endorsed, for approval, to the Secretary of Interior and Local Government, as the NPOC Chairperson. The signed documents shall be the official list of the 2019 and 2021 Functional POCs, having the certificate as a testament to their performance; 4.10.3. The results shall be published in the DILG official website, and shall also be communicated to the DILG Regional Offices for dissemination; 4.10.4. Non-Functional POCs shall be recommended for appropriate intervention and legal action; 4.10.5. A national recognition shall be awarded to the Best POC and POC Secretariat; 4.10.8. Clustering of Awardees — there shall be one (1) or more overall winner/s (in case of a tie) for the following: Cluster A — 1*— 3" Class Municipalities; Cluster B - 4" — 6" Class Municipalities; Cluster C - Component Cities; Cluster D — HUCs and ICCs; Cluster E — Provinces; and Cluster F — Regions. Page 9 of 11 4.10.7. The awardee/s shall have the highest overall percentage score provided that it does not have a score lower than 50% in any of the pillar; and 4.10.8. Regional Offices may award / recognize the highest performing LGUs in their respective jurisdictions. 4.11. Indicative Timeline for 2022 MONTH | ea ACTIVI YE a ee Orientation on the POC Performance Audit for February 2019 and 2021 Documents Gathering omen ° March | audit Process (including the uploading of signed documents): March 15-30 Provincial Audit Team (PAT) March 30 - April 15 Regional Audit Team (RAT) April 15 — April 30 National Audit Team (NAT) April 30 - May 30 Consolidation and Finalization of Audit Results June Release of POC Performance Audit Results and Awarding / Recognition 5.0 Attachments 5.1. The following documents are herein attached for reference: 5.2, Annex A - POC Performance Audit Protocols * Annex B - POC Performance Audit Manual * Annex C - POC Performance Audit Indicator References for PCMs and Regions for 2019 and 2021 * Annex D - POC Performance Audit Forms / Documents * Annex E - Certification for Damaged Documents due to Typhoon Odette Digital copies of the above-listed documents are available at https://bit. ly/POCAudit_1921Annexes. Page 10 of 11 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Legal Bases/References 6.1. Republic Act No. 7160, Local Government Code of 1991 6.2. Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022 6.3. Executive Order No. 773, Further Reorganizing the Peace and Order Council 6.4, DILG Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2019-143, Omnibus Guidelines for the Peace and Order Councils (POCs) 6.5. DILG MC No. 2015-128, Guidelines on the Formulation of the Peace and Order and Public Safety (POPS) Plan 6.6. DILG MC NO. 2015-130, Guidelines on the Functions of the Peace and Order Councils, Barangay Peace and Order Committees, and the Peace and Order Council Secretariats Effectivity This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately. Dissemination All DILG Regional Directors, POC Focal Persons, and the BARMM Minister of Local Government shall cause the widest dissemination of this Memorandum Circular and monitor the adherence of all POCs and POC Secretariats to this issuance. Feedback Inquiries or concerns pertaining to this Memorandum Circular shall be directed or addressed to the Interim NPOC Secretariat, Policy Compliance Monitoring Division (PCMD) under the Bureau of Local Government Supervision (BLGS), through any of the following: telephone number (02) 8876-3454 loc. 4210 / 4211, email at npoc.secretariat@gmail_com or through mail at 25" Floor, DILG NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA corner Quezon Ave., Quezon City. 10.0 Approving Authority ‘BLGS-2021-10-04-029 BLGSIVPSIPCMDipmag m. ANO Seaeay Page 11 of 11,

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