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With due respect, I would like to state that I am passionately willing to apply for the internship at MNG
Legal commencing from 1 September 2021. I would like to express that my academic background and
curricular as well as extra-curricular experiences, as enclosed in my resume, make me an excellent
candidate for the above internship.

Desire to extend my knowledge and an enthusiasm to learn about the intricacies of the issues in the
maritime sector like the Suez Canal bottleneck, the newly opened National Maritime Heritage Complex at
Lothal, the recent East Coast Economy Corridor developments (Chennai-Kanyakumari Industry Corridor)
etc., motivated me to apply for this internship. I believe that my educational background has instilled in
me the qualities required to meet the rigor of this demanding internship, and subsequently, this
profession. I bring along with me a strong yearning to learn and cravings to hone my skills in the
prosperous field of Admiralty law. I am sufficiently equipped with the penchant for team work and
leadership along with unique and relevant work experience, and a zest for challenges.

I am a student of law and my rationale behind choosing Law as my career was to be able to help and
serve the society with the best of my ability. There are multiple reasons why I chose to apply for this

 Firstly the history of civilization interaction which was based on maritime commerce as has
always drawn my interest,
 Secondly, apart from being one of the most prominent forms of international trade, maritime law
offers a unique inter-disciplinary understanding which would expose me to the geographical
world of sea routes, mechanics of ship-functioning , history of trade and suffering and various
other arenas and
 Lastly, maritime law has an emotional appeal for me i.e. appreciation for sea life which is hardly
experienced by most of the world’s population.

I am deeply inspired and motivated by Mr. Aishwarye Dubey, a maritime lawyer, who is very well
known marine consultant and maritime commercial strategist. He went from being a UPSC aspirant to
becoming a successful maritime lawyer and has become an idol for me as I have similar aspirations and
plans for my future apart from the above mentioned it was my deep desire to work under him and learn as
much as possible from his journey. I would be extremely grateful if I get this opportunity to gauge an
extensive knowledge about on-hand job-experience and professional experience and guidance under Mr.
Aishwarye Dubey.

I can assure you that this experience at you firm will certainly expand my horizons, leading me to the path
of becoming creative professional, helping to explore myself even further and contributing to MNG legal
with my raw ad fresh ideas.

Neelesh Chandra
Rajiv Gandhi National University O f Law, Patiala

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