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Academic Performance among Grade 12 Students

in New Normal Settings of Education

A Research Paper Presented to

the Faculty of Arayat National High Schoool

In Partial Fulfilment of

The Requirements for Practical Research II


Pangan, Rachelle A.

Marculeta, Patricia Y.

Canlas, Elija Neil R

Chiu, Blessy R

Cruz, Princess Jamaica O.

David, Jalil Q.

Parico, Jordan C.

.Mortel, Justine Vincent O.

Academic Performance among Grade 12 Students in New Normal Settings of Education

Chapter 1



The current COVID-19 pandemic has created extraordinary challenges and has

had an impact on educational sectors, and no one knows when it will end. Every country

is currently implementing plans and procedures to contain the virus, but infections are

still on the rise. In the educational context, the new normal should be considered in the

planning and implementation of the "new normal educational policy" in order to sustain

and provide quality education despite lockdown and community quarantine. Due to

COVID 19 pandemic, most countries have implemented lockdown and social distancing

measures, resulting in the closures of schools, training institutes, and higher education

facilities. The paradigm shift occurring in the way educators deliver quality of education-

via various online platform, Despite the challenges that educators and learners face,

online learning, distance learning, and continuing education have emerge as a panacea for

this unprecedented global pandemic. Transitioning from traditional face-to-face learning

to online learning can be a completely different experience for both learners and

educators, which they must adapt to with few or no others option. The way a person

absorbs and retains latest information and abilities is referred to as their way of learning.

The new ways of learning have an advantage and disadvantage, the face to face and

online learning or blended learning we called. Students prepared for the lesson in the

classroom via blended learning, and it can be more effective because students can

communicate and interact with their teachers and friends that they cannot do in class. The

Academic Performance among Grade 12 Students in New Normal Settings of Education

pandemic cause a lot of effects to the academic performance of the students, in order to

make sure the safety of the students, they use the blended learning to prevent the

increasing of cases of COVID-19, because of the academic performance of the students

gradually drop because of lack of development of the students. Academic performance is

critical for younger people's effective social growth. Students who do well in school have

a greater chance of adjusting to adult lives and achieving professional and financial

fulfillment. A lot of schools worldwide suspended classroom learning due to COVID-19

pandemic that lead to them to switch from classroom learning to online learning. The

Department of Education (DepEd) is implementing various distance education modalities

this year including online and modular learning as in person classes remain suspended

due to the threats of COVID 19. The impact of pandemic that cause to have a lockdown

effects the academic performance because of lack of face to face classes, although online

learning have an advantage and also opportunities it also difficult to learn in online.

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on how worldwide education is delivered. Due to

the outbreak, millions of learners were directly affected by academic institution closures,

leading in the largest and fastest growing movement in educational history.

Academic Performance among Grade 12 Students in New Normal Settings of Education

Review of Related Literature

According to Sahu (2020), the new coronavirus disease (COVID19) has been

declared by the World Health Organization as an international public health emergency.

Due to its high infectivity, countries around the world are implementing national

blockades in the hope of flattening the epidemic curve. This has closed schools in more

than 150 countries around the world, affecting the education of nearly one billion


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID19) has triggered a switch from traditional

classroom education to new methods on online platforms. Educational institutions are

working on new standards of education as governments implement public health

measures to minimize the risk of viral infections. Teachers are looking for ways to

respond to changes in the current situation. Old practices need to be revisited and

readjusted to meet the demands of the pandemic global community. Changing plans due

to suspension of laboratory activities and postponement of extracurricular activities

requires the search for equally effective alternatives through online education. In the

midst of the COVID 19 pandemic, teachers, students, parents, and everyone involved are

expected to be proactive in responding to the needs of the times. Change and challenges

can be turned into opportunities that enable quality education during this uncertain period

(Landicho, 2020).

The COVID19 pandemic introduced the concept of "new normal" into our daily

lives by making a significant impact on our lives, our studies and the way we work. In

Academic Performance among Grade 12 Students in New Normal Settings of Education

these unprecedented times, the rapid transition from traditional face-to-face education to

online learning was seen as a paradigm shift in higher education (Kemal, Memon,

Shah,Soomro, 2021).

The current COVID 19 pandemic presents extraordinary challenges, impacts the

education sector, and no one knows when it will end. Currently, all countries are

implementing plans and procedures to contain the virus, and infections continue to grow.

In the context of education, consider new normality in the planning and implementation

of the "New Normal Education Policy" to maintain and provide quality education despite

blockages and municipal quarantine (Trial, 2020).

Throughout the world, studies on mental health and academic performance have

been conducted. Thus, the purpose of this study is to assess students' mental health in the

context of the new normal of education by using the 21-item Depression, Anxiety, and

Stress Scale, or DASS-21, in relation to their academic performance. According to the

study's findings, nearly half of the respondents suffered from moderate to extremely

severe levels of depression, stress, and anxiety. As a result, there was no statistically

significant relationship between severe negative mental health symptoms and academic

performance. In conclusion, students who experience extreme levels of negative mental

health can still achieve high academic achievement. However, especially during this

pandemic crisis, students mental health should constantly be monitored and they should

be assisted in coping with their daily concerns. (Jhoselle Tus, 2021)

In a related study, Kapasia et al. (2020) investigated how lockdown affects

students' learning performance in a related study. Their findings revealed that the

lockdown caused significant disruptions in the learning experiences of students. The

Academic Performance among Grade 12 Students in New Normal Settings of Education

students also mentioned some difficulties they encountered while taking online classes.

Anxiety, depression, poor Internet service, and an unfavorable home learning

environment are all factors that are exacerbated when students are marginalized or from

remote areas. In contrast to the findings of Kapasia et al. (2020), Gonzales et al. (2020)

discovered that confinement of students during the pandemic had a significant positive

effect on their performance. They attributed these findings to students' consistent use of

learning strategies, which improved their learning efficiency.

The results show that students completed the course with a high level of ICT

skills and

their preferred learning communication style was face-to-face (F2F) (45.45%)

and mixed method (43.43%). (11.11%). When it comes to online learning, students

primarily preferred a mixed method of synchronous and asynchronous (59%), followed

by asynchronous (29%) and synchronous (12%). Social Impact 21-day skills reflect better

use of the right educational environment. By all members of society. (Ganayem, Zidan,


Theoretical Framework of the Study

In this study, we attempt to investigate the effect of the academic performance

among grade 12 students at Arayat National Highschool. We all know that the COVID 19

has a significant impact on the academic of students around the world. Based on the

Academic Performance among Grade 12 Students in New Normal Settings of Education

concepts we have mentioned, researchers develop a paradigm hat serves as a guide for

implementation research. Difficulty accessing and using gadgets

Limited access to internet

and gadgets

Pressure cause of too Academic Performance among

Grade 12 students in new normal
much activities and slow

learning process.

High risk in destruction

Figure 1: Paradigm of the Study

In this paradigm, it shows the 3 percitable academic performance of online

distance learning of the students. On the first box this is the most significant issue with

online distance learning because most of the students cannot afford to purchase gadgets

and do not have access to a signal or internet, causing them to fall behind on their studies.

On the second box many issues are above their comprehension, and they are pushed into

Academic Performance among Grade 12 Students in New Normal Settings of Education

a series of activities, as well as projects and performances, by the other teachers. They

admit that they are not learning as much as they used to in a traditional classroom setting

when the teacher discussed each topic during the lecture. And the last is since of the

pandemic, we are compelled to stay at home for our new regular education setting, where

destruction is high because they hear a different noise from the surroundings and do not

have a quiet and comfortable space to study properly than we have at classrooms.

Definitions of Terms:

For a clearer understanding of the study, the following terms in this study were hereby


Corona Virus Disease- An infectious disease cause by SARS-COV2 virus.

Pandemic-A pandemic is an outbreak of an infectious illness that has spread

across a broad area, such as multiple continents or the entire world, impacting a

significant number of people.

Academic Performance-It is a measure achievement using classroom


Online learning- A method of education whereby students learn in a fully virtual


 Distance Learning- It is a studying in which lectures are broadcast or classes are

conducted by corresponding over the internet, without the students needing to attend in

school. The main elements include physical separation of teachers and students during

instruction and the use of various technologies.

Academic Performance among Grade 12 Students in New Normal Settings of Education

Statement of the Problem:

The study aims to determine the Academic Performance among grade 12 students

in new normal setting of Education. Academic success matters because it's strongly

linked to the positive outcomes we value as a Grade12 student.

Specifically, this needs to answer to following questions:

1. What motivates you to learn more when it comes to new learning?

1.1 Answer a lot of question to the teachers:

1.2 Extracurricular activities:

1.3 Others:

2. In your virtual classes, how eager are your to participate?

2.1 Always:

2.2 Sometimes:

2.3 Never:

3. What are some achievement your proud of having?

3.1 Securing the high honor award:

3.2 Representing school at national level:

3.3 Securing the rank 1

4. How would you evaluate academic experience you had with your teacher in

your school?

4.1 Very satisfied:

4.2 Satisfied:

Academic Performance among Grade 12 Students in New Normal Settings of Education

4.3 Not satisfied:

5. Does new normal setting of education helps you to improve your knowledge?

5. Yes, always

5. Sometimes

5. Never


In terms of a sudden shift in educational system, limited access to the

internet, and productivity among Grade 12 students, there is no significant difference in

the effects of online learning on academic performance of Grade 12 students at Arayat

National Highschool.

Significance of the Study

The finding of the study will greatly benefit the following:

Parents. They will understand the feelings and experience of their child in

the new normal setting of education.

Teachers. The teacher will know on how online learning affecting the

cademic performance of the grade 12 students.

Readers. This will provide them a information on how does the online

learning affecting the academic performance of the grade 12 students

Future Researcher. This will serve as a reference on making a research

related to this topic.

Academic Performance among Grade 12 Students in New Normal Settings of Education


This study aims to identify the academic performance among grade 12

students in new normal settings of education. This study will deliminate to the academic

performance among grade 12 students of Arayat National Highschool during this new

normal setting of education.

Academic Performance among Grade 12 Students in New Normal Settings of Education


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