Multiple Integrals and Their Applications

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(FORMERLY Delhi College of Engineering)
Bawana Road, Delhi-110042

Submitted by: HIMANSHU PANWAR (2K21/A9/35)


Under the supervision of

In arithmetic, Intg allocates values to capacities in a way that portrays relocation,
zone, volume, and etc that emerge by merging little information. The procedure
and struggle of calculating ints is called integration. Like diff., intg is also a
fundamental operation of calc, and serves as a medium to solve problems in
mathematics and physics involving the area of an arbitrary shape, the length of a
curve, chance of a event to occur, the volume of a solid, value of a func and many
more. Integral calc is related to diffl calc by the fundamental theorem of integral
calc which says roughly that the derivative and the integral are inverse operators.
Intg is vital to many scientific areas, since numerous powerful mathematical tools
are based on intg. Apps of definite ints include computations involving area, arc
length, volume and surface of the solid generated.

Multiple ints are definite ints of funcs of several variables. Double and triple ints
arise in evaluating quantities such as area, volume, mass, moments, centroid,
moments of inertia, gravitational potential and attraction force, Chance and are
used in many apps in science and engineering. If the number of variables is
higher, then one will arrive at hyper volumes which cannot be graphed.

Before diving into the vast concepts of multiple ints one must be aware
of the concepts and properties of indefinite and definite intg.
Indefinite intg, also known as antidiff., is the reversing of the process of
diff.. Given a func f, one finds a func F such that F' = f.

While a true integral exists between given boundaries, taking the

indefinite integral is simply reversing diff. in much the same way division
reverses multiplication. Instead of having a set of boundary values, one
only finds an eqn that would produce the integral due to diff. without
having to use the values to get a definite answer.

Suppose we have the eqn f(x) = 3x2. We wish to find an eqn F(x) so that
F'(x) = 3x2. One method that could be used is the power rule from diff. in
reverse to obtain F(x) = x3. However, this is not the only answer.
Remember, when one differentiates a const, the result is zero (0).
Therefore, the func could be any of the following:

F(x) = x3 - 16

F(x) = x3 + 1234567

F(x) = x3 + p

As seen, if one differentiates each one of the eqns, the result becomes
the same: F(x) = 3x2. Clearly, there are an infinite amount of results that
one could obtain, and they all differ by the const--the const of intg (C). If
F is the antiderivative of f, then (F + C) is the antiderivative of f. This is
summarized into the following eqn:
THEOREM 1: Antiderivatives differ by a const
If F is an antiderivative of the continuous func f, then any other antiderivative must
have the form

G(x) = F(x) + C.

This says that two derivatives of the same func differ by the value of the const of
intg, which could be zero. 

Proof: If F and G are both anti derivatives of f, then F' = f and G' and f and the

Const Difference Theorem states that G(x) - F(x) = C, so G(x) = F(x) + C.

 Before attempting some examples, it is necessary to define some basic intg rules
that will allow one to take the antiderivative of a diffl func. The following chart
lists the basic rules.
THEOREM 2: Basic Integration Rules

Procedural Rules Integration Formulas

Const Multiple  cf(u) du = c f(u) du

Sum Rule  [f(u) + g(u)]du =

 f(u)du +  g(u)du

Difference Rule  [f(u) - g(u)]du =

 f(u)du -  g(u)du

Const Rule  0du = c

Power Rule n  -1

Trigonometric Rules  sin(u) du = -cos(u) + C

 cos(u) du = sin(u) + C
 sec2 u du = tan u + C

eu Rule  neu du = enu + C ; n is a cosntant

ln(u) Rule
ln(u).du = Uln(u) – u + C

A definite integral is an integral with upper and lower limits.

The first fundamental theorem of calc allows definite ints to be computed in

terms of indefinite ints, since if   is the indefinite integral for a continuous
func  , then

Intg rules of definite intg include


For ,

If   is continuous on   and   is also continuous and has an integral on
an interval consisting the values of   for 

, then
In mother of all sciences , a multiple integral is a definite integral of a func
consisting more than 1 real variables, for instance  f(x, y) or f(x, y, z). Ints of a func
of two variables over a region in  (the real-number plane) are called double
integrals, and ints of a func of three variables over a region in  (real-number 3D
space) are called triple integrals.

For the following research our prior focus is on various apps of double and triple
intg in various mathematical problems and real life phenomenon.


The definite integral can be extended to funcs of more than one variable.
Consider, for example, a func of two variables z=f(x,y). The double integral of
func f(x,y) is denoted by
∬Rf(x,y)dA, where R is the region of intg in the xy-plane.
If the definite integral b∫af(x)dx of a func of one variable f(x)≥0 is the area under
the curve f(x) from x=a to x=b, then the double integral is equal to the volume
under the surface z=f(x,y) and above the xy-plane in the region of intg R.


 MASS: -
Density may be a live of some amount per unit space or volume. as an
example, we are able to live the human population density of some
region because the variety of humans therein region divided by the
realm of that region. In physics, the mass density of an object is that
the mass of the thing per unit space or volume
If δ(x,y) describes the density of a lamina defined by a planar region D,D, then
the mass of DD is given by the double integral ∬Dδ(x,y)dA.
 AREA: -
If we tend to take into account things wherever the mass-density distribution is
const, we are able to conjointly see however a double integral is also wont
to confirm the area of a vicinity. Assumptive that δ(x,y)=1 over a
closed finite region R, wherever the units of δ area unit “mass per unit of space,”
it follows that ∬D1dA is that the mass of the plate. However since the density is
const, the numerical price of the integral is just the area.

The area of region R is given by

A(R)= ʃʃ1Da
The COM of an object could be a purpose at that the
article can balance utterly. For instance, the middle of mass of a circular disk of
uniform density is found at its center. For any object, if we tend to throw it
through the air, it'll revolve its COM and behave as if all the mass is found at the
middle of mass.
In order to grasp the role that ints play in deciding the middle of a mass
of an object with a non-uniform mass distribution, we tend to begin by finding the
middle of mass of a set of N distinct point-masses within the plane.

Let m1 , m2 ,m3 ,…, mN be N masses located in the plane. Think of these masses as
connected by rigid rods of negligible weight from some central point (x,y). Now
imagine balancing this system by placing it on a thin pole at the point (x,y)
perpendicular to the plane containing the masses. Unless the masses are perfectly
balanced, the system will fall off the pole. The point  (x’,y’) at which the system
will balance perfectly is called the COM of the system. Our goal is to determine
the COM of a system of discrete masses, and then extend this to a continuous

Each mass exerts a force (called a moment) round the lines x =x’ and y=y’ that
causes the system to tilt within the direction of the mass. Let (x1 ,y1 ) be the
placement of mass M1, (x2 ,y2) the placement of mass money supply, etc. so as to
balance dead, the moments within the x direction and within the y
direction should be in equilibrium. We tend to confirm these moments and solve
the ensuing system to search out the equilibrium purpose (x’,y’) at the middle of
The force exerted by mass M1 to tilt the system from the road y=y’ is
where g is that the G. Similarly, the force mass money supply exerts to tilt the
system from the road y=y’ is
In general, the force exerted by mass mk to tilt the system from the road y=y’ is

For the system to remain in equilibrium, we need the resultant force to be 0, so


N∑k=1mkg(y’−yk )=0.

Solving for y’, we find that

Y’=∑N =1mkyk /∑Nk =1mk

A similar argument shows that

X’=∑Nk=1mkxk /∑Nk =1mk

The value Mx = ∑Nk =1mkyk is termed the overall moment with relevancy the x-

axis; My = ∑Nk =1mkxk is that the total moment with relevancy the y-axis. Hence,
the various quotients of the moments to the overall mass M, determines the
middle of mass of a point-mass system:
(x’,y’)=(MxM, MxM)
Now, suppose that instead of a point-mass system, we've got never-
ending plate with a variable mass-density δ(x,y). we have a tendency
to might estimate its COM by partitioning the plate into mn subrectangles of
equal space space, and treating the ensuing divided plate as a point-mass
system. particularly, we have a tendency to choose some extent (xij*,yij*) within
the ijth subrectangle, and observe that the number
is density into space, so δ(xij*,yij*) ΔA estimates the mass of the little portion of
the plate determined by the sub rectangle Rij.

We now treat δ(xij*,yij*) ΔA as a point mass at the point (xij*,yij*) . The

coordinates (x’,y’) of the COM of these mn point masses are thus given by

If we consider taking the limit of m and n as infinity, we obtain the accurate

COM (x’,y’) of the continuous lamina.

The COM of a plate will then be thought of as a weighted average of all of

the purposes within the plate with the weights given by the density
at every point. The COM of a plate is that the simply the common of all of the
points within the plate, or the middle of mass if the density
at every purpose is one.
The numerators of x’ and y’ are referred to as the several moments of
the plate regarding the coordinate axes. Thus, the instant of a plate D with
density δ=δ(x,y) regarding the coordinate axis is

and the moment of DD about the xx-axis is


If M is the mass of the lamina, it concludes that the COM is at

(x’,y’)=(My M,MxM).
Finding possibilities is a important application of intg within the different
realms of science. To grasp the fundamentals, think about the sport of
darts during which a player throws a dart at a board and tries to hit a
selected target. Allow us to suppose that a dart board is within the style of a
disk D with radius ten inches. If we tend to assume that a player throws a
dart every which way, and isn't aiming at any specific purpose, then it's equally
probable that the dart can strike any single purpose on the board. as an
example, the chance that the dart can strike a selected one sq in region is
1/100π, or the quantitative relation of space|the world|the realm} of the
specified target to the entire area of D (assuming that the spear
thrower continually hits the board itself at some point). Similarly,
the chance that the dart hits within the disk D3 is given by the realm of D3
divided by the realm of D. In different words, the chance that the dart hits the
disk D3 is
The integrand, 1/100π, could also be considered a distribution func,
explaining however the dart hits are scattered all over the board. During
this case the distribution func is const since we tend to a presumptuous a
homogenous distribution, however we are able
to simply envision things wherever the distribution func varies. as an example,
if the player is trying to aim for the bulls eye , then the distribution func f may
well be skew toward the middle, like
for some const positive K. If we tend to assume that the player is consistent
enough so the dart continually hits the board, then the chance that the dart
hits the board somewhere is one, and therefore the distribution func
ff can have to be compelled to satisfy 
For such a func f, the chance that the dart hits within the disk D1 would be
Indeed, the chance that the dart hits in region R that lies at intervals D is
calculated as
The preceding discussion highlights the final plan behind conniving
possibilities. We tend to assume we've a chance density func f, a func of 2
freelance variables x and y outlined on a site D that satisfies the conditions
f(x,y)≥0 for all x and y in D, the chance that x is between some values m and n
whereas y is between some values l and p is given by
• The chance that the purpose (x,y) is in D is one, that is
∬Df(x,y)dA=1. Eqn (1)
Note that it's doable that D may well be an infinite region and therefore
the limits on the integral in Eqn (1) may well be infinite. Once we have such
a possibility that density func f = f(x,y), the possibility that the purpose (x,y) is
in some region R contained within the domain D (the notation we tend to use
here is “P((x,y)∈R)”)  is decided by

The Average value of a func with two variables can be easily calculated using
double intg,

Here region is denoted by the term R.

Similar to double ints, here also the continuity of F(x,y,z) is a sufficient condition
for the existence of the triple ints, but not a necessary one. Also triple ints satisfy
the properties similar to that of double ints.

Further, as in case of double ints, the triple ints are also hardly evaluated as the
limits of the sums. These are evaluated by three successive intg. If the region D is
given by

D= {(x,y,z): x1 ≤ x ≤ x2 , y1 (x) ≤ y ≤ y2(x), z1(x,y) ≤ z ≤ z2(x,y)},

Then the triple integral is evaluated as

 MASS: - Let us assume the solid is occupying region R. its volume density
at a point A(x,y,z) is given by func f(x,y,z). Then the mass of solid is
described using triple integral as
M = ʃʃRʃf(x,y,z) dxdydz
The static moments of the concerning the cartesian plane  Oxy, Oxz, Oyz
are presented by the formulas
Mxy = ʃR zf(x.y.z)dxdydz, Myz = ʃR xf(x,y,z)dxdydz, Mxz = ʃR yf(x,y,z)dxdydz

The co-ordinates of the centre of the gravity of the solid are given by the
expressions: -
The potential of a solid at a point P(x,y,z) is described by the integral

Where ρ is density of the body and

The operation of intg is used over the whole space occupied by the solid. After
calculating the potential, one will calculate the force of attraction of the solid
of mass m and the distributed body with density ρ by using the formula

F = - Gm grad u,

Where G is the gravitational const.

The MOI of a solid about the co-ordinate planes Oxy Oyz Oxz are given by

And the MOI of a body about the co-ordinate axes Ox, OY, Oz are given by

As it can be seen the following properties are valid:

IX = IXY + IXZ, IY = IXY + IYZ , IZ = IXZ + IYZ.

The MOI about the origin can be calculated as

The MOI about the origin can be calculated through MOI about the co-
ordinate planes as:

I0 = Ixy + Ixz + Iyz.



Integration Intg
Center of mass COM
Differentiation Diff
Calculus Calc
Integrals Ints
Differential Diffl
Moment of Inertia MOI
Constant const
Equation Eqn
Function Func
 Advanced Engineering Mathematics BY H.C. Taneja

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