Key Indicator - 1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation

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Criterion 1 – Curricular Aspects (100)

Key Indicator – 1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation (20)

1.1.1. The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned
and documented process.


The institution follows the calendar of events framed by VTU during the
beginning of every semester based on which the college calendar of events is
prepared and is then handed to the various departments to make their own
additions and modifications.

The HOD’s of each departments then charts out the departmental calendar of
events which includes the schedule for field trips, seminars , workshops to be
conducted for that particular semester. It also includes the dates assigned for the
final year project presentation and seminars.

The faculties of the department are then instructed to update their course
files and lesson plan. The course file is prepared strictly adhering to the syllabus
prescribed. A copy of the lesson plan along with study materials and question bank
is given to the students for their reference. The students are kept informed of any
change in the syllabus. For better understanding of concepts, lab demonstrations
are conducted.Additional information beyond the purview of the prescribed
syllabus is given through presentations or workshops. Talks on relevant subjects
are also arranged in association with organisations like ISRO, DRDOto give the
students an insight about the latest trends.

The relevance of the subject is reiterated by giving them real time examples
or by arranging talks through resource people from the industry who work the field
related to that particular subject.
As prescribed three internal tests are conducted. The pattern of the question
is based on the VTU question papers with focus on the university papers from the
last five year. Scheme and solution is prepared as per the VTU evaluation process.
The scheme of evaluation for each subject is displayed on the notice board for the
benefit of the students.

Students are encouraged to actively participate and organise workshops,

conferences to enhance their knowledge and to be able to gauge their capabilities.

In case a new subject or lab is introduced the study material and

infrastructure needed is immediately arranged. A well equipped library is
maintained both at the department level and the central college library.

1.1.2. Number of certificate/diploma program introduced during last five years.

Response: 3

Documents: Supporting Doc in excel sheet 1.1.2(To Be Added)

Year 2019-20 2018-201 2017-2016 2016-201 2015-2014
18 7 5
Number 1 1 1 0 0

1.1.3. Percentage of participation of full time teachers in various bodies of the

Universities/ Autonomous Colleges/ Other Colleges, such as BoS and Academic
Council during the last five years .

Response: 02

Documents: Supporting doc in excel sheet 1.1.3

Key Indicator- 1.2 Academic Flexibility (30)

1.2.1 Percentage of new courses introduced of the total number of courses
across all programs offered during the last five years. How many new courses are introduced within the last five years.
Response: 150

Documents: (Document Pending –Mamata o mam )

Sl 2010 2015
UG/ 2017 Scheme Total
No. Scheme Scheme

1 UG

1.2.2. Percentage of Programmes in which Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)/

elective course system has been implemented (current year data)
Response: YES

Documents: Supporting Doc- Excel sheet 1.2.2

1.2.3. Average percentage of students enrolled in subject related Certificate/

Diploma programs/ Add-on programs as against the total number of students
during the last five years.

Response: YES Number of students enrolled in subject related Certificate or Diploma or

Add-on programs year wise during last five years.

Response: YES (Document Pending- Mamta o mam)

Documents: Supporting Doc- Excel sheet1.2.3

Year 2019-20 2018-201 2017-2016 2016-201 2015-2014

18 7 5

Key Indicator- 1.3 Curriculum Enrichment (30)

1.3.1. Institution integrates cross cutting issues relevant to Gender,
Environment and Sustainability, Human Values and Professional Ethics into
the Curriculum.

Gender discrimination is not done in terms of employment, admission, Sports
activities, training, etc.., which does not arise in gender issues. Institution is tied up
with EMC2 Company that focuses on women empowerment.

Girls and boys participate in various co-curricular activities such as paper

presentations, organization of paper contests, group discussions and technical quiz
programmes. Both boys and girls are made members of various clubs associated
with academic, co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

IEEE student group is formed in the department. Through IEEE student branch
seminars and workshops were conducted in the college. IoT workshop was held
under this banner.

Students were taken on Industrial visit to ISRO. Also they were taken to
Visvesvarahia museum to attend & view project demo.

Women’s day is celebrated in the ECE department.

University has prescribed the following subjects for the engineering program to
have background of social science, professional ethics and management skills:

Subject 1: Environmental studies (18CIV18/28) - This subject is compulsory for

100 marks for developing awareness of environment, climate, ecosystem, etc..,
NSS units in the college offer the platform educating about environment.

Subject 2: Constitution of India, Professional Ethics and human rights

(18CIP18/28) - This subject provides overview of Indian constitution, human
rights and professional ethics and values. This subject gives brief understanding of
the responsibilities of the Engineers identifying roles and responsibilities with
ethical values in the society.

Subject 3: Management and Entrepreneurship (17AL51) - Management and

Entrepreneurship explains the principles of management and various areas related
to management like planning, organizing, staffing, controlling. Understanding this
subject will help engineers to meet legal, business, internet based start ups,
challenges presented by today’s technology and concentration on intellectual
property assets.

1.3.2. Number of value added courses imparting transferable and life skills
offered during the last five years

Response: YES

Documents: Supporting Doc Excel sheet – 1.3.2 (Document is pending by Anandi


Year 2019-20 2018-201 2017-2016 2016-201 2015-2014

18 7 5

1.3.3. Percentage of students undertaking field projects/ internships (current

year data)

Response: YES Number of students undertaking field projects or internships.

Response: 82.6

Documents: Supporting doc in Excel sheet-

Key Indicator- 1.4 Feedback System (20)

1.4.1. Structured feedback received from

1) Students 2) Teachers 3) Employers 4) Alumni 5) Parents

Response: Any 2 of the above

Self-assessment provides feedback regarding the strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities and threats relevant to quality assurance within the institute. Quality
assurance framework within East Point College of Engineering and Technology,
Bangalore involves all the administrative and teaching wings of institution. The
ultimate goal of stakeholder’s feedback is to get useful insights for the purpose of
improvement in all aspects of teaching, learning, assessment and capacity.

(I) STAKE HOLDERS: Such as Students, Alumni, Employers, and Teachers.


a. Student’s Feedback:

➢ Feedback on Teacher
It involves feedback on subject teacher related to professional competencies and
learning environment during class room teaching. This is collected as per the
format as frequently as required under the supervision of the head of the institution
with minimum of twice every year

b. Alumni’s Feedback:
The purpose of this feedback is to obtain the inputs from the alumni on the
quality of the graduates at East Point College of Engineering and Technology,
Bangalore. This helps us to assess the extent of attainment of the programme
outcomes. Alumni feedback will be collected from all participating alumnus of
EPCET, Bangalore during Alumni meet or through e-mail. The Alumini
co-Ordinator will be collecting the feedback manually or electronically and
submitting the same to the head of the institution.

c. Employer’s Feedback: PENDING

d. Teacher’s Feedback: PENDING


Feedback collection can be made by offline modes.

Type Collection mode Sample Format

Feedback on Offline Appendix I
Student Exit Offline Appendix II
Alumni’s feedback Offline Appendix III
Employer’s Offline Appendix IV

Teacher’s feedback Offline Appendix V

1.4.2 Feedback process of the Institution may be classified as follows:

A. Feedback collected, analysed and action taken and feedback

available on website

B. Feedback collected, analysed and action has been taken

C. Feedback collected and analysed

D. Feedback collected

E. Feedback not collected

Response: B. Feedback collected, analysed and action has been taken

Complete Description:
This mechanism involves the compilation of data collected from various
stakeholders in the prescribed format to be submitted to the feedback
co-coordinator as soft as well as hard copy. This task is to be carried out by the
assigned faculty through Head of institution. The format (excel sheet) for the same
will be provided.
The feedback collected manually will be analyses by assigned faculty and the
scores to be submitted to Head of institution for compilation of data.


On the basis of the feedback received from various stakeholders, the feedback

co-coordinator will compile the final observations and the same will be put forth

for further action by respective program committee.


On the basis of feedback review and recommendations given by program
committee, the final action/ resolution to be taken by head of the institution.


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