Graphic 2018

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(a). (mn). o in first 6 pages of Answer Sheet. ° aren & weer eo. gel # at aoe} Bh v ‘Sheets of Answer Sheet. RED Stee, See gfee 3s sare sor eh + Fee +S. Answers may be given in English or Hindi, HEA Fae satH sierar Feet SH) 7. Attempt any ten questions : - CRT stands for DDA\stands tor Name the different display techniques? + List different input devices ? } What are different line drawing algorithms? What are the uses of computer Graphics? Why we need scan conversion? Name the different 2D transformations? Whatdo you mean by parallel projection? Whatdo you mean by pixel & resolution ? Whatis reflection ? Whatis kinematics? Define morpheing What is shearing. mputer Graphics? u mean by animation? Explain the various, (10x2=20) (5x4=20) €). Expiain Bresenham’s line algorithm and explain it with suitable example. | Digitize a line from (10,12) to (20,18) on raster screen using DDA line algorithem. What is bezier curve? Explain the properties of bezier curves? Define vanishing point Expiain one point, two and three point vanishing projection. What do you mean by region {illing? Explain the various algorithom for region filling. Explain wire frame model in detail. Explain its advantages and disadvantages. What is need of homogeneous cordinates ? Give the homogenous co-ordinates for transiation,rotation and scaling. Find out the final transformation matrix, when a point P (x.y) isto be reficted abouta line yeame ‘Obtain the transformation matrix for rotaion about line joining points (0,0,1) and (1,1,1) by an.angle 45° in anticlockwise direction about Z-axis. ‘What is windowing and clipping ? Explain Sutherland Hodgman algorithm for clipping a

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